GENERAL HISTORIES Allen, Joseph Henry An historical sketch of the Unitarian movement since the reformation (New York, 1894) ["The only work in English attempting to cover the entire field was [c.1905] in fact only a 'sketch' hastily done and with little use of primary sources" (E. M. Wilbur History 1 p.vii)] Beard, John Relly, Unitarianism exhibited in its actual condition: consisting of essays by several Unitarian ministers and others; illustrative of the rise, progress, and principles of Christian anti-trinitarianism in different parts of the world (London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co, 1846) Burgess, Walter H. 'Work in the field of Unitarian history' TUHS 1:1 (1916) 1-10 Carpenter, Joseph Unitarianism, an Historic Survey London (1922) [reprinted from The Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics ] Cooke, George Willis Unitarianism: its origin and history (Boston, American Unitarian Association, 1890) ["a series of popular lectures by different persons, wholly done at second hand" (E. M. Wilbur History 1 p.vii)] Fock, Otto Der Socinianismus: nach seiner Stellung in der Gesammtentwicklung des christlichen Geistes, nach seinem historischen Verlauf und nach seinem Lehrbegriff (Kiel, Carl Schröder, 1847) (Can be read online as a Google eBook by those with a knowledge of German) Gordon, Alexander 'Unitarianism' Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1911) Harris, George ‘List of Unitarian congregations in 1819’ Christian Life 6 January 1894 [copy in W H Burgess’s Scrapbook p. 75 Burgess Mss D19] Hill, Andrew McKean A Liberal Religious Heritage: Unitarian and Universalist foundations in Europe, America and elsewhere (London, Unitarian Publications, n.d) ISBN 0 85319-851 [brief overview - also available in electronic form] Holt, Raymond Vincent The story of Unitarianism (London, 1931) Howe, Charles A For Faith and Freedom: A Short History of Unitarianism in Europe (Boston, 1997) [Good on continental Europe, but not very reliable for British Unitarianism] Kielty, John British Unitarianism, past, present and future [The Minns lectures 1959] (London, Lindsey Press, 1960) Lindsey, Theophilus Historical view of the state of the Unitarian doctrine and worship from the Reformation to our own times (J.Johnson, 1783) Parke, David B. The Epic of Unitarianism: original writings from the history of Liberal Religion (Boston, Beacon Press, 1960) [Japanese translation by Yoshitsugu Konno] Piet Visser ed. Bibliographia Sociniana: a bibliographical reference tool for the study of Dutch Socinianism and Antitrintarianism (Hilversum, 2004) [gives library sources including UK] Short, Harry Lismer 'Unitarians and Universalists' Encyclopaedia Britannica 15th edition, 1974) [later printings of 15th edition see under 'Protestants' for this article] [In still later editions it has been replaced by an article by John Godbey] Short, Harry Lismer 'The later history of the English Presbyterians' Hibbert Journal 64 (1965-66)127-132, 160-166; 65 (1966-67) 32-37, 60-66, 117-122, 157- 162; 66 (1967-68) 31-35, 70-73, 131-136 Smith, Leonard The Unitarians: A Short History (Kendal: Lensden Publishing, 2006). Revised Edition (Providence RI: Blackstone Editions, 2008). Kindle Edition (2013) Tarrant, William George The story and significance of the Unitarian movement (London, The Lindsey Press, 1910) [reprinted with additional notes, 1947] The Christian Life and Unitarian Herald 10 May 1913 (Commemoration Number 1813-1913) [commemorates 100th anniversary of the Trinity Act (1813), a general survey of Unitarianism in Britain and around the world. Especially good for its pictures.] Wilbur, Earl Morse Our Unitarian Heritage: an introduction to the history of the Unitarian Movement (Boston, Beacon Press 1925) [6th printing 1963] Wilbur, Earl Morse A History of Unitarianism volume 1 Socinianism and its Antecedents (Harvard University Press 1945), volume 2 In Transylvania, England and America (Harvard University Press 1952) [later edition Beacon Press] ["covering about the same ground in about the same order from the unitarian Anabaptist Ludwig Hätzer to, in Fock's case, Theodore Parker. Fock's work was clearly the forerunner and model for the two Wilbur volumes. However, Fock confined himself to the Latin and German sources of the Polish Brethren; Wilbur mastered Polish and Hungarian" (G. H. Williams The Polish Brethren 1 p.17n1)] Wilbur, Earl Morse 'The meaning and lesson of Unitarian history' TUHS 3:4 (1926) 350-360 Wilbur, Earl Morse 'How the history came to be written' Proceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society 9:1 (1951) 5-23 Williams, George Huntson The Radical Reformation (3rd Edition , Truman State University Press, 1995) McLachlan, Herbert 'Earl Morse Wilbur scholar and traveller' TUHS 11:2 (1956) 54- 68 Bibliography (Worldwide) Erdt, Werner of University of Hamburg was compiling a Bibliographia Anti- Sociniana Erdt, Werner 'The Wittenberg Anti-Socinian Polemic' The Proceedings of the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society 20:2 (1985-6) 89-93] Godbey, John Charles A bibliography of Unitarian Universalist history (1982) Smith, Leonard ‘A Bibliographical Essay’ in The Unitarians: A Short History (Kendal, Lensden Publishing, 2006). Revised Edition (Providence RI, Blackstone Editions, 2008). Kindle Edition (2013) 187-193 Wilbur, Earl Morse A bibliography of the pioneers of the Socinian-Unitarian movement in modern Christianity in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland [preface by Delio Cantimori] (Rome, Edizioni di stroia e letteratura, 1950) [EUL or NC Ed .28809 Wil] GENERAL HISTORIES ( MORE SPECIFICALLY FOR GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND and the COMMONWEALTH) Bolam, C; Goring, Jeremy; Short H.L; and Thomas, Roger The English Presbyterians from Elizabethan Puritanism to Modern Unitarianism (London, George Allen and Unwin, 1968) [American edition Beacon Press,1968} Davies, D. Elwyn They thought for themselves (Llandysul, Gomer Press, 1982) [For Wales] Gordon, Alexander Heads of English Unitarian History with appended lectures on Baxter and Priestley (London, Philip Green, 1895) (reprint, Bath: Cedric Chivers, 1970) Gordon, Alexander Addresses biographical and historical (London, The Lindsey Press, 1922) Gordon, Alexander Heresy: its ancient wrongs and modern rights (London, Lindsey Press, 1913) Goring, Jeremy 'Unitarianism: history, myth or make-believe' TUHS 19:4 (1990) 213-227 Hewett, Phillip Unitarians in Canada (Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1978) Holt, Raymond V. 'Strata in the formation of Unitarian Church tradition' TUHS 3:1 (1923) 11-19 Holt, Raymond V. The Unitarian contribution to social progress in England (London, The Lindsey Press, 1938) [2nd revised edition 1952] [Needs to be used with care] Kenworthy, Fred 'The Unitarian tradition in Liberal Christianity' TUHS 8:2 (1944)58- 67 Lavan, Spencer Unitarians and India: a study in encounter and response (Beacon Press, 1977) Lloyd, Walter The story of Protestant Dissent and English Unitarianism (London, Philip Green, 1899) McLachlan, Herbert The Unitarian movement in the religious life of England: 1. its contribution to thought and learning 1700-1900 (London, George Allen & Unwin, 1934) McLachlan, Herbert 'Liberal Dissent a hundred years ago' The Story of a Nonconformist Library (Manchester University Press, 1923) pp.105-133 McLachlan, Herbert Essays and Addresses (Manchester University Press, 1950) Mellone, S.H. Unitarian teachers: their lead in thought and work (London. The Lindsey Press, 1923) [contains extracts from the writings of Theophilus Lindsey, Joseph Priestley, John James Tayler, James Martineau, John Hamilton Thom, Anna Swanick, Henry William Crosskey, Charles Beard, Brooke Herford, Stopford Augustus Brooke, James Drummond, Richard Acland Armstrong] Mickelwright, F.H. Amphlett 'A new approach to Unitarian History' TUHS 8:3 (1945) 122- 129 Ruston, Alan ‘British Unitarianism in the 20th century- a survey’ TUHS 25.2 (2012) 76-91 Short, Harry Lismer Dissent and the Community (London,1962) Tayler, John James A retrospect of the religious life of England; or, the church, puritanism, and free inquiry (London, John Chapman, 1853) Thomas, Roger 'The Unitarian tradition and its significance' and 'The Unitarian tradition and its wider horizons' The Inquirer 6783-4 (30 January and 3 February 1973) Webb, Robert K. ‘The Unitarian background’ in Smith, Barbara ed. Truth, liberty, religion: essays celebrating two hundred years of Manchester College (Oxford, Manchester College, 1986) pp. 1-30 Webb Robert K. 'The background: English Unitarianism in the nineteenth century' in Smith, Leonard and others Unitarian to the Core: Unitarian College Manchester, 1854-2004 (Carnegie Publishing, 2004) pp. 1-29 Webb, Robert K. 'Quakers and Unitarians' Paz, D. G. Nineteenth-century English religious traditions: retrospect and prospect (Westport, Greenwood Press, 1995) pp. 85-115 [ Contributions to the study of religion ] [In this bibliographic survey Unitarians are discussed by R. K. Webb in the same chapter as Quakers] Wigmore-Beddoes, Dennis G. Yesterday's radicals: a study of the affinity between Unitarianism and broad church Anglicanism in the nineteenth century (Cambridge, James Clarke and Co, Ltd. [useful bibliography of significant 19th century English Unitarian theological works] Bibliography (British and Commonwealth) Papers of British Churchmen 1780-1940 London, HMSO, 1987 [gives locations for personal papers of 35 British Unitarians] Field, Clive D. 'Sources for the study of Protestant Nonconformity in the John Rylands University of Manchester Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 71 (1989)
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