Planning Board DATE: 17th July 2019 NOTES: 1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore we are unable to advise the time at which an item will be considered. 2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made 3. Councillors who have a query about anything on the agenda are requested to inspect the file and talk to the case officer prior to the meeting. 4. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or contact their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting. Please give a day’s notice if you wish to inspect a file if this is possible. 5. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting. 6. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report , ‘background papers’ in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received. Planning Board Report 17th July 2019 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Planning Board - 17th July 2019 Item Page Application Number Ward/Site Case Officer DM01 3 2018/2626/REM Land North Of The A371 Ms Nikki And West Of Wells, White Wells, Somerset St Cuthbert Out North DM02 25 2019/0719/HSE Capella , Ashcott Road, Hayley Meare, Glastonbury, BA6 Broadbent 9ST Moor DM03 28 2019/0763/HSE Valley House , Ham Hayley Street, Baltonsborough, Broadbent Glastonbury, BA6 8PU Butleigh And Baltonsborough Planning Board Report 17th July 2019 Page 2 Agenda Item No. DM01 Case Officer Ms Nikki White Site Land North Of The A371 And West Of Wells Wells Somerset Application Number 2018/2626/REM Date Received 26th October 2018 Applicant/ C/o Agent Organisation Application Type Reserved Matters Application Proposal Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 2014/1522/OTS for the construction of up to 220 dwellings (C3), open space and drainage infrastructure, formation of new means of vehicular access on A371 and associated highway works, and associated infrastructure. Matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be determined. Additional information received 19.12.2018 Ward St Cuthbert Out North Parish St Cuthbert Out Parish Council Referral to Ward Member/Chair and Vice Chair: Although a Board referral has not been triggered, due to the scale of this application, it is referred to the ward member and the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Board. Description of Site, Proposal and Constraints: The application relates to land to the west of Wells, north of the A371. Outline application 2014/1522/OTS was permitted at appeal on 19.04.2016 for up to 220 new dwellings, open space and drainage infrastructure, formation of new means of vehicular access on A371 and associated highway works, and associated infrastructure. All matters were reserved except access. Outline permission includes a signed S106 agreement including affordable housing, travel plan, new pedestrian crossing on the A371, public open space provision and extension of the footpath along the A371 to serve the application site. This application relates to reserved matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. 220 dwellings and associated development are proposed. Procedural note: This application has been subject to 2 rounds of public consultation, following the submission of additional information in December 2018. Planning Board Report 17th July 2019 Page 3 Some other amendments have been submitted through the life of the application which have not been subject to separate consultation processes due to the nature of changes proposed. This includes amended plans for plots 59-60, to show reduced building heights from 3 storeys to 2.5 storeys. Although neighbours are still concerned with building heights in this case, the amended plans have been submitted to try to address concerns and shown a reduction in height rather than an increase. Comments received outside the formal consultation process have nonetheless been considered to date. Relevant History: 2014/1522/OTS – Outline application (all matters reserved except access) for the construction of up to 220 dwellings (C3), open space and drainage infrastructure, formation of new means of vehicular access on A371 and associated highway works, and associated infrastructure – allowed at appeal - 19.04.2016 2019/0626/APP – Application to discharge conditions 8 (landscaping), 10 (Habitat Creation), 11 (Wildlife Management), 14 (Badger mitigation strategy), 15 (Reptile Mitigation strategy), 16 (road construction and kerb type layout), 22 (Contamination mitigation), 24(details of bat and bird boxes) and 25 (construction management plan) from 2014/1522/OTS – pending consideration 2019/0568/FOOT - Application for the diversion of Public Right of Way (WS 10/54) in association with Planning Permission Ref: 2014/1522/OTS – pending consideration Summary of Ward Councillor comments, Town/Parish Council comments, representations and consultee comments: Comments are summarised for brevity. Ward Member: No comments received St Cuthbert Out Parish Council: Support. Councillors requested: Need for GP Surgery / village hall Links to footpaths should be for multi-users (not steps) Design and materials should complement locality Renewable energy technologies should be incorporated Hedges should be retained and maintained – wildlife corridors Alternative access required S106 changes - to account for changes since it was agreed; travel vouchers exchanged for direct contributions to buses Wells City Council: Support subject to consideration of the following: Affordable housing must remain at 40%. Fully supports comments from St Cuthbert Out Parish Council. Wells City Council should be part of the discussions on s.278 agreements. Up-dated required since 2014 outline - mitigation of additional traffic at Elm Close / A371 junction. Additional pedestrian crossing needed. Lack of information regarding landscaping. Planning Board Report 17th July 2019 Page 4 Land Drainage: Following submission of additional information, no objection subject to conditions. Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA): No objection subject to conditions System surcharging in the 1 in 30 year acceptable. Climate change - should be 40%. As this is what the developer has been working to throughout, unreasonable to ask for a change at this stage – not general stance, in this case only. Plan showing the different roles and responsibilities around access requirements (i.e. easements etc.) and maintenance going forward should be provided. Somerset Drainage Board: No objections following submission of additional information. Environment Agency: No objections Development is taking place outside of Flood Zones 2 and 3 as per the outline planning condition. Request developer provide the model output files to update the flood map for the site. Bristol Water: No objections 10" and 3" diameter main within the site boundary which could be affected by the proposed development. Applicant must discuss for proposals directly with Bristol Water. Natural England: No comments - refer to standing advice and in house ecology specialists Tree Officer: No objection subject to conditions to agree method statement for tree retention. Ecology: No objection General support for landscape plan, although some more areas of trees and scrub could be created. Contaminated Land: Comments only Application does not mention contamination. Assume that pre-commencement condition 22 will be addressed in a separate application. Housing Enabling Officer: No objection Affordable housing provision policy compliant and in line with outline application. Clustering and layout of affordable units acceptable - sufficiently integrated across the development as well as reflecting the relevant tenure split. Public Rights of Way (PROW): No objection subject condition and informative There is a PROW that runs through the site (public footpath WS 10/54) and a PROW that abuts the site (public footpath WS 17/55). Proposal will obstruct the footpath WS 10/54 so a diversion order should be applied for. Planning permission does not entitle developer to obstruct a public right of way. A Grampian-style condition will be required in this respect with regard to timing. Planning Board Report 17th July 2019 Page 5 Welcome proposed links to the cycle path to the north for pedestrians and where possible these links should be made accessible for cyclists. Sport England: No specific comments Highways Authority: Proposes creation of links: Footpath links to south not within site boundary. The two-proposed links to the north, (to the shared facilities on the former disused railway line) not within site boundary. Steps shown. Should be a shared facility for pedestrians and cyclists. No information on emergency access vehicular controls for Wheeler Grove. Internal roads: Unclear if internal roads would be raised Consideration of calming mechanisms required Visibility splays need careful consideration, including the visibility near driveways close to trees etc. Shared facilities for pedestrians and cyclists should be of sufficient width to allow segregation of users. Details for adoption / highways legal agreement: Commuted sums for structures (such as steps, retaining walls, attenuation tanks etc.) to be assessed by the County Council’s structural. Trees and planted areas
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