CALL FOR PA??jtf ANNOUNCEMENT wide-ranging opportunities in the association representing large and Eighth Annual AMS Student Con- atmospheric and related sciences. small reinsurance brokers and direct ference and Career Fair, 10-11 Janu- Important eligibility requirement: writer companies and U.S. subsidiar- ary 2009, Phoenix, Arizona You must be an AMS member or ies of foreign companies, will host student member in order to attend "Cat Modeling in Uncertain Times," Join us for the Eighth Annual AMS the conference. 17-20 February 2009 at the Grand Student Conference and Career Fair, Sessions will include invited Hyatt Tampa Bay in Tampa, Florida. "Weathering Your Career—Now speakers from the private, academic, The conference features provocative and in the Future," sponsored by the and government sectors. A career fair discussions from respected industry American Meteorological Society, and networking evening is scheduled leaders on topics such as modeling Saturday-Sunday, 10-11 January to provide a forum for students to comparison, the increasing uncer- 2009 as part of the 89th AMS An- personally interact with professionals tainty about model results and inter- nual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. who represent potential employers pretation, the growing debate about Registration, hotel, and general in- and graduate institutions. In addi- modeling regulation, and the degree formation is posted on the AMS Web tion to the conference sessions, Dr. to which underwriters should rely site (www.ametsoc.org). A registra- David Schultz, chief editor, Monthly on modeling output when making tion fee of $25 has been set for this Weather Review and professor, Uni- underwriting decisions. The confer- conference. versity of Helsinki and Finnish Me- ence attracted nearly 400 profession- In addition to presentations and teorological Institute, will offer a als from the insurance, reinsurance, group discussions featuring both not- Writer's Workshop. The workshop scientific, and cat modeling commu- ed professionals and fellow students, will provide valuable guidance on nities in 2008, providing invaluable we encourage students to submit pa- writing a better scientific document, networking opportunities for model- pers about a wide range of topics. All whether for a class project, journal ing developers and users alike. accepted abstracts will be scheduled article, or a dissertation. Topics will For additional information, please as a poster. Students should create include how to attract an audience; visit www.reinsurance.org/i4a/pages/ a poster (reference the AMS "Poster organizing a paper for maximum index.cfm?pageid=3292 for additional Presentation" guidelines here: www. readability; combating writer's block; information about the 2009 program. ametsoc.org/meet/speakersupport. six tips to improve the flow and con- (11/08) pdf) that will be up for display during tent of your writing; shortening your the Sunday evening poster session. writing and increasing its clarity; ten ANNOUNCEMENT Students will not need to formally rules for effective figures, and writing present their poster but they are en- meteorological papers. Third THORPEX International Science Symposium, 4-8 May 2009, couraged to stand by their poster and The deadline for abstracts has Monterey, California answer questions during the "formal passed. poster-viewing hours," which will be For additional information please The Third THORPEX International released at a later date. contact the program chairpersons: Science Symposium" (TTISS) will Abstracts for this conference Kathy Strebe (e-mail: kstrebe@weath- be held 4-8 May 2009 in Monterey, should cover a wide range of student er.com), Kim Klockow (e-mail: kk- California. Additional information interest and activities. Suggested top- [email protected]), or Scott Mackaro may be found at www.wmo.int/thor- ics include overviews of ongoing stu- (e-mail: [email protected]). pex. (11/08) dent research projects and/or student (6/08; rll/08) applications of emerging technolo- CALL FOR PAPERS gies. We expect to have plenty of space ANNOUNCEMENT 30th NATO/SPS International Tech- so you can anticipate your abstract to Reinsurance Association of Amer- nical Meeting on Air Pollution be accepted and receive significant ica to Host Cat Modeling Confer- Modelling and its Application, visibility as a poster! ence, 17-20 February 2009, Tampa, 18-22 May 2009, San Francisco, The student conference is intended Florida California for junior and senior undergraduates and all graduate students and will The Reinsurance Association of The 30th NATO/SPS International focus on interdisciplinary topics and America (RAA), a national trade Technical Meeting on Air Pollution AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY NOVEMBER 2008 BAI1S* I 1769 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/05/21 11:56 AM UTC Modelling and its Application will be 919-541-4541) or the pilot country will be available for some students or held 18-22 May 2009 in San Francisco, contact: Douw Steyn, University of postdocs. California. The ITM is sponsored by British Columbia, Vancouver, British Abstracts will be due 15 Janu- NATO/SPS, the University of British Columbia, Canada (e-mail: admin@ ary 2009. More information will be Columbia, the U.S. EPA, EC, NOAA, int-tech-mtng.org; tel.: 604-827-5517). posted at http://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/ CARB, EURASAP, and AMS. The (11/08) events/adj oint_workshop - 8. deadline for abstracts has passed. To get on the mailing list, contact Key topics will include 1) local- CALL FOR PAPERS Ronald Errico (tel: 301-614-6402; and urban-scale modeling (including e-mail: [email protected]). Eighth Workshop on Adjoint Model the effects of building wakes, street (10/08; rll/08) Applications in Dynamic Meteorol- canyons, urban canopy, urban energy ogy, 18-22 May 2009, Tannersville, balance), 2) regional and interconti- CALL FOR PAPERS Pennsylvania nental modeling (including observa- 43rd Annual Canadian Meteoro- tional and modeling of current and The Eighth Adjoint Workshop will logical and Oceanographic Society future scenarios, and impacts on be convened at the Chateau Resort Congress, 31 May-4 June 2009, meetings and maintaining air quality and Conference Center in the Pocono Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada standards), 3) data assimilation and Mountains of Pennsylvania. It is be- air quality forecasting (including new ing financially supported by NSF and The Canadian Meteorological and research on focusing ground- and sat- NASA/GSFC/GMAO. Oceanographic Society (CMOS) ellite-based observations into model Adjoint models are powerful math- Congress 2009 will be held in Halifax, outputs in creating high-resolution ematical tools for robust sensitivity Nova Scotia, Canada, at the World spatial maps of air quality, network analysis that are still underutilized. Trade and Convention Centre from design), 4) model assessment and This workshop is designed to promote 31 May to 4 June 2009. The Con- verification (including performance and evaluate their development and gress theme is "Sea and Sky Come evaluation, diagnostic evaluation, dy- applications in meteorology. Half of to Life." namical evaluation, and probabilistic the sessions are generally devoted to The Congress will feature plenary evaluation as part of comparison of data assimilation applications with presentations by leading researchers; model outputs with observations), 5) the remainder on adjoint model devel- science sessions that highlight top aerosols in the atmosphere (aerosol opment, general sensitivity (synoptic) Canadian and international research dynamics, aerosol formation, inter- studies, stability analysis, and ensem- contributions to climate, meteorol- action with multiphase chemistry), ble forecasting. Although focused on ogy, oceanography, and hydrology, 6) interactions between air quality dynamic meteorology, presentations as well as the policy implications of and climate change (observational on applications in other fields and research in these fields; an evening analysis and modeling analysis of the on alternatives to adjoint-required lecture of general interest, open to the effects of air pollution on climate and techniques are also welcomed. public, on the theme of hurricanes; the impact of changing climate on This workshop series began in and a banquet, a hosted lunch, awards future air quality), 7) air quality and 1992. The previous one was held in of CMOS prizes, and the CMOS An- human health (including air qual- October 2006 in Obergurgl, Austria, nual General Meeting. ity trend assessments, the effects of and is briefly described in the Decem- Please submit abstracts elec- regulatory programs on ambient air ber 2007 issue of BAMS. The work- tronically to the link found on the quality and human exposure), and shop's format encourages evaluation Congress Web site (www.cmos.ca/ 8) special session on California 2000 and discussion after each presenta- Congress2009) after 7 January 2009 field study. tion as well as during common meals and before the deadline of 15 Feb- For more information, please refer and social times. Reviews or tutorials ruary 2009. You will be asked to to the meeting site at www.int-tech- begin each session and general issues submit your abstract to one of sev- mtng.org/index.html or contact the talks are presented some evenings. eral planned sessions that are listed host country contact: S.T. Rao, U.S. All speakers are asked to "Teach on the Web site and to specify your EPA Atmospheric Modeling Division, us something about what you have preference for either an oral or a Research Triangle
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