Ethiopian Embassy in Berlin – Monthly Newsletter Issue 02/2017 ETHIO NEWS Politics to Ethiopia. Prime Minister Hailemariam nich, Germany from 17 to 19 February. Dessalegn and Foreign Minister Dr. Wor- Among the key topics of this year's MSC LIBERIAN PRESIDENT’S kneh Gebeyehu welcomed the President 2017 were Cyber, Health, Energy and Cli- STATE VISIT TO ETHIOPIA and his accompanying high-ranking dele- mate Security issues, Terrorism and Extre- gation at Bole International Airport on Feb- mism, the war in Syria and the future of the ruary 24. The Prime Minister and President European Security Order. European and Kiir held a bilateral meeting on Ethio-South Global Cooperation as well as Global Sudan relations, humanitarian situation, Order were also among issues on the the drought in the region and South Su- agenda. dan's peace process. In welcoming Presi- The Conference offered an opportunity for dent Salva Kiir to Ethiopia, the Prime a number of bilateral talks for Ethiopia, and Minister underlined the longstanding and Dr. Workneh held meetings with the High President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Prime historic relations between the two coun- Representative of the European Union for Minister Hailemariam Desalegn tries and peoples and stressed that Ethio- Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Photo:mfa pia's policy towards South Sudan was Vice- President of the European Commis- Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf premised on the principle of good sion, Ms. Federica Mogherini and the UK's began her state visit to Ethiopia on Febru- neighborliness, mutual trust and confi- Secretary of State for Foreign and Com- ary 28. Both countries have used the oc- dence. He said, he wants to see bilateral monwealth Affairs, Mr. Boris Johnson, casion to sign major cooperation relations expanded further and infra- among others. agreements in areas of technical and vo- structural links extended with Joint Minis- In the meeting with EU High Representa- cational education, health and medical sci- terial and Joint Border Commissions tive Ms. Federica Mogherini, the two sides ences, livestock and fisheries development consolidated. discussed issues of regional peace and and industrial development. security, migration, and the positive steps During the bilateral talks with the Presi- MINISTER GEBEYEHU AT- taken by the Government of Ethiopia in dent, Prime Minister Hailemariam noted TENDS MUNICH SECURITY solving internal problems. Ms. Mogherini that the signing of the cooperation agree- CONFERENCE congratulated Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu for ments will provide the two countries a taking office as Foreign Minister of the Fe- practical framework to initiate and cultivate Ethiopia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. deral Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and a more dynamic partnership. Workneh Gebeyehu, attended the 53rd expressed willingness to continue the exis- SOUTH SUDANESE PRESI- Munich Security Conference (MSC) in Mu- ting strong relations between the EU and DENT’S STATE VISIT TO ETHIOPIA President Salva Kiir Mayardit being greeted at the Airport Photo: mfa President Salva Kiir Mayardit of the Repu- blic of South Sudan traveled to Addis Ambassador Kuma Demeksa Tokon, Minister Workneh Gebeyehu and Minister Boris Ababa from 23-25 February for a state visit Johnson deliberate at a MSC sWondimu Tekleide event. Äthiopische Botschaft, +49(0)3077206 10 Boothstraße 20a aethiopien-botschaft.de 12207 Berlin [email protected] Ethiopian Embassy in Berlin – Monthly Newsletter Issue 02/2017 Ethiopia. Dr. Workneh thanked the High Trade in Munich on February 17. Repre- ary on the current socio-economic and po- Representative for her good wishes and sentatives of international leading German litical issues in the country, including the ef- briefed her on the situation in Ethiopia and energy, auto, environmental and agro-pro- forts being made by the government in the region. The Minister emphasized the cessing companies have expressed their addressing the drought, which is now af- positive and encouraging trend of state interest to do business in Ethiopia. Spea- fecting lowland areas of the Afar Regional building in Somalia as demonstrated by king on behalf of the German-Africa Busi- State, the Somali Regional State, parts of the election of President Mohamed Abdul- ness Association, its chairman, Dr. Stefan Oromia Regional State and Southern Et- lahi. He stressed that Ethiopia and IGAD Liebing, said there was a growing interest hiopia. This drought, caused by the nega- countries viewed this development as a among German companies to invest in one tive Indian Ocean Dipole, came on the chance to further engage with Somalia in of the most important and fast-growing heels of the worst El-Niño induced drought its efforts to build peace and security and economies in sub-Saharan Africa. He in 50 years. The Government was able to assist in national institution building. Ethio- added that the meeting will help represen- address much of the challenge of the El- pia is confident of the EU's support and tatives of the companies to better under- Niño drought through its Disaster Risk Ma- called upon it to contribute to strengthen stand the investment climate in Ethiopia nagement Policy and the Productive these initiatives in the Horn. Both sides and the current demand for technology as Safety Net Program (PSNP) which have agreed to continue their dialogue during well as requirements for workforce training. provided for improved watershed manage- the High Representative's planned visit to Dr. Workneh briefed them on the current ment and agriculture programs that sup- Ethiopia in March. situation in Ethiopia and the region as well port farmers and pastoralists, together with Dr. Workneh also briefed Mr. Boris John- as the pre-eminent opportunities existing efforts to mitigate climate change impacts son on the current situation of Ethiopia and in the country as reflected in the Second before the drought can cause a humanita- the region. They discussed Ethiopia's new Growth and Transformation Plan, especi- rian catastrophe. But while the Govern- role as a non-permanent member of the ally in the manufacturing, agro-processing, ment continues to respond to residual UNSC and emphasized the need to con- energy and construction sectors. needs from the El-Niño drought, below solidate their collaboration at the level of He added that the manufacturing and average rains in the southern and eastern the representatives in New York especially agro-processing parks currently under parts of the country, caused by the Indian to work together on regional peace and se- construction in different parts of the coun- Ocean Dipole, have left millions in need of curity matters including both Somalia and try would soon be operational to enhance humanitarian assistance in 2017. South Sudan. Dr. Workneh requested the investments from major global companies. With the example of the humanitarian re- UK Secretary of State to reverse the cur- The meeting concluded in reaching an sponse for the 2016 El-Niño induced rent trend of issuing visas from the UK’s agreement to map out the interest of these drought so clear, the Government has High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa companies and closely engage the Ethio- been well aware of the need for more ro- and consider the issuance from the UK’s pian Embassy in Berlin to facilitate their bust and systematic mechanisms that embassy ifn Addis Ababa as it is the seat entry into the Ethiopian market. should be put in place in addressing the la- of African Union and various regional of- test drought. As soon as it became clear fices for Africa. Mr. Boris Johnson thanked Climate that the negative Indian Ocean Dipole was Dr. Workneh for the meeting and promised ETHIOPIAN COUNTERMEA- going to cause another drought, the Go- to continue the existing good relations bet- SURES TO ADDRESS THE vernment began its assessment of possi- ween the two countries. He requested that DROUGHT ble dangers. The Government, together Ethiopia's participation at the Conference with development partners almost imme- on Somalia in London in May 2017 should diately launched the Humanitarian Requi- be at the highest level with Prime Minister rements Document (HRD) for 2017. This Hailemariam Dessalegn attending. Both outlined Ethiopia's current needs and de- sides concluded their meeting by agreeing tailed the planned intervention to address to further deepen and expand their strate- the current drought conditions. Overall, it gic partnership in different sectors and also Ethiopia extends its support to the drought- calls for $948 million to support 5.6 million exchange visits at the highest level in the stricken parts of the Somaliland adminis- people with food and non-food assistance years to come. tration. Photo: mfa in pastoral lowland areas in the south and Dr. Workneh also discussed investment The Government Communication Affairs eastern parts of Ethiopia. opportunities in Ethiopia with major Ger- Office (GCAO) Minister, Dr. Negeri Len- This was underlined at the High-Level man companies at the Bavarian Ministry of cho, gave a press briefing in early Febru- Event on the Humanitarian Situation in Et- Äthiopische Botschaft, +49(0)3077206 10 Boothstraße 20a aethiopien-botschaft.de 12207 Berlin [email protected] Ethiopian Embassy in Berlin – Monthly Newsletter Issue 02/2017 hiopia held on the margins of the 28th Bulletin also notes that at the beginning of Summit of the African Union on January the month, the Logistics Cluster, the World 29. On that occasion Deputy Prime Minis- Food Program and the National Disaster ter Demeke Mekonnen reiterated the Go- Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) vernment's commitment to address the inaugurated the newly refurbished new drought effectively and immediately. NDRMC logistics hub facility in Adama. Mr. Demeke said Ethiopia was also com- The Logistics Cluster was activated last mitted to work with its neighboring coun- year in response to the El Niño drought to tries of Kenya, Somalia and Somaliland, help enable a more efficient response.
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