OFFIClAl STUDENT NEWSPAPER Unireriity of Wichita—WichiU, Kam a, Christiansi Jews A fal ^ Sketch of Men's Dorm Plans Couipleted To Meet Here Corbini To Welcome For Men’s Hall Delegates On Feb. 15 Pres, and Mrs. Harry F. To House 135 Corbin will act as hospital­ ity committee at a meeting Building May Start of the National Conference In April On 4-Story of Christians and Jews, Feb. 15, in Room 101 Busi­ Brick, Concrete Dorm ness Administration Build­ P 1 a n .s for a four-.«^toiy ing. Theme of the meeting men’.s residence hall on will be “Brotherhood Bal­ the University campus ance Sheet.” have been completed and Dr. Earl F. Kalp, e<lucatIona1 were revealed by Univer­ director of the Conference and sity officials last week.- Pres. Clayton Ford of Prlncipia At the same time, ITes. Harry College. El^ha, HI., will be guest F. Corb|n disclosed that the con- speakers at the 2:30 p.m. meet* ARCHITECT'j Sl a NS FOR THE MENS DORMITORY were released four-story structlon of both the nu*n's and Ing. building, of brick and concrete, will house 134 men. women's dormitories will prob­ At 3:30 p.m. the group will be will be lecoted on 17lh'st^eeiy.facina'yoT. A v e n 'lir'' Forsbiom ond Parle,, ably begin In April. Construction divided into four aemlnars’ pre* bids mnv Ih* sought some time sided ov^r by Dr. Kalp and Prea- tbl.s ipomb. Ident Ford. PlaniUMi to house 134 men stu ­ A dinner in the Commons will dents th<* dormitory will be of Band To Tour brick and concrete‘construction. conclude the event. The Wichita Senior Lists UW To Debate Besides the four-story main build­ Community Players will present ing. there will bo a two-story • skit, "Meet Your Relatives" at Due Feb. 8 wing containing a lounge and ad­ the dinner. Dr. Paul C. Johnston 8 Kansas Cities ditional living facilities. of the First Presbyterian Church Candidate petitions for a Aussie Orators The doi-mllorv will be built on will s p e & k on "Brotherhood senior Htudent Cnnnril repre­ Bringing Utopia." A 00 piece band under the di­ the corner of Seventeenth Street, rection of James Kerr, associate sentative win be due Feb. H Merrill T. Tlakor, diroclor of facing east towarti Yale Avenue. There will be a $1.00 registra­ professor of music, will tour In the office of <3rnee Wilkie, forensics, recent Iv announced the An alloctitlon of the neces.snry tion fee. except for students who eight western Kansas towns pre­ Dean of Women, and will re- names of the Unlvorsltv debate steel and copper will be given lb will be admitted without charge. senting eight concerts in three qnire W names to make the ’ st|uad which will oppo.se on the Univer.sliy In tlie second quar­ days. candidate eligible. Australian team at the Interna­ ter of in.52 bv the National Pro­ The concerts will consist of n The election Is set for Feb. tional debate meet to Ik* held duction authority. A federal loan mixture of popular and classical 13 In the Commons Lounge, Thursday. Feb. 14. of $741,000 for construction of Spanish Group band selections. Some of the se­ Booths win be open from A Russell Watson, Busines.s Ail- the dormitories was approved lections feaUired bv the band will a.m. nntil i p.m. Only Keninrs ministrotlon Junior, and Edwin earlier. be "Battle Hymn of the Repul .Moreland. Liberal Arts senior, blic." may sign petitions and vote for The women’s dormll4>ry will be "The Marriage of Figaro Over- the representative. will comprise the Shocker team Sponsors Tour HTime” "U lt of in the delxitp beginning at 8 p.m. built east of the sororitv houses Latin. SI Trocadero." "Emblem In the Commons Auditorium. on Clough Plan'. Enting'faclllties The Spanish department will of Unity," "Geonre Washington The members of the Australian will be provhled bv an ndjarenl sponsor Us annual tour of Mex­ Bicentennial." "Tlie Stars and team, who will support the af­ building. ico from Ju n e 2 to Ju n e 17. The Stripes Forever." and "Tribute Social Groups firmative nrgumontfi In the de­ Men’s dorm itory plnn.s were tour Is available to students en> to righting Men," a special ar­ bate, will 1k» Robin Rhodes Mill- drawn up by the firm of Fors- rolled at the University this se­ rangement featuring ail service house. law .student at St. Mark's blom ami Pjirks, local arriiit<‘cts. mester, faculty members, other songs. Place Orders; College at the University of Unlvorsltv employees, and their The band will tour in. three Adelnlrle. Arlelnldc. Australia: and wives anti husoands. busses and will perfni m at Gar­ Find 'No Sale' John Boyd Reid, law' student The lour will be directed by den City. Dodge Cltv. Great Dend. from Melbourne tfniversitv. AF Personnel The riucstlon to he debated will J. E. Angulo, instructor of Span­ Kingman; Pratt. Clinarrnn, El- A fasl-talklng super-saleswo- llnwood. and Haven. Hand mem­ man who claimed connection he whether or not the federal Enrottment At ish In evening classes, and for bers will be quartered in private with a Minneapolis paper sup- govcrnmeni has become too sixteen years director of the An- hom es. __ plier rocontlv persuafled Univer­ strong. WU May Rise gulo-Tours to Mexico, according The performances will be varied sity .sorority'nnfl fraternity mcm- Other TCan.sas schools which from place to place according to Ix'i's to pav for several h'undroi! will debate the Australian t(*ani M4>re Ilian sixty officers and to Dr. Eugene Savalano, head Professor Kerr. flotlars* worth of ncrsonnll7ed sta­ will Include the Kansas State of the .Spanish department. Teachers College at Pittslnirg and men from tin* W ichita Air ^■'or<•e Some of the soloists featured tionery. none of which ha.s yet Bns«? wen* enrolled In classes at The tour will provide all with the band will be Ralph been ticllverod. Emporia and Washburn Univer­ the Tbiivcrsity last Kome.ster. atvl meols. except breakfast, the first Lutz—bnsson, Fred Young—clar­ Mary O'Toole, supposedly a sity at Topeka. base officers have predicted a day and the evening dinner of inet. Dwight Beckham—trumpet, reprcsenlntlvo of the Royal Sla- greater enrollment ror this so- the last day, hotel accommodo- and Dwlgijt Heckbam, Don Cor­ mi*.«ter. Uons. boat ride at the Floating bett and Robert Webster, trum­ tioncrv Co. of Mlnncai>oHs. Mlnu., Gardens of Xochlmllco, a tourist pet trios. visited sorority and frnternitv Parking Violation Bus** personm-l wore enrolled card peimit, and round trip Two O llier featured groups in­ house.s on the cami>us and took In both nmh'rgraduato nn<l grad­ tran.snortatlon. Tips and evening clude the flute trio, IToiiinrn onlers for personalized station- uate w.ork, either continuing f^tfrtalnment are not Included N ease. Mary Lou Rucker, and erv. Custouior.s paid either half Fines Boosted tbclr edmatlon, working toward in th^e special rate, according to Darlene Dugan ond Joe Holev, or all of the bill, and deliveries a degre<*, nr taking graduate I>r. Savalano. w ere to be made In mid-Decem­ Melvin Pontlous, Norman Daw­ Two recommendations, iniemh-d cour.se.s, son, and FVnnk Albers, tromlxjne ber. to nifl In elim inating parking The itinerary- as planned now Lt. W illiam G. Robinson, bn.se Includes overnight stops at Waco, q uartet. When the orders did not arrive, robletns 4>n the c-om|>us, have This annual tour Is sponsored several .students wrote tlic com- Keon approv<*d by Pres. Ilarrv F. 4‘fhicath'n tifficer. pointed out Tex.; and these points in Mex- by the I’nlverslty of Wichita. pnnv. and found that the ropre- f*orl)ln. The recomnu-mlatlons that tin* Air Force provides mi- Monterrey. Valles, ZImapan, .spntatlve was no longer cm- were drawn up bv a studcnt-fa<’- uierous educational opportuni­ and Taxco. Five nights wllf be uily committee appointed bv the ties thru corre.sponrlencf* schools )tIovc<! by the concern. None of from co!h*gcs and uniV4*»*sitlc.s, •pent In Mexico City. Other 2.525 Enroll the «)rders liatl been received, Stmlent Counell to condtk't a '’ Sited near Mexico City stiiflv of parking probli.-ins, grou)4 study programs, and off- hut Roxnl Is making ns many of duty cniollincni at universities , V Cuernavaca, Puebla, tliem gnntl Is pos.slblc. Tlic rccomnicnflallous provide and Xochlmllco. 2nd Semester fliat, beginning .Monday, ilcket.s near air bases. The lour will be made In pas- In a loiter an.swoiing an In- will be Issucfl bv a patrolman F(*r lliose enrolling under the Approximately S.-ie-T students fuHrv bv a student here. W. W. f-ir parking vlolntion.s on the latter .program, the Air Force •engt‘r cars driven by fac- have rnnillcd for Second semes­ mty members. An adequate num- Winierburn of the Royal Station- University <-ami)US. I’or.sons re­ pays must of tlie tuition, altbn In ter classes, both regular and erv Co. slated that alttiough Mrs. ceiving .siich ticKets will b<> fined most cases those enrolling are re- wm be available. night, at the University, nr- O’Toole promised fraternity and $2.00, the fitie to be paid within tpilia-d to pav the matiTctdation iLD departure date, Is the cording to Mrs. Lanm Cross, any following commencement ex­ sororitv crests on the slatlo!iery, one week.
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