Words or Less Ten Cents--ONE CENT A WORD! ! CLASSIFIED ADS.-Ten « * Ads Received too Late for Classification $ to 2 p. m. See Page Four for Advertisements Accepted for Local Edition up 2 SITUATION WANTS—FEMALE FOR SALE SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SHERIFF'S SALE. SHERIFF'S HOUSES TO LET I Vtiddlesex County Circuit Court — EXPERIENCED NURSE wishes cases FOR SALE—One motorcycle and seo- URGE FUNERAL TO HONOR TO LET—Small house at Hopelawn, brick liouee, new; In Chancery of New Jersey. Charles Seel, et als., plaintiffs, vs. Two-Family to attend. Mrs. Rullinan, 198 Fay- ond-hand bicycles. 266 Oak street. large rent reasonable, or ten rooms and bath, gas, electric Between David H. Smith, receiver, Felix et defendants. Fl. plot, very ette street. 4-19-3t 16063-4-19-21 HUTCHINSON Zajac, als., Es- slate root; JAMES C. L. Law- Me- will sell cheap on easy terms. lights, cemented cellar, complainant, end Benjamin Fa., for sale of premises on WOMAN wishes to go out by day to CARPENTER'S WAGON, good condU et defendants. Fi. Fa., berg, 203 Smith street. price $5,500. Mortgage $3,700. to the EVES1SU NEWS. •enee, als., chanics' Lien, dated February 26th, do ironing and house- tlon. 145 Second street, Larson'f Special 16052-4-19-tf H. 103 Gordon St. washing, or sale of premises, dated July 13th, 1916. C. Thorn, coal 19.—The funeral cleaning; will also take washing yard. 16068-4-19-21-23 Sewaren, April 1914. above-stated writ to SIX ROOM HOUSE on Kearny ave- By virtue of the home. Mrs. Christensen, 296 Smith OUTHOUSE for sale cheap. services of James C. Hutchinson virtue of the above-stated writ I will all rent $25. LOT 37V£xl00, six rooms and bath, Enquir# By ne directed and delivered, expose nue, improvements; street, downstairs. 4-19-3t Smith street. were held morning at 11 all two toilets, 108 Saturday ι ο me directed and delivered, I will ο sale at on Nielsen & Hostrup, 130 Smith street. improvements, publie vendue, H. NEAT colored woman wishes day's 16067-4-19-2t o'clock froflX^t, Anthon's church, , xpose to sale, at public vendue, on 16007-4-19-21-24 $3,100; mortgage $2,400. C. APRIL TWENTY- laundress. Port Reading, with ο solemn high MAY WEDNESDAY, Thorn, 103 Gordon street. work of any kind, good SMALL GAS RANGE and two-burner WEDNESDAY, TWELFTH, HOUSE TO LET—811 Market street. Division mass. Rev. C. Galassi was NINETEEN HUNDRED 15979-4-16-tf Write or call Wilson, 425 cheap. 80 Jefferson street. requiem NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIRST, L. P. 196 Smith street. plate, Rev. J. of Johnson, street. 4-19-31 the celebrant, Szucky, FIFTEEN, AND FIFTEEN, 15975-4-16-3t TWO FAMILY HOUSE on Washlng: 16035-4-19-lt Rev. to as Perth Ambov. deacon, and ( t two o'clock in the afternoon of it two o'clock in the afternoon of said ton 103 YOUNG GIRL wishes position PRIVATE SALE of household steam heat street, $3,250. Thorn, good» sub-dea- < EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, Pros- John P. Grady, of Colonia, s aid at the Sheriff's In the at the Sheriff's Office, in the City Eist with housework. -360 at Mrs. Edward 30 4 day, office, lay, and all located 223 Gordon street. 16055-4-19-61 Totten, Sleight con. The bearers were business < f New improvements, 4-16-3t pall < 'ity of New Brunswick, New Jersey: New Brunswick, Jersey: Lewis pect street. avenue, Tottenville. 16032-4-19-4t Mer- Brighton avenue. Inquire 227 Brigh- TWO FAMILY HOUSE on associates of Mr. Hutchinson: All the right, title and interest of All the following described building GIRL, wishes to take care ton avenue. 15883-4-14-4t street, $3,250, all improvements. position RAMBLER ROSES 10c., variety (low- ritt G. Perkins, president; John Mil- < in and to all the ind property: with ieorge Loeser, of, Thorn, 103 Gordon street. of baby or to assist light ers, lc. and 2c. L. Madseu, 192 and Vernon is a FOR RENT for "the summer month», 1er, secretary, Davis, | ollowing tracts or parcel of lauds: The said building two-story housework. 360 Prospect street. water 16060-4-19--6t Madison avenue. 15934-4-15-lmo treasurer of the Standad Regulator First Tract—Situate in Perth Am- >rick building with flat root, about furnished house on the 4-16-3t about front. care News. HOUSE AND LOT -Lot 37x150, on ATTENTION—Good Soil for Company, of which Mr. Hutchinson Middlesex known ub lot wenty (20) feet in width by Address K, tôp >oy, County, WOMAN wishes to go out by the day was also ( feet in used cs 16025-4-17-3t Kearny avenue, nine rooms, all im- lawns and gardens. Inquire at vice president; Dwight Γ9, on Inslee street, on map of prop- wenty-six 26) depth, also wash- a lot bargain. Thorn, to do house cleaning; Graham & McKeon's. Phone 215. Kimble, Fred Davis, Sr., and Fred to Sarah C. in two-family dwelling house, on TO LET—Small house at Hopelawn, provements; great >rty belonging Inslee, ing and ironing, or take washing and 15356-3-30-lmo Davis,J., all of New York. The In- if land or situated in the rent reasonable or 103 Gordon street. 16054-4-19-6t he City οt Perth Amboy, 1900, made curtlage, large plot; very Ironing to do at her home. Good terment followed In church of Perth in the County of will sell terms. Es- on~Gordon Trinity by Franklin Marsh, Surveyor, Rail- jity Amboy, cheap on easy FIVE-ROOM~HOÛSË laundress. Mrs. Dancy, 314 Sayre FOR SALE—Stereotype mats, one where Mr. Hutchinson was Middlesex and State of New Jersey, and street. all $2,700. yard, way, N. J., on file in the clerk's office berg, 203 Smith street, improvements, avenue. 4-16-3t hundred for fifty cents; excellent raore described as follows: burled beside his son, who died sev- of Middlesex the prem- particularly 15889-4-14-4t Thorn, 103 Gordon street. for barns, poultry eto. County, being WOMAN would like to have washing I lining houses, eral years ago. The floral tributes1 as lot number one hundred 16053-4-19-6t News. ises conveyed to George Loeser by Designated at six Evening 3-4-tt on a entitled HOUSE TO LET Sewaren, and ironing to do at her home. were many and beautiful. Prayers Sarah C. Iuslee by deed dated Febru- jnd ninety-nine (199) map SIX ROOM HOUSE on Lewis street, | in Perth rooms and bath, steam heat, all Mrs. 549 Sayre avenue. were said yesterday at St. John's Se- and recorded in the Map of Lehigh Park, situated street. Leshko, ary 17th, 1906, Improvements. Chester Rob- $2,900. Thorn, 103 Gordon 4-16-3t In which church deceased was N. owned The Massopust Inquire waren, office of the Clerk of the County of Amboy, J., by Se- 16059-4-19-6t __ FOR SALE—EGGS, Etc. at ft bins, corner Bolton and Broad, three old greatly Interested. A cross of pan- Middlesex, on the 2nd of June, Realty Company." Beginning WOMAN with child years day Leon waren. Tel. 24-R Woodbridge. AT METUCHEN—New seven room eles and lilies of the valley was sent in the southerly line of wishee position at general house- RHODE ISLAND REDS 1911, in Book 476 of Deeds, page point 16351-3-3 0-tf all Price double comb distant house, improvements. work. 182 Paterson by the King's Daughters, of which 260. avenue, westerly seventy-five Annie Fabian, eggs for setting 5c a piece; also of the same TO LET—Five rooms, ail $4,200; mortgage $3,000. Thorn, Mrs. Hutchinson was the faithful Second Tract—Parcel of land in feet from the intersection elegant street. 4-16-3t fresh eggs. 503 Cornell the 103 Gordon street. Nelson, treasurer for a number of with the line of Spruce street; improvements, best location in years. the Township of Woodbridge, in the westerly 16065-4-19-6t street. 16030-4-19-2t thence westerly along said city. Inquire S. Levinston, 308 State County of Middlesex and State of running GET BABY CHICKS ar~376~Park Leon avenue feet; thence street. 15346-3-30-tf TWELVE ROOM brick house on HELP WANTED—FEMALE New Jersey, known and described as twenty-five avenue. 16042-4-19-lt one hundred thence im- South First street, all improve- PUN FOB CELEBRATION IN lots 253 and on a cer- southerly feet; HOUSE TO LET—Six rooms, 251, 252, 254, CASHIER WANTED in up-to-date BUFF ORPINGTONS—Famous in a line with first de- 166 State street. Ap- ments. Price $5,000. Thorn, 103 Cook tain map entitled "Map of land at Se- easterly parallel provements, must have in scribed course feet; thence Gordon street, 16070-4-19-6t market; experience strain. Eggs for hatching. Inquire KEYPORT ON MEMORIAL DAY waren Park on the New York & Long twenty-five ply 165 Kearny avenue. fur- in line with second bookkeeping and typewriting; now. Leber Bros., Port Reading, N. Branch R. Town- northerly a parallel 14282-3-2-tf .NEW FOUR ROOM house, plot 50 R., Woodbridge of hun- nish good reference. Apply in hand- J. 15529-4-5-M-W-F-25t to the EVENING KEWS. described course a distance one suitable for small Special ship, in Middlesex County, N. J„ sur- A SIX ROOMTÎÔUSE with partial by 150, poultry News. dred feet to the said Leon avenue, the writing, B. C. G. & M., care WHlTE-PCYMOUTH Keyport, April 19:—Plans are veyed by C.
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