26280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE December 5, 2000 TRIBUTE TO MS. JUDY ENGLAND- serve and protect the American land- Katie on her outstanding accomplish- JOSEPH scape he loved so well. He served our ment.∑ ∑ Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I rise nation in war and peacetime as a sol- f dier, writer, and activist, and enriched today to honor Ms. Judy England-Jo- MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE seph who retired from the General Ac- the lives of many Americans. counting Office, GAO, this past March. Born in Berkeley in 1912, young At 12:08 p.m., a message from the Her departure from federal service is a David Brower learned to appreciate na- House of Representatives, delivered by great loss to the federal government as ture by guiding his blind mother on Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, well as to all offices in the Senate. walks through the Berkeley hills. In announced that the House has passed Judy was a superlative federal em- the 1930s, he worked at Yosemite Na- the following bills and joint resolution, ployee with a record of honesty and in- tional Park and became a skilled in which it requests the concurrence of tegrity as well as a commitment to a mountaineer. During World War II he the Senate: job well done. trained troops in climbing techniques, H.R. 5637. An act to provide that an Ms. England-Joseph had been with wrote the Army’s alpine manual, and amount available for fiscal year 2001 for the GAO since 1975 working on a number of fought in northern Italy. Department of Transportation shall be avail- important federal issues in the fields of After the war he returned to Cali- able to reimburse certain costs incurred for clean-up of former Coast Guard facilities at personnel and compensation, human fornia and volunteered at the Sierra Club, which was then a hiking organi- Cape May, New Jersey, and to authorize the resources, and energy, to name a few. Coast Guard to transfer funds and authority However, I think most of my col- zation with little involvement in pub- for demolition and removal of a structure at leagues would agree that Judy’s most lic policy. After writing the first Sierra former Coast Guard property in Traverse outstanding contributions came as the Club Manual, he became the club’s first City, Michigan. Director of Housing and Community executive director in 1952. Under his H.R. 5640. An act to expand homeownership Development Issues at GAO. As Direc- leadership, the club’s membership grew in the United States, and for other purposes. tor, she had the primary responsibility from 7,000 to 70,000 as it became the na- H.J. Res. 126. Joint resolution making fur- tion’s leading environmental organiza- ther continuing appropriations for the fiscal for overseeing for the Congress the year 2001, and for other purposes. audit and evaluation of all programs tion. After leading the Sierra Club for and activities at the Department of 17 years, Mr. Brower went on to found The message also announced that the Housing and Urban Development, the the Friends of the Earth and the Earth House has passed the following bills, Small Business Administration, and Island Institute, and he helped to es- without amendment: the Federal Emergency Management tablish the League of Conservation S. 1972. An act to direct the Secretary of Agency, including those concerning Voters. Agriculture to convey to the town of Dolo- During the 1950s and 1960s, Mr. res, Colorado, the current site of the Joe housing, community and economic de- Rowell Park. velopment, and federal disaster respon- Brower led the Sierra Club’s successful efforts to block the construction of S. 2594. An act to authorize the Secretary sibilities. of the Interior to contract with the Mancos As Chairman of the Appropriations dams in Grand Canyon National Park Water Conservancy District to use the Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Inde- and Dinosaur National Monument. He Mancos Project facilities for impounding, pendent Agencies and the Committee often said, half jokingly, that ‘‘All I storage, diverting, and carriage of non- on Small Business, I found Judy to be have been able to do in my career is to project water for the purpose of irrigation, an invaluable resource for objective slow the rate at which things get domestic, municipal, industrial, and any and timely information that was crit- worse.’’ other beneficial purposes. S. 3137. An act to establish a commission ical to fulfilling my responsibilities. But in fact he made things better. David Brower was instrumental in the to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Judy not only testified numerous times the birth of James Madison. before my appropriations sub- creation of Redwoods National Park, The message further announced that committee and the Committee on North Cascades National Park, and the House has passed the bill (S. 1761) Small Business, but also personally Cape Cod National Seashore as well as to direct the Secretary of the Interior, met with me and my staff to discuss the passage of the Wilderness Act and through the Bureau of Reclamation, to pressing issues and provide us with the establishment of the National Wilder- conserve and enhance the water sup- critical information needed to make ness Preservation System. plies of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, policy decisions. Judy was more than a Our Nation has lost a giant, but we with an amendment, in which it re- resource to my committees; I also must try to walk in his footsteps. quests the concurrence of the Senate. viewed her as a teammate and partner David Brower’s life and legacy will live who shared my goal of making govern- as long as we continue to preserve, pro- ENROLLED BILL SIGNED ment truly accountable and as efficient tect, and enjoy America’s natural At 3:05 p.m., a message from the as possible. treasures.∑ House of Representatives, delivered by To say that we miss Judy would be f one of its clerks, announced that the House Speaker has signed the following an understatement. Judy epitomized OUTSTANDING IDAHOAN public service. Her energy was bound- enrolled joint resolution: less, her knowledge of policy issues was ∑ Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, I rise to H.J. Res. 126. Joint resolution making fur- rarely matched, and her commitment congratulate Katie Kirkham, a high ther continuing appropriations for the fiscal to doing the right thing underlined her school sophomore from Century High year 2001, and for other purposes. approach to her job and responsibil- School in Pocatello, ID. Katie rep- The enrolled joint resolution was ities. resented Idaho’s horse program at the signed subsequently by the President I am honored to have worked with National 4–H Congress in Atlanta, pro tempore (Mr. THURMOND). Judy and commend her for the years of Georgia, on November 24–28, 2000. She Under the authority of the order of service she provided to the Congress was one of twelve teens in the nation the Senate of January 6, 1999, the Sec- and the American Taxpayer.∑ honored with the responsibility of in- retary of the Senate, on November 2, troducing a guest speaker at the event. f 2000, during the recess of the Senate, There are thousands of young people received a message from the House of DAVID BROWER involved in 4–H in the state of Idaho. Representatives announcing that the ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today, I And as a former 4–H member myself, I Speaker has signed the following en- note with sadness the passing of David take special pride in recognizing the 4– rolled bills: Brower, a great conservationist who H program, which has been educating S. 11. An act for the relief of Wei died last month at his home in Berke- Idaho youth on agricultural issues for Jingsheng. ley, California. David Brower worked generations, and will continue to do so S. 150. An act for the relief of Marina for more than half a century to pre- for generations to come. I congratulate Khalina and her son, Albert Miftakhov. VerDate jul 14 2003 10:47 Jan 23, 2005 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S05DE0.000 S05DE0.
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