RAW POWER on Air Wave

RAW POWER on Air Wave

1 ~a WER e ----NTENTS ~ AND EDITORIAL . /I TALK OF1HE TO 5 THE MAGIC GROUPS . 5 .DERRINGER - Keeps On Rocking . 6 mE QUICK DRAW SHOW . 9 SlYX - No Illusion Just Rock 'n' Roll Reality . 10 FANZINES \IS CREEM \IS CIRCUS . 12 THS , . VITAL RECORD - D 13 SISTER - Beyond AlIce and .8S ••.••.•.•••...•.••••••.••..•.•...••••••••••• 14 SWAN - Ex- ontrose Vocalist Reforms Old Band . 17 IGGYS - st For Ufe ..................................................... 20 ARIEL BENDER'S - Widowma er ......................................... .. 23 BAD AXE 25 ANGEL - New Album, TOUT, ember.... .................................. .. 27 RAMONES - Rapping with Dee Dee ........................................ 29 DICTATORS - Destined to Take Over The World. ........................... 30 CHERIE CURRIE - Her La Interview as a Runaway ......................... 31 mE SHOCK STORY. ..................................................... 32 ADDmoNAL CONTRIIIUTIONS Wrtters: VAN HAlAN - Today LA. Tomorrow The Galaxy. ........................... 35 • Mike Uvewtre • L Fall ALBUMREVlEWS :.................................................. 37 Plaster caster stAFF • photographers QUick Draw· Editor-In let over eSlgn - oeWa Andy Kent 8obaloule . Co-Edltor Gilbert Leos Munov Dtemond - PholOQJapher and Public Relatlo 5 Mark Hanauer Joey hfbanger) Wahl - Layout - ell Special Thanks . AltWoft(, Advertising Maneger nm Bell R.tw Power. I•• g.uln,· I' J mll~alme lor KI ka.,· hard rocker. ThIs lSI he Glen Buxton \\ril r nJ ph I ~rJl'her coin '>Cnu conlTlbulion' to the mal:aLme It V u wnuld 11" • to rl"c an "d r ,,'Ii ROlW Pnw"r ,n your 'lore. (all 888·1205 or tlfl -11>13 end "lIlellers and mall 10: Undo Hartman H,m Power Mag' • tlo UI(" Dri'IW • 23938 I "r",no • Woodland Hills. CA 9iJ67 LarrJones LorYTI.htlQiib'R.lwPo rMd anne AllnghtH -rveJ, ,p.ulofthi m 8J.Zlnt'may lI'~produc<: in""yfo"f110rb}' Paul Pluoser an)' m."," lrontl l,r m",. hdlllCdI. In huJII'l'\ P}lO~. rt:eeTdlOll OT yan In! rm.llilln .Il>rage withoul e press I. photo" un,t laraineJone. h'Tiltl'n Iwmn ,,>n II m Ih· rubh.hrr' or Raw Power. AawflcMW/3 • • n"'''''r r ally ~d 'be!!m \/oil\ allY m<'lal. we would all /(0 Inl" wilh' E I 0 I Is ""a\' " ,\1''-111 L'e hat! ,m t od dray,~1. Wr' lik Punk he' u,o,e it', lic);~, but II !be\ h ••d 'I m,,., the nw.-L1~ h ...nl rl)(:k .md .... e Iwlieve in Wood, lock Fe,llv'a! fillll Y. th ·Go.,,· whal IlIl kid. are ,aYIl1~. There Ib Horn," the ,",QuId '''a be..n oul III erlatn tuff consldl'rpd Npw Wave H<'\' people! Y,'ah, Ih,s is QUIck rock yea ago. Rit'l i Blaclwlo'''''' lbal Wr' dislike, An\'lhin that' weak­ pu~k. Dr""" speaklll.' All I reaII " """nl to sa\ COME 0 • '/)\\ 01' P pu rpl. 1" 1 call II pussy tuff likto • Milk d~lfcl J ('0,,1;...," .1I1t! i that I'm I' 'all~ happy' lhe way w~ as doorn, Ii ,/lId \ dchlo 's JU,I 'n' "TIle Talkinll Hpads" I!ol lhinl" ~oinl:, We' '"" !{ot L A. rehashin' .. • 0 " lIlua dwlienI!C !: I I"I.U d do without. But w.. d finitely on Iheir fe't 1111s 10W/l is rockln' That's 110 hal Ihe Ill" i" nds ,I ' "II don't t'ploe around n"bodv. I lovl' more than it ha.'i In Ih last ma or b ul III \ r£' challelll\lIIl:, h y «. Ih", ('X PiSlols, oUI IIt "'1'" in' England earthquak , il\ld let's k(' p it thb wUy. ual'llIg. lh",}'f! a real pH III thl.' Iflce and I'm ,n L.A. WI,..n Ihe\' com.. Wl"vc gOI the h tics! rock 'n' roll of The Big Tim Bu of Muslk. lh her" wp'lI be doinl! soml'lhiDll on cily in Ihe world, . nd thal's no hull! faceless ,I,. hole OMI pr,,!),.bl pUl1d H,,'m. barl fplt Peopl,· k ep suyil1lr il's b tt.er j tl II Ii"", clock b,fon' tnd "fltr tll \' It's lou you ba en't any' En land and N.Y., but Ih., 'r wron~, I:u UII for a show (,,,paIL In 'tin K iIi. thin lowartls Ih l)loneo. in yl'ar&. all the Engl;,h band: onlinut' to RicharcJ wa,~ .1 r I 'I . , 1 m,'..n II beeau. I.' tll..y still pUI oUl a, Ilood come 0\'''1' hpre. Ne"" York is more FA 'E!!! So WUI .J3 er dno Me 'arl ruck 'n' roll ilb allyon , no matler popul'l rl Ihan L.A, hut .....e·Ye ney MId TuwII.helld Ihl nn I' and all what ""op!1' ,ay. :\nd the RoJling I!ol mol' strang ha/l<ls, We 'v ~u (htm ,lOU Joe Wit! h IUght., lour S onps d r 1 hI' "r atpst rock 'n' roll b"nds thaI ar' nppi ' up Ihib tll""n togelh r-The u,·11II \I 'lour") hand ..VI.'. They've mfluencf'd a 101 likt' Quil'l Riol ancl Van Halen. And und Stt'"e t\t.rrlu It alld vl,lI Q' peopl,' ~ au probahly lik.. nuw, Wf' du you know what's keepinl( all Ihb who'lI think "f RUllni van Z,Ult os a couldn'l h'l\p ~ollcn tillS far withoul PIlIt)' Din.,"' \l' Oll, You Rock 'n' Itallers face in ltlll an: ftillhl noW wp'v., 'em. Smith millht not even he man~ had oul lh('" wi 0 ar ,1Ipflortinll your gOI so lMl1d. Ihal \ IInna l)(' allvl' toda\' if Illl'rp hepl1 no (ol;al bandS ate r po I 1... for this rucklll hpard oV€'r tl1<." tim of the Rolling HtOnt:b. H"H' I mad!' my L0WIl bem :-.lo. I 111 1'0 k 'n' r JI. null,hll Ih"l' uln UI1 ill roc' thl C pc)in'" [ a ree wilh VOll • bout Tpn ~a '0 I I', kl'Pp .t lhls way, And rpmem­ da\". and can ,1If[' a.! IIl('klll' hell Y aI's After. I never liked lhem. b r ou 10 an-Ban 'AM RadIO & b sure come h·1I hl·h w;lte or Bill I di II 1'.... ahout Blackmore. Dealh 10 D. Cll. the Manne ur Gr'. lmllll or He and hi" Rainhow arl' puttil1l( oul 1..f>, WinLer Brall1l'1">i IJf [jUII a· um. t"r soml' I! orl rock...0 whal if he doesn'l (un all) I hal 1"11 he In til<! f· 1111 hne ,pll. on peop/(- or CU's on TV Hp' .~n ,'xcellen t guitarisl. A"d h i~n 'I KEEP ON ROCKIN' IIf the "IWJ" anu roll arm" , • ,\ Y YEAH!! '"u Itu~ r ,a 11 ip tn l~g.. rph sh 111' it. Ht'" t.he only former QUI K 0 W wb~ donIe";, ,I I 'ui 'n' take a mem!>c,' of Purpl" who', luk"n a sl p (lInll? I~ forw:u'c! "nl" th hn'ak,up. I 111<.an wh\ t.Io \ a bulb·, Will Ih ,r, u~ IIoh,';, tht'r~ ,(j much >(000 QUI"" Draw ,luff ('omlll 'lUI d,., b\ on , IJkp 3 ruckln' aVHI:mch 1 1'01' 'x Implp, Ie yll I "ed Ih. n... /ls ..• \011'11 VI' 10\' Ie> ~ It looks Ilk.: 'au uys have a'l(uod A1I righl you gu~ s. I know I.h I' i; fu<:kin' cJ ,'\lh Illl l!l'!>ul 1 u\ thl thin happenlllg herl', hut I'm dis· "om radical lu rr 1/1 Ih,s mag, bUI Wdll ..:utlll'('ll!;er ltlhnn~' "the JI w"I" a pOln!ed ab<)ut th rpvlew Ihat vou till YI)U 'rp Ih" next one, One hing WI' Thunder 11.lnd, unl to hI' lIlled ~"l\e K[SS, I think "La"" GlIn'~ is <II' i" ,I trulhful maj!"in/e. \\,. stH ,Iuhnn) . no Ih .hlllkl..,,)! It. called th Ir most b IIl1iant pIece of \Vork in whal \/o/' Ihink and WI> rlon I lIpl l! "Chine" ot'k" and II I,' c'c>wriUetl ~ ..a.." How c~U1 VOU S3\, thaI Ihe onI" round llunl: e d'1n '\ lik • H you'rl' I Dl'" OPt' n.lInOlll' an ItICh....tI two hard l'I,ck;I1' 'U;'l!' are "Lov'EO pi d aboul I hp ol).tuari~ culumn "(;0,,1 ~hade. and SI P '1) l\lltch ,. Uun" .Iud .. PI .....'II·r C Il'r" when the dOl,,', r ad lUI mo'. Cause Ie vou lik~ Ilr·/I. alOft. wllh ,Juhnn lI1d l1rurn whQIr Ih m rocks h Her thun any ,ny of !ht" I ands ,n II you Ill'en't mer J re\ ulan lpx Dolis bo\ lUI) hlllg hf' world. worst hand UFO, re dy lnr R.\W POWER, DUI C you tUld;. fu . hi. who wa he uri Illal h VI·' rl n " (How can you pos-··bly ha an\' ,)ther \':tlotl omplaill h. drumm I fl the Dull?) 11\(1 It' lJ Ihink hey're IP t1~) We'll 'Ce you at ~end u· a na ly I LL"r. Wf' ""ad .. II IJur cambmati<lll 01 .. 'Otl H",llb. ;(Jt I he Forum ftlr KISS. mail lind Wf> [OVI' mail. e" anel "Commul1c1,," " lh nip' J Ihlnk this ~ pn ugh f r loday of e~"ll hl'll~r "Born '1'" Lo t' (ak I D"ve L ...ster "our 1m' "ntl m.' '-pace, a.nd anyway, 1 no Lou I.' I V"n Uoll anti Thun Sanlll, 0l1le3 I wllnl I ) IP my Goal Hl'ap Soup de,.,. kl.'ep IIPplO1: II I the I'll. Just ~el your rock off pcoplf'. hkl' th "It! dOl) " I LOVE 1'111 HE 'ORn ,\'\0 IT· KI " HI1 C-\ BUHALOCIE MA F.

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