S11246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 25, 1996 missed by every Member of this Cham- with great respect for the opportunity far-ranging as tax reform and water- ber. I wish him all the best as he re- that the Senate affords for informed use policy. turns to his home State of Oregon and debate. Unfortunately, informed debate Senator BRADLEY has been a true resumes his career in education, and I has not always been a great hallmark leader on tax reform and fiscal respon- thank him for his dedicated service to of recent years in the Senate, and I re- sibility. He was an early and persistent this body and the Nation. gret that this body will no longer have voice urging us to put our fiscal house f the benefit of BILL BRADLEY’s keen in order. If we had had more BILL mind and tenacious, yet gentlemanly BRADLEY’s in the Senate in the early SENATOR BILL BRADLEY approach to the issues of our day. 1980’s, we could have avoided the defi- Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I pay trib- Senator BRADLEY is a young, vibrant, cits of the Reagan era and subsequent ute today to the senior Senator from vigorous man with, God willing, a long years that have left us with our enor- New Jersey, BILL BRADLEY, who has, span of productive years ahead of him. mous national debt. Last year, I was unfortunately, decided to retire from I am pleased to note that he has re- privileged to work closely with BILL the Senate after three terms. cently been writing and speaking out BRADLEY in putting together a fair BILL BRADLEY has brought to the on a variety of fundamental issues con- share budget plan that would have bal- Senate a keen mind and an athlete’s cerning the Nation, including race rela- anced the unified Federal budget. His drive to cut through highly com- tions; the need for a more responsible advice was absolutely central to devel- plicated, but vital issues affecting the civil society where grassroots and local oping the specifics of the plan and economy of the United States, espe- institutions assume more responsi- bringing together a coalition of sup- porters. cially the Tax Code’s treatment of the bility for our civic life; on the need for middle class, and the need to eliminate In 1986, BILL BRADLEY almost single- campaign finance reform; on the need the accumulation of deductions and handedly pushed through a tax reform for economic transformation and special interest provisions which have bill that dramatically reduced the growth more fairly shared across the skewed our tax code in multifarious number and size of tax loopholes, gave full range of economic groups in Amer- and unfair ways. middle-class American families tax re- In tackling the most vexing and ican society; and on the role of faith in lief, and greatly simplified the Tax wide-ranging problems affecting the the fabric of American society. Of par- Code. Since joining the Finance Com- ticular interest is his comparison of economy, Senator BRADLEY had a cen- mittee, I have had the opportunity of tral impact on the Tax Reform Act of American society with a three-legged working with BILL on tax policy, and 1986 after 4 years of hard work, perse- stool made up of the private sector, his knowledge of the intricacies and verance, and studious attention to government, and civil society. Obvi- politics of our Tax Code is truly as- these very difficult issues. Using the ously Senator BRADLEY is correct when tounding. We will sorely miss his springboard of his seat on the Finance he points out that our future depends knowledge on these issues as we con- Committee to grind away at his col- on all three. sider tax issues in the future. leagues and the Senate as a whole as to BILL BRADLEY is an independent, and Senator BRADLEY has also been a the need for basic reform of the Tax thoughtful thinker on some of the courageous voice on other issues that Code, BILL showed that he could go the most fundamental issues confronting many politicians choose to avoid. For extra mile, and through sheer deter- our Nation. example, he has been one of a very few mination use the legislative process in Senator BRADLEY has focused his Members of Congress to move beyond textbook fashion. He produced far- considerable mental powers well on a sound bites and talk honestly and di- reaching proposals on issues that have broad landscape of difficult problems rectly about the issue of race in Amer- made a real difference for Americans, which will trouble our Nation in the ica. And he was a strong voice criti- based on careful study and on con- years ahead. cizing those who seek to use race to di- vincing the rest of us to stand up, pay The breadth of issues on BILL BRAD- vide us for political purposes. attention, and support the soundness of LEY’s plate clearly shows that he in- Senator BRADLEY also devoted a his position. tends to make an indelible mark on the great deal of time to foreign policy. He has tackled a variety of other continuing American dialogue about Whenever a complex foreign policy tough and central problems facing solutions to these problems, and I, for issue forced itself upon the Senate, it American society, including deficit re- one, encourage him and look forward seemed like BILL had found time to duction, pension reform, college loan to his contribution. It would not sur- think through the options and U.S. and programs, Medicaid reform, and a vari- prise me to see citizen BILL BRADLEY at regional interests involved. In short, Mr. President, BILL BRAD- ety of initiatives in the energy area the witness table at future Senate LEY has been an intellectual giant in through his active membership on the hearings giving us his views on many the Senate. The U.S. Senate is losing a Senate Energy Committee. In addition, fundamental issues. champion for average American fami- he has been extremely industrious as a I wish BILL and his wife, Ernestine, lies and particularly for the least for- legislator on a wide range of issues in the best as he departs from this latest tunate among us. But I do not doubt the education field, from community- stopping place in his varied and suc- cessful life, knowing that there is that he will continue these fights. As based initiatives involving families, to he said when he announced his decision reform of higher education. BILL BRAD- much more to come, and with the hope that he will return frequently to in- not to seek reelection, there are other LEY has gone much further than legis- places where he can put his skills to clude the Senate in his personal quest lative initiatives, however. He has work making our country better and for a better America. sponsored a number of enduring semi- stronger. I wish him well as he seeks nars and special programs for high f out the best place and way to continue school and college students and ath- TRIBUTE TO SENATOR BRADLEY his calling to public service. letes, all with a dual focus on effective Mr. BIDEN addressed the Chair. Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, today I citizenship and educational excellence. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Senator BILL BRADLEY added his en- want to pay tribute to Senator BILL ator from Delaware. gaging personality, integrity, and stu- BRADLEY’s distinguished service in the Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I ask dious manner to the mosaic of the Sen- U.S. Senate. unanimous consent that I be able to ate, and gave this body another dimen- From his election to the Senate in proceed for up to 10 minutes as if in sion. His unique background as a 1978, BILL BRADLEY has influenced the morning business. Rhodes Scholar, and as a former profes- policymaking agenda in Washington by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sional basketball player turned U.S. plunging into the intricacies of an im- objection, it is so ordered. pressive array of interests and learning Senator sent a message to our young f people that intellectual and athletic the strengths and weaknesses of his op- excellence need not be two competing ponents’ arguments better than they SENATOR CLAIBORNE PELL worlds. did. His sheer intellectual dominance Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I rise this In all his work in the Senate, BILL of issues has allowed him to succeed morning to speak not to an issue but to has performed with dignity, grace, and against the political odds on issues as speak to a man—about a man. VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:20 Jul 01, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S25SE6.REC S25SE6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS September 25, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11247 Mr. President, I rise this morning on institution—should not stoop to the He literally said, ‘‘CLAIBORNE PELL and the floor of the Senate to perform a level of engaging in uncivil conduct. JOE BIDEN.’’ Just for me to be men- task that I am anxious to perform but, If the Presiding Officer, the former tioned in the same sentence with CLAI- at the same time, reluctant to perform. Governor of Missouri, will excuse my BORNE PELL—just to be mentioned in I have been in the Senate now for 24 personal reference, it is like using pro- the same sentence—was one of the years. I have had the opportunity in fanity.
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