Local Government Quarterly Performance Report FY 2018/19 Vote:539 Moyo District Quarter3 Terms and Conditions I hereby submit Quarter 3 performance progress report. This is in accordance with Paragraph 8 of the letter appointing me as an Accounting Officer for Vote:539 Moyo District for FY 2018/19. I confirm that the information provided in this report represents the actual performance achieved by the Local Government for the period under review. Name and Signature: Accounting Officer, Moyo District Date: 23/05/2019 cc. The LCV Chairperson (District) / The Mayor (Municipality) 1 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report FY 2018/19 Vote:539 Moyo District Quarter3 Summary: Overview of Revenues and Expenditures Overall Revenue Performance Ushs Thousands Approved Budget Cumulative Receipts % of Budget Received Locally Raised Revenues 287,955 458,178 159% Discretionary Government Transfers 3,973,796 3,272,057 82% Conditional Government Transfers 17,671,772 13,357,390 76% Other Government Transfers 9,286,862 3,208,058 35% Donor Funding 2,493,106 441,602 18% Total Revenues shares 33,713,491 20,737,284 62% Overall Expenditure Performance by Workplan Ushs Thousands Approved Cumulative Cumulative % Budget % Budget % Releases Budget Releases Expenditure Released Spent Spent Planning 166,127 111,215 110,645 67% 67% 99% Internal Audit 57,022 40,586 39,249 71% 69% 97% Administration 10,229,415 4,076,747 4,023,711 40% 39% 99% Finance 442,444 303,514 296,236 69% 67% 98% Statutory Bodies 464,913 382,634 376,729 82% 81% 98% Production and Marketing 1,536,351 1,474,908 1,358,226 96% 88% 92% Health 7,970,060 5,241,003 4,790,757 66% 60% 91% Education 9,360,860 7,094,001 6,947,075 76% 74% 98% Roads and Engineering 1,466,196 1,210,483 817,954 83% 56% 68% Water 511,995 306,445 55,976 60% 11% 18% Natural Resources 522,658 204,433 169,912 39% 33% 83% Community Based Services 985,450 214,891 214,891 22% 22% 100% Grand Total 33,713,491 20,660,860 19,201,358 61% 57% 93% Wage 15,323,549 11,530,306 11,385,823 75% 74% 99% Non-Wage Reccurent 5,689,016 4,574,353 3,959,447 80% 70% 87% Domestic Devt 10,207,819 4,114,599 3,419,258 40% 33% 83% Donor Devt 2,493,106 441,602 436,830 18% 18% 99% 2 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report FY 2018/19 Vote:539 Moyo District Quarter3 Summary of Cumulative Receipts, disbursements and expenditure for FY 2018/19 0R\R'LVWULFWKDGWRWDOSODQQHGFRPPXODWLYHUHYHQXHRI8JDQGD6KLOOLQJVDQG actual receipt was Uganda Shillings 20,584,245,000 (61%). This low performance was due to under performance of other sources under Other Government Transfers like Northern Uganda Social $FWLRQ)XQG,,,<RXWK/LYHOLKRRG3URJUDPPH8JDQGD:RPHQ(QWUHSUHQHXUVKLS3URJUDPPH '5',3SURMHFWVIXQGVQRWEHLQJUHOHDVHG6RPHRIWKHGRQRUVQHYHUUHOHDVHGIXQGVLQTXDUWHU three especially United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees World Health 2UJDQL]DWLRQ(XURSHDQ8QLRQ*OREDO)XQGH[SHQGLWXUHRIIRUWKHTXDUWHU2XWRIWKH8JDQGD 6KLOOLQJVUHFHLYHG8JDQGD6KLOOLQJVZDVGLVEXUVHGWRGHSDUWPHQWV and there was no balance on Treasury Single Account in Bank of Uganda Out of the total Uganda Shillings 20,584,245,000 disbursed to departments, Uganda Shillings ZDVVSHQWDQGEDODQFHRI8JDQGD6KLOOLQJV 2XWRIWRWDO Uganda Shillings 15,323,549,000 wage, Uganda Shillings 11,530,306,000 (75%) was disbursed. Out of the total Uganda Shillings 11,530,306,000 wage disbursed, Uganda Shillings ZDVXWLOL]HGDQG8JDQGD6KLOOLQJV ZDVQRWVSHQWDQG VRPHRIWKHZDJHXQVSHQWZHUHXQGHU$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ([WHQVLRQVHFWRUDQG+HDOWKVHFWRUZDJH due to some staff not being paid since they had challenges with supplier numbers, Some staff especially in Production have transferred their services to other local governments , some have retired and not yet replaced and some had missed the wage enhancement While out of the planned annual non-wage of Uganda Shillings 5,689,016,000, Uganda Shillings 4,377,164,000 (77%) was received. Out of the total non-wage of Uganda Shillings 4,377,164,000 disbursed to departments, Uganda Shillings 3,957,819,000 (88%) was spent and balance of Uganda Shillings 419,345,000(12%) was not utilized. mainly under Roads Engineering, and +HDOWKGXHWRFKDOOHQJHVLQZDUUDQWLQJRIWKHJUDQWV7KHUHZHUHDOVRVRPHIXQGVXQGHU)LQDQFH Production not utilized due to litigation issues. However, some departments had also balance of the non-wage recurrent due to similar issues Out of total planned annual domestic development of Uganda Shillings 10,207,819,000, Uganda Shillings 4,057,545,000 (40%) was released to the district. While of the Uganda Shillings 4,057,545,000 received, Uganda Shillings 3,419,258,000 (83%) was the actual amount utilized and Uganda Shillings 695,341,000 (17%) was not yet spent. The major funds not utilized were under :DWHUDQG6DQLWDWLRQEHFDXVHRIWKHGHOD\HGSURFXUHPHQWDQGVHFRQGO\WKHVHFWRUGHYHORSPHQW Grants and DDEG were not used because the procurement process has not been concluded The district had an annual planned revenue of Uganda Shillings 2,493,106,000 from Development Partners and actual amount received was Uganda Shillings 441,602,000 (18%). Out of the total amount of Uganda Shillings 441,602,000 received from Donors, only Uganda Shillings 436,830,000 (99%) was utilized and balance of Uganda Shillings 4,772,000 (1%) was not spent. This was due to delay in uploading the funds into IFMS &RPPXQLW\%DVHG6HUYLFHVGHSDUWPHQWKDGRQO\RIWKHWRWDOEXGJHWUHFHLYHGGXHWR<RXWK Livelihood and Uganda Women Entrepreneurship not being released, Natural Resources had only 3 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report FY 2018/19 Vote:539 Moyo District Quarter3 39% of the total revenue disbursed because funds from UNHCR were not received. Planning had only 67% of the total revenue budget released due to failure of releasing local revenue. Internal Audit had only 71% of the total annual revenue budget disbursed because some of the Wage was not received. Health only achieved 65% of the total annual planned revenue due to some donors not remitting funds. Finance also performed at only 69% due to donor funds under European Union not being released and Administration under performance at only 40% was largely being DRDIP and NUSAF III funds not being released. Water also under performed due to non-remittance of Development Partners funds However, Statutory Bodies releases were at 82% due to more allocation of Funds under Lower Local Governments for their activities and payment of Honor aria. Roads and Engineering also had release at 83% because of the road Fund to Community Access Roads and Production and Marketing release was at 96% due more allocations from Lower Local Governments. Only Community Development has spent all the funds released. Other Departments like Planning, $GPLQLVWUDWLRQDQG(GXFDWLRQDQG6SRUWVKDGVSHQWDW:KLOH)LQDQFHDQG6WDWXWRU\KDG spent 98 of the releases , Water has only spent 18% of the release becauseGULOOLQJRIERUHKROHVQRW FRPSOHWHGLQWKHTXDUWHU5RDGVDQG(QJLQHHULQJDOVRVSHQWRQO\RIWKHUHOHDVHGXHWR delayed servicing of the equipmentDQGFRQWUDFWLQJRXWRIORFDOPDWHULDOVIRUURDGZRUNV G1: Graph on the revenue and expenditure performance by Department Cumulative Revenue Performance by Source % of Budget Ushs Thousands Approved Budget Cumulative Receipts Received 1.Locally Raised Revenues 287,955 458,178 159 % Local Services Tax 26,432 100,260 379 % 4 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report FY 2018/19 Vote:539 Moyo District Quarter3 Land Fees 4,875 8,005 164 % Local Hotel Tax 770 13,664 1775 % Application Fees 2,905 7,504 258 % Business licenses 6,587 34,673 526 % Liquor licenses 718 4,161 580 % Other licenses 8,516 17,904 210 % Rent & Rates - Non-Produced Assets ±from other Govt 17,584 49,933 284 % units Sale of (Produced) Government Properties/Assets 40,000 0 0 % Park Fees 2,604 11,690 449 % Advertisements/Bill Boards 228 440 193 % Animal & Crop Husbandry related Levies 11,378 13,039 115 % Registration (e.g. Births, Deaths, Marriages, etc.) fees 2,490 1,703 68 % Registration of Businesses 5,472 7,405 135 % Educational/Instruction related levies 595 740 124 % Agency Fees 10,070 10,098 100 % Inspection Fees 2,798 15,390 550 % Market /Gate Charges 27,038 35,528 131 % Other Court Fees 721 0 0 % Other Fees and Charges 78,256 52,968 68 % Miscellaneous receipts/income 37,919 47,594 126 % 2a.Discretionary Government Transfers 3,973,796 3,272,057 82 % District Unconditional Grant (Non-Wage) 564,778 414,271 73 % Urban Unconditional Grant (Non-Wage) 44,498 33,373 75 % District Discretionary Development Equalization Grant 1,134,210 1,134,210 100 % Urban Unconditional Grant (Wage) 222,673 167,897 75 % District Unconditional Grant (Wage) 1,975,166 1,489,835 75 % Urban Discretionary Development Equalization Grant 32,471 32,471 100 % 2b.Conditional Government Transfers 17,671,772 13,357,390 76 % Sector Conditional Grant (Wage) 13,125,710 9,872,574 75 % Sector Conditional Grant (Non-Wage) 2,170,482 1,525,839 70 % Sector Development Grant 944,859 944,859 100 % Transitional Development Grant 80,762 0 0 % General Public Service Pension Arrears (Budgeting) 6,591 6,591 100 % Pension for Local Governments 1,080,444 810,333 75 % Gratuity for Local Governments 262,924 197,193 75 % 2c. Other Government Transfers 9,286,862 3,208,058 35 % Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF) 973,288 32,964 3 % Support to PLE (UNEB) 8,000 8,000 100 % Uganda Road Fund (URF) 1,301,345 1,128,575 87 % 5 Local Government Quarterly Performance Report FY 2018/19 Vote:539 Moyo District Quarter3 Uganda Women Enterpreneurship Program(UWEP) 218,478 5,351 2 % Youth Livelihood Programme (YLP) 433,157 15,423 4 % Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) 50,000 30,778 62 % Neglected Tropical Diseases
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