DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021, KOLKATA, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00/EX-KOLKATA `6.00 (`12 IN NORTH EAST STATES &ANDAMAN) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Barring Kerala, all NO STAY, HEARING IN FOUR WEEKS Covid hotspots UP,Uttarakhand‘lovejihad’laws see daily cases fall challenged,SCissuesnotice People being liftedfrommarriagevenues, under attackfrommobs: petitioners AMITABHSINHA DAILYCOUNT PUNE,JANUARY6 PEAK JAN5 The benchofChief Justice of Uttarakhand Freedom of Religion Solicitor General Tushar Delhi 8,593 442 ANANTHAKRISHNANG India SABobde, Justices AS Act, 2018.The benchsaid it will Mehtapointed out that the ON MOSTdays in the lastweek, Mumbai 2,848 539 NEWDELHI,JANUARY6 Bopanna and V have to hear the other side as well. Allahabad High Courtwas al- Delhi has reportedless than 500 Ramasubramanian said it will Notice wasissuedafter ready looking intoit. newcases of coronavirus infec- Pune 5,939 507 DECLININGTOgrant anyimme- hear the petitions —one by advo- lawyers forpetitioners made “It is already pending before tions, something that has not Bengaluru 5,121 393 diatestayonthe anti-conversion cates Vishal Thakreand Abhay strong submissions, pointing out the High Courts.Why don't you happenedsince Maylastyear. Chennai 2,358 244 laws of Uttar Pradesh and Singh Yadavand lawresearcher that people were being taken go there? We arenot saying you The numbers in Delhi have de- Uttarakhand, the Supreme Court Pranvesh, and another by NGO away from wedding venues and have abad case. But youmustap- clinedsteadilyfor the lasttwo issuednotice Wednesdayon Citizens forJustice and Peace (CJP) were being targeted by mobs. proachthe High Courtfirstin- months, beginning the second twopetitions challenging the —againstThe Uttar Pradesh Initially, the benchwas of the stead of coming to the SC di- week November when the na- laws whichhaveprovisions that Prohibition Of Unlawful viewthat the petitioners should rectly,”the CJI told the petitioners. tional capital had recordedthe prohibit religious conversion for Conversion Of Religion firstapproachthe respective AdvocatePradeep Yadav, highestsingle dayrise in coron- the purpose of marriage. Ordinance, 2020 and The High Courts. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 avirus cases forany city. The result is that Delhi now has less than 5,000 active cases. Citiespastpeak? Farmer protests: AG It does notevenfigureinthe top 10 cities with highestnumber of IN URBAN centres, like Four contract active cases. Delhi, Mumbai or Pune, says talks may work, But Delhi is notalone. All the once struggling against major urban centres whichwere the coronavirus, the pro- workers killed the epicentres of the coronavirus portion of population in- pandemic in the country—Pune, fected by the virus may after gas leak SC defers hearing Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai — have already reacheda areshowing similartrends, and levelfromwherethere at Rourkela the newlawsare to resume reporting afraction of the cases will be aslowdown in ANANTHAKRISHNANG Fridayovertwo keydemands — that theyusedtodoattheir peaks. further spread, indicat- NEWDELHI,JANUARY6 repeal of the laws and provision Pune, whichduring itsworst ing some community- Steel Plant of legal guarantee on the mini- phase had been reporting close levelprotection. NOTINGTHATthereis“no im- mum supportprice. to 6,000 cases aday,isfinding EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE provement” in the situation pre- The benchwas hearing aplea onlyabout 500cases everyday BHUBANESWAR,JANUARY6 cipitated by differences between by advocateMLSharma, chal- now. In fact, it has been more BEFORE VACCINE the Centreand sections of the lenging the laws. than amonth nowthat Pune’s FOUR CONTRACT workers died farming community over the It wasinitiallyinclinedto averagedailydetection of case ROLLOUT, MORE aftertoxic gasleaked at the Coal newlyenacted agriculturelaws, schedule the next hearing on CONTINUEDONPAGE2 DRY RUNS PAGE 4 Chemicals Department of the the Supreme Courtagreed January8.But Solicitor General Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) in Wednesdaytohear petitions Tushar Mehtasaid, “Weare hav- Odisha on Wednesdaymorning. challenging the newlawsand ing ahealthydiscussion” and COVID EFFECT The workers of Star those againstthe ongoing urgedthe courttopostthe mat- Constructions, amaintenance protests on January11. tertoadifferent date. 8.4 lakh migrants back contractor firm, took ill around AbenchofChief Justice of The AttorneyGeneral too 9amfollowing the leak at the India SABobde, Justices AS submitted that since negotia- plant operated by state-owned Bopanna and VRamasubra- tions areon, agovernment reply in Kerala from abroad, TRUMP RALLY SEES RED OVER BLUE WAVE Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL). manian fixedthe matter fornext to petitions againstthe laws RSP officials said the affected week afterAttorneyGeneral KK might foreclose the talks. Supporters of US President Donald TrumpatarallyinWashington on Wednesdayprotest persons were rushedtothe OHS Venugopal informedthe court “Weunderstand the situa- 5.5 lakh lost their jobs againstthe certification of Joe Biden’s victoryasVice President MikePence pushedbackto Centreinside the plant and later that “thereare chances of the par- tion and encouragethe consul- sayhedidn’t have the powertoover-turn the verdict. Meanwhile, resultsfromGeorgia movedtothe Intensive CareUnit tiescoming to some sortofanun- tation,” the benchremarkedand senior citizens, or children, and indicated aDemocratic takeover of the Senate. AP REPORTS,PAGES11,12 at Ispat General Hospital. They derstanding”. said it will adjourn the matter on SHAJUPHILIP familymembers of expatriates. diedwhileundergoingtreatment. Talksbetween the Centre January11aswell if neededin THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, Withthefiguresindicatingthat “The workers were engaged and farmer unions opposedto CONTINUEDONPAGE2 JANUARY6 thejobcrisistriggeredby Covid-19 in maintenance work at the coal continues, Kerala economymay chemicals unit when the inci- AMIDSTTHE Covid-19pan- be facing long-term impact, with Woman gangraped, killed in dent took place. Further investi- demic-inducedeconomic crisis, remittances from abroad, mainly gations areunderway,”apolice 5.52 lakh people who have re- West Asia, itslifeline. official said. turnedtoKerala from abroad Prof SIrudaya Rajan, an ex- Badaun, police look for priest The deceasedhavebeen iden- since Maylastyear have given pertoninternational migration, tifiedasGanesh ChandraPaila loss of jobs as reason, according however, doesn't see acause for (59), RabindraSahu (59), to government data. alarm. "The actual figureofmi- Twoarrested; SHO suspendedfor nottaking prompt action Brahmananda Panda (51), and As per figures compiledby grantsindistress would be less... Abhimanyu Sahu (33). “All emer- the Department of Non- Ithink asectionofthem, it could pendedfor nottaking prompt grape) and 302 (murder) against gency protocols have been imme- Resident Keralites Affairs, 8.43 be two-thirdofthem, would ex- AMILBHATNAGAR action in the matter. the three accused. diatelyactivatedinthe plant. A lakh people returnedtoKerala plorenew destinations formi- BADAUN,JANUARY6 Apostmortemhas con- Amother of five,the woman high-levelprobeintothe accident from foreign countries between gration in the coming months. firmedinjuries to her private supportedthe familyonher in- has been ordered,” officials said. the firstweek of May2020 and Already people have startedre- TWOMEN have been arrested parts and death due to injuries come as alocal health official, RSP CEO Dipak Chattaraj ex- January4this year.Ofthem, 5.52 turning,’’ he said. while the police arelooking for and excessive bleeding, SP,Rural with her husband mentallychal- presseddeep anguish over the lakh said theyhad losttheir jobs Chair Professor at the apriestafter a50-year-old Badaun, RaghvendraSingh said. lenged.Two of the children are tragedy, and said RSP will extend —with 1.40 lakh of them return- MinistryofOverseas Indian woman wasgangrapedand died Following an examination of the married. everypossible supporttothe be- Farmers at Delhi's Ghazipur border,Wednesday. Praveen Khanna ing in the last30days. Affairs's Research Unit on of injuriesinBadaun on Sunday crime siteand areportbythe "Wereceivedthe information reaved families, and inquireinto Another big chunk of re- International Migration, at the night. The police said she was Chief Medical Officer,theywere afterthe familyalleged on the incident. turnees, 2.08 lakh, stated that Centrefor Development Studies, visiting the local temple when treating it as acase of gangrape, Tuesdaythat awoman had been Ahigh-levelcommittee com- their job visas had expired or Thiruvananthapuram, Rajan said the priest, Satyanand, and two he said. The woman had also suf- gangrapedbythree men, which prising three chief general man- mentionedother reasons for he doesn't see remittances helpers, Vedram and Yashpal, at- feredafracture. An FIR has been later ledtoher death. Twopeople agers has been formedtocarry East of Delhi, the other their return. The rest include CONTINUEDONPAGE2 tacked her.AnSHO has been sus- filedunder Sections 376D(gan- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 protest: UP’s sugarcane BUSINESSASUSUAL Roads closed, fuel rationed as snow shuts Valley farmers awaiting dues BY UNNY tioning of automobile and cook- Ghazipur on the Delhi-UP border BASHAARATMASOOD ing fuels in the Valley. Two- HARISHDAMODARAN —asagainstthose camping at SRINAGAR,JANUARY6 wheelers can getupto3litres of NEWDELHI,JANUARY6 Singhu andTikri bordering fuel, private cars
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