Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 182, 744–756. With 4 figures Multilayered structure of tension wood cell walls in Salicaceae sensu lato and its taxonomic significance BARBARA GHISLAIN1*, ERIC-ANDRE NICOLINI2,RA€ISSA ROMAIN1, JULIEN RUELLE3, ARATA YOSHINAGA4, MAC H. ALFORD5 and BRUNO CLAIR1 1CNRS, UMR EcoFoG, AgroParisTech, Cirad, INRA, Universite des Antilles, Universite de Guyane, Kourou 97310, France 2CIRAD, AMAP, botAnique et bioinforMatique de l’Architecture des Plantes, Campus Agronomique, BP 701, Kourou 97310, France 3INRA, Laboratoire d’Etude des Ressources Foret-Bois^ (LERFoB), 54280 Champenoux, Nancy, France 4Laboratory of Tree Cell Biology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan 5Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, 118 College Drive #5018, Hattiesburg, MS 39406, USA Received 29 February 2016; revised 3 June 2016; accepted for publication 11 July 2016 Salicaceae have been enlarged to include a majority of the species formerly placed in the polyphyletic tropical Flacourtiaceae. Several studies have reported a peculiar and infrequently formed multilayered structure of tension wood in four of the tropical genera. Tension wood is a tissue produced by trees to restore their vertical orientation and most studies have focused on trees developing tension wood by means of cellulose-rich, gelatinous fibres, as in Populus and Salix (Salicaceae s.s.). This study aims to determine if the multilayered structure of tension wood is an anatomical characteristic common in other Salicaceae and, if so, how its distribution correlates to phylogenetic relationships. Therefore, we studied the tension wood of 14 genera of Salicaceae and two genera of Achariaceae, one genus of Goupiaceae and one genus of Lacistemataceae, families closely related to Salicaceae or formerly placed in Flacourtiaceae. Opposite wood and tension wood were compared with light microscopy and three-dimensional laser scanning confocal microscopy. The results indicate that a multilayered structure of tension wood is common in the family except in Salix, Populus and one of their closest relatives, Idesia polycarpa. We suggest that tension wood may be a useful anatomical character in understanding phylogenetic relationships in Salicaceae. Further investigation is still needed on the tension wood of several other putatively close relatives of Salix and Populus, in particular Bennettiodendron, Macrohasseltia and Itoa. © 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 182, 744–756 ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Flacourtiaceae – G-layer – multilayered tension wood – reaction wood. INTRODUCTION inaccessible (e.g. fossils, rare organisms). Wood anat- omy has certainly proved useful (Tippo, 1946; Lens Until recently, morphological and anatomical charac- et al., 2007; Christenhusz et al., 2010), especially ters were the primary sources of data for inferring characters linked to cell organization, cell types or phylogenetic relationships. More recently, DNA data pitting. Here we show that fibre cell wall of reaction have provided the majority of characters for our tissues, in this case tension wood, may also be useful analyses of relationships, but reference to morpho- phylogenetically. logical characters remains useful for many reasons, Trees are able to optimize their orientation by the including pedagogy, comparative evolutionary stud- production of asymmetrical maturation stress around ies and studies of organisms for which DNA data are the tree. In angiosperms, a particular wood with high tensile stress, called tension wood, is produced *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] on the upper side of the tilted stem. This high tensile 744 © 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 182, 744–756 TENSION WOOD CELL WALLS IN SALICACEAE 745 stress allows for the active bending of the tree axis fibres (Encinas & Daniel, 1997; Nakagawa et al., (Du & Yamamoto, 2007; Almeras & Fournier, 2009). 2012), whereas Dipterocarpus C.F.Gaertn. (Diptero- Tension wood exhibits anatomical differences from carpaceae), Dillenia L. (Dilleniaceae), Laurelia Juss. normal wood, for example a lower frequency of ves- (Atherospermataceae) and Elateriospermum Blume sels (Jourez, Riboux & Leclercq, 2001; Ruelle et al., (Euphorbiaceae) formed it in wood fibres, without 2006). However, the greatest differences are observ- specifying it was tension wood (Daniel & Nilsson, able at the fibre wall level. The secondary wall of a 1996). normal wood cell is composed of three sub-layers (S1, The observation of this multilayered structure S2,S3) made of cellulose microfibrils orientated at raises many questions about its role and the benefits different angles and embedded in a matrix of lignin for the plant compared to usual G-layers. Clair et al. and hemicelluloses. Whereas S1 and S3 are thin, with (2006) showed that tensile stress measured on Case- cellulose microfibrils orientated to nearly 80° com- aria javitensis Kunth, a species with multilayered pared to the fibre axis, the S2 layer is much thicker G-layer, is among the highest compared to the other and the angle of microfibrils ranges from 10° to 20°. 21 species measured, but they did not show a gap In tension wood the cell wall is generally modified by compared to other tension wood types. Ruelle et al. the presence of an inner unlignified layer, the so- (2007b) obtained similar results for L. procera, com- called gelatinous layer or G-layer, replacing the S3 pared to ten species. and part of or the entire S2 layer. It has been This atypical structure is reported in five species recently shown that this layer can be later lignified of Salicaceae, all belonging to the former Flacour- (Roussel & Clair, 2015). This partially explains why tiaceae: H. luzoniense and O. betschleriana (Bailey many species were known to produce tension wood & Kerr, 1935), H. foetidum (Daniel & Nilsson, lacking G-layers (Onaka, 1949; Fisher & Stevenson, 1996), C. javitensis (Clair et al., 2006) and L. pro- 1981; Clair et al., 2006). Whether lignified or not, the cera (Ruelle et al., 2007a). These results contrast tension wood cell wall is homogeneous and character- with observations recorded from Salicaceae s.s. ized by a much lower (up to nil) cellulose microfibril (Salix L. and Populus L.). Indeed, tension wood angle compared to normal wood (Chaffey, 2000; has been extensively studied in Populus, considered Ruelle et al., 2006). as a model plant for studies of angiosperms (Pilate A peculiar fibre wall structure was first discovered et al., 2004). These numerous studies report obser- in xylem fibres of Homalium foetidum Benth., Homa- vations of tension wood cell walls with various lium luzoniense Fern.-Vill. and Olmediella betschleri- techniques such as transmission electron micro- ana Loes. (Bailey & Kerr, 1935; Daniel & Nilsson, scopy (Araki et al., 1982; Yoshinaga et al., 2012), 1996), in which the secondary wall appears multilay- atomic force microscopy, scanning electron micro- ered. This cell wall structure was later demonstrated scopy (Clair & Thibaut, 2001), confocal Raman to occur only in tension wood (Clair et al., 2006; microscopy (Gierlinger & Schwanninger, 2006), UV Ruelle et al., 2007a; Fig. 1). Daniel & Nilsson (1996) or bright field microscopy (Yoshinaga et al., 2012) described this structure in H. foetidum as a succes- and phase contrast microscopy (Abedini et al., sion of thick layers separated by thin layers with ele- 2015; Chang et al., 2015). All these observations vated levels of lignin. In Laetia procera Eichler, describe tension wood cell walls in Populus as a Ruelle et al. (2007a) described the thick layers as single-walled G-layer (Fig. 1). Salix is also known lightly lignified. Similar cell wall structures were to have single-walled G-layers (Gritsch et al., also reported in reaction phloem fibres (Nanko, Saiki 2015). In this paper, we will name these single- & Harada, 1982; Nakagawa, Yoshinaga & Takabe, layered G-layers as ‘usual G-layer’ in contrast to 2012, 2014). In phloem fibres of Populus 9 canaden- ‘multilayered G-layer’ or ‘multilayered fibres’ for sis Moench, Nanko et al. (1982) observed that the G-layers composed of two or more layers (Fig. 1). maximum number of layers was on the upper side of Both may be lignified or not. the tilted axis and decreased to that of normal Salicaceae s.s., composed of Populus and Salix, phloem on the other side. They concluded that the have been recently enriched with numerous genera number of layers is related to the intensity of tension from the former Flacourtiaceae (Chase et al., 2002), wood. Nakagawa et al. (2012) observed multilayered the latter family being hard to characterize because fibres in opposite phloem in Mallotus japonicus (L.f.) it served as a depository, or ‘garbage bag’, for taxa Mull.Arg.€ (Euphorbiaceae), but they demonstrated with uncertain affinities (Chase et al., 2002). Several an increase in the number of layers from opposite studies have provided molecular and/or morphologi- phloem to reaction phloem. In addition, M. japonicus cal data that support the realignment of most of the and Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A.Juss.) Mull.Arg.€ genera and species to Salicaceae or Achariaceae (Euphorbiaceae) were reported to form a multilay- (Chase et al., 2002; Alford, 2005; Xi, et al., 2012), but ered secondary wall structure in their tension wood there is still discussion about whether the non- © 2016 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 182, 744–756 746 B. GHISLAIN ET AL. A B g C D g E F g G H k g Figure 1. Comparison of normal wood (A, C, E, G) and tension wood (B, D, F, H) fibre wall in Populus (A–D) and Lae- tia procera (E–H) observed in bright field after staining with Safranin/Alcian blue, scale bar = 20 lm (A, B, E, F) and with a 3D laser scanning confocal microscope, scale bar = 10 lm (C, D, G, H). Populus tension wood is characterized by a typical unlignified G-layer and Laetia tension wood by a multilayered G-layer. Arrows indicate the G-layer and/or its thickness (g) and an artefact of residual traces of the diamond knife (k).
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