In collaboration with Next Step Business Education Ltd, University of Monterey, and Prinsp Mahir Sdn Bhd some of BRS GlobalNet Recognized Organizations QMS HACCP—FOOD SAFETY PROGRAMS ISO 22000 LEAD ASSESSOR- AUDITOR, THE BRS RECOGNIZED AND APPROVED COURSE+3-DAY TRANSITION VENUE NORTH AMERICA AND ASIA PACIFIC PROGRAM VENUES, ISO 22000 LEAD AUDITOR PROGRAM OUTLINE INSIDEINSIDE: This ISO 22000 lead assessorassessor---- • Conducting an effective Participants may opt for the OUTLINE OF 1 assessment-audit 3-day transition course for LEAD AUDITOR auditor workshop is designed to P R O G R A M individuals demonstrating take the participants through the • Leading an audit team L E A R N I N G 1 key activities involving effective that have successfully com- OBJECTIVES assessment-auditing for the food • Adding—Value pleted a QMS ISO 9000 Lead GLOBAL BENCH- 222 M A R K I N G Auditor course within 36 sector management system in • Understanding of the ABOUT THE LEAD 2 particularly ISO 22000. months. FACILITATOR global implications and PROGRAM VENUE 3 From the NASA initiatives passing effects of the Interna- Note 1: The training program tional Standard ISO BRS ISO 22000 3 onto the Conferences in Food Pro- is limit to 20 participant. LEAD AUDITOR- tection and Microbiological Crite- 22000 A S S E S S O R ria for Foods… through an interac- THIS COURSE 3 We discuss business as- Note 2: Development of BRS QUALIFIES tive case study approach partici- Y O U . pect introduced to link im- International Registration pants will learn effective practices Body programs is compatible C O U R S E 4 portance of managing risk CONTENTS for: with IAF (International Ac- AGAINST ISO contributing to the overall creditation Forum) signatory 2 2 0 0 0 • Identifying, evaluating and excellence to organizational bodies require- INFORMATION 444 analyzing an organization’s performance and discus- FOR PRICING ments. food-safety program sions with detailing accredi- REGISTRATION 555 tation and registration pro- F O R M Managing an audit program • tocols. S O M E K E Y LEARNING OBJECTIVES P O I N T E R S Upon successful completion of this pro- ning for HACCP and implementation of ISO • ISO 22000 FOOD SECTOR, gram, participants will be much better 22000 for improvement, INTEGRAL TO BUSINESS prepared to: PERFORMANCE 4. Assist an organization in aligning perform- 1. Plan, execute and report results of ance with other internationally recognized • ISO 22000, INTEGRATION FSMS ISO 22000 and HACCP MS requirements and legal requirements to the OF HACCP AND QMS ISO assessment-audit, food sector, 9001:2000 2. Understand key elements of manag- 5. Lead their team to satis- • TRAINING EXPERIENCE ing an audit program requiring that factorily implement and APPLICABLE FOR DEVEL- hazards and risk be measured for “auditable” ISO 22000 and OPMENT OF ISO 22000 AUDITORS and ASSESS- food safety performance, assessment-audit objec- MENT VENUES tives 3. Understand the importance of plan- Page 2 FSMS ISO 22000 SERIES GOING FOR BENCHMARKING As an International Registration Body, able, efficient and cost effective and meeting and thus objectively dem- BRS is at the forefront of best food viable alternative to food safety man- onstrating conforming to best safety practices ISO 22000. BRS en- agement system registration. practices. gages with organizations in creating ISO 22000 propitiates for globalization BRS training programs are aligned value regardless of geographical loca- aligning an International Management with ISO/IEC 17024:2003, for tion, size or business technology System Standard with Food Safety Man- bodies providing certification of through a GlobalNet of certified pro- agement Systems ensuring that organi- individuals. fessionals providing insightful, reli- zations within the Food-Supply-Chain ABOUT THE LEAD FACILITATOR AND RELATING Only certified FSMS BRS professionals ergy Commission (NRC), Coca-Cola, Committee” in fulfilling requirements of are allowed to conduct the approved Department of Transportation, US ISO/IEC 17024 and requires approving courses. Customs, Motorola, Mitel, and NASA lead assessor programs, which includes contracts combining global business HACCP “Codex Alimentarius” Specialist As example, our lead instructor Victor management systems with 3 rd Party as pursuing International Accreditation to (Vic) Cintron is a recognized expert Man- assessments allow him to bring ISO 22000:2005. agement Systems expert relating to risk world class, value-adding perspective and food-safety. He has worked with Other instructors carry equal or better to those preparing for excellence in over 100 organizations from food, qualification than those expressed for Vic. environmental management. This manufacturing, chemical, government… translates to not only being ready to involving HACCP, ISO 9000, ISO 13485, assess for registration but also ready FDA QSR 21 CFR Part 820, QSIT, to identify cost savings and other CMDCAS, HIPAA, European Directives, business performance improvement ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 14000… world- opportunities. wide, Victor has worked with the precur- sors to International Management Sys- tems Standards since 1982 and has Victor is BRS GlobalNet Certified As- assisted companies such as Griffith sessment Team Leader (accredited Laboratories, Evergreen Scientific, third party BRS assessor). CitroFrut, British American Tobacco, Monsanto, Bank of America, Autlan Min- As determine by the size of the audi- ing, Toyota, Chevron-Texaco Oil Fields ence and regions BRS brings second and Food Suppliers, DuPont, Food Pack- instructor form our pool of GlobalNet agers, agricultural and wine industry, certified professionals from Asia Pa- and supported initiatives from the gov- cific, Europe, Latin America or North ernments of Argentina, Malaysia, America extending / broadening the Egypt... in the certification process with base for knowledge including profes- International Standards. sionals from Six Sigma, ERP, Knowl- edge Management , Kaizen-Blitz... Victor’s 20+ year practitioner back- The “GCC—GlobalNet Certification ground with the former US Atomic En- Page 3 FSMS ISO 22000 SERIES PROGRAM VENUE, GENERAL Day 1: tive Action, Improving, Review. The basis dards leading to issues of improve- for Assessment-Audit Planning includes ment, innovating and continuing Food Safety Management System ISO 19011:2002 and other standards... benchmarking. (FSMS) introduction, history global per- spective, HACCP and registration proto- Day 3: Day 5: col; viewing new concepts and global Continuing day two with ISO 22000 prag- • Discussion of the Accredita- perspective. The case study initiates, a matic discussions, following with Trace- tion Body Raad voor Accredi- “learning experience” compiling experi- ability, Legal and Regulatory Require- tatie, ences across the globe into one work- ments. shop. • Case Study Discussion, and Day 4: Day 2: • Skills Verification Test (2-hr Auditing-Auditors-Programming, planning team testing), required for Pragmatic discussion of the Standard Audits, Best in Class Auditing Techniques, issuing BRS Diploma— International Standard ISO 22000 fol- Managing and Coaching the Assessment- Certificate. lowing an approach to Policy, Planning, Audit Team, Reporting, and to other stan- Implementation, Verification and Correc- BRS ISO 22000 LEAD AUDITOR—ASSESSOR Ongoing changes surround us lead- During the 5-day program we will be effect of legal Acts such as Sar- ing to ongoing redefining traditional discussing and providing a learning banes-Oxley... business, management and leader- experiences for you to learn critical ship. And each of us jointly with or- skills to continuing improving per- ganizations are required to change in formance trough a theme that many Feel free to share this brochure ways a few decades we thought consider that does not propitiate with others. never possible. improving and innovation. We encourage participants from Learn moving beyond effectiveness During daily luncheon, part of the worldwide regions, as in the past into new paths, new habits and program-venue at the BRS programs participants joined our programs methods enabling you to thrive, im- we answer to specific questions in- from Chile, Netherlands, Canada, prove and innovate within the restric- cluding issues relating such as Glob- Mexico, USA, Kingdom of Saudi tive environment of Food-Safety. alization, Market expansion and even Arabia, Namibia, Costa Rica... THIS COURSE PROVIDES AND QUALIFIES YOU… TRANSITION 3 - D A Y . , Extraordinary knowledge for assessing effectiveness of Food Safety Management Systems, whether 1st , 2 nd or as to assist in qualifying for 3 rd Party. This in turn assist in providing advice and a source of consultation to your organization and others. And for pursuing certification under BRS GlobalNet As- sessor—a global scheme for certification combining other requirements including professional experi- ence, assessment evaluations within the food-safety sectors, professional endorsement and other food safety specific training. Participants qualifying with a recognized QMS ISO 9000 course within 36 months and/or carrying third party experience qualify for the FSMS ISO 22000 transition course with participation the first 3-days of the venue. FMS ISO 22000 SERIES Page 4 Information for PricinPricingggg::: BRS is a USA based organization. The recognized or- ganizations are: (1) Canada and USA, Next Step Busi- • Per region as “Recognized” organization determines ness Education Ltd, and (2) there are two Latin Amer- • Discount for two or more of the same organization
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