DEVOTED TO—BASE BALL—BICYCLING—GUNS—GUNNING VOLUME 31, NO. 1. **»*. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 26, 1898. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. IMPORTANT DEAL WORDS OF PRAISE FOR PRESI- MADE IN CONNECTION WITH VICTOR DENT JOHNSON. SPORTING GOODS. What the Western League Thinks ol The Athletic Goods Business, Stock and the Man Who Pilots It and Who Labor ol the Overman Wheel Com Has the Credit o! Making Brash pany Transferred to a New Company Quit in a Battle. Under C. B, Whitney©s Management. Tn the fall of 1804, when the Western The most important event in sporting League was reorganized on a five-year basis circles during the present week was the and St. Paul succeeded Sioux City in the sale of the athletic department of the Over circuit. B. B. Johnson, at that time sport man Wheel Co., of Ohicopee©Falls, to the ing editor of "The Cincinnati Commercial Victor Sporting Goods Co. This newly-or Gazette," was elected president and secre ganized stock company will continue to tary, and since that time has administered place upon the market that celebrated line the duties of the office to the evident satis of Victor athletic goods which in the last faction of the magnates. How well he has few years have reached a leading place served his league is shown by the follow in the favor of all sportsmen. A glance ing eulogy by President Kelleher, of Mil at the history of the old company and of waukee: the present management will show clearly "It was the luckiest stroke of work- the West the great importance of the .transaction. ern League ever did when we got hold of Ban THE ATHLKTIO BUSINESS Johnson to guide ibe affairs of the I-cague. He of thg Overman Wheel Co. was started at bas been progressive, conservative, conscientious the wish of Mr. A. IT. Overman, a man and economic, and used splendid discretion in who never yet did anything by halves, and the discharge of the League©s business, and his inside of six months after his determina suggestions have teen extremely valuable. tion to make athletic goods in connection "It was John T. Brush, the owner of the Cin with bicycles he had the most finely equip cinnati and Indianapolis Clubs, who was ebieily instrumental in bringing Johnson before the ped plant in the country, a plant to whose League meeting in Chicago, and Comiskey, who great facilities he has continually added. knew Johnson when he managed the Cincinnati This entire business has now passed into Club, also vouched for him. but so conscientious the hands of the Victor Sporting Goods was the newly-elected president of the League : Co.. under the supervision of the new pres that he called. Brush down the first part of the ident and manager, Mr. Chas.,B. Whitney. season following for some alleged irregularity, MR. WHITNEY. thereby incurring the Cincinnati magnate©s is too well known to the sporting fraternity hatred and opposition from that time to this. to need any words of comment. A member "Two years later Brush tried to break up the of the famous Whitney family of ball play League and oust Johnson, but was unsuccessful, ers, he has devoted his whole life to the being beaten in an argument before the National furtherance of pure athletic sports. After Board of Arbitration, and compelled to resign as fourteen years of service in the firm of president of the Indianapolis Club and make affi A. G. Spa©lding, in their Chicago house, he davit that he did not own stock in that organiza had charge of the Overman Wheel Com tion in order to save himself from being thrown pany©s branch in Denver; from there ho out of the National Board. Ban is fair to us came East and had, entire control of the all. but in spite, of the fact that Comiskey, Joshua M. Goar, who will be one of the Cincinnati Club©s pitchers this season, was born athletic department of the above-named IjOftus, Van Derbeck and myself are intimate Jan, 31, 1870, at New Lisbon, Ind., and learned to play ball on the lots around his home, after firm in the factory- All who have watched friends, when it comes to a business proposition wards playing with amateur teams at Cambridge City, Ind. His professionl career began with the the rapid progress of these goods under his every club in the League is given only what it Muncie Club, of the Indiana State League, in 1890. which finished second in the race for the pen able direction will rejoice with us to learn la justly entitled to ami he plays no favorites." nant of that League. He was re-engaged by that club for the seaapn of 1891. In 1892 ho was that the product he has been managing has It was President Johnson who suggested with the Anderson (Ind.) Club. During, the seasons of 1893 and 1S&4 he was once more with the Muncie Club. In 1895 he played with Toledo. In 1896 Pittsburg purchased and released him, and now become his own property. that the League should pool its mileage and he finished the season with Grand Rapids. Last year he played with Indianapolis, from which ANOTHER INTERESTED PARTY place its railroad business in his hands, club he has been transferred to Cincinnati. He is five feet nine inches high and weighs about in this new company is Mr. Arthur G. Fer and in this way he has made it possible to 135 pounds. Last season he was considered one- of the best pitchers in the Western League. ry the hustling salesman to whose indefati save thousands of dollars in each club©s gable efforts much of the supremacy of the expense accounts. Last fall he advised the Victor line is due. Mr. Perry is known in magnates to place the players© contracts in I every city from Boston to Denver as a his charge, and next year the schedule will IT'S ALL SETTLED. AN INTER-STATE LEAGUE: salesman who never misrepresents, as a lie drawn up by him and the Schedule Com salesman whose ambition is to please his mittee abolished. In fact, as one of the Quincy Now Assured of the Des Composed of Clubs Located in Penn customers, as a salesman in .whose hands magnates recently stated, it is only a ques Moines Team and Franchise. sylvania and New Jersey. their interests will be safely guarded. tion of time when Ban Johnson will sign Quiiicy. 111.. March 20. Editor "Sporting The Interstate Base Ball League, composed of SUCCESS ASSURED. eil the players, pay salaries, look after the Life:" The transfer of the Des Moines Club to Media; .Brandywine, of W-est Chester; Atlantic With mi eh men as Mr. Whitney and Mr. gate receipts and do all the work in the Quincy is a sure thing, and Quincy will be in City and Norristown, is now an assured fact. A Ferry among its workers;©with the good;, Western League, leaving nothing for the the Western Association as of yore.. Mr. S. F. meeting of representatives from the four clubs will "and the entire machinery of the old magnates to do but clip coupons after a Frick, the owner of the Des Moines team, ac named met March 18 in Philadelphia, at the company among its resources, we predict period of two or three years. cepted Quincy©s offer of $1300 to bring the club hooie of John Mahrer, president of the Atlantic for this new company a career of success here, and he came to this city, this morning to City Cluh. Manager Harry Barton and Director and we are certain that in the future, as-in formally make the transfer. The preliminaries George E. Adams represented the Media Club. the past, the pinnacle of excellence in sport JERSEY CITY JOTS. have all been arranged, and there is little to do The Norristown Club was represented by Manager except to send directions to the players to re John Carman. Manager John O©Kourke and Vine ing goods will be assured wherever is found The Big Jersey Town to Have a Good port in Quiucy instead of the Iowa capital. President Eber Mahrer represented the Atlantic the trade mark V.ictor. The $1300 was raised by popular subscription. City Club, and Brandywine was represented by Independent Club. and the list includes the names of many of the proxies. Jersey City. March 21, -Editor "Sporting prominent business men of the city. The matter was fully discussed by those pres THE DES MOINES PLAYERS Life:" There,seems to be a question as to which A committee will start out, to-morrow to col ent, and it was decided to organize the League. A city in New Jersey has the best semi-professional lect enough of the subscriptions to put up the meeting will be held in West Chester next week Are Ordered to Report at Quincy on team. The latest newcomer in the struggle for $500 guarantee, and there will be no difficulty for the purpose of effecting an organization and supremacy is the Pacific Athletic Club, of about that, as some of the subscribers have electing officers. All four of the clubs expect to / April 1. Jersey City, which, under the capable manage already paid up. The base ball fever is high, place fast teams on the diamond, and the racg Des Moines, la., March 18. Editor "Sporting ment of Jimmy" Kelly has placed the follow and all the signs point to a prosperous year.
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