ST. EDWARD'S UNIVERSITY THE MARY MOODY NORTHEN THEATRE Presents GODFREY[AMBHIDGE . in ROOMSERVICE OCTOBER 12 - OCTOBER 24, 1976 GODFREY CAMBRIDGE ( Gordon Miller) Laughter is Godfrey Cambridge's business and FranklinCares his pleasure. His working motto is "Laugh to keep from crying" and it works. He's kept audiences from crying with a wide range of successful show business activities, including About Austin motion pictures, theatre, television appearances and night club dates. AO.. His movies include "Cotton Comes To Har­ ~F:l,~· lem," "The Watermelon Man," "Biscuit Eater," *** and "Come Back, Charleston Blue." He's Th~t's why we're guested on every television show from "Sesame Street'' to "Police Story," and saving more as a stand-up comic he's played the Desert Inn in Las Vegas, Mr. Kelly's in Chicago, The Century Plaza in Los Angeles, and most recently, The Cellar than money. Door in Washington, D.C. Godfrey MacArthur Cambridge was born in New York City. He migrated from British Guiana to Nova Scotia and eventually back to New York. Mr. Franklin Savings Cambridge graduated from Flushing High School in Queens , New York and Association believes that the strength also studied at the College of the City of New York. Mr. Cambridge began of our future rests work in Broadway and numerous odd jobs to help him up the ladder of suc­ on our heritage ... and that cess. nothing of value should be wasted. County Historical Survey Committee He is currently involved in continuing succession of more starring roles That's why we saved the Radkey for our work with the Radkey House. in films and television. I louse and remodeled it for use as our And the response we get from other It is with the greatest pleasure we welcome Godfrey Cambridge to the West Branch. And we have restored people who care as much about Austin Mary Moody Northen Stage and St. Edward's University. the Walter Tips House as our New as we do. South Congr1.:ss location. We appreciate the encouragement. Authentic restoration involves a lot We'll continue to serve Austin through more than some new wiring and a few local investment an<l our commitment coats of paint. It takes extensive to the community. research, careful planning, and a sizable investment in time and money. But it has its rewards. Like the EDWARD MANGUM, Director of Theatre at medallion we received from the Travis St. Edward's University, has founded three thea­ tres during his almost forty years in the pro­ fession, the Mary Moody Northen Theatre being his third. The director worked closely with San FRANKLIN SAVINGS Antonio architect Alvin Julian in the planning, ASSOCIATION concept and design of the Northen Theatre, bor­ 5900 Airport Roule\anl/r21 Jeffer son rowing much from the now famous Arena Stage 202 Hancock Center / 5600 l\lancha ca in Washington, D.C., which Mangum founded in 116 5-, Research Roulevanl / I :,5 West Oltorf Phone 459-8-, 13 for the Fra~1klin Expre ss . 1950 and for which he drew the original design. 0 ---· Hours: ,~,, • • 110 Now finishing his tenth year at St. Edward's, he ~ 10:00 -5:30 weekJa vs ~ ,; 10:00-5:00 SaturJa ·y -.!.,",i helped establish the theatre major here which has grown from fewer than twenty students four years ago to its current one hundred ten. The theatre program at St. Edward's is the only one of its kind in the country in which major stars of film, television and stage appear in every major production. Mangum directed "Caligula" with Leonard Nimoy, "The Sudden and St. Edward's University Accidental Re-education of Horse Johnson" with Bill Macy and Samantha Harper, "The Time of Your Life" with John Saxon, "The Rainmaker" with Peter Breck and other shows at St. Edward's with Frank Sutton, MARY MOODY NOR THEN THEATRE William Shatner, Mercedes Mccambridge, Jackie Coogan, Lyle Talbot, Carl Betz, Johnathan Harris and Pernell Roberts, with whom he joined Actors Equity in 1951 when both were at the Arena Stage. Among the over three hundred plays he has produced, he has also directed Linda Darnell, Pat for the Performing Arts O'Brien, Gary Collins, George Grizzard, Roy Poole, John Beal, Kam Fong, John Carradine and Zelda Fi chandler, the present producing director of Arena stage, who succeeded Mangum as head of that theatre when he left at presents the end of two years to head a major theatre in Honolulu, Hawaii. A writer of articles for many theatre publications, and a man singled out for his work by the authors of at least two ·recent volumes on the history of the American theatre, he holds a master's degree from The Catholic Univer­ sity of America where he studed under Walter Kerr, drama critic of "The GODFREYC:AMBRIIlliE New York Times," the Reverend Gilbert V. Hartke, O.P., founder of the theatre program at Catholic University, and Alan Schneider, famous director of the plays of Edward Albee. For four years, he was a consultant with the as American National Theatre and Academy in New York City, from which office he helped establish the first U.S. Overseas Cultural Exchange Pro­ Gordon Miller gram throughout the Far and Middle East. He has directed in the state thea­ tres of Germany and Turkey, lectured in India and Japan, and has launched . the careers of many current actors, playwrights and theatre technicians in 1n films, television and on the stage throughout America. ROOMSERVIC:E By REESE'SBAR-B-Q John Murray and Allen Boretz ACROSS FROM ST. EDWARD'S UNIVERSITY Staged by • EAT IT HERE • BEEF Edward Mangum OR • RIBS Costumes designed by Bil Pfuderer • TAKE IT OUT • SAUSAGE 444-9994 Set and Lighting designed by Peter O'Rourke PUTYOURSELF Satisfaction . - Our Goal ONE From 8 :00 AM-4 :00 PM Mon-Sat IN OUR 2 Hour Laundry Service on Shirts Trousers from 8:00 AM • 2:00 PM HOUR No 1--613 Congress ... .. 477-4083 PLACE SERVICE No 2-1401 W Ben White . 444-5000 SWEETONE-HOUR DRY CLEANERS SCENES The entire action takes place in Gord on Miller 's room in the White Way Hote l, somewhere off Times Square, Ne w York. ACT I A Friday Afternoon. ACT II Noon of the following day. ACT III Scene 1 - Five Days Later . Evening Scene 2 - One hour and fifteen minutes later . Please, smoking and refreshments in lobby only. Actor 's Equity Associa­ tion strictly prohibits the taking of photographs or use of recording de­ vi~es during the performance. 1500 E. RIVERSIDE 444 1458 cl{(i)Ul\Jef~~ p:;:_ 80 7 Con gress A venue I SHOESTORES, INC,I Westgat e Mall 5517 Burnet Road Headqu art ers for Capezio Dance 6325 Cameron Road F ootw ear and A ccessories No rthc ross Mal I Cast (In order of appearance) Production Heads Retch O'Halloran ..................................... Donald Hall Gordon Miller . GODFREY CAMBRIDGE Stage Manager House Manager Wardrobe Managers Joseph Gribble . Bruce Young Joyce Fortner Jeanne Beechwood Tom Gallagher Harry Binion . Tim Russ Karen Gracey Faker Englund .................................... .. Steve Buckley Assistant Stage Manager Properties Mistresses Christine Marlowe Robin Carter Anita Vrkljan Shelley Chester Scene Painters Leo Davis Rick Carballada Patty Rybaski Sarah Garcia Hilda Manney Emily Kelley Assistant to the Director I Rob Byrne Gregory Wagner . Peter O'Rourke J Jeff Belker Sound Operator Simon Jenkins ............. .......... ·............. Leroy Clementich Brad Silverlight Timonthy Hogarth ............................... .... Byron Owens Dr. Glass . Ken Morrison Bank Messenger ...................................... Nate Thomas Mrs. Warburton . Chris Erickson Production Crew Senator Blake . Charlie Collins House Detectives . Jeff Belker Marie Aloisio Kimi Dakour Tim Macht Stand-in for Mr. Cambridge ........................... Johnny Lopez Jack Armstrong Laurie Friedman Valerie Noyes J eananne Arzabaecher Don Gade Anne Nuhn Walter Bosau Sarah Garcia Robert Orr Our servic e Elizabeth Bowes Dee Ann Gropp Chief John Red Fox Cynthia Brewer Corinne Hernandez Russell Rogers is soanelhing Rob Byrne Mary Ellen Horrigan Glenn von Schleicher Will Casey Rene Johnson Patty Shahan lo lalk aboul. i Teresa Chavarria Chrysis Juried Brad Silverlight Shelley Chester Emily Kelley Beverly Swartz Gary Coll Valarie Kimbell Nick Tramonte, III ~~rnk Greg Cortelyou Betsy Kline Debbie Wright Deni Cowles Christie Lemmon Kevin West austin Patrick Crawford Maurice McClure Joe York 2501 South Congress Austin, Texas 78704 512 447-4411 Member FDIC Who's Who Bruce Young (Joseph Gribbl e) is a The a tre Art s major at St . Edw ard 's Univ ersit y. H e was last seen in "Journ ey to th e Da y" with Stubb y Ka ye. Mr . Youn g has a lso wor ked with Ja ckie Coogan , Leif Eri ckson, M ercedes M cC ambrid ge, G reg M orris, D onn y M ost Member of Ford Rent A Car System and Al Lewis. He found ed th e BAY Austin Dan ce Co. whi ch will be performing lat er 111RENT·A·CAR I this month . Cars For The STARS Provided By Tim Russ (H arr y Binion ) is a juni or Theatr e Arts major from Sac ramento , Californi a . H e was last seen in "Th e Ca ve D v.·ellers" with Al Lewis . H e has also work ed with with Ja ckie Coogan , Lyle Talb ot, Leonard Nim oy, Sal Min eo, M erced es M cCambridg e, D onny M ost, Greg M orris and Stubby Ka ye. Curr entl y he is doing a television series for Channel Nine . A-J LEASING COMP ANY 56th Street at Airport Boulevard Steve Buckley (F aker En glund ) was last seen in "Journ ey To Th e D ay" with Stubb y Phone 452-0286 Ka ye.
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