List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates in Health and Safety and Environmental Law

List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates in Health and Safety and Environmental Law

- List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates in Health and Safety and Environmental Law June 2019 Health & Safety Executive (HSE), Environment Agency (EA), Office of Rail and Road (ORR), Natural Resources Wales (NRW), Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), Care Quality Commission (CQC) 1 List A Region Counsel Call Address Telephone/Fax London & South ADJEI, Cyril 1995 Old Square Chambers, 11 Bedford Row, Tel: 020 7269 0300 East London, WC1R 4BU (DX 1046 London/Chancery Lane) London & South BADGER, Christopher 2002 6 Pump Court, Temple, London , EC4Y 7AR Tel: 020 7797 8400 East (DX 293 LDE) Fax: 020 7797 8401 London & South BALYSZ, Mark 1995 Crown Office Chambers, 2 Crown Office Row, Tel: 020 7797 8100 East Temple, London ,EC4Y 7HJ Fax: 020 7797 8101 (DX 80 London Chancery Lane) London & South BANWELL, Richard 1998 6 Pump Court, Temple, London , EC4Y 7AR Tel: 020 7797 8400 East (DX 293 LDE) Fax: 020 7797 8401 London & South BATES, Pascal 1994 6 Pump Court, Temple, London , EC4Y 7AR Tel: 020 7797 8400 East (DX 293 LDE) Fax: 020 7797 8401 London & South BEYNON, Richard 1990 Red Lion Chambers, 18 Red Lion Court, Tel: 020 7520 6000 East Temple, London, EC4A 3EB Fax: 020 7520 6248/9 (DX 478, London/Chancery Lane) London & South BUTT, Matthew 2002 3 Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn, Tel: 020 7400 6400 East London , WC1R 5BH Fax: 020 7400 6464 (DX 237 LDE) London & South CHARBIT, Valerie 1992 Red Lion Chambers, 18 Red Lion Court, Tel: 020 7520 6000 East Temple, London, EC4A 3EB Fax: 020 7520 6248/9 (DX 478, London/Chancery Lane) London & South CROWE, Cameron 2002 Gough Square Chambers, 6-7 Gough Square, Tel: 020 7353 0924 East London, EC4A 3DE Fax: 020 7353 2221 (DX 476 London) London & South DAVIS, William 2003 5 King's Bench Walk, Temple, London, EC4Y Tel:0 20 7353 5638 East 7DN Fax: 0 20 7353 6166 (DX LDE 367 London) London & South DAVY, Felicia 2000 Red Lion Chambers, 18 Red Lion Court, Tel: 020 7520 6000 East Temple, London, EC4A 3EB Fax: 020 7520 6248/9 (DX 478, London/Chancery LN) London & South FAURE WALKER, Julia 2004 2 Hare Court, Temple, London, EC4Y 7BH Tel: 020 7353 5324 East (DX LDE 444 Chancery Lane) London & South GALLOWAY, Malcolm 1992 Crown Office Chambers, 2 Crown Office Row, Tel: 020 7797 8100 East Temple, London, EC4Y 7HJ Fax: 020 7797 8101 (DX 80 London Chancery Lane) London & South GREEN, Timothy 1996 Henderson Chambers, 2 Harcourt Buildings Tel: 020 7583 9020 East Temple, London, EC4Y 9DB Fax: 020 7583 2686 (DX: LDE 1039 Chancery Lane) London & South HARDEN-FROST, 2000 9 Gough Square, London ,EC4A 3DG Tel: 020 7832 0500 East Claire (DX LDE 439) Fax: 020 7353 1344 London & South HARRIS, Mark 1980 6 Pump Court, Temple, London ,EC4Y 7AR Tel: 020 7797 8400 East (DX 293 LDE) Fax: 020 7797 8401 London & South HEER, Deanna 1994 5 Paper Buildings, 1st Floor, Temple, London Tel: 020 7583 6117 East ,EC4Y 7HB (DX 365, Chancery Lane) Fax: 020 7353 0075 2 London & South HELLER, Richard 1998 Drystone Chambers, 35 Bedford Row, London, Tel:0207 404 1881 East WC1R 4JH Fax:0207 404 1991 (DX 332 London/ Chancery Lane) London & South HERCOCK, David 2001 6 Pump Court, Temple, London, EC4Y 7AR Tel: 020 7797 8400 East (DX 293 LDE) Fax: 020 7797 8401 London & South HODIVALA, Jamas 1998 2 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4BU Tel: 020 7440 8888 East (DX LDE 17) Fax: 020 7242 1738 London & South HUNT, Quentin 2000 2 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4BU Tel: 020 7440 8888 East (DX LDE 17) Fax: 020 7242 1738 London & South JESSOP, Stuart 2002 6 Pump Court, Temple, London, EC4Y 7AR Tel: 020 7797 8400 East (DX 293 LDE) Fax: 020 7797 8401 London & South LADENBURG, Guy 2000 3 Raymond Buildings Gray's Inn, London Tel: 0 20 7400 6400 East ,WC1R 5BH Fax: 0 20 7400 6464 (DX 237 LDE) London & South LE FEVRE, Sarah 2001 3 Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn, London Tel: 020 7400 6400 East ,WC1R 5BH (DX 237 LDE) Fax: 020 7400 6464 London & South MARSHALL, Andrew 1986 Red Lion Chambers, 18 Red Lion Court, Tel: 020 7520 6000 East Temple, London ,EC4A 3EB Fax: 020 7520 6248/9 (DX 478, London/Chancery LN) London & South MCGEE, Andrew 1999 2 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4BU Tel: 020 7440 8888 East (DX LDE 17) Fax: 020 7242 1738 London & South MEHTA, Sailesh 1986 Red Lion Chambers, 18 Red Lion Court, Tel: 020 7520 6000 East Temple, London, EC4A 3EB Fax: 020 7520 6248/9 (DX 478, London/Chancery Lane) London & South MENZIES, Gordon 1998 6 Pump Court, Temple, London, EC4Y 7AR Tel: 020 7797 8400 East (DX 293 LDE) Fax: 020 7797 8401 London & South NAQSHBANDI, Saba 1996 3 Raymond Buildings Gray's Inn, London, Tel: 020 7400 6400 East WC1R 5BH Fax: 020 7400 6464 (DX 237 LDE) London & South RULE, Philip 2001 No5 Chambers, Greenwood House ,4-7 Tel: 0207 420 7500 East Salisbury Court ,London ,EC4Y 8AA Fax: 0207 900 1582 (DX 449 London Chancery Lane) London & South RUSH, Craig 1989 2 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4BU Tel: 020 7440 8888 East (DX LDE 17) Fax: 020 7242 1738 London & South SCHUTZER- 2000 6KBW College Hill , 21 College Hill , London , Tel: 020 3301 0910 East WEISSMANN, Esther EC4R 2RP Fax: 020 3301 0911 (DX 135185 Cheapside) London & South STEIN, Alex 1998 2 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4BU Tel: 020 7440 8888 East (DX LDE 17) Fax: 020 7242 1738 London & South STOTON, Austin 2007 2 Bedford Row, London, WC1R 4BU Tel: 020 7440 8888 East (DX LDE 17) Fax: 020 7242 1738 London & South THOMAS, Megan 1987 6 Pump Court, Temple, London , EC4Y 7AR Tel: 020 7797 8400 East (DX 293 LDE) Fax: 020 7797 8401 London & South TUTT, Richard 2000 Pump Court Chambers, Upper Ground Floor, 3 Tel: 020 7353 0711 East Pump Court, Temple, London, EC4Y 7AJ Fax: 0845 259 3241 (DX 362, London Chancery Lane) 3 London & South VANSTONE, Rebecca 2006 23 Essex Street, London, WC2R 3AA Tel: 020 7413 0353 East (DX 148 Chancery Lane) Fax: 020 7413 0374 London & South WEEKS, Janet 1993 5 Paper Buildings, 1st Floor, Temple, London , Tel: 020 7583 6117 East EC4Y 7HB (DX 365,Chancery Lane) Fax: 020 7353 0075 London & South WRIGHT, Ian 1983 Five Paper, Five Paper Buildings, Ground Tel: 020 7815 3200 East Floor, Temple, London, EC4Y 7HB Fax: 020 7815 3201 (DX 415 LDE) Midlands and BRIDGE, Ian 1988 No. 5 Chambers, 5 Fountain Court, Steelhouse Tel: 0121 606 0500 Oxford Lane, Birmingham, B4 6DR Fax: 0121 606 1501 (DX 16075, Birmingham Fountain Court) Midlands and CLOVER, Sarah 1993 Kings Chambers, Embassy House, 60 Church Tel: 0121 200 3570 Oxford Street, Birmingham, B3 2DJ Fax: 0345 034 3445 (DX 13023 Birmingham) Midlands and FARRER, Adam 1992 No. 5 Chambers, 5 Fountain Court, Steelhouse Tel: 0121 606 0500 Oxford Lane, Birmingham, B4 6DR Fax: 0121 606 1501 (DX 16075, Birmingham Fountain Court) Midlands and MILLS, Benedict 2000 St Philip’s Chambers, 55 Temple Row, Tel: 0121 246 0200 Oxford Birmingham, B2 5LS Fax: 0121 246 7001 (DX 723240, Birmingham 56) Midlands and POLE, Tim 2001 No. 5 Chambers, 5 Fountain Court, Steelhouse Tel: 0121 606 0500 Oxford Lane, Birmingham, B4 6DR Fax: 0121 606 1501 (DX 16075, Birmingham Fountain Court) Midlands and PUZEY, James 1990 St Philip’s Chambers, 55 Temple Row, Tel: 0121 246 0200 Oxford Birmingham, B2 5LS Fax: 0121 246 7001 (DX 723240, Birmingham 56) Midlands and THOROGOOD, Bernard 1986 No. 5 Chambers, 5 Fountain Court, Steelhouse Tel: 0121 606 0500 Oxford Lane, Birmingham, B4 6DR Fax: 0121 606 1501 (DX 16075, Birmingham Fountain Court) Midlands and SANDHU, Harpreet 2005 No. 5 Chambers, 5 Fountain Court, Steelhouse Tel: 0121 606 0500 Oxford Lane, Birmingham, B4 6DR Fax: 0121 606 1501 (DX 16075, Birmingham Fountain Court) The North BRADLEY, Richard 1978 Oriel Chambers, 14 Water St, Liverpool, L2 Tel: 0151 236 7191 8TD Fax:0151 227 5909 (DX 14106, Liverpool) The North CARTWRIGHT, Sophie 1998 Deans Court Chambers, 24 St John Street, Tel: 0161 214 6000 Manchester, M3 4DF Fax: 0161 214 6001 (DX 718155, Manchester 3) The North DONNELLY Kevin 1991 Lincoln House Chambers, Tower 12, The Tel: 0161 832 5701 Avenue North, Spinningfields, 18-22 Bridge Street, Manchester, M3 3BZ Fax: 0161 832 0839 (DX 14338 Manchester 1) The North FARROW, Adrian 1997 Exchange Chambers, 5th Floor, 201 Tel: 0161 833 2722 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3NW Fax: 0161 833 2789 (DX 14330 Manchester 1) The North FISH, Lee 2003 New Park Court Chambers, 3 Broad Chare, Tel: 0191 232 1980 Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3DQ Fax: 0191 232 3730 (DX 61012 Newcastle Upon Tyne) The North HASSALL, Craig 1999 Park Square Barristers, 6 Park Square East, Tel: 0113 245 9763 Leeds, LS1 2LW Fax: 0113 242 4395 (DX 26402 Leeds Park Square) 4 The North LONG, Andrew 1981 St John’s Buildings, 24a – 28 St John Street, Tel: 0161 214 1500 Manchester, M3 4DJ Fax: 0161 835 3929 (DX 728861, Manchester 4) The North MAHER, Michael 1995 Exchange Chambers, 5th Floor, 201 Tel - 0161 833 2722 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3NW Fax - 0161 833 2789 (DX 14330 Manchester 1) The North McKEON, James 1982 7 Harrington Street, Liverpool, L2 9YH Tel: 0151 242 0707 (DX 14221, Liverpool) Fax: 0151 236 2800 The North MORRIS, Craig Solicitor Fieldings Porter, Silverwell House, 32 Silverwell Tel: 01204 540900 Street, Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 1PT Advocate Fax: 01204 362129 (DX: 24144 Bolton) The North POJUR, David 2001 St Johns Buildings, 24a-28 St John Street, Tel: 0161 214 1500 Manchester, M3 4DJ Fax: 0161 835 3929 (DX 728861 Manchester 4) The North SIMKIN, Iain 1995 Deans Court Chambers, 24 St John Street, Tel: 0161 214 6000 Manchester,M3 4DF Fax: 0161 214 6001 (DX 718155, Manchester 3) The North SHAW, Howard 1999 Park Square Barristers, 6 Park Square East, Tel: 0113 245 9763 Leeds, LS1 2LW Fax: 0113 242 4395 (DX 26402 Leeds Park Square) The North STABLES, Christopher 1990 Exchange Chambers, Pearl

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