Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1953-1954 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1954 Eastern Progress - 21 May 1954 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1953-54/15 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ WT 1 fu, EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky Volume 31 Friday, May 21, 1954 Number 15 MILESTONES HERE TODAY The 1054 "Milestone" will be available to students today, Seniors To Receive Diplomas Blanche McCoun, editor, an- nounces. Students will be able to receive their annuals in the store room of the Administra- At Commencement Exercises June 2 tion Building. By JANE McDONALD AWARDS TO RE GIVEN Commencement activities began Monday evening, May 17, when members of the junior class honored the gradu- COMMENCEMENT DAY ing seniors with the junior - senior reception, and will This year's special awards to will conclude with the commencement service on Wednes- outstanding students will be an- nounced in the Commencement day, June 2, at which 202 seniors and graduates will re- program. ceive diplomas. The junior-senior reception was These awards, which are given held front 8:00 to 11:00 p. m. at each year, are: The Pi Omega Pi Exams For Undergraduates the home of President and Mrs. Award is to be given by the Alpha W. F. O'Donnell. Beta Chapter of PI Omega Pi, To Begin Monday, May 31 national honor society in the field Senior Women's Dinner of business education to an out- The spring semester ends Thurs- Friday, May 28, is the date that standing member of the sophomore day, June 2, at 5:00) p. m. Classes has been set for the senior wom- class who is planning to teach in will meet only for exams beginning en's dinner to be held in the blue . Pictured above are the graduating; senior officers who will be recog- Monday, May 31, and ending room of the Student'Union Build- the field of commerce. Thursday, June 3. nized at the ROTO Commencement exercises scheduled for Wednesday, The Kappa Delta _Pi Award is ing at 6:30 p. ra. All senior women May 26, In Hanger Stadium. to be given by the Delta Alpha Final exams, for students other who are to graduate in June or chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, na- than June graduates, will be held j August are invited to attend. tional honor society in education, at regular class periods on the Alumni Activities to the highest ranking sophomore following days: Monday, May 31—-Classes Meet- An alumni reception and dinner ROTC Final Review On Wednesday; working for a professional degree. will be held at 6:00 p. m. on Satur- Awards for proficiency in music, ing 2, 4, 5, and 6, periods. Tuesday, June 1—Classes Meet- day, May 29, in the Student Union scholarships in piano, voice and Building. Tickets for this occasion violin will be given. ing 2, 4, 6, and 8, periods. Wednesday, June 2—C lasses must be purchased in advance and Twenty-Five To Be Commissioned The Cecilian Club of Richmond Meeting 1, 7, 8, and 9 periods. may be obtained from* the alumni will award a scholarship to a high Thursday, June 8—Classes Meet- office for $1.50. By JANE PAYTON ranking student in the Music De- ing 1, S, ft, and 7, periods. Classes to be honored at this The final review of the-Eastern ROTC unit, will be partment on the basis of musician- Night classes and other classes occasion include the 204 members held Wednesday, May 26, 8:00 p. m.. Central Daylight Time ship and scholarship. not provided for in this schedule of the class of 1954, the 62 mem- The Alverson Award is to be will be given exams at the latest bers of the 1944 class, who cele- in Hanger Stadium. given to the member of the senior possible dates. brate the tenth anniversary of At the review, awards will be class who is judged to be out- their graduation, and members of presented to deserving students standing in citizenship, scholar- the class of 1929, who will be cele- and twenty-five students wUl be Kappa Pi Club Exhibit ship and leadership. Music Students Present brating their 25th anniversary. commissioned second lieutenants. Now At Arts Building The Charles F. Weaver Awards Recitals Tonight, Monday Approximately half of the 59 liv- The following awards will be will be .given to students who excel ing members from the total mem- presented: Oils, water colors, and pastels in public speaking, and in home The college music students' gen- bership of 63 have written that The American Legion medals for by faculty and student members economics. eral recital will be Monday, May they plan to be present for this 24, at 7:30 in the Little Theatre. occasion. individual high scores in rifle of Kappa Pi, the national art fra- The Canterbury Club will give marksmanship (high score winner The recital will feature solos by Baccalaureate Service ternity are now on exhibit in the an award to the students who have musio students of piano, voice, and and runner-up) to be presented by submitted the best contributions Dr. Homer W. Carpenter, pastor, the Post Commander, Jesse M. Exhibit Room of the Arts Build- violin. A violin ensemble is also emeritus of First Christian Church, to its publication, "Belles. Lettres" on the program. Dykes Post, American Legion; the ing. in the form of the best poem and Louisville, is to deliver the bacca- Veterans of Foreign Wars medal The training school and high laureate address. The bacca- Alpha Alpha Psi, the local chap- the best prose selection. school music students' recital will for outstanding leadership and ter of Kappa Pi which was organ- laureate service will be held Sun- scholarship in the first year course, The Knights Templar Education be held tonight, May 21, in the day morning, May 30, at 10:45 in ized in 1950, is sponsoring their Foundation of Kentucky will award to be presented by the Post Com- fourth annual art show. A first Little Theatre at 7:30. Approxi- Hiram Brock Auditorium. mander, Veterans of Foreign a scholarship of $100 to a member mately 25 to 30 students of violin, "Religion Comes Alive" will be prize of $10.00 is being given by of the junior class on the basis ■ Wars; the Sons of the American Bill Hoskins of Corbin, a former piano, and voice will participate Dr."carpenter's""subj"ect ' Revolution medal for leadership of character, scholarship, and lead- in the program. Dr. Carpenter was graduated member of the chapter, and a sec- ership. and .soldierly qualities and general ond prize of $5.00 is being given from Transylvania College and the excellence in the second year by the chapter itself. Judges are Eastern Player Awards this year Kappa Iota Epsilon Taps College of the Bible in Lexington, course, to be presented by C. D. Ru Bee, local photographer, and will go to the students selected Twenty-Five New Members and received the doctor of divinity Oldham, Kentucky Chapter, Sons Mrs. Sing Adams, a local artist as: outstanding actress, outstand- degree from Transylvania in 1932. of the American Revolution; The who specializes in portraits. ing actor, outstanding supporting He is the author of two books, actress, and outstanding support- Twenty-five freshmen were tap- Reserve Officers Association medal Mrs. William Tarwater, Dr. Fred ped as new members of Kappa •The Future is Now." and "Build- for outstanding third year cadet, ing actor. Iota Epsilon, honorary society for ing Church Loyalty." Formerly to be presented by Major Barney P. Giles, and Dean Gat wood, mem- -The YWCA sponsors an award pastor of the First Christian bers of the art department and each year to the senior who, in sophomore men, at the Honor's A. Tucker, for the Tri-County Kappa Pi, will have exhibits. Stu- Day for Men in assembly Wednes- Churches in Richmond, Shelbyvllle, Chapter, Reserve Officers Associa- his four years at Eastern, has day, May 5. and Chattanooga, Tennessee, and dent members who have entries in contributed the most to the col- tyo years chancellor of Transyl- tion; the Association of the U. 8. this show are Alicia McCord, Kappa Iota Epsilon's annual Army medal for* the outstanding lege.—— banquet for old and new members vania College, Lexington, Dr. Car- Buddy McKinley, Jean Bell, Ran- penter appears regularly as speak- fourth year cadet, to be presented dolph Dozier, Kirby Colllnsr Wal- will be held tonight, May 21, at by Colonel H. Y. Grubbs, Professor Easterns Future WEKY Benault Inn at 6:30 o'clock er on a Louisville radio Sunday lace Sullivan, Joyce Noe, Floyd program. of Military Science and Tactics at Bryant, Tom Forbes, Marvin Day, Programs Are Announced The new members are Frank Eastern; The American Legion Don Jett, and Martha Leeds. Bickel, Windle Brascum, Thomas Commencement Service ROTC Merit Award for progress Dr. R. E. Jaggers has announced Campbell, Charles Carter, Harold The Commencement service at in leadership and general profic- Following the Kappa PI show, 10:00 Wednesday morning, June 2, the art department will present the programs for future Eastern Caudill, James Cheek, Gene Rog- iency in the fourth year course, ers Clark, Robert Creekmore, Wil- in Hiram Brock Auditorium will to be presented by the Poet Com- an "Eastern's Art Students" ex- Round-table Discussions which are hibit. All students are invited to heard every Sunday on radio sta- liam Culbertson, Donald Farley, conclude the week's activities. Dr. mander, Jesse M. Dykes Poet, Gary Fox, Charles Grigsby, Char- Andrew Holt, vice president of American Legion; and the Reserve attend both of these exhibits.
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