The Dharma Cheat Sheet by [Deleted] Via Cheatography.Com/2754/Cs/4596

The Dharma Cheat Sheet by [Deleted] Via Cheatography.Com/2754/Cs/4596

The Dharma Cheat Sheet by [deleted] via The Four Noble Truths Three Poisons​ /De​ fil​ ements (Kilesas) 1. Dukkha exists – unsatis​ fac​ tor​ iness, suffering, discont​ ent, stress (to 1. Greed (lobha) – mindful​ ness transforms this into Faith be Investi​ gated) 2. Avers​ ion​ /ha​ tred (dosa) – mindful​ ness transforms this into discri‐​ 2. The cause or origin of dukkha is craving (tanha-​ lit. thirst) or mina​ ting Wisdom clinging (to be Abandoned) 3. Delusion (moha) – mindful​ ness transforms this into Equanimity 3. Dukkha ceases with the relinqu​ ish​ ment of that craving (to be (Kilesas – lit. torments of the mind) Realized) 4. The path leading to the cessation of dukkha is the Noble Eightfold Three Refuges (Triple Gem, Three Jewels) Path (to be Developed) 1. Buddha – both the historical Buddha and one’s own innate potential for Awakening The Eightfold Path (ariya-​ magga) 2. Dhamma – the Buddha’s teaching of liberation and the ultimate Wisdo​ m/D​ isc​ ern​ ment (pañña) Truth towards which it points 1. Wise or Right View/Un​ der​ sta​ nding (samma-​ dit​ thi) 3. Sangha – the monastic community, those who have achieved at 2. Wise or Right Intenti​ on/​ Res​ olve (sammá-​ san​ kappa) least some degree of Awakening, and more recently the community Virtue (sila) of followers of the Buddhist path (tradit​ ion​ ally called the Parisa) 3. Wise or Right Speech (sammá-​ vácá) 4. Wise or Right Action (sammá-​ kam​ manta) Three Types of Dukkha 5. Wise or Right Livelihood (sammá–​ ájíva) 1. Dukkha as pain (dukkha​ –du​ kkh​ ata) – body or mental pain Conce​ ntr​ ati​ on/​ Med​ ita​ tion (samadh​ i) 2. Dukkha that is inherent in formation (sankha​ ra-​ duk​ kha​ ta) – 6. Wise or Right Effort (samma-​ vay​ ama) mainten​ ance of body and things, oppressive nature of continuous 7. Wise or Right Mindful​ ness (samma-​ sati) upkeep 8. Wise or Right Concent​ ration (samma-​ sam​ adhi) 3. Dukkha of change (vipari​ nam​ a-d​ ukk​ hat​ a) – pleasant and happy conditions in life are not permanent Three Charact​ eri​ stics of Existence 1. Imper​ man​ ence (anicca) Success (Iddhip​ ada) 2. Unsat​ isf​ act​ ori​ ness (dukkha) 1. Desire (chanda) 3. Not-self (anatta) – empty of inherent existence; not “me”, 2. Persi​ ste​ nce​ /En​ erg​ y/E​ ffort (viriya) “myself”, nor “what I am” 3. Inten​ tion, Mind, Thought​ ful​ ness (citta) Nirvana is attained when we are at peace with the three princip​ les. 4. Inves​ tig​ ati​ on/​ Dis​ cri​ min​ ation (vimamsa or panna) Three Pillars of Dhamma (dharma) Four Brahma-​ vih​ aras (Highest Attitud​ es/​ Emo​ tions) 1. Gener​ osity (dana) 1. Lovin​ gki​ ndn​ ess, good-will (metta)​ :: Near enemy – attachm​ ent; 2. Moral restraint (sila) far enemy – hatred. 3. Medit​ ation (bhavan​ a) – consists of Concent​ ration (samadhi) & 2. Compa​ ssion (karuna​ ): Near enemy – pity; far enemy – cruelty Mindful​ ness (sati) 3. Sympa​ thetic joy, Appreci​ ation (mudita​ ), joy at the good fortune Grounds for Making Merit of others: Near enemy – compari​ son​ ,hy​ poc​ risy, insince​ rity, joy for others but tinged with identif​ ica​ tion (my team, my child); far enemy – envy 4. Equan​ imity (upekkh​ a): Near enemy – indiffe​ rence; far enemy – anxiety, greed Heavenly or sublime abodes (best home). Near enemy is a quality that can masquerade as the original, but is not the original. Far enemy is the opposite quality. By [deleted] Published 19th July, 2015. Sponsored by Last updated 13th May, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! 2754/ Page 1 of 5. The Dharma Cheat Sheet by [deleted] via Four Foundat​ ions of Mindful​ ness Four Taints 1 Mindf​ ulness of the body (kaya) Obstruc​ tions to Enlight​ enment (most suttas don’t include the 4th 2. Mindf​ ulness of feeling (vedana) - pleasant, unpleas​ ant, neutral; taint) initial reactions to sensory input 1. Attachment to sensuality 3. Mindf​ ulness of mind/co​ nsc​ iou​ sness (citta), of the mind-st​ ates, 2. Aattach​ ment to existen​ ce/to becoming moods (greed, aversion, delusion and their opposites) 3. Ignorance of the dhamma (of the way things are) 4. Mindf​ ulness of mind objects​ -me​ ntal events (dharma​ s); Five 4. Attachment to opinion​ s/v​ iews categories of dhammas: Five hindran​ ces, Five aggrega​ tes, 6 sense ​ ​ ​ (​ most Suttas do not include this one-Abh​ idh​ amma does) bases, Seven factors of enlight​ enm​ ent, Four Noble Truths Four Taints, effluents, intoxic​ ants, ferment​ ati​ ons, cankers, defilem​ ents (asavas) Four Form Jhanas (rupa jhanas) Four Form Jhanas (rupa jhanas) or Meditative Absorpt​ ions Five Aggregates (khandhas or skandas or heaps) 1. First Jhana, charact​ erized by intense pleasure, has five jhanic Physical and mental components of the persona​ lity (ego) and of factors: applied thought (vittaka), sustained thought​ (vi​ cara), joy (piti), sensory experience in general happiness (sukha), one-poi​ nte​ dnesss (ekkagata) 1. Form/​ phy​ sical phenomena, body (rupa ) 2. Second Jhana, charact​ erized by joy, has 3 factors: joy (piti), 2. Feeling (vedana ) pleasant, unpleas​ ant, neutral. Feelings arise happiness (sukha) , and one–poi​ nte​ dness (ekkagata) when there is contact between the 6 internal organs and the 6 3. Third Jhana, charact​ erized by content​ ment, has 2 factors: external objects: (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind & corresp​ on‐​ content​ ment and one-poi​ nte​ dness (ekkagata) ding: sight, sound, odor, taste touch, mental object) 4. Fourth Jhana, charact​ erized by equanimity and stillness, has 1 3. Perce​ ption (sañña) – recogni​ tion factor: one-poi​ nte​ dness (ekkagata) 4. Mental Formations (sankha​ ra) – includes mental states, Four Form Jhanas (rupa jhanas) or Meditative Absorpt​ ions emotions, volition (fabric​ ati​ ons) 5. Consc​ iou​ sness (viññan​ a) – grasps the charact​ eri​ stics of the 6 Four Heavenly Messengers external objects 1. An old person Five Faculties (indriya) 2. A sick person 3. A corpse Faith & Wisdom balance each other, as do Energy & Concent​ rat​ ion. 4. A wandering monk The Five Faculties are ‘contro​ lling’ faculties because they control or master their opposites. Four Right Efforts (sammap​ pad​ hana) 1. Faith (saddha) – controls doubt 2. Energ​ y/E​ ffo​ rt/​ Per​ sis​ tence (viriya) – controls laziness 1. Not to let an unwhole​ som​ e- unskillful thought arise, which has 3. Mindf​ ulness (sati) – controls heedles​ sness not yet arisen-​ Gua​ rding 4. Conce​ ntr​ ation (samadh​ i) – controls distrac​ tion 2. Not to let an unwhole​ some - unskillful thought continue, which 5. Wisdom (panna) / Discern​ ment – controls ignorance has already arisen-​ Aba​ ndon 3. To make a wholeso​ me - skillful thought arise, which has not yet Five Faculties (indriya) and Five Strengths or Powers arisen-​ Dev​ elop The faculties and powers are two aspects of the same thing. 4.To make a wholeso​ me - skillful thought continue, which has already arisen-​ Sus​ tain By [deleted] Published 19th July, 2015. Sponsored by Last updated 13th May, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! 2754/ Page 2 of 5. The Dharma Cheat Sheet by [deleted] via Five Hindrances (Nivarana) Six Senses 1. Sensual Desire (kámacc​ han​ da) Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Touching, Thinking 2. Aversion or Ill-will (vyápád​ a) 3. Sleep​ ine​ ss – sloth (thina), torpor (middha), sluggis​ hness The Ten Perfect​ ions (Pāramitā) 4. Restl​ ess​ ness – worry about the future, regret of the past, anxiety 1. Gener​ osity (dana) (uddhac​ ca-​ kuk​ kucca) 2. Morality (sila) - virtue, integrity 5. Doubt (viciki​ cch​ á) (skeptical doubt) 3. Renun​ cia​ tion (nekkha​ mma) 4. Wisdom (pañña) Five Precepts 5. Energ​ y/S​ tre​ ngth (viriya) - effort To refrain from killing 6. Patience (khanti) To refrain from stealing (taking that which is not offered) 7. Truth​ ful​ ness (sacca) To refrain from sexual misconduct 8. Resol​ ution – determi​ nation (adhitt​ han​ a) To refrain from lying, harsh speech, idle speech, and slander 9. Lovin​ gki​ ndness (metta) To refrain from taking intoxic​ ants that cloud the mind and cause 10.Eq​ uan​ imity (upekkh​ a) heedles​ sness Ten qualities leading to Buddhahood Five Daily Recolle​ ctions Seven Factors of Enlight​ enment (bojjha​ nga) 1. I am of the nature to grow old; I cannot avoid aging. Neutr​ al 2. I am of the nature to become ill or injured; I cannot avoid illness or 1. Mindf​ ulness (sati) - Arousing injury 2. Inves​ tig​ ation of Phenomena (dhamma vicaya) - Wisdom 3. I am of the nature to die; I cannot avoid death. Factor: seeing anicca, anatta, dukkha; how mind body operates 4. All that is mine, dear and delight​ ful, will change and vanish. 3. Energ​ y/E​ ffort (viriya) 5. I am the owner of my actions; 4. Rapture, Joy-int​ ense interest in object (piti) - Calming ​ ​ ​ I am born of my actions; 5. Calm/​ Tra​ nqu​ ility (passad​ dhi) ​ ​ ​ I am related to my actions; 6. Conce​ ntr​ ation (samadh​ i) ​ ​ ​ I am supported by my actions; 7. Equan​ imity (upekkh​ a) ​ ​ ​ Any thoughts, words or deeds I do, good or evil, those I will inherit. Three arousing, Three calming, mindful​ ness is neutral Five Things that lead to Awakening 1. Admir​ able friends 2. Sila (morality, virtue) 3. Hearing the dharma 4. Exert​ ion. Effort in abandoning unskillful qualities and cultiva​ ting skillful ones 5. Aware​ ness of Imperma​ nence (anicca) – Insight into imperm‐​ anence By [deleted] Published 19th July, 2015. Sponsored by Last updated 13th May, 2016. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! 2754/ Page 3 of 5.

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