Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 5-8-1963 Spectator 1963-05-08 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1963-05-08" (1963). The Spectator. 819. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/819 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. 35SpursTapped; SEATTLE UNIVERSITY PickleSaleSlated Spectator S.U. Spurs yesterday tapped 35 freshmen who will make up the membership of the service organization Vol. XXXI. Seattle, Washington, Wednesday, May 8, 1963 "*®^> No.48 during the 1963-64 school year. A vacancy in the pledge class will befilled later this week. The tappingbegan at 4:15 a.m. The Spurs-elect are: Andrea Sunday. "The only thing that Bahlay,Janet Baker, GayBuck, went wrong," said Sharon Jul- Pam Caputo,Pat Cosgritt,Lynn lion, Spur president, "was that Dunphy, Sigrid Endresen, Jane some of the girls tappingfresh- Grafton, Paula Greenleaf,Carla men living in town went to the Holden, Jeanie Jullion, Eileen wronghomes." Katica, KathyKeely,MaryBeth Kuder,Cam Martin, Sue McWal- THE 70 PRESENT and future ter, Melinda Meagher, Sue Milt- Spurs went to a breakfast at ner, Carol Moergeli, Carol O'- Connie Fountain'shome after at- Shaughnessey. tending the 6:15 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph's. Tfiey were then TERRY O'DAY, Margaret taken by bus to Saltwater State Passanisi, Margie Pheasant, Park for a picnic. EileenPropp,MargaretShelley, The girls will be formally in- Sachiko Shimodka, Sharon itiatedMay 26. The first pledge Schulte, Kay Tawney, Marcia activity will be a pickle sale Waldron, Sue Waldron, Donna during Tolo Week. Wilde, Denny Ann Williams and Celine Hulbert and Carol Ann Theresa Zipp. Conroy are Spur advisers. PICTURED ARE participants in student of the typewriter. The three high school Mowbray Breaks Contract; exhibits visited by upwards of 1500 visi- students are (from left) Brian Leaheyof the campus on University Day ODea in Seattle, Kathy Mullan from tors to Dick, last Saturday. On the left, Lotte Larsen Aquinas in Tacoma and Bill also Student Actors to Perform of the International Club wears the tra- from O'Dea. The Alpha KappaPsi display ditional costume of Sweden. On the right, took first place among student exhibits, By PAT WELD the InternationalClub second. Mowbray, Hollywood actor, contract Denny Oreb of Alpha Kappa Psi demon- Alan a has cancelled his — Spectatorphotoby Haley with the ASSU and will not appear on campus. strates the workings of an early edition Jim Mowbray, the third and last speaker in this year's Cultural Committee lecture series, broke his contract with a booking survey of America and interpre- Otto Praises agent in order to appear in a tive readings from Americanlit- Chairman Nominated University Day play. erature. The Northwest Student Actor This same program will be the The student senate met in the Guild has been scheduled to re- basis for the guild's perform- Chieftain conference room last For Frosh Orientation Sunday. Only 12 senators were place Mowbray on May 28 in ances in Europe next summer. Calif., Pigott Aud. The new contrac Their European tour is being Dick Twohy, honors student from San Jose, has been present, but that was enough for with the Guild is subject to ap- managed by Robert Harmon, named chairman of next fall's Frosh Orientation. Twohy's position a quorum as the senate now proval by the Senate and will be S.U. history professor. was the first appointmentmade numbers only 17. considered at this Sunday's STARTED TWO years ago,the by Dick Otto, newly-installed to the academic phase of the Dick Otto, ASSUpresident, re- meeting. organization began originallyas ASSU president. The appoint- orientation program than there ported that he had appointed " an acting guild,but recently in- ment is now pending before the has beenpreviously. Dick Twohy to be next year's THE GUILD WILL present corporated amusical section. senateand will be considered at While the same emphasis will frosh orientation chairman. He Hear America Singing" a two Students who purchased tick- itsmeetingthis Sunday. remain on the first week of the also told the senatehe was well and a half hour program featur ets to the Mowbray show may freshman's activities oncampus, pleasedwith the jobthe students ing an historical and cultura either obtain $1 refund any- THEME OF THE 1963 Frosh— an orientation programwillcon- had done on UniversityDay. view of America.Performed by timein the ASSU office, or apply Orientation will be "S.U. A tinue throughout fall quarter. THE ONLY pending old busi- a 40-voice mixed chorus, the their ticket to the Student Act- Step Up." Twohy noted that ness was Sen. Reynold'smotion evening will include a musica ors' Guild production. more attention will be devoted THERE WILL be a general to amend the ASSU by-laws con- meetingthisFriday forallfresh- cerning elections by substitution men interested in orientation of the election code. There was work. Consult Friday's Specta- no discussion on the motion and A Short Shaggy Tale of a Fox tor for additional details. itpassedwithout opposition. ByJUDY KING Through the years there have 10 Parts Announced been reports of wolves on cam- pus but until two weeks ago foxes werescarce. For School Musical The fox in question is a six- Ten new parts have been assigned in the production week-old red fox by the name of "Carousel," announced Mrs.Mary Egan, drama direc- of Mon Cheri Renard. Mademo- presented iselle Renard's mother had the tor. The musical will be to students and fac- unfortunate habit of stealing ulty,May 18-19. chickens inOregon and met her Jim Hasslinger will por- Gene Smith will portray sailors. fate at the business end of a tray David Bascombe. Bob FIVE DANCERS who have gun. The quick red fox baby Voelker will play the captain been assigned to the production would have met the same fate and Pat Mahoney has the part are Carla Holden, Mary Joan but for Henri Ruef's uncle, who of the policeman. Steve Buck- McGrath,Barbara Lasby,Susan brought the tiny animal home. master will be cast as Dr. Sel- Walton and Jeanne Wendell. Henri,an S.U. freshmanadopted don and the Starkeeperand Bob Sixteen members of the Se- the fox and brought her to live Garrison will be a "heavenly attle Symphony willprovidemu- in Xavier Hall with her. friend." Daryl Spadaccini will sic for the play which will be play Enoch Snow, Jr. Carolyn at 8:15 in Pigott Aud. THE TAIL WOULD have end- Mahoney has the part of Ar- Admission will be $1.50. Stu- ed here, except that there is a miney and Carol Leckey is cast dents will be admitted free May rule that no dorm student can Louise. Bill Eisiminger and 17 with a student bodycard. keep pets in University living as quarters. For 17 days a number of people were in on out-foxing Changes the housemothers. Girls on Hen- Seven Position ri's floor suddenly developed coughs that soundedoddly like a In Tomorrow's Primary high-pitched bark; several fac- The withdrawal or disqualifi- more sec.-treas., but refiled as ulty members were seenslipping sopho- the dinner cation of seven candidates for a write-in contender for bits of meat from vicepresident. table into napkins; Xavier Hall senate and class positions was more took to knocking pails announced yesterday by Mike maids Griffin, election board head. SOPHOMORE CLASS candi- over whenever housemothers Campbell's disqualifica- dates are now: president, Bill were in the halls. Pat Rieck; vicepresident,Mary Ver- tion as a candidatefor the senior sec.-treas., But the din was found out, senate position No. 5 left the milya; JaneGrafton Friday fox was Camp- and Sue Miltner. and last the — photo by Jim Haley office withno contenders. snared. It had to leave by the Spectator bell was disqualified due to a The senior class vice presi- dentrace isnow between Sherry next day. Henri gave Renard you have,grandma HenriRuef lack of sufficient hours. Filings to a friend to keep Saturday, WHAT PRETTYEYES ... Doyle and Helen Coyne, since Olney pet fox, for the office were reopened but Renard knew when she and her roommate Sue entertain Henri's from 12:45 to 1:30 Monday. Two Joe Miller withdrew. Dr. wasn't wanted and got sick. Renard. new candidates, Bob Turnerand JUNIORSENATE positionNo. Kadner of the Rainier Veterin- Michael J. Griffin, filed. Purpur running diagnosis: everything,including intra- decided that, after all, a mascot 4 willsee Harry ary Clinic made the tried unopposed Terry Whaley Distemper Renard was go- feeding and saved Ren- isn't exactly the same thing as THE SOPHOMORE class lost after ... venous Tony Diße, was disqualified, lacking hours. ing to die. ard's life ... for free. Henri an individual pet. two candidates as to Fr. stays and every- and Hugh O'Connell withdrew Dan Regis, senior senate introduced Renard Presi- SO RENARD position 1candidate,will also "NO," SAID HENRI, "Ren- dent and then to Miss Reilly, body is happy . including from the president and vicepres- No. gave After all she has at ident races respectively. run unopposed due to the dis- ardcan't die." dean of women. Renard Renard. of Jack Sutcliffe, foxy tails, this one each of them a bigkiss withher least 200 pairs of shoes to chew Andrew McClure also with- qualification So like all sopho- for hours. has a happy ending.Dr. Kadner little pink tongue and it was on. drew as a candidate for insufficient 2 THE SPECTATOR Wednesday,May8, 1963 ttttttSaturday Night Discussion: SEATTLE IVERSITir Lawyer Stresses Civil Liberties By JAMES NAIDEN the organization.Winsor related the ACLU was interested in the Published Wednesdays and Friday* during the school year except on holidays and during that the ACLU operates in 30 ideals,not merits, of a given final "xamlnallont by iludonn of Seattle University.
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