ï Chosen Memphi By The « i < VOLUME 32, NUMBER 41 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1964 PRICE TEN CENTS Popular Dentist Is Selected In Citywide Poll v: ■ r? Memphians have chosen Dr. (Special to the Memphis World) another beef too They believe the Sas Lester ace. Richard Jones, lost some .* John E. Jordan for the title of NASHVILLE, Tenn. - So, what happened to the two hot-shot of his stamina and determination Most Outstanding Citizen of teams from Memphis? Experts had picked Lester to go all the way after he protested a foul called on 1963. The North Memphis den­ him. in the State High School Basketball Tournament and there were tist, civic leader and well-known In the case of the defeated Mel­ more than a few who thought Melrose would have made the tennis player moved to the front finals, loo. rose five, their star. Robert (Bobby) Smith, pulled up lame again but of the Memphis World poll three, managed to limp through the con­ weeks ago and never looked But. by now you know Lester got turned the trick, 59-58. In the test. It was obvious that he was knocked off in the semi-finals by other semi-final contest Melrose back. not up to par the tiny margin of one point. A trailed Pearl of Nashville by 20 He was given a total of 20,740 newcomer to the state basketball points, losing by a score of 63-43. And, there is another angle. points by his ardent supporters, scene, Riverside from Cattanooga, Memphians In the stands of Ten- "I»» « ' »? i There's some pretty good coaching more titan three times the number up here in Nashville and over at received by the first runnerup, Mrs. 5 1 Chattanooga. Mildred Carver, principal of Dun­ bar Elementary School. 8he finish­ Both Pearl and Riverside de­ ed with 6.410, serve considerable credit for bot­ The poll w*s conducted by the Prediction tling up the stars from Memphis. :<■ World for only one purpose: to give all the people of Memphis a chance Lester and Melrose met in the to help select the outstanding clti- h zen of 1963. consolation Saturday with the Li­ ons winning. Pearl retained Its state title bv trouncing Riverside A Mrs. Layista Matlock, postmistress of the substation on 70-58. Beale Avenue, was an early leader In the poll. She finished fourth with a total Jones of Lester failed to earn a of 3.490 points. berth on the all-tournament team Dr. John Edward Jordan, Mrs. carver, a late starter, S. A. Wilbun Is Named Assistant His teammate, Charles Paulk, was MOST OUTSTANDING CITIZEN OF 1963 - re­ short of bringing the bacon home ceived excellent support and pasted DIDN'T QUITE MAKE IT - selected along with Smith of Mel­ popular North Memphis dentist, has been voted the Most Out­ City Attorney By Mayor Ingram last weekend. Their teams were Mrs. Matlock to take over Memphis's two outstanding high rose. Thomas Brown and Fred standing Citizen of 1963 in the Greater Memphis area. Votes were first defeated In the semi-finals for the place but then Dr. Jordan's back­ school basketball players. Richard Kelle yof Pearl, and Charles Ruc­ State Tournament at Nashville. oast by Memphians in a poll conducted by the Memphis World. ers came up with a terrific rally The Memphis World predicted several weeks ago that S. A. Jones deft) of Lester and Robert ker of Riverside. iBobby) Sn.ith of Melrose, fell that sent him down the stretch Wilbun, a practicing lawyer, would be appointed an Assistant w ell ahead of the others. Riverside, a newcomer to high City Attorney by Mayor Ingram. This prediction is now fact. Atty; Another significant rally nessce State's big gym. Friday night take, especially after the Lions ol school competition due to redis- waa- staged in behalf of Miss Harry KJae Shepperson A. Wilbun, who will be 40 in October, was named to were let down, to say the least, Lester were ahead by 15 points nt trlcting in Chattanooga, has only Simons, principal of Magnolia Elem­ that post Wednesday of last week. after Lester bowed to Riverside one stage of the game. one experienced player on the Citizen Of ’63 entary school. Miss Simons, who The defeat was hard for them to Th? Memphis roottag.sediòli had also started late, moved from.(he an Assistant US Attorney. ittom of the pack to third post- Mayor Ingram said three other m in the final vote. Her total: assistant city attorneys will be ap­ 4.680. pointed. Has Established Torris J. Toney, principal it Mr. Wllbun took a stab at poli­ (teeter High School, wu an tatty tics in August, 1958, when he sought frontrunner and finished fifth with the Democratic Party’s nomination 3,180 points. for the State Legislature. He was An interesting finish was that of unsuccessful but nude a good Enviable Record Dr. Hollis F. Price, president 01 showing. .6 • . ■ LeMoyne Collegl and Elder BlairT. Dr. John Edward Jordan, the people's" choice for Most Out­ Hunt ntatttr' o1 - Hc was born In Helena. Ark., the Mississippi Bivi standing Citizen of 1963, is a native of Nashville, Tenn. The Churcl. part-time Juven-i son of M. M. Wilbun. longthfie school principal and retired col­ uldf North Memphis dentist, with offices at 1936 Chelsea was », member of thL Shelby County School Board arid lege professor, and the late Claudia ■;tho son of Capi. J. E. Jordan, Sr. and Mrs.? Wllbun. His college training was qf Booker IWash-. obtained at Philander Smith In slutted at Wayne a tie for kirth.'eaclFwlth' LitUe gock and New York UnL- chairman of the campaign com­ versity. He earned Ms law degree State University, received the BA mittee for Dr. Vasco Smith in his A remarkable finish was made, at Howard University. degree at Lincoln (Mo.i University ' unsuccessful bid tor a seat-on the by Ernest Withers, Sr, popular pho­ in 1952 and the DDS degree nt tographer with headquarters an He taught two years at Samuel City School Board, and treasurer Meharry in 1957. Beale Avenue. His Supporters began Houston College. Austin. Tex., and ol Claybourne Temple Lodge of He was man-led Dec. 23, 1957 voting for him about four weeks. then practiced law five years in Elks. 1BPOE of W. to the former Ann Whittaker of ■ ago and lifted him from the brt-j Helena before setting up his office St. Louis. She has been a member Dr. Jordan is the step-son of a tom to seventh place with a total' here in 1955. of the Owen Junior College faculty Nashville physician. Dr. C. J. Walk­ | Of 1,150. .-¿j . He is a trustee of Mt, Olive CME three years. They have one child. er, treasurer of the Tennessee Vot­ Probably the most' amazing' climb ATTY. S. A. WILBUN Church and a member of the 48th John Edward, III. ers Council and an active golfer, 'was that of Donald Thomas, 4 Ward Civic Club and the Shelby ssrr : gentleman still unknown to, this County Branch of the Tennessee The Jordans reside al 1367 Cas­ He is the cousin....___ of _________Federal Dis- I newspaper. He came from no where Federation of Democratic Leagues, talia trie! Judge Scoveb Richardson of to finish eighth with a total-of Inc. Before settling in Memphis. Dr. the U.S. Customs Court in New York 1,030. He and Mrs. Wllbun are the Jordan practiced dentistry in Mur­ City. Another cousin Is the Rev. Here's how they finished: ” ■ parents of two sons and reside at freesboro, Tenn, from Sept. 1957 to I.eon Brookins, pastor of Summer­ l)r. John E. Jordan ............ 20,744 1548 Gold, Mrs. Wllbun, also a January 1958. He set up practice field Baptist Church on Boxwood Mrs. Mildred Carver ........ native of Arkansas, teaches at here in February, 1958. in Memphis. Miss Harry Mae Simons .... MM Magnolia Elementary School. «1 An avid tennis player, Dr. Jor­ Mrs. Lavish Matlock M94 Polticially, he is now a Demo­ dan is founder and executive secre- Torris J. Toney 3,18# Five of these Le- gation; Henry -Thompson, Calvin Cunningham, crat, although he was a staunch LeMOYNITES TO UN SESSION - tarv of the Memphis Tennis Club Elder Blair T. Hunt .,... ... M* chairman of 4ie delegation; Miss Irma Jean Republican when Vice President Moyne College students arrived in St. Louis, Mo. and a member of the American Dr. Hollis F. Price ............ UM Ezell, pointing to Ecuador on map; Ralph Jack- Nixon sought the Presidency. Tennis Association. Block Rezoning 01 yesterday evening (Wednesday) Io represent Ernest Withers, Sr................ lie and his wife are members Ecuador at the. Third Annual Midwest Model son, president of LoMoyne's Co'legiate Chapter He has served as participating of Second •Congregational Church dentist for the Memphis and Shel­ (Continued on Page Four) for the United Nations, and Miss Mary Ann United Nations which will be in session at the hère, but Dr. Jordan still lias a by County Health Department and Parkway Corner Chase Hotel through Saturday. Left io right: Jerry Thompson. Faculty advisor making the trip with dose relationship with First Bap­ for the Veterans Administration. Johnson (Mr. LeMoyne), not a part of the dele-1 the student delegation is Dr. Clifton H. Johnson. tist Church in Nashville. He Is affiliated with the National Emergency Operation < The City Commission last weV< His father was a fire captain in Board of Dental Examiners (dip­ For Mrs. Hazel Bass rejected an appeal application to Nashville and now holds the rank I lomats) and was editor of the Ewell Mrs.
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