UNIVERSITY UBRARIES w UN VERS ITY of WASHI NGTO N Spe ial Colle tions Arthur B. Langlie papers Inventory Accession No: 0061-001 Special Collections Division University of Washington Libraries Box 352900 Seattle, Washington, 98195-2900 USA (206) 543-1929 This document forms part of the Guide to the Arthur B. Langlie Papers. To find out more about the history, context, arrangement, availability and restrictions on this collection, click on the following link: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/permalink/LanglieArthurB0061_1327/ Special Collections home page: http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcollections/ Search Collection Guides: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/search Arthur B. Langlie Papers – Inventory and Name Index 0061-001 Part I c..n,;1.,e...,i,,J, 1 J ~v t~_,,~r) J;J!TDl3X '3?0 Tl:-li llIJriWTOO:¥ - ARTHUR B. L.Ai\JGLIE PT• l page number Artifffi.cts 21 Campaign Materials 22 Clippings 20 Columbia Valley Administration 31-39 Correspondence-Incoming 3-12 Correspondence-Outgoing 13 Electrical Power 40-52 Ephemera 20 General Correspondence 13 Lists of Names 20 (Name index to Langlie paperscl-20~) Miscellany 20 Notes on Arrangement I Photographs 20 Reports 16-20 Republican Party 26 Speeches & Writings 14-15 Tape Recorddlngs 20 U.S. F'ederal Civil Defense Administration 27 U. S. President's Committee for the Development of Scientists and Engineers 28 Washington. Forest Advisory Committee 29 ~Thitworth College 30 Part r 3 CORRESPONDENCE: nrcoMING Note: This series was separated from the general correspondence tha.t Langlie had stapled together to allow name-inve:1torying and to simplif;'/ use of the collection. It coi-ito.ins regular business correspondence and lette:c·s of cornmendation and 2.pp1·ecj_ation. The latter l:.ave content of little value and have therefm•e been filed ·with the miscellaneous letters. They include letters of many prominent people. I,lthough content is of little value) the m2.nes of these individuals have been brought out in the previous index e.nd 1·eferences have been made to the proper files. The filing has been geared to the narnes of official positions rather than personal names. Cross-references have been made) however, eg. Coe, Earl, see WeshinE;ton. State, Secretary of. Li some cases, in- dividuals write in their official as well as thefr personal capacity. In such cases, mate1.'ial •.-rill appear 1..mder both names J and proper see also-refe:cences will be used to guide the researcher. The series also contaL.1s some material found ir:i. the file Langlie had marked 11 f01~m letters." In designation them as such) he 1,rn.s referring to the form answers that he sent. The i ndi vi duals are not knm:n) 2nd because of this) they ai~e filed in t~1e mis eella:1eous files J but the :.:.·. answers are important in explaining policy and they can be found in the regular oute;oing correspondence series. Other form letters (notes of appreciation, thank you's) etc.) were left in tact. no je_: ]',1-,: 4, } - IO a! fM'l OV\. por Folder no. Name Dates Approx. no. of items 11-2 Aaron) Azile H en• d. J l 11-3)4 !\dams, Sherman 1953-1957 21 11-5 Ahe1Ja, Order of. Justice for C:;JJrus 1951~ 3 Committee 11-6 n.llen, Ed .... ard 1-T 1951-1956 3 11-7 Ulen, WilUarn M 1953) 1957 ;:~ -:, 11-8 1\merican Automobile f,.ssociatioP 19)1..l-1-) 1955 .) 11-9 /,merican Bar ),ssocio:tion 1956 1 7 Ob':\ 11--10 ,'\merican Fetieration of tabor ' ../ 8 11--lL America:1 Foundation for Greece 1955 2 11-12 1\merican Legion 191+?-1956 l~ ll.H3 Aintrican-ScandLiavian Foundation 1956 2 lJ.-1!.~ i\ndr~r-s on) E i.-J 1?52 1 11-15 1\.ro 11sm1., Hugo F,153-19511. 2 11-16 ,\ssociation of W'.:'shingto11 Cities 1943--1s157 5 11-17 !\U:fr166n, N P 191~'.? 11-18 1\nonymous 1939)cn. d.J 11-19,20 A-Miscella.ny c.50 FART 1 4 A ll-2l A - Miscellany 18 B 11-22 Baillargeon, Cebert 1948 1. 11-23 Baker, Frederick E. 1956 l 11-24 Bannan, Thomas J. 1949,1950 2 11-25 Bargren, Howard 1955 1. 11-26 Barnett, Arthur G. 1949,1953 2 11-27 Beebe, Albert 1949 1. 11-28 Belknap, Clark R. 1950 l 11-29 Berry, Frank 1952 3 11-30 Bethlehem Steel Company 1940 l 11-31 B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League 1955 l 11-32 Bone, Homer Truett 1941 l 11-33 Boy Scouts of America 1950-56 7 11-34 Burchard, Dudley W. 1956 1. 11-(35-38) B - Miscellany 57 C 11-39 Cain, Harry P. 1942-52 4 11-40 California. Corrections Dept. 1954,1956 2 11-41 Canada. Ontario. Highways Dept. 1956 1. 11-42 Carlisle, Jay C. 1956,1957 4 11-43 Chamber of Commerce, U.S. 1942-54 3 11-44 Childs, John F. 1954 1. 11-45 Citizens Political Committee 1951 1. 11-46 Citizens Public Assistance Committee 1.950 6 11-47 Citizens Valleyview Hospital Committee 1.935-55 4 11-48 Clark, Cecil G. 1.956 1. 11-49 Clark, Mark W. 1.949 2 11-50 Clise (J. W.) and Cor.apany 1.956 3 11-51 Coffee, John Main 1941.-42 6 11-52 Collins, LeRoy 1955-56 4 11-53 Cond~eNast Publications, Inc. 1.956 5 11-54 CIO. International Woodworkers of 1.954-55 8 America 11-55 Connor, Dick see: Connor, Richard H. 11-56 Connor, Richard H. 1.956 2 11-57 Cotton, Harry A. 1.956 1. 12-1 Council of State Governments 1.956 2 12-2 Crawley (Rev.) Zed 1.956 1. 12-(3-6) C - Miscellany 1.2 r PART 5 D 12-7 Darling, Eugene F 1955 1 12-8 Dawley, J M 1951 1 12-9 Diblee, Jack H H 1952 1 12-10 Disabled ..:~rne~ico..n Veter~c.c-is 1942,-1952 4 12-11 Douglas, Malcolm 1955 1 12-12,13 D - Miscellany c.20 E 12-llr. Eagles, Fraternal Order of 1953 1 12-15 Easter!1 Washingto~-:i. Cooperative 1955 1 + encl. Beet Growers .P,ssociation 12-16 Edgerton, E Ralph 1952 1 12-17 Eisenhower, Dwight David 1954-1956 lr. 12-18 Eitel, Ruth M 1~56 2 -::, 12-19- Elvidge, ~Ford Q 19lr.9-1952 _) 12-20 E - Miscellany c.15 F 12-21 Farvres t Li thog1~ap~1 and P-.dnting Co. 1956 1 + e~-:i.cl. 12-22 Federal Employees Union 1953 1 ,..., 12-23 FishermenLs Cooperative J\.ssociatioL 1955 "- 12-24 The Fishermen's News 1955 1 12-25 Fishing Vessel Owner's Association 195lr-1955 2 12-26 Folger, John Clifford 1953-1956 2 12-27 Ford, Henry 1956 1 12-28 Freedoms Foundation 1953 1 + encl. 12-29 Freeman, Miller ]}953-1955 5 + encl. 12-30,31;32 Freeman, Roger !\ 1953-1956 29 12-32.. j~ Freemasons. Grand Lodge. 1957 2 12-33 French, Rob er·c M 1955 1 12-34 Frien1s of the Library (Washington) 1955 1 12-35 F - M scellany c.25 G 12-36 Gilbert, Elon J 191~9 1 12-37 Gould, Joel F 1959-1956 2 7 ?-?o" --- J :, _):,9 Governors' Conference 1952-1956 17 + encl. 70<=;~ 12~40 Governors' Co:1ference. Women's -/,,)_; 1 Executive Session -::, 12-lr.l Graham, Billy· 1952-1956 _) 12-lr.2 GreatBritain. Const,late. 191~3-1950 3 12-1~3 Grieve &: Law 1957 1 12-lr.lr. Gutierrez; William J 1955 l l?-h::i-46 ,._ G - Mis cella:::.y 6 PART H 13-1 Hall, Leonard W 1951~..!.1956 2 13-2 Hamley, Frederick G 1950-1955 4 13-3 Health and Welfare Council of Seattle 1955 1 and King County 13-4 Hess, Andy 1955 1 13-5 Hiddleston, Joseph F 1954-1955- 4 13-6 HiltneT, Walter G 1939 1 13-7 Hittle; Leroy 1953 1 13-8 Hoedemaker, Edward D 1954 1 13-9 Holden, Ashley 1948-1955 3 13-10 Holmes, Hal 1955 2 13-11 Hoover, Herbert 191~9-1956 · 3 13-12 Horan, Walter Fraaklin 1955 3 13-13 Houston, HollaEd H 1955-1956 2 + encl. 13-14 Hull, Cordell 1941-191.J.3 2 see o.lso: Bo;1.e, Hor.1er Truett 13-15 Hull, Frank 1956 3 13-16 Hull, Stephen A 1952 1 13-17 Hunt, T N 1956 1 13..;18,19;20; H - Miscella'1y c.50 21 I 13-22 Interne.tional Christian Leadership; 1955-1957 Inc. 13-23 International Pacific Salinon Fisher- 1950 1 ies Commission Italy, Chief of Protocol of the Re- 1956 1 + transl. public. I- Miscellany J 13-26 Japan. Consul General. 1952-1955 3 13-27 Jenkins, W M 1953-1954 2 13-28 Johanson, M G 1938 2 13-29 John Graham and Co. 1951 1 13-30 Johnson, Jasper H 1950-1955 3 ,:::; 13-31 Jordan, Len 1953-1955 ,) 13-32,33 J - ~..iscellany c.25 K 13-34 Kaiser, Robert F 1955 l' 13-35 Karr; Payne 1956 2 13-36 Kelly, John Grant 1911-8-1956 4 13-37 Kennon; Robert F 1953-1955 3 13-38 King County, Wn. Superior Court 1956 1 13-39 King County Bar :\ssociation~ Seattle. 1956 1 13-40 King County Medical Society 1955 1 T encl. 13-41 ,.. KinG'sGa~den, Inc. 1952-1955 0 PART 7 13-42 Kinnear, George 1949-1955 6 13-43 Klueber, Lewis H 1955 1 13-41~ Knight, Goodwin J 1953-1955 3 + encl.
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