E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 No. 19 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was our State marshals the strength of all turn to civilian life to allow them to called to order by the Speaker pro tem- of Florida’s public universities to re- continue to protect our homeland. pore (Mr. JOLLY). spond to our Nation’s cybersecurity Tampa is the perfect home for this new cyber mission with its close prox- f workforce needs. The center will help develop the next imity to the headquarters of the U.S. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO generation of technology to prevent Central Command, U.S. Special Oper- TEMPORE cyber attacks and provide a resource ations Command, and the Joint Cyber The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- for Florida businesses to help them Command at MacDill Air Force Base. fore the House the following commu- prevent and, if necessary, respond to The Tampa Bay region is also a cen- nication from the Speaker: cyber threats. ter for our State’s financial and health care industries. National, State, and WASHINGTON, DC, I want to congratulate the board of February 4, 2015. governors for our State university sys- local businesses—large and small—will I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID W. tem, our Florida State Legislature, and benefit from the continuing outreach JOLLY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this our Florida Governor for recognizing and educational programs offered by day. the critical importance of the growing the Florida Center for Cybersecurity at JOHN A. BOEHNER, cyber threat to Florida residents and USF. Speaker of the House of Representatives. businessowners throughout the world. Mr. Speaker, I applaud USF’s energy f These leaders are doing something and innovation in responding to the na- tional and international cyber threat. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE about that threat by establishing the Florida Center for Cybersecurity. This is the type of quick and thorough The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- They recognized that with our grow- response our Nation needs as we bring ant to the order of the House of Janu- ing reliance on Internet connectivity together the best our public and pri- ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- each and every day, cybersecurity be- vate sectors have to offer in protecting nize Members from lists submitted by comes increasingly more vital. Cyber- our citizens and our businesses from the majority and minority leaders for security reaches every facet of modern this ongoing threat to our national se- morning-hour debate. life, from national security to personal curity, our personal security, and eco- The Chair will alternate recognition communication, from data storage to nomic security. Congratulations to USF, and go, between the parties, with each party banking security, from health care pri- Bulls. limited to 1 hour and each Member vacy to transportation safety. other than the majority and minority In just 7 short months, the center has f leaders and the minority whip limited enrolled its first 100 students in a spe- AWARE ACT to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- cial cybersecurity master’s degree pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. gram. Just last October, the program Chair recognizes the gentleman from f at USF became only the second in the Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- Nation to be designated as a National OPENING OF THE FLORIDA CEN- utes. Center of Academic Excellence in In- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, TER FOR CYBERSECURITY AT formation Assurance and Cybersecu- UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA one of the areas where Congress has re- rity. peatedly come together in a non- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The center continues to address the partisan fashion to make real progress Chair recognizes the gentleman from serious shortfall in our Nation’s cyber- has been legislation dealing with the Florida (Mr. ROSS) for 5 minutes. security workforce by bringing online protection of animals. This is some- Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise this degree, certificate, and training pro- thing that unites us as we have been morning to bring to the attention of grams to facilitate industry-recognized able to deal with a series of simple, my colleagues an important event tak- specializations to enhance the cyberse- commonsense steps to assure we meet ing place this Friday in the 15th Con- curity workforce, mitigate cybersecu- the standard of care. gressional District of Florida which I rity threats, and attract new busi- That is why it was so horrific to read have the privilege to represent. nesses to Florida and across our great the terrible front-page article in The With the opening of the Florida Cen- Nation. New York Times on January 20 about ter for Cybersecurity on the campus of Most importantly, the university will the Federal Meat Animal Research the University of South Florida, also reach out to our Nation’s heroes who Center in Clay Center, Nebraska. Mov- known as USF, in Tampa this Friday, have proudly served in uniform and re- ing from the front page to two full b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H759 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:16 Feb 05, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04FE7.000 H04FEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 4, 2015 pages on the inside were truly gro- PUERTO RICO STATEHOOD Rico during the transition period so tesque and horrifying examples of ani- ADMISSION PROCESS ACT the admission process is structured and mal abuse. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The orderly. A young cow had its head locked in a Chair recognizes the gentleman from Third, in November 2020, the Amer- cagelike device to keep her immobile Puerto Rico (Mr. PIERLUISI) for 5 min- ican citizens of Puerto Rico would vote while she was repeatedly—you can only utes. for President and Vice President, two describe it as sexually tortured for Mr. PIERLUISI. Mr. Speaker, today, U.S. Senators, and voting Members of hours by as many as six bulls being I am introducing the most forceful and the U.S. House. studied for their sexual libido. Her ambitious statehood admission bill for Finally, on January 1, 2021, the Presi- back legs were broken, her body—in Puerto Rico in U.S. history. The bill, dent would proclaim Puerto Rico to be the words of one of the observers—was fittingly, has 51 original cosponsors a State. Puerto Rico’s congressional ‘‘torn up,’’ and the cow understandably from both parties. Representatives would be sworn into died from her injuries. Before I describe the bill, let me ex- office, and Puerto Rico would be treat- There were other experiments de- plain its background. In 2012, the Puer- ed on equal footing with all other tailed, sheep and pigs, without consid- to Rico government sponsored a ref- States. eration of animal health impact. It de- erendum in which voters rejected Puer- My bill is modeled on the legislation tailed horrifying and often unsuccess- to Rico’s current territory status and enacted by Congress with respect to ful results. At least 6,500 animals were expressed a clear preference for state- Alaska and Hawaii. When Alaska and known to have starved to death at this hood. Hawaii were territories, they each held facility, and unknown numbers died In the 113th Congress, at my initia- votes sponsored by their local govern- from negligence from easily treatable tive, the President proposed and Con- ments in which voters expressed a de- infections, exposure to bad weather, or gress approved an appropriation of $2.5 sire for statehood. This is also what oc- attacks by predators—all of this at a million to fund the first federally spon- curred in Puerto Rico in 2012. cost of almost $200 million of taxpayer sored status vote in Puerto Rico’s his- Ultimately, Congress enacted an ad- money over the last 10 years, resulting tory. The funding will remain available mission act for Alaska in 1958 and an in this grotesque abuse of animals. until it is used by the Puerto Rico gov- admission act for Hawaii in 1959. Those There is the ability to abuse, neglect, acts of Congress provided for admission and even torture farm animals because ernment. While the law does not prescribe the to occur once a majority of voters in there is no law that requires their pro- exact format of the ballot, it does es- each territory affirmed in a federally tection. There is a loophole in the Ani- tablish important conditions; namely, sponsored vote that they desired state- mal Welfare Act which exempts farm the law provides that the U.S. Depart- animals used for research. hood. That is precisely what my bill Think about it. If you are abusing, ment of Justice must certify that the would do with respect to Puerto Rico. neglecting, or even torturing farm ani- ballot and voter education materials Every Member of Congress who co- mals for agricultural research, you are consistent with U.S. law and pol- sponsors this bill is standing up for a don’t have to obey the Animal Welfare icy. powerful, powerful principle, which is Act. It is absolutely unjustified and The bipartisan bill I am introducing this: the people of Puerto Rico are U.S.
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