JRC SCIENCE AND POLICY REPORTS 2013 Technology Map of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan Technology Descriptions Report EUR 26345 EN Joint Research Centre JRC13_TMAP_08AP14_P5-NS-Print.indd 1 09/04/2014 16:20:55 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport Contact: Johan Carlsson Address: Joint Research Centre, 3 Westerduinweg 1755 LE Petten the Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +31 224565341 Fax: +31 224565616 http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ http://www.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ This publication is a Scientific and Policy Report by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. LEGAL NOTICE Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this publication. Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server http://europa.eu/ JRC86357 EUR 26345 EN ISBN 978-92-79-34721-4 (print) ISBN 978-92-79-34720-7 (pdf) ISSN 1018-5593 (print) ISSN 1831-9424 (online) doi: 10.2790/9986 (print) doi: 10.2790/99812 (online) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2014 © European Union, 2014 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Luxembourg JRC13_TMAP_08AP14_P5-NS-Print.indd 2 09/04/2014 16:20:55 2013 Technology Map of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) Technology Descriptions JRC13_TMAP_08AP14_P5-NS-Print.indd 1 09/04/2014 16:20:55 JRC13_TMAP_08AP14_P5-NS-Print.indd 2 09/04/2014 16:20:56 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Wind Power Generation 07 2. Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Generation 16 3. Concentrated Solar Power Generation 22 4. Hydropower 27 5. Geothermal Energy 33 6. Marine Energy 41 7. Carbon Capture And Storage In Power Generation 46 8. Advanced Fossil Fuel Power Generation 54 9. Nuclear Fission Power Generation 62 10. Nuclear Fusion Power Generation 69 11. Bioenergy — Power And Heat Generation 75 12. Biofuels For The Transport Sector 83 13. Hydrogen And Fuel Cells 91 14. Electricity Storage In The Power Sector 99 15. Smart Grids 107 16. Cogeneration Or Combined Heat And Power 114 17. Energy Performance Of Buildings 119 18. Heating And Cooling Technologies 126 19. Heat Pumps 132 20. Energy Efficiency And Co2 Emissions Reduction In Industry 137 20.1 The cement industry 137 20.2 The iron and steel industry 142 20.3 The pulp and paper industry 148 JRC13_TMAP_08AP14_P5-NS-Print.indd 3 09/04/2014 16:20:56 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to gratefully acknowledge the following lists of authors, reviewers and con- tributors to the 2013 Technology Map. Chapter Authors Wind Roberto Lacal-Arantegui Photovoltaic Arnulf Jäger-Waldau Concentrated solar power Arnulf Jäger-Waldau Hydropower Roberto Lacal-Arantegui Geothermal Andrei Bocin-Dumitriu, Bergur Sigfusson Marine Ghassan Zubi, Davide Magagna CHP Johan Carlsson CCS Maria del Mar Perez Fortes Advanced fossil fuel Maria del Mar Perez Fortes Nuclear fission Johan Carlsson Nuclear fusion Ray Moss Smart grids Stavros Lazarou David Baxter, Nicolae Scarlat, Jacopo Giuntoli, Bioenergy – power and heat Alberto Moro Monica Padella, Marina Kousoulidou, Biofuels for the transport sector Veljko Vorkapic, Luisa Marelli Hydrogen and fuel cells Marc Steen Electricity storage Andreas Zucker, Roberto Lacal-Arantegui Efficiency in industry José Moya - Cement - Iron and steel - Pulp and paper Energy performance of buildings Hans Bloem Heating and cooling technologies Carmen Moles Heat pumps Carmen Moles Reviewers from other services of the The following external contributors are also European Commission: gratefully acknowledged: Maria Getsiou [Solar PV], Jean-Marie Bemtgen Bertrand de Lamberterie [Iron and steel], Claude and Philipp Troppmann [Iron and steel], Roger Loréa [Cement], Marco Mensink and Jernej Garbil, Marc Deffrennes, Rosa Ciotola [Nuclear Vernik [Pulp and paper], Jean-Luc Delplancke, Fission], Rosa Ciotola, Tomasz Sliwinski, Simon Nikolaos Lymperopoulos, Mirela Atanasiu, Webster [Nuclear Fusion], Jeroen Schuppers Enrique Giron, Guillaume Leduc and Carlos [Carbon Capture and Storage, and Advanced Navas [Hydrogen and fuel cells] Fossil Fuels], Patrick Van Hove [Smart Grids] Agustin Escardino Malva] The Technology Map Editorial Team: Johan Carlsson / Marika Vellei 4 JRC13_TMAP_08AP14_P5-NS-Print.indd 4 09/04/2014 16:20:56 PREAMBLE Background The European Union (EU) is tackling climate The Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET- change, energy supply security and economic Plan) is the technology pillar of the EU’s energy competitiveness through the transformation of and climate policy. It responds to the challenge the energy system, with far-reaching implica- of accelerating the development of low-carbon tions on how we source and produce our ener- technologies, leading to their widespread mar- gy, how we transport and trade it, and how we ket take-up. SETIS, the SET-Plan Information use it. The aim is to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) System, supports the SET-Plan. One of SETIS’s emissions by at least 85 % by 2050 compared regular outputs is the Technology Map, which to the 1990 levels. presents the state of knowledge for low-carbon technologies in the following domains: There is no single energy technology that alone can sustain this transformation. Either • assessment of the state of the art of a wide the energy sources are not sufficiently abun- portfolio of low-carbon energy technologies, dant or they have drawbacks in terms of sus- tainability or security of supply. In other cases • market and industry potential, the technologies proposed are not yet compet- itive as compared to technologies using fossil • barriers to their large-scale deployment, fuels. Therefore, a broad portfolio of low-car- bon technologies is required for coping with • ongoing and planned R&D and demonstration future uncertainty. efforts to overcome technological barriers. According to the Energy Roadmap 2050 (COM(2011)885/2), under the current poli- cies, the market trends show that only half of the targeted greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- sion reductions would be achieved by 2050. The respective shares of electricity generation technologies in such reference scenarios in 2005 and 2050 are shown in Figures 0.1 and 0.2. With more support for research and deve- lopment (R&D) on new technologies and a sup- portive regulatory framework for low-carbon technologies compared to the current policies, the decarbonisation of the energy system can be significantly accelerated. The Energy Roadmap 2050 examined four decarbonisation pathways. These included different combinations of energy efficiency, renewables, nuclear, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) that would allow achieving the goal of 85 % CO2 emission reduction in 2050. The shares of electricity generation technolo- gies for two of these decarbonisation pathways are presented in Figures 0.3 and 0.4. 5 JRC13_TMAP_08AP14_P5-NS-Print.indd 5 09/04/2014 16:20:57 2013 Technology Map of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan Figures 0.1–0.4: Share of electricity Ref. scenario 2005 Ref. scenario 2050 generation technologies according to the Energy Roadmap 2050 Nuclear energy Hydro Conventional thermal Wind CCS Solar Biomass-waste Geothermal and other renewables Div Supply Tech 2050 high RES 2050 The Technology Map 2013 together with the solar photovoltaics (PV), onshore wind and scheduled Joint Research Centre (JRC) report technologies using biomass), whereas the on Energy Technology Reference Indicators development is slower for others (e.g. CCS, (ETRI)1 of SETIS provide up-to-date and impartial marine energy and geothermal energy). information about the current and anticipated future European energy technology portfolio. • Costs for several low-carbon energy technolo- The two reports provide support to: gies have continued to decline (e.g. onshore wind and solar PV). • policymakers in strategic decision making and in particular for identifying future • Some low-carbon technologies are not yet priorities for research, development and competitive as compared to technologies demonstration (RD&D); using fossil fuels. This remains a key barrier to their large-scale deployment. Barriers to • policymakers in identifying barriers to low- large-scale implementation of RES technolo- carbon technologies; gies have increased in some countries due to reduced financial support. In addition, • the modelling community by providing the very low-carbon emission costs of the a complete overview of the technology, EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) are markets, barriers and techno-economic disadvantageous for low-carbon technolo- performance, which are required for gies versus technologies using fossil fuels. systemic modelling activities. • The increasing share of variable renewa- Trends since 2011 bles and their low operating costs reduce electricity costs and stalled investments in A comparison of the status of the low-carbon conventional fossil-based power production. technologies presented in the Technology Map These could disrupt the grid stability and the 2011 with the Technology Map 2013 highlights security of supply in the longer term if not the following distinguishable trends. addressed properly. • Some types of renewable energy sources • A stable regulatory framework
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