If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. g:: 4' "1 .•. ~ ~ j Jil ! National Criminal Justice Reference Service " I 1 nCJrs 11 ) This microfiche was produced from documents received for II ~~./ " C-\/AJ\J inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise I ~; ., .. -;--: ., ..... C-VAN control over the physical condition of the documents submitted, 1 the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on \ this frame may be used to evaluate the document quality. 2 8 2 5 1.0 :: ""1 . 11111 . 11111 Ww I~I~ .2 u: W (~ I:.i 'i., ;~~,':!~Il~;~~'~ :r rw n~· f."l.': J.'.('l~17'·" 1.1 "'0.::. ....u I f~- == .- I ""'1.25 1111,1.4 111111.6 , 1,. ! '.". 1I , . \ CRIN1E VICTIM , I . , MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-196~-A ! ' ASSISTANCE . ( \ NETWORK Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. f .-:;: DIRECTORY ~::i.~~~~l"~'~'.r~~· Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author(s) and do not represent the official position or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice. , . National Institute of Justice r. ' 3/15/82 f; • United States Department of Justice j •• , .. • .~. Washington, D. C: 20531 ~." '. '" ~ ..~:·::·r~"!···;""· C-VAN ,J ..... {I I .- ~--~-.:=... ~,.~--- --- ~- - ------------------------ A L" '/ ' ""'-........ '," 11 f·~;:C.(C:__.:.:_:(::: ,\VC:i!..!e nac!(6nsa::k, New· Jersey 0.7601. l.: • ,p ~.... tt ':: l~~ ~TERSEY COUNCIL ON CRIME VICTIMS INTRODUCTION , ~'he Crime Victim Assi stance Net\tl01"k program is designea to open all avenues of commu.nication between those working throughout New Jersey to help crime vlctims A coordinated effort across our state is definitely a o necessary element to bring about the r'I!"ograms and leg1s1atj.on needed to make life a little easier for the crime victim .. The Crime Victim Assi stance Nett-iO!'k (C-VAN) director~r :i.s part of the New Jersey CounCil on Crime V1ctims' effort; to help open: those lines of communication. As you notice, the directory is printed in looseleaf mak1ng style', updates simple o -/ N~N JERSEY COu~CIL ON CRIME VICTIMS The first edition of thi s directory 1s beirlg pr1nted by the New Jersey Council on Crime Vict1ms. !J."'rle New Jersey Di',1sion of Criminal ..Tustoce has agreed 'co fund the printing CounCil.of subsequent edi tiona and updates in cooperation tAli th the CEDIfE VICTIM ASSISTANCE NETWORK DIRECTORY The New Jersev CounCil on Crime Victims aopreciates the cooperation it h~s received in putting this directory together from program directors from all parts of the state o The C-VAN directory represents one of the first attempts in our nat10n to coor-f11nate a state~1T1de netHork of victim-related services. The directory has beel,) compiled through the efforts of U.S. Department of Justice 80176 National Institute of Justice the executl~le boar'd of the New Jersey CounCil on Crime Victims: duced exactly as received from the 3.obert Grayson, ohairmanj "ja~rne Pilf,to, first a ssistont This document has, bee~ repr?, i ts of view or opinions stat~d ohairman; Denise KleiS, seco:no. assistant chair'woman; ThomF.:ls person or organization Originating It. P~~ rs and do not necessarily in this document are tho,s.e of the I~~eso of the National Institute of Kaczmarek and George McCarthy. represent the official posilion or po ICI Justice, , , d ce this copyrighted material has been The COtU."1c1l '\.\relcomes and enoourages the addition of Permission to repro u • new programs to help crime victims, and urges the d1rectcirs granted by C unci1 on Crl.me New Jersey 0 of these new programs to submit the necessary information Victims to have these programs included in the directory. Inquiries to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), and information can be sent to: Further reproduction outside. of the NC JRS system requires permis- Hobert Grayson sion of the copyright owner, Office of the Crime Victim Advocate N.J 0 CounCil 011 Crime Vlot.1ms City Hall Annex City Hall Annex Paterson, New Jersey 0750.5 Paterson J New Jersey 07505 (201) 881-6997 Hon. Lawrence F. Kramer') Hayor --C-VAN-- As always, the Council stands ready to assist. Thank you again for helping make this directory a hpq1n~iD~ Ana p. ~A31jtv. If I i , . .. -----..o;~.~.i·- - - ~--~------------------:-----"!!~-------- I I\.... TO HELP SERVICE THOSE IN NEW JERSEY COU1~C!L ON CRIrili VICTIMS ~ .... Executive Board Robert Grayson, Chairman Pate~son Orime Victim Advocate \ Wayne Pilato, l"irat Assistant Chairman Coordinator, Somerset County Vict1m-Witness Unit Denise Kleis, Second AB9~.Btant Chairwoman Founder,_ Bergen Women Against Bape Thoma s ¥..aozmarek Chatrmal:1, Violent Crimes Compensat1.on Board CHIME VICTIMS ABE PEOPLE TOO George J:lcCarthy LET'S HELP THEM NOW r-'I Coor-dinator, Burlington County Vict1ru-IV1.tness UY!i t -" .. SUPPORT VICTIMS I RIGHTS· _-C-VAN-- --C-V~N __ , --------.,...0=--- _.. '-- .--- / CfLIVtE VICTIM ASSISTA."'lCE NETWORK DIF".JS.CTORY Table of Contents IJ:jnble of Contents Essex County ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7.0 Atlantic CountY ••••••••••• o ••••••••••••••• l.O 7.1 1.1 7~2 1.2 7~3 1 • .3 7~4 7.S Bergen County ••••• ~ " ......................... 2.0 • 2.1 Glouoester County ........ $ ••••••••••••••••• 8.0 2.2 8.1 2.3 ~~2 2.4 2,,5 Hudson County •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9~0 ., 6 ~.. 9.1 9.2 9.3 Bur 11 ngt en Hunterdon COUlltY ....................... , •• lO.O County., $ • " '1" ................. $ 0 ••• 3.0 3.1 10~1 3.2 10.2 3.3 Mercer County •••••••••••••••••••••••• e .•• 11.0 3.4 3.5 11.1 11.2 CamdE'!,). C OUl".l t Y •• II •••• (t «' If ............. " fo ••••• 4. 0 11.3 Li·.l 11.4 ).~. 2 4.3 County ••••• " ...................... 5.0 ~ 5.1 Cumberland r ;- Coun,tl ... '" .......................... 0.0 6.1 6.2 -I1- -1- --C-VAN __ --C-VAN-- fr I , , " ! " , ...... Table of Contents Table of Contents Middlesex County···· ••••••••••••••••••••• 12.0 12.1 12.2 12~3 12.4 Salem County ••••••••••••••••••••••• 17.0 Monmouth .' 17.1 County •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13.0 1?2 13.1 Somerset 13.2 County •••• o ••••••••••••••• 18~O 13.3 18.1 13.4 18~2 18,3 Morris COUllty •••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• •• 14.0 18 c 4 . 14.1 18.5 14.2 14.3 Sussex County ••••••••••••••• ~ •••••• 19.0 r· 14.4 19.1 .J.'• 9 '., Ocean County. • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••• • 1S. 0 .. ~ . 15.1 19.3 15.2 Union County ••• w ••••••••••••••••••• 20~O Passaic 20.1 County. • • • • • • •••••••••••••••.••••• 16.0 20.2 1 6.1 . 20 J 16.2 , 16.3 Warren Cou:aty •••••••••••••••••••••• 21.0 16.4 . 21.1 .~ 21.2 State of New Jersey •• D~ •••••••••••• 22.0 22.1 22.2 22~J 22.4 ,'"": -III- -IV- --C-VAN __ --C-VAN __ (, , fr I -- ---~ ---.-....=-"'.~.j ._-- ~ --- AtL&nt~c ~ounty - ~~ge 1.0 r VICTIM-WITNESS " Project Name: Atlant"ic County Proseoutor's Off1ce V1ct1m-W1tness Un1t Address: 1625 Atlantic Avenue Atlantic C1ty, N.J. 08401 Telephone: (609) 345-0551 Project D1rector: R1ohardJ. W11l1ams-Prosecutor Area Served: Vlctlms of Crlme 1n Atlantl0 County ) Types of Servioes Provided: Case 1nformatlon~ referrm1s to soc1al ATLANTIC COUNTY servloe ageno1es, transportat1on for elderly to oourt, sexual assault Mun101pa1ities: 23 " or1mes 1nformat1on, V10lent Cr1mes County Seat: Mays Landing Compensat1on Board applioation Area in Square Miles: 566.9 " asslstanoe, and pub11c advocacy for Popu1at1on (1976--Provisiona1): 188,962 viot1ms and witnesses. Other Informat1on: Program is two years old. Abseoon Ham11ton At1antio City Hammonton **** **** **** **** Brigant1ne L1nwood **** Bueno Longport Bueno V1sta Margate Corbin Mullica BATTERED WOMEN & ABUSED CHILDREN Egg Harbor C1ty Northfield Egg Harbor Townsh1p Pleasantville PrOjf~ct Name: Family Serv1c~ Assoc1ation of Atlantic :i~ Estell Manor Port Republlc County Folsom Somers Point G.l1oway Ventnor 4000 Blaok Horse Pike Atlant1c Clty, N.J. 08232 Weymouth Telephone: (609) 645-2942 Project D1rector: Ollver Gerland-Pres1dent Malnly Atlantlc County Types of Services Prov1ded": Counseling program for battered oh1ldren and the1r fam1l1es, progrRw for"b~ttered women. O~~her Informat1on: Program has been 1n ex1stence for I. 25 years. , , ( --C-VAN-- .. --C-VAN-- {I ( - . --....o;=--.~.,.- - - -- ~- -~--- - ------------------------_~ _____..___ VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTDIS OF CRIME Project Name: Atlantic County Women's Center­ Abuse Center Project Name: Contact Address: 201 Shore Road Address: P.o. Box 181 Northfield, N .,]. 08225 Linwood, N.J. 08221 Telephone: (609) 646-'6767/6768 Telephone: ( 609) 646-6616 Project Director: Catherine TfAylor Project D1reotor: Mary Anne Biernbaum Assistant Director: Steve Be~11 Area Served: Atlentio County and Cape M~y County Area Served: Atlantic, Cape r~y~ Cumberland 1 Types of Serv10es Burlington, Camden, Salem and Prov1d~d: 24-hour hot11ne whioh serves the Glouoester Count1es needs of anyone 1n trouble inoluding cr1me victims, cr1s1s intervent1on, Types of Servioes someone to l'1sten, and information Provided: Counseling for individuals, families and referralB. Can refer crime v1ctims ) and groups who are viotims of domestic to proper agenoies for help. v~olenoe, referral and follow-up servioes, emergency housing for victims and their children, 24-hour hotl~ne, **** **** all servioes except housing available **** **** **** to male victims as well as women. SEX CRII1ES INVESTIGATION Other Information: Program established 1n March, 1978. " Project Nllme: Atlant1c County Prosecutor's Office **** **** **** Sex Cr1mes Unit--A Division of the **** **** Major Crimes Unit RAPE CRISIS Address: 25 Dalton Avenue Northfield, N.J. 08225 Project Name: Atlant1c County Rape Cris1s Center Telephone: (609) 645-2289 'c Address: 237 M. RFD, Motts Creek Road Supervi s OJ:' : Investigator Tony Tortelli Abseoon, N.J. 08201 Area Served: Atlantic County t"... Telephone: (609) 822-2178 Types of Serv10es Area Served: Atlant1c County Provided: An 1nvest1gat1ve unit, oan-refer v10tims to counae'lors for spec1fic Types of Services help if necessary.
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