/■' A m t ft D a lD r N e t P f t n R oi PAGE TWENTY M O N D AY, OCTOBER 8®, IWM Eor The Week Ended The Weatiier lEvrntng l|praUi Ootobev 28, U*T Cloudy tonight. Low In 40a. Tomorrow cloudy. High near u p t i t t t g 60. Mias Anita Shoff, a sopho­ Manchester WATE>8 have 15,544 ut Town more a t SSasteni Nazarene Col­ canceled ttielT regular meeting Thank Offerii^ lege,, Wollaston, Mass., has been' this week; - usually held each Manchester— A City of Village Charm “Nolwdy Waved Goodbye," “awaitlod a SlOO Continuing Tues(toy, because, o f Halloween. Celebration Sct the Moond Cihn in ttie Manches­ Honor Scholardiip. She is the The executive board of the VOL. LKXXVn, NO. 26 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1967 (OtaMllled Advertlatnc oa-Pnge 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ter Cotnmunlty College fBm se- daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. group iwin meet Thursday at By St. Mary’s itai, hae been rescheduled for Robert J. Sohoff o f 232 Main 8:30 p jn . a t the Italian Am er­ abowtng Wednesday alt 7:30 St. The 'Rev. Mr. Shotff is pas­ ican d u b . HCetessea aire (Mrs. The fall United Thank Offer­ p m in (Room A-7 at Mianchea- tor of the Church of the Natsa- Peter Magrel and Mrs. Harvey ing Ingathering of St. Mary’s ter Hig^h School. It had orig­ rene in Manchester. Ward. Episcoi>al Church will be cele­ inally been scheduled on Thurs­ brated Stmday with a qorporate KiuuUeiCA day. communion at 7:30 a.m. at St. The Army - Navy Auxiliary Superintendent of Schools Wil­ Mary’s followed by a breakfast will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. liam H. Curtis was a partici­ COUNTRY Hum phrey and Thieu at 9 a.m. at the Masonic at the clubhouse. Plans will be pant yesterday In an annual Temple. discussed for a Christmas Alumni Leaders Symposium held Reservations for the breakfast party. - Refreshments will be at Tufts University, Medford, FARE may be made by contacting served. Mhss. The superintendent Mrs. Elm er Odell, 612 E. Cen­ earned his bachelor’s degree at ter St., or Mrs. Edward Platz, The Willing Workers Group of Tufts, from which he was also 216 Hollister St. South Methodist Church will awarded an honorary doctor­ A wide selection o f fine food In a pleasant atnKW|)hei» Escape Bom b Attack meet and tie quilts Wednesday ate. Dr. A. Elmer Dlskan will at 1 p.m. in Cooper Hall at the speak on his services on the S.S. 1100 BURNSIDE AVE., EAS^ HOPE. • cmnaciiAR church. Hostesses are Mrs. Lakota Council, Degree of Po­ A major portion of the trien­ • CUT,1ACK.StWsrSIAL Ruth Dewey and Mrs. Gerard cahontas will meet Wednesday • HUNDKOSOrUSIS nial offering has been designat­ SAIGON (AP) — The Lacroix. at 7 ;S0 p.m. at Odd Fellows ★ Luncheon Specials .99 ★ INDOOM* OUTDOORS ed to be used In the Presiding Viet Cong lobbed four Hall, Main St. A Halloween so­ Bishop’s "urban crisis’’ pro­ shells on grounds of the The Manchester High School cial and refreshments will fol­ gram. Bishop Hines has urged Char-Broiled Big Beefburger 45C low the meeting. gaily light^ Independent* music department is planning a this church to direct Its major % lb. B eef ......................................... Palace tonight as Presi­ talent show, for which any stu­ thrust to a fine-point program dents in town are eligible. Try­ dent NgUyen Van 'I^ieu ^ designed to promote mclal Chicken Croquettes (t i -j a The W. G. Glenney Co. outs will be held tonight at 8 CPEC Official equality of opportimlty and entertained Vice President ' SS6 N. Main Sh, Mianchester in Bailey Auditorium. treatment. and ell itiie iflxln’s ............................... Hubert H. Humphrey and Assisting CRC 2,000 inaugural guests, but : King Crab Newburg, Fri. Only $ 1 .8 5 hit none of them. The Manchester Charter Re­ with all the trimmings.................... ^ A fifth BheU, straying from vision Commission (CRC) is the target, wounded three per­ pressing for Wednesday night (Breadheft photo) sons outside. The tube of a 61mm mortar, believed to have completion of the drafting of Patrick Mandowa of Mawali, Africa, on flute. TaY been the weapon, was found In a its charter-change recommen­ A T R E A T building five blocks from the pa­ dations, for presentation to the Andover FOB EACH lace. MEMBER Board of Directors on Nov. 7. FAIRWAY The sheUs landed In quick ^ 9 C n u d u n O F YO UR Wednesday's meeting will be F/RST succession. The explosions FAMILY shook the windows, but It was at 8 in the Probate Courtroom UN’s Birth Marked all over In a few se(x>nd4 Emd in the Municipal Building. ^ for hailoween A the party went on. A dinner psLT- The world came to Andover were then served and included Open 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. On hand will be a representa­ ty for a smaUer group later was Saturday night when at least some of the United Nations tive of the Connecticut Public ^ candies ^ CEirrled out Em scheduled. 200 celebrated the 22nd anni­ birthday cake which was the Expenditures Council, which has There was a flurry of other In­ versary of the United Nations 4-H IP YE part o^, the program. taken on the task of drawing at the elementary school. The Read Herald Advertisements cidents In the SEdgon area: the CRC’s recommended Andover League of Women Vot­ —A civillEm survey launch, changes into legal form. ers sponsored the successful af­ AustTEdlEm-owned, hit a Viet One problem to be resolved fair helped by the First Congre­ Cbng mine in the Saigon River Wednesday is the correct phras­ gational Church, the 4-H or­ about two miles north of the ing of a proposed charter ganization, the Girl Scouts and city’s center. The vessel was change for an annual 1 to 2 the PTA. grounded on a beach. A U.S. mUl mandatory approrlation A great variety of appetizing Navy spokesman said there for Capital Imprpvement. The foreigm dishes made by And­ were reports the U.S. Arm y’s proposed charter clause must over families were enjoyed by (Herald photo by Suoetvtolui) MUltary Sea Tnmsport Service be so worded that it does not all who came to the buffet sup­ sent tugboats to Edd It and the conflict with state statutes. per, especially the 76 or more INC. A Chip Off the Old Bark tugs CEune under automatic children who shared with their weapons fire. These reports parents the specialties from The limbs of this five-year-K)ld tree trunk, named by her mother. The Halloween trunk, with oak could not be confirmed. India, Mexico, Europe, China APPLIANCE and TV CENTER — 445 HARTFORD ROAD Melanie of Anthony Rd., Tolland, branch leaves pinned to it, is no relation to the withered —A short distance to the eEmt, and other faraway places. through a brown barkcloth stitched up the back man behind her. He’s a mapte. U.S. troope clEished with a Viet RUMMAGE The Junior Girl Scouts were Cong force seeking to infiltrate first on the programs which the city. followed the supper with a P a ­ —Police arrested a msm SALE rade of Flags. League president trying to plsmt a pEUikEtye of ex­ Sponsored by the Mrs. Howard Roberts, then told plosives at a South KoreEm mUl- SISTERHOOD OF about how the United Nations is Thieu Energetically Begins Term tEury bUlet near the center of Saigon. TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM organized and what is attempts to do in keeping the peace and SAIGON (A P ) — Lt. Gen. over Euid Eu:oimd the city were mtinder who tuts been lEUgely North Vietnam and Loc from The shelling was, on a lesser Flares dropped by U.S. Air Force planes light up the sky over Saigon’s Lam MASONIC TEMPLE serving humanity in economic, Nguyen Van Thieu energetically the greatest ever known. running the government for the the south. Bcsde, a repeat performEmce of social, health and other ways. began a four-year term eib South Some 60,(XX> troops EUid select- pEurt two yeE^ as premier, The chEinge In roles between the attEu:k on SEdgon Ismt Nov. 1, Son Square after Viet Ck>ng lobbed mortar shells onto grounds of Independ­ 25 East Center St. Music and dancing in colorful ed guests were msussed for luilf When Ky plEumed to run for South VletiiEun’s National Day. ence Palace in the Vietnamese capital Tuesday. (AP Photofax) MANCHESTER Vietnam’s elected president Thieu and K y WEts evident to­ costumes made up most of the MAYTAG toay by proposing peace tEtiks a mile down broad Le Lol Ave- president, Loc w m to be his day. The usually voluble Edr A year Ekg o recoilless rifle sheUs THURSDAY, NOV. 2 program. Alfred Campbell with Hanoi, appointing a clvU- nue In front the Inaugunti running mate. Ih en K y was man marched dutifully behind luihit theuAo are»Emea %nof theuie annual papa- Cl played the bagpipes for Miss lEUi ELseoclate of Vice President stands. Security was so tight, forced to accept the second spot Thieu at the ceremonies and rade. Wiling 8 persons and Propaiianda I f y o e e u 2 PJtf. — 8 P.M. Heather MacDonald and Miss Nguyen Cao Ky to succeed Ky however, that ordinary cltiz«is on Thieu’s ticlcet, le a v in g Loo to said not a word.
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