the georgion V o l. XXXII NIn i A T uesdav, Nov 6, 1968 C|D AFOPTtF \Afll IIAMC UNIVERSITY Bombs placed at homes of aircraft executives Montreal (CUP) -- It just home made explosives. isn’t sate being an executive Toronto police credit the on an aircraft manufacturer’s September bombings to “ra­ payroll. dical anti” groups. Small time bombs were In 1966 Canadair attracted placed near the homes of four over 45 million dollars worth Montreal captains of the air­ of contracts for parts ma­ craft industry Sunday (Nov 8) nufactured for the giant Lock­ but only one exploded, with heed Fanjet Transport built little resultant damage. for the US Military Command. In addition, Canadair is ma-> nufacturing parts for the va­ Three of the men are exe­ riable sweep F -lll used in cutives of United Aircraft of Viet Nam. Canada Ltd and the fourth is a Vice President of Canadair Ltd. United Aircraft produces helicopter parts for the U.S. Defense Dept. Its PT6 turbine According to police, the engine powers the U21A U.S. bombs were similar in cons­ Army aircraft in service in truction to the ones planted Viet Nam. in September in the homes of Hawker Siddeley executives in Toronto. Police suspect a Hawker Siddeley made the Discontent and dissatisfaction with the provincial government in this province is not limited tie-in between the two bomb­ Caribou aircraft currently to students. This poster, photographed by a g e o rg ia rt staff photographer yesterday at the corner ing cases and a Toronto cop used by American forces in- of Guy and St. Antoine manages to get its point across, even to those who don't understand is in Montreal to study the Viet Nam. the language. T iM t p m iW s it e Uiim sity of Manitoba bosses Arts students voted last .week to pass their Arts Fa­ culty Constitution and Science capitulate to student demands students elected Colin Whe- ler as President of the Scien­ Winnipeg (CUP)-- The University of Ma­ says about open meetings. ce Faculty, hut the voting nitoba administration has virtually capitu­ The concessions were made Friday (Nov. 1) turn-out was poor. lated to student demands in an effort to break at a lengthy senate meeting. Senate approved The Arts Faculty referen­ through a massive procedural tangle in the Council selection of student representatives dum for ratifying a new cons­ government of the University. promised to elect a student to the board and titution was passed 87 to 29. The students have refused to fill six senate pledged to meet in the open, providing for The constitution allows Arts seats for two months now in a demand for “in camera” sessions to deal with items students a wider representa­ open board and senate meetings, board re­ such as the awarding of honorary degrees, tion on their faculty. Howe­ presentation and student council control of personnel appointments and real estate ver, only *117 persons voted senator selection. transactions. out of the 2725 members of The administration has complied w-ith thr ee Horace Patterson, Student President, said the Arts Faculty. of the conditions. It has pledged to open the after the meeting: “I am pleased with what Colin Wheeler was elected senate, allow election of a student represent­ has been decided. I hope the board proves as Science President with 85 Colin Wheeler ative to the board and leave selection of stu­ as receptive.” votes, 47 for Jack Denneboom dent senators in the hands of the student and 86 for Robert Hubsher. merce External Vice-Presi­ council. Essentially the tangle went as follows: the Out of the 1002 Science stu­ dent, Eric Garsonnin as En­ The students have been playing an almost new senate cannot convene without student dents eligible, only 168 voted. gineering Executive Vice- unbeatable hand. The provincial legislature reps. The new board cannot meet until the In addition, six members President, and four Science last year restructured university government new senate has elected six members to the of the Students Association Faculty representatives - Mi­ at the school but the new bodies cannot meet board. Thus far, the old bodies have been were acclaimed because of ke Beer as Executive Vice- until students sit on the senate. After two meeting to handle all administrative matters. no opposition. President, Chris Dufournaud months of desperate bargaining and threaten­ Administration President H.H. Saunder- They were: Solomon Schi- as External Vice-President, ing, the administration gave in. son’s attempts to negotitate with and then nasi as Exteral Vice-Pre­ Bruce Uditsky as Internal Vi­ The Council has, as yet, not indicated that bypass the council by working through faculty sident of the Students Associa­ ce-President, and on Bur­ it will finally send students to the senate. associations, broke down earlier in the tion, Bill Schwartz as Com­ rows as Treasurer. Apparently, it will wait to see what the board month. 2 / the georgian, TUESD A Y , NOVEM BER 5, 1968 AIESEC will hold an im­ members should be there at CLASSIFIEDS portant general meeting to­ 2:00 o'clock. RATES: Classified Advertising rates for re­ day in room H-509. All club gistered students are 75c for one insertion and $1.25 for the same insertion in two con­ secutive issues. Rates for non-students is $1.25 per insertion The word limit is twenty (20). WEDNESDAY, Nov. 6th The Folk Music Society is Cash must accompany all ads. Advertising dead­ The S.G.W.U. Chess Club holding a general meeting to­ lines are Wednesday noon for the Friday issue, is holding a Challenger's night in H-681 from 8:80 to Police enforce suspension and Friday noon. for the Tuesday issue. Ads may be submitted only to the Advertising De­ Tournament today from 2 to 10:80. All students are wel­ partment, Room 639 of the Hall Building. WELLAND, Ont. (CUP) - suspended by the school prin­ 5 p.m. in H-509. Club mem­ come to attend the sing-song School officials at Eastdale cipal, Glen Francis, for refu­ FOR SALE bers who wish to participate and teach-in. Upcoming plans high school Wednesday (Oct. sing to submit to authority. Honda 250cc CB72 '66 - $350. Rieker 500's are asked to bring sets and for a concert will be decided 80) called the police to remo­ Kormos was active earlier 9 Vi excellent condition. Val d’isere skis, bind­ boards. upon. ings, colin poles-$75. Call 931-7697 (anytime). ve a suspended student from this month in a student strike * * * a classroom he refused to at the high school. Electric guitar hanez, goldentone, four pick-ups, solid wood body, detachable neck, adjustable The Georgian Christian leave. bridge. Fur-lined case, strap, connecting wire. The Film Society is hold­ Fellowship is sponsoring Dr. Peter Kormos, a 16-year- 7 3 3 -7 3 6 7 . ing its first General Meeting John Montgomery, historian, old Grade 12, student, was Head standard skis 195cm. Used one season-good philosopher, and theologian, today at 5:80 in room H-635. arrested for trespassing af­ U. of Alberta condition. New $155 asking - $90. Call Alan Holders of member ship ti­ who will speak in H-420 at ter police removed him from at 453-6883. after 6:30 pm. ckets may attend. 2:20 p.m. Everyone welcome. the school for the second con­ Samsonite attache case, slimline, very good * % * secutive day. He was suspen­ to open meetings condition $20. Call 342-1628 between 6 8 pm. FRIDAY, Nov. 8th ded last week for not bringing EDMONTON (C U P) - Used televisions from $39. Carry in repairs'and The SGWL Hillel Society The Georgian African So­ a note signed by his parents The University of Alberta ge­ save. Students less 10%. Ben's TV 2390 Notre Dame W e s t. is sponsoring a lecture se­ ciety and the History Club are to explain his missing a day neral faculty council (equiva­ ries on the “Changing Values co-sponsoring a discussion on in school. The student has not lent to a senate in Alberta) 12 - string guitar brand new with guild strings of Youth". Today at 1 p.m. at "European Cultural Influence lived at home since Oct. 7. has decided to open its re­ and strap $65. Call Ralph 332-1819. 2120 Bishop Street, Profes­ Upon Africa", to be held to­ “This is pretty ridicu­ gular meetings. VOLKSWAGEN PARTS; BATTERY (NEW); RA­ sor Sinyard will speak on night at 8:15 p.m. in H-485. lous,” Kormos said. “They Visitors will he alloted 44 “Disillusionment with Orga­ DIO. TIRES (2 WINTER & SUMMER)' WIPER All are welcome. used to send cops to get stu­ seats on a first come, first MOTOR. LIGHTS, PLUGS, ETC.; ALL IN * * * nized Religion." Anyone may dents for playing truant, now serve basis. Speaking privi­ GOOD CONDITION. BEST OFFERS ACCEPT­ ED. CALL BOB 767-9770, 879-4462. attend. The Economics Society will here I am wanting to attend leges will be granted only by hold a Coffee Break in the school and they call the cops special permission. WANTED Men’s Lounge at 12 noon. to take me out." Students send three repre­ The Liturgy of the Eucha­ M.B.A. Program will be dis­ sentatives to the GFC. Uninhibited fine arts coed to pose and work rist will be held for all Ro­ cussed. Club members and He said the suspension was with a graduate student on a project. Call 845- Alberta becomes the fifth 8531 for details. man Catholics today at 1 p.m.
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