THE E -O 85 3>—1 >3J >H > 75 ?*• > > m I n d e p e n d e n t -o ☆ The Weekly Newspaper V o l. 6 N o. 15 W e d n e s d a y , F e b . 18, 1976 15 Cents -j Council offers '76 budget with 6-cent tax rate hike By Judith S. Cromwell The 1976 appropriation is in the cost of utilities. “I’m sure the council MATAWAN $95,692 higher than the 1975 As late as Monday, the would support me and bring The Borough Council last budget of $1.4 million, said council was working on a me cigars in jail," Armellino night introduced a $1.5 mil­ Benjamin Litw'in, borough budget which would have quipped. lion budget for 1976 which auditor. resulted in a 24-cent increase The council plans to circu­ would raise the municipal The increase in the tax in the tax rate. But it met late a petition this week in portion of the local tax rate rate was attributed, in part, Monday and cut substantial support of Bill No. 1384. by 5.6 cents. to a construction ban which amounts from the police, which would eliminate Sec­ The total amount to be resulted in only a $140,000 fire, street, and water por­ tion 29 of the Thorough and raised through taxation to rise in the borough’s total tions of the budget. Efficient education law. Sec­ support the municipal bud­ ratables in 1975. The ban will In addition to the cuts. tion 29 requires regional Ivan and Eric Pedersen’s Viking ship, 30 ft. long from get is $598,764, or 77.2 cents continue until the borough Councilman Walter Blaine school districts to assess stem to stern, has a detachable dragon-shaped per $100 of assessed valua­ connects to the Bayshore transferred $50,000 from sur­ their municipalities on the yjjgurchead. (Photo by Judith Cromwell).__________ tion. Regional Sewerage Authori­ plus funds in the water basis of ratables instead of ty, according to Michael acdount. the number of pupils. Piperno, borough adminis­ Also included in the budget “We would like to get 100 are $240,000 in surplus funds percent of the adults in the trator. from 1975. leaving $26,120 in Keyport firm building The largest increase was borough to sign the petition,” the surplus account. Armellino said. for municipal employees’ sa­ The council last night pub­ laries, w'hich increased by licly opposed the proposed $23,000. $11.1 million school budget, Thieves steal replica of Viking ship A total of $91,775 in federal which, if adopted, would chief's keys revenue-sharing funds was result in a 47-cent increase in Bv Bee Duigon kept track of their expenses. ing specifications for Viking applied to the salaries for the school portion of the from car KEYPORT "If we stopped to think ships which the Pedersens policemen. borough's tax rate. KEYPORT If there’s anything of the about how much it would could follow. Last year, they Salaries were increased by After urging voters to de­ The keys to the borough's old Viking spirit left in cost, we might never have visited the Viking Museum in 6.6 percent in accordance feat the school budget “until seven firehouses were stolen America today, the Peder­ built it," Ivan said: "We Denmark to take pictures of with Consumer Price Index we know where we stand," Sunday morning from the sen brothers have their must have at least $1,000 some old ships reconstructed figures for the northeastern Mayor Victor Armellino said car of Fire Chief Harry share of it. worth of lumber on her by archeologists. The rest of United States, Piperno said. he “would not sign a check" Aumack. Eric and Ivan Pedersen now." the information came from Other significant increases transferring tax funds to the Aumack said the red sta­ are building a full-scale rep­ The ship—christened the books and magazines. cited by Litwin were $14,000 regional school district “un­ tion wagon was parked in the lica of a Tenth Century "Valhalla”, after the hall “We’ve m ade a few chang- for street lights and an less it’s on a per-pupil ba­ yard of his home at 72 Viking ship in their marina where Viking warriors went (Continued on Page 13) overall 15 percent increase sis." Kearny St. when the theft workshop on Front Street, after death—is 30 feet long occurred. The chief said the and they expect to be ready and eight feet wide at the car was locked and that he to sail in approximately a beam. Steam-bent ribs of had "no idea" how the month. oak, placed six inches apart, Thieves make 13th unlucky thieves had been able to get The ship will participate in hold the frame together, and "Operation Sail" this sum­ MATAW AN BOROUGH ply, Route 79, he discovered laundry room coin box had inside. overlapping m ahoga­ a broken window in the rear been cut open and an un­ There was no sign of mer, with many other sailing ■ ny planks comprise the hull A rash of robberies on forced entry, according to ships from the world over, When complete, "Valhal­ Friday the 13th started with door and said he was missing known amount of money had which will gather in Sandy la” will be fitted out with a purse snatch at 2:32 a.m. in a portable calculator. been stolen. Police Capt. Michael Kelley. Hook Bay to help commemo­ eight oars, a steering oar, a the parking lot of Cross Road Two truckcaps, total value Rounding out the morning, Also reported stolen from rate the Bicentennial. It will 20-foot m ast and 14 by 16-foot Apartments. Judy Cowles $600, were reported missing an unidentified man picked the station wagon were three also appear as a float in the sad, and an assortment of told police that an unidenti­ at Lanzaro Auto Sales, 334 up a $100 bill, placed on the smoke bombs, a fire extin­ Keyport Day Parade. Viking shields and weapons. fied man knocked her down Main St., by salesman Lewis counter by a customer pay­ guisher. and a federal con­ ‘‘It was something we A dragon-head will grace and stole her black leather Cherubini, who said that the ing a bill, and walked out of trol box. wanted to do,” Ivan said, “so each end of the ship. The bow purse containing $40 and vehicles had been parked in Sal’s Wholesale Tire Cen­ The theft of the keys we went ahead and did it.” figurehead is already in personal papers. the yard during the night. ter, Route 34, according to “forces us to change all of The brothers don’t know place—a bright green drag­ At 10:16 a.m ., superinten­ owner Sal Longette. the locks" on the firehouses, When owner Charles Roo­ dent John Connolly of Marc All five incidents are under Aumack said, adding that how much their project will on’s head with flaring nos­ ney opened the office at cost by the time it’s finish­ trils and snarling lips. Hampton Apartments, Mid­ investigation by the Detec­ each key was labeled. Consolidated Plumbing Sup­ dletown Avenue, said that a tive Bureau. The wires to a radio in the ed, because they haven't There are no exact build­ station wagon were cut, and some parts of the radio were Vietnamese family aided by friends, bank, broker stolen, the chief said. Aumack’s vehicle was one of seven on Kearny Street which were ransacked Sun­ American spirit helps refugees buy home day morning, police said. By Lee Duigon this about,” said James Hol­ Handling the investigation MATAWAN TOWNSHIP lander, acting as Pham’s are Kelley and Detectives A community good-will ef­ attorney at the closing. Louis Tomasello and Ray­ fort culminated last week For the Phams to buy their mond Lee. with the location of the Pham house, a unique mortgage Van Long family in a home arrangement had to be de­ of their own at 38 Park Ave. vised. The mortgage is based C O R R E C T IO N Pham, his wife, Nga Kim on three incomes, instead of Nguyen, and their six chil­ one, enabling the family to A story on Page I of the dren took refuge last sum­ pool its resources. Feb. 11 issue of The Inde­ m er from the death-throes of Pham works for the local pendent. reporting a meeting the Vietnam War, arriving Container Corp. plant. His of the Matawan Board of Aug. 10 in a refugee cam p at 21-year-old daughter, Tuyet, Education, carried what ap­ Indiantown Gap, Pa. works part-time for the Bay­ peared to be the by-line of Since then, the First Pres­ shore Hospital, and his 18- Lorraine Ayanian, a board byterian Church, the Cross year-old son, Tuan, holds a m em ber. of Glory Lutheran Church, part-time job at a super­ The article was not written Sterling Thompson Associ­ m arket. by Mrs. Ayanian. The line of ates, and Carteret Savings Members of the First Pres­ type containing her name and Loan have cooperated to byterian Church raised ap­ was to have appeared under settle the family in its first proxim ately $3,000 in inter­ her photograph. When the real home in America. est-free personal loans to .Page 1 layout was changed, The closing was completed cover the remainder of the eliminating her photograph, Friday, and the Phams be­ Phams’ down payment, ac­ her name-line was mistaken­ gan moving in on Satur­ cording to Barbara Hedel, ly included with the story.
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