scanned by chairboys.co.uk for 40th anniversary SALE SALE SALE BUCKS FREE PRESS ON NOW Circulating in Buckinghamshire and the Adjoining Counties­ ~~~~~ · Middlesex, Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Hertfordshire 5 CHURCH SQUARE Established 1856 FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1975 Largest Circulation in the County 4p Glamour of the cup - and a week of glory for Wanderers IT HAS been a week that will be recalled and debated with rellah by Wycombe Wanderers' fane ao long aa football Ia played. A a the topic of the week, the glamour of the F .A. Cup banished all other preoccupations as the Wanderers, In the third round of the national com­ petition for the first time in their 90-year history, confounded all the pundits - and their own manager - by holding the firat division cham­ pionship challengers Middleabrough to a goallaas draw at Loakaa Park, after outplaying the professionals for most of the game. And In the replay, with a home draw against Sunderland as the prize at stake, the astonishing Wanderers all but made It, only a last-minute goal giving hard-pressed Mlddlaabrough victory after a thrill-packed game. 'Magnificent Wycombe' was the sporting tribute of the 30,000 Mlddlaabrough crowd in an un­ precedented demonstration after Tuesday night's match. And more Watch for details of our cup-tie HATS OFF FREE new reader ser­ news and pictures vice - and New Year -P.25,26 TO THE extra features. TO MAKE YOUR 'Free Press' even more Rltracllve and helpful we will be lntroduci'(!; an Inquiry bureau to ~lve :~~d~~~uo~~~u~~f~~~~tl~e~.s as mllnte and tax, social serv ces ON OTHER ********* HEROES! In addition there Is to be a regul11r lnforntatlon guide on lo calservlces,emergency'phonenumbers,usefulcontactsllnd PAGES ..• addresses,etc.,and,foryourleisureinterest,aweeklygulde resolution, had Churlton quircd not just one driver to the cinema programmes over a wide area. e Marlow new·s, ••••• P.2 A PROLONGED e Home page ••••••• P.6 standing ovation from the biting his nails again until but several crews for four or five changes along the line. e Property sales ..• P.8-12 30,000 crowd acclaimed th~!~sr~ afr~~si~~e m~lo~~es~r e You have you r say P.l3 another heroic displAy by Stuart Stanley, of achievement, enhAncing the 1 0 : ~~enr? a~~ss~h~~-. P .14 gallant Wycombe Wanderers' reputation as ~ith ~s ~~1s~;~~~~~e~;~~~: Wanderers in the FA Cup neverbefore, thesetwogames ed a Wanderers' match - Radio & TV, .P.I6-17 third round replay against will gh·e a big boost to the whether home or away. And e Other sport P.20, 2J, 24 first division club's flnanus- with they were determined not to e Secuntl Sec! ion ... P.23 1\!!lldlesbrough :..t ~-lm(th int, m.c £6,0~ frou n.i.-3• .he Middll.~brough Ayr~some Park on Tues­ game. day night - when only a So they booked their own last-gasp, last-minute goal aircraft, a twin-engined Britten Norman Islander saved the professionals through Wycombe Air 'grim' from another humiliation. - Centre officials at Booker thcThe home frantic supporters cheering as fromwell ··i'P,~~~~~- ~dOEa~ ;vhhicchos~;~;;t n~:~~ as from the hundreds of was "cheap at the pnce". After MASSIVE cuts will ha ve'to Wycombe fans was a well- Each memberoftheparty he made by tommlttees or chipped in with just over £22 BucksCountyCounclllnthelr ~~~etv~~ ;~~~~~~, ·m;~~~~ apiece, and they shared the draft estlmutes If the couuty great-hearted display agam cost of a taxi to and from rate for 197!"-76 Is not to In­ confounded the critics and Teesside Airport to 80 crease by more than 25 per put the professionals on the cent, warned Mr. Gerrett rack before the dramatic ~~~~~ountt~i:~~;k~ilaes~istance goal in th~ 89th minute end­ .---s.-=~-='=-VA~'E:=--M~:'"IJ~N:"':-""::"'E. "':--y·"-"'""-...,.1 ~r~;:t~r:;, ~~~se we;:.u~:. ed the eplc . years Crosland, Endronmtnt After th e drama and Minister,h:tsstatedthalthe triumph of the. Wanderers' Saving OUr modern fleet of 60 self-drive hirO vehicles are average rate increase achievement m the first WYCOMBl:' Wlllldtrut' /u11s, available for hlre at rates which we believe you will th roughout the country should lost ill till wulr.'scup-tltllt· The return flight was find considerably less than those of the National be 25 per cent. !~~~erd!~. L~~~~s t~!~k sOO mospfrtfl,mllylibtonfltctoll 1 Wycombe fans flocked by made to 1-l eathrow - and tfr tcurloJit)ltfrlltitlllflrllpptntd Choos• hm TRIJiil/l,"''r'o·LEDOS ~ ra~~ ~a~~v~tn:os:~d u~~Yi~~~= cars were laid on there by fllltt btfort- th lllllihl)l a 4UUU ., than 25 per cent - already a ~iddiesb~~~;h ~~d ba~~r t~~ friends at midnight to bring mattlrillgoftlrt'tlrtBI>ttl'llllli FORD CORTINAS, CAPRIS & ESTATES, grim prospect for ratepayers- Blues' second-chance bid the fans back to Wycombe. Middlubrolllllralsotoolrplatt - to be rewarded with A 'Free Press' •paclal Stuart, who works at Rye giJ /:,"'i"af:9s, Mlddltlbrougfr, TRANSIT VAN£ Engineering, Lancaster ¥.f.'1o~e~~~ ~~~~::!:!~:~n~U~"Fo.~.~ another pulsating encounter four-page aupplement on tlrtmnlns llll am11tt1U lttlltt _Self DiivA Rlrer""iij1aier~ would ltavc to be slashed orr the in which the professionals the big match added to Road, High Wycombe, tlrtll, ri1ittd Wycombtforlf'lrllt Alrghes of B'iicOn,!tleld ltd., Station Road. Beaconsfield. total draft estimates of the com- had to right all the way. the Interest at Loaka• ~~~~;s b~h~~a~~:~i~~y a~a;f~ sMcOn.flfJ,j Zi41 • · "-- --- millc cs of £75,000.000. And back in Wycombe it Park - and hare 'Free ~!:c,:.::d'a/!,i,':;,:r,,::: 11:;/, This follo ..·s the shock news a was "Hatsofftothe heroes" craft for the trip. of£/S." "-----'-===='-------....11 whentheWanderers,whohad Preas' reporter Lindy " If we had travelled by r~;; ·a~~~k~narr!.~:ua~~~~et~! flow·n up to Teesside from Brookling Is helping to road none or us would hatt •a::, ''::,,!'~!,%,~" 'att}o!: council wu not only running Heathrow on Monday night, distribute It - free. bl-tnfitforworkthenextday tlrtm ;, tfr r world of 11m11ttllr short of ca~ h but would be andwewouldhavelostmoney SO('Ctr, Tlrt)l ltltrt Amllltur C11p returnedbycoAchon\Vednes-­ lroldtrs - a,fmmtllstl)lpr/ttd 11 day morning after their there, quite apArt from the ~~-~-~s~~~: rfn~~dci~f ~~~re~~ the replay and £3,000 from costofthejourneybyroad", 9 March busiest, branst two games in the first game. 'ft,"/'ff,;~lr ~i~n~~ :'t'to~7::~!~~ 31. hesnid. Sincethcntherehavebcen fourdaysinthedub's90-)'CIU Altogether Wycombe ' s t.nd Old Cartlrlltllllll· history. record-breaking f'A Cup run He and his pals, including In OctobtrthtywtrtOII t011r i11 tllf Jouth 11nd on Ortobrr28 Rae. Price £36.47 ~~d:~~ ~~!c 1f~~gh~~d~o~: thi11seasonshouldnetthem not Donald McFarlane, who millee award of a )0 per cent farshortof£12,000. lives at Grove Road, Sands, paid thtlr lr/Jtoric visit to "tlrt cfr11irmttropolls." Nine coaches, many cars teamed up together some Now£28.99 di!~el~~ ~~cs~c~1C:;: ~~atb!i~~~~~; CaSh boOSt years ago on the terraces at Ontslsnofthttlmuwllrtlrtlt Ferguaon 4-track Reel 1-------il the ~ouncil seve ral million Loakcs Park. ~:,':b~~c':_~~~ll~'!~ ~~:~::o'::t,of, ELECTRIC pounds for which it did not ~ ~~rtc~~~ ~~=~et: ~:rie'J ~h ~ to Reel Tape Recorder 800 Wycombe supporters to ttntfr oftlrtuasDn. FIRES budget this xc ar and will swe ll "We'll murder them" had Savin~ (1 1.41 Middlesbrough for the Anothtr dlff~rtnct bttwttn CoeVLog Effect. \~; 5~;~_es bill of the c~uncil _;n ~~:~:c~~:y ~~s~i~d'i~~b~~~:~ 'In style' tlrlr matclr and Satttrdtly'r re~~~-enthuslasts w~re deter­ Loakrs Park ciUJh war thr £30.oo LESs25% monty lnvolvtd. Mart than ~!~~~;c~::~r;,:~~l!in/~~~~~11 ~~tn~:~r ~~~~e~~r~~~ta~~; minednottobebaulkedarter HMV 2176 Tranalator draK estimates on the busis of a Wanderers had fnghtencd learningthatthelrhopuforA "We feel we owe the ~f::D/o,o"J.~ ~i-~f~~ '!h1~:'7~ Radlo1, pre-set V.H .F. ITTKB 2&• Deluxe virtual standstill io services, ex- him to death' in the first special trllln hadbeendashed Wanderers quite a lot", he reception only. Colour TV , cept where: growth is io- game. - because British Rail could said. "We are all good mates !'::~~~~:/;:~;.~ ;,7!c~~; ,'::::~} KNITWEAR Battery/mains. Feathertouch control plus escapable, as- for example- But so far from any notfindS1.1rridentcrews. together, and enjoy the .£16. Btarlng in mind tht /lltl Saving £6.40 110 degree tube. A British Rail spokesman matches." th11t Mlddltsbrouglr'l prlct '"" Save £40 ~~mi~~~t~:st_ ~Y;r~!ide~h:i~~ ~~~u~~~rde~~r~~erui;~~~e~~~ had explained that laying on They have travelled to .£/SthtrtW<ISP'tdoUJiittltfor ~~z~:~~. at~d4~<!r1:~~ns £2.00 £17.99 a long-distance train re- most of the team's away tht kitty. £338.oo n~T~~~ ~~~~ ~;s~ounci l chair- challenging with renewed A11d tht ruwltoftlrt 189Stn­ man,Mr.James lrdand.andthc cownttr! Wondtnrl wtfl sound­ HMV 2161 Tranalator chairman of the policy and ly btattll by tlrru goals to one. Radio. Bargain. GEC 28" Colour TV resources commiuee, Mr. John 2 PIECE SUITS Battery only Save £46.50 Routly, have discuned thi s serious fin~ncial situation with &TROUSER £8.99 £280.oo the chairmen of the main com- , miucesand the chief officers. Motorwav SUITS "Arising from these dis­ Sizes 12 to 18 from Phillpa Radio Ca11etta Stereo Audio Unit cussionsthechiefofficers have £13.95 Save £10.94 Bargain. Saving £10.39 b<:co asked to re110rl on the c:ffectonthci rservicc:sifthe crash £33.oo £63.oo coun~il was to decide that the rate increase should be kept within 25 pe r cenr." hold-up KBin SL63 Ca11atte Radio Racordera, TRAFI<'IC on the westbound Automatic CArriageway of the M40 Di scontinued line.
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