La Société Guernesiaise Papers appearing in the Transactions In chronological order For author order or subject order click on tab at bottom of page. Annual Section reports are not included. Complete printed indexes covering the years 1882 to 1980 can be purchased from the office of La Société. Many issues of the Transactions and reprints of papers are also available for purchase. Decade: 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 YEAR PAGE VOL PART TITLE AUTHOR 1882-1889 35 I 1 The geology of Guernsey Hill, E 1882-1889 45 I 1 The ferns of Guernsey Derrick, G T 1882-1889 61 I 1 The butterflies of Guernsey and Sark Luff, W A 1882-1889 74 I 1 On the occurrence of calcite in Guernsey Collenette, A 1882-1889 78 I 1 An excursion to Icart Point Derrick, G T 1882-1889 83 I 1 On changes in the relative level of sea and land Derrick, G T 1882-1889 89 I 1 List of flowering plants found in Guernsey Derrick, G T 1889 123 I 2 On the Genus Isoetes Marquand, E D 1889 128 I 2 Excursion to Herm Derrick, G T 1889 133 I 2 The Flora of Herm Marquand, E D 1889 139 I 2 History of Herm Lee, G E 1889 143 I 2 Excursion to Lihou Randell, J B 1889 148 I 2 Crustacea Sinel, J The Nocturnal Macro-Lepidoptera of Guernsey, Alderney, 1889 155 I 2 Luff, W A Sark, and Herm Return to top YEAR PAGE VOL PART TITLE AUTHOR On the correlation and relative ages of the rocks of the 1890 30 II 1 de la Mare, C G Channel Islands 1890 37 II 1 A dredging excursion off Guernsey Spencer, R L 1890 41 II 1 Some notable oral equipments in the vertebrata Rose, F 1890 61 II 1 The sea urchin Sharp, W 1890 65 II 1 The evolution of the bee Collenette, A Reason, instinct and reflex action - their mutual relations 1890 68 II 1 Rose, F and their place in evolution 1890 76 II 1 A visit to Jethou Derrick, G T 1890 80 II 1 The flora of Jethou Marquand, E D 1890 86 II 1 The Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Guernsey Luff, W A 1890 91 II 1 Submarine air-breathing animals Sinel, J 1890 95 II 1 Local witchcraft Corbet, D 1891 129 II 2 The flora of Guernsey Marquand, E D 1891 152 II 2 On Mica Traps Dykes in the Channel Islands Hill, E A List of the Neuropthera inhabiting the Island of 1891 155 II 2 Luff, W A Guernsey 1892 188 II 3 The Mosses, Hepaticæ and Lichens of Guernsey Marquand, E D 1892 205 II 3 The Cicadæ or Tettigidæ of Guernsey Luff, W A Additions to the List of Hemiptera-Heteroptera occurring 1892 210 II 3 Luff, W A in the Island of Guernsey 1892 212 II 3 Guernsey clays Derrick, G T 1892 219 II 3 The Raised Beaches, Cliff and Rubble Heads of Guernsey Collenette, A 1892 236 II 3 A Glance at the Rocks of Alderney de la Mare, C G 1892 239 II 3 Local Superstitions - Omens, Signs and Warnings Corbet, D 1893 273 II 4 Guernsey Proverbs Robert, Z 1893 280 II 4 The Diatoms of Guernsey Marquand, E D Droughts in Guernsey during the Fifty Year Period, 1843- 1893 291 II 4 Collenette, A 1893 1893 295 II 4 The Coleoptera of Guernsey Luff, W A 1894 347 II 5 The Aculeate-Hymenoptera of Guernsey Luff, W A 1894 356 II 5 The Land and Fresh Water Shells of Guernsey Marquand, E D 1894 361 II 5 List of the Araneidea or Spiders of the Channel Islands Pickard-Cambridge, F O 1894 371 II 5 The Algae of Guernsey Marquand, E D 1895 31 III 1 Notes on the Marine Worms of the Channel Islands Hornell, J 1895 40 III 1 Wild Flowers in December Marquand, E D 1895 48 III 1 A visit to Lihou Derrick, G T 1895 54 III 1 The Diptera of Guernsey Luff, W A 1896 95 III 2 Cup Markings Derrick, G T 1896 101 III 2 The Flora of Sark Derrick, G T 1896 111 III 2 Additional Land and Fresh Water Shells Marquand, E D 1896 113 III 2 The Orthoptera of Guernsey Luff, W A 1896 118 III 2 The Tenthredinidæ, or Saw Flies of Guernsey Luff, W A 1896 127 III 2 Additions to the List of Guernsey Diptera Luff, W A 1897 166 III 3 Additions to the Sark Flora Derrick, G T 1897 175 III 3 The Insects of Alderney Luff, W A 1897 183 III 3 Our Insular Dialect Bougourd, J Le M 1897 197 III 3 The Fungi of Guernsey Marquand, E D 1897 216 III 3 On the Superficial Deposits of Jersey and Guernsey Dunlop, A 1897 228 III 3 Guernsey Proverbs and Popular Sayings Hocart, J S 1898 262 III 4 Additions to the Sark Flora, 1889 [1898?] Derrick, G T 1898 267 III 4 The Micro-Lepidoptera of Guernsey Luff, W A 1898 278 III 4 Additional Guernsey Fungi Marquand, E D 1898 291 III 4 On the Rubi and Rosæ of the Channel Islands Rogers, W M; Rogers, FA Ancient names of the bays, creeks, rocks, etc on or near 1898 298 III 4 the coast of Guernsey and the other Islands of the Tourtel, R H Bailiwick, with notes, etc 1899 361 III 5 The Flora of Alderney Marquand, E D 1899 375 III 5 On Some Guernsey Caves Andrews, C R P 1899 379 III 5 List of the Araneidea or spiders of the Channel Islands Pickard-Cambridge, F O 1899 388 III 5 The Insects of Alderney Luff, W A Lampides Boetica in Guernsey (with a brief account of its 1899 409 III 5 Lowe, F E life history and distribution) Return to top YEAR PAGE VOL PART TITLE AUTHOR 1900 29 IV 1 Additions to the list of Alderney insects Luff, W A 1900 32 IV 1 Two grasses new to the Channel Islands Andrews, C R P 1900 43 IV 1 Notes on a somewhat rare bacillus Nickolls, J B The marine shells of Guernsey and the lesser Channel 1901 70 IV 2 Marquand, E D Islands Discovery of an ancient stone implement embedded in 1901 93 IV 2 Domaille, T; Derrick, G T clay at St Martin 1901 99 IV 2 A hail shower and its limits Rowswell, B T 1902 127 IV 3 An excursion to St Pierre du Bois Derrick, G T Ancient names of the bays, creeks, rocks, etc on or near 1902 135 IV 3 the coast of the Islands of the Bailiwick, with notes, etc Tourtel, R H (continued) List of the Araneidea or spiders of the Channel Islands 1902 141 IV 3 Pickard-Cambridge, F O (continued) 1902 145 IV 3 Additions to the flora of Alderney Marquand, E D 1902 149 IV 3 Additions to the lists of Alderney insects Luff, W A 1902 163 IV 3 The flora of the island of Brecqhou Hurst, C D Ancient names of the bays, creeks, rocks, etc on or near 1903 208 IV 4 the coast of the Islands of the Bailiwick, with notes, etc Tourtel, R H (continued) 1903 223 IV 4 The mosses and Hepaticae of Sark Marquand, E D 1903 227 IV 4 Some points in the history of the ormer Fleure, H 1903 235 IV 4 Note on the Luvarus Imperialis - a very rare fish Collenette, A 1903 238 IV 4 The birds of Alderney Marquand, E D The Chrysididae, Ichneumonidae and Braconidae of 1903 245 IV 4 Luff, W A Guernsey 1903 248 IV 4 Jerbourg and its fortifications Derrick, G T 1903 266 IV 4 Further additions to the flora of Alderney Marquand, E D 1903 272 IV 4 The Coccidae of Guernsey Luff, W A 1903 278 IV 4 The Vale Church and Priory Lee, G E 1904 333 IV 5 British bats (Chiroptera) Dalgliesh, G 1904 337 IV 5 The early history and first siege of Castle Cornet de Guèrin, T W M 1904 363 IV 5 Additions to the flora of Herm Marquand, E D 1904 374 IV 5 The insects of Herm Luff, W A 1904 388 IV 5 The insects of Jethou Luff, W A 1904 400 IV 5 The fauna and flora of the Sarnian Islands 1904 406 IV 5 The Castel Church Lee, G E 1905 31 V 1 The Guernsey dialect and its plant names Marquand, E D 1905 48 V 1 Alderney archaeology Marquand, E D 1905 56 V 1 The fishes of the Channel Islands Sinel, J 1905 66 V 1 The English garrison of Guernsey from early times de Guèrin, T W M 1905 82 V 1 The aphids of Guernsey Luff, W A 1906 150 V 2 The antiquities of Alderney Derrick, G T 1906 164 V 2 The zoophytes of Guernsey (Hydroida and Polyzoa) Marquand, E D 1906 177 V 2 On crabs which cling Fleure, H J 1906 185 V 2 The insects of Sark Luff, W A 1906 200 V 2 Guernsey weather lore Hocart, J S 1906 207 V 2 The mosses and Hepaticae of Jethou Marquand, E D 1906 212 V 2 The Crustacea of the Channel Islands Sinel, J 1906 226 V 2 Salvia Marquandii Druce, G C 1906 229 V 2 Archaeological remains in Guernsey Derrick, G T 1906 231 V 2 The sea-anemones of our shores Mabbs, R C 1906 234 V 2 The chapel of Saint Appoline Lee, G E 1907 290 V 3 Old Sarnia: its customs, merry-makings and superstitions Marquand, H E 1907 308 V 3 Notes on the lizards of the Channel Islands Sinel, J 1907 318 V 3 Wart-charming Linwood-Pitts, J Primrose flowers - a study of pin-centres and rose- 1907 323 V 3 Marquand, E D centres 1907 329 V 3 The Echinoderms of Guernsey Sharp, R 1907 333 V 3 St Peter Port in bygone times Cox, C 1907 349 V 3 The non-British insects of the Sarnian islands Luff, W A 1907 355 V 3 Le Colombier, Torteval de Guèrin, T W M 1907 358 V 3 Guernsey crosses de Guèrin, T W M 1907 367 V 3 The spiders of Guernsey Marquand, E D 1908 441 V 4 Botanical notes Marquand, E D 1908 452 V 4 The old Guernsey lamp or crasset Hocart, J S 1908 458 V 4 The Crustacea of the Channel Islands Norman, A M The Reptilia, Batrachia and Mammalia of the Channel 1908 466 V 4 Sinel, J Islands: their origin and modification by isolation Additional sea anemones and other notes on marine 1908 479 V 4 Sharp, E W zoology 1908 482 V 4 The insects of Jersey Luff, W A 1908 512 V 4 The Guernsey dialect names of birds, fishes, insects, etc Marquand, E D The submerged peat and forest beds of the Channel 1909 25 VI 1 Sinel, J Islands 1909 34 VI 1 The Guernsey vole Bunting R H 1909 38 VI 1 The vegetation of small islets Marquand, E D 1909 54 VI 1 Additions to the insects of Sark Luff, W A 1909 58 VI 1 Feudalism in Guernsey de Guèrin, T W M 1909 83 VI 1 The great meteor of February 22nd, 1909 Rowswell, B T Notes on mosses, Hepaticae and lichens from the 1909 88 VI 1 Rhodes, P G M Channel Islands 1909 92 VI 1 Some notes on the marine zoology of Alderney Sharp, E W 1909 97 VI 1 The Pezomachi (Ichneumonidae ) of Guernsey Luff, W A 1909 99 VI 1 Some important events in Guernsey history (1295-1461) de Guèrin, T W M Return to top YEAR PAGE VOL PART TITLE AUTHOR 1910 147 VI 2 In Memoriam.
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