1 v.- < Wilmington Publio £Wexy ' Mrs Clara P Chipman, ^rarian, 206 Andover Street, RFD North WlOjnington, Mass. The Wilmington Crusader PRICE TEN CENTS VOL. XXVI NO. 33 THE WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUSTJA !?5J Pike Asks For Sanity Hearing Charles H. Pike, 33, 88 Pleasant street, Cambridge, is being held in without the knowledge of the people BIG BACK TO SCHOOL $5000 bail, after appearing in two who worked there. Each of the Wil- EDITION WILL BE courts yesterday, to answer charges . mington policemen, in their turn, PUBLISHED NEXT WEEK of the police departments of three i took part, always watching from a Next week the readers of our municipalities. In Woburn court, ! spot where they could not be seen. paper will see and read one of yesterday morning, Judge William In addition to the watch on the our biggest back to school edi- Henchey ordered Pike held in $2500 ■ garage, there was also a watch on tions ever published. Advertis- bail, after charges of speeding, and 'the highway, (Route3), leading to ers have many values in store driving to endanger, had been pre- the garage, both to the north and to for mothers planning to outfit ferred by the Wilmington and Read- the south. Private autos, equipped their children for back to school ing police departments. Pike was with radio were used, and Wilming- ! sessions. Our advertising mana- then taken to Maiden cqurt, and ton and Burlington police kept vig- ger, Bernie Patterson, has been the Maiden police preferred a . il in these. working hard on this edition charge of lew and lascivious con- On Monday .afternoon special which will be very colorful and duct, before Judge Emma Schof- officer Leo Le Blanc of Wilming- full of ideas for parents. Many field, who ordered him held in an- ! ton and officer Ed. McCafferty of feature stories will be included other $2500 bail, making the total i Burlington were in a car, south of with the ads. $5000. Pike was to appear again, in | the garage. They saw Pike, driving Woburn court ,next Tuesday, but i north, and radioed the other car. instead asked for a sanity observa- | Both ws closed in, and arrived at DAV NEWS tion, and has been sent to Waltham ! the garage within 20 seconds of Disabled' veterans face 100 to 1 hospital for 35 days. He is sheduled ', the time that Pike had drawn up odds in their fight to develop and to be in court on Sept. 22nd. I in front of it. protect the nation's rehabilitation Pike was- captured, by the Wil- Officers Fuller, and Shepard al- program and therefore depend on THE WILMINGTON RAMBLERS mington police, at gunpoint, Mon- so saw Pike, and advanced, with the American sense of fair play day afternoon in Burlington. The guns drawn. Before he could get out to achieve their objectives, James Wilmington's popular semi-pro team, who have bee» capture was made by Officers of the car, he was covered and hand- P. Kelly, Service Officer of the Wm. making themselves known by their fine playing. L to R George Fuller and George Shepard, cuffed. After being handcuffed, and F. Tattersall Chapter 106 Disabled (front row) Butch Casey, Billy Ethier, (second) Ralph Le^ as he got out of the car, the two American Veterans said today. who had been waiting, out of sight, Pore, Dave Newhouse, Al Ethier, Fergie, Dick Harrington, nearby, watching for him. cars with the reinforcements swung "About 20 percent of our popula- into the garage yard. tion is composed of farmers, "he George Thompson, (third) Sam Ethier, manager Bill Wood* Pike, wanted in half a dozen com- Pike had been staying at Hamp- munities, in Massachusetts and said. "About 10 percent are mem- Earl Baldwin, Gene Hovey, Francis Hoban, Jay Tighe an* ton Beach, according to the story bers of labor unions. But only a Frank DePiano. (Polaroid photo in a minute by Wilmmgtoa Maine, Jumped his bail of $500, on that he told the Wilmington police, July 31st, in Woburn. rather than little more than 1 per cent, for- under the name of Mark Evans. He tunately, are disabled veterans. Crusader) face charges preferred by the Wil- had a social security card, with that mington and Reading police. He "Compared with other groups name. Wilmington police say that seeking protection of their rights, SYNAGOGUE HAS AMWOAL had been captured, on July 30th, in he is wanted by the police depart- DAV CARNIVAL disabled veterans are a weak min- NEXT WEEK WHIST TONIGHT Stoneham, after a thrilling 85 mph ment of Maiden, on two warrants, ority. They must depend on the Am- chase from North Wilmington, (and by the Augusta Maine police, erican sense of fair play to develop The William F. Tattersall The annual whist of the WsV through Wilmington and Reading. Ion charges that are several years mlngton Synagogue, AuxlUats, and protect our program of rehab- Chapter 106 of the Disabled will be held tonight, in the So- The capture of Pike, Monday af- old. He has served nine months, ilitation for disabled veterans." American Veterans first annual ternoon,, came as the _ result of _ a j police aay, on a morals charge, at The DAV Service Officer said Carnival is to be held on the cial Hall on Salem street, North carefully laid plan, which the Wil- 'Deer Island. among the ways Americans can DAV grounds, tLM Grove ave- Wilmington A nice list •* mington police dubbed "Operation demonstrate their sense of fair play nue, all of next week, starting prizes will be given, and Quiet" because of the secrecy In- I ATTEMPTED BREAK AT and show in a tangible way their Monday, and lasting all week. freshments are to be aer volved. After Pike had jumped bail, A beautiful hand-crocheted PAPER STORE feeling of obligation are as follows: During the last summer, the spread is- to be sold, on on July 31st, every member of the 1. See to it that disabled veterans DDAVV hasa beenD filling in, in back Wilmington police department vow- Wilmington police received a re- A h^^^ ln pren-raUon for, which bedspread has~bee^T= port, Monday, that there had been have the finest medical care. of their hall, in preparatlon for display at the^ home of„, Mrs.£,„. Ant^ ed that he would again be cap- an attempt to break into the paper 2. Make sure there are adequate the event Over 300 loads of fill Elfman, Main street for tfet) tured. An elaborate search was in- numbers of Veterans Administra- have been used, so that today stituted, involving all of his known 'store, in Wilmington square. A past week. | screen in the back of the store had tion hospital beds. there is ample room, and the Everyone is welcome, The •acquaintances, and places where 3. Urge the Congress to provide DAV assures everyone that there he had been known to work. It been removed, and an attempt was will be plenty of parking space. whist starts at 8 p.m. 'made to loosen the window, but disability compensation based on was discovered that he had a car present day living costs. About nine booths will be at near a camp in Billerica, and. a- without results. the carnival. Three major rides EVERETT COLE 4. Develop a sound program of IN ILLINOIS mong other things, a watch was vocational training. and other attractions are pro- LITTLE LEAGUE N.E. mised. The Ladies Auxiliary will set on thi« car. CHAMPIONSHIP GOES TO 5. Assist in proper job placement. Everett Cole, Church street. On August 12th, the Fieldstone 6. Prevent any false, so-called ec- also be operating in full force, is a student at Scott Air Force NEWTON with a booth of their own, for Garage, in Burlington, received a The Little League is over, as far onomy legislation that would des- Base in Illinois. His address to call from a pay station in Boston, troy this nation's rehabilitation pro- refreshments. All proceeds will H3c Everett N. Cole, Jr., ABB as New England is concerned. This 12431819, Box, 352, 3333rd St. asking them to get the car and re- years championship team is the gram. go to the building and hospital pair it. The Wilmington police tournament team of Newton North, fund. Gp. Scott AFB, Illinois. learned of this, and from then on which defeated Warwick RI. Mon- MALICIOUS DAMAGE kept a 24 hour watch on the garage, day afternoon, at the Woburn Little Malicious damage to property League park, by a 5-0 score. off North streeL in North Wil- WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR WANTED The Massachusetts team, which mington has been reported to will now represent New England the Wilmington police. Sidney Young lady for real estate in Kaiser, of Plnerldge road, re- in■ 11 theiirv Little■--■»*.., League— 0 World- Series,- WEINBERG'S Wilmington, and North Read- I!in Williamsport Pennsylvania, on ported yesterday afternoon, that ing. Car necessary. Call Stone- August 25th. had defeated the Babe damage has been done to his "BACK TO SCHOOL" SPECIALS ham 64291. Ruth League of Worcester, Satur- rabbit warren, and that a fish- day, while Warwick had defeated ing pole, valued at $12.00 has New London, Conn. been stolen. Over 3000 fans estimated to be at 256 MAIN STREET WALLPAPER WINDOWS BROKEN Brand new S rm. brick horn* the Woburn Little League Park, STONEHAM I oura'm Kynnize Painti ON CLARK STREET HAMILTON built on your own lot includ- Monday afternoon, to watch the ing kitchen, livfcif room, J (across from the Ovir 15.000 rolls in Stock Wilmington police have re- REAL ESTATE last, game of the year.
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