) J / Page Two Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, March 3, 1925. Every-Other-Day The Courier-Gazette COOLIDGE INAUGURAL DISCUSSED MANY MATTERS \ THREE TIMES A WEEK Tomorrow In Washington ................... CIRCULATION AFFIDAVIT Rockland. March 3. 1925. Will See a Brief But Bril- ^ark Street Fi8ured Prominently In Laat Night s City Gov- P rnonally appeared FrnnK S. Lyddle who KNOW MAINE PRODUCTS on o.th declares that he Is pressman in the emment Doings—Civic Affairs Discussion Next Mon­ office of The Courier-Gazette, and that of liant Ceremony. the Itwate of this paper of Feb. 29. 1925, day Night there was printed a total of 6.520 copies. Everything in Washington is ready Before me. FRANK B. MILLER, Notary Pub’lc. for the inauguration tomorrow of President Coolidge, the third Massa- Spies were present at last night's pointed," said Alderman Richardson. Labour not to be rich: cease from (husetts man elected to the highest City Government meeting, but they “What prompted this move of hav­ ing policemen at dances?” asked Al­ BUY MAINE PRODUCTS I thine own wisdom For riches cer­ office in the gift of the American pro- were very welcome for they were derman DeRochemont. tainly make themselves wings; they pie. Mr. Coolidge has approved the Northern Spys donated by Alderman Ask your grocer for “SUPERBA” fly away.—Proverbs 23:4, 5. Because we thought It a good idea plans for the modest celebration and Ulmer of Ward 2,rand very tooth- to have somebody in authority pres­ has selected the Bible from which the some, as at least one man found. ent, somebody who should be respon­ COBB AS GOVERNOR oath will be administered, 4he now „ .. ... ., sible in case of a tire or panic. One famous Plymouth Bible used by his ln 'he COUrse <* ,hP mee,,nK Mayor man in uniform is worth a dozen not An editorial writer in the Portland father, Colonel John Coolidge, when Snow congratulated the City council in uniform.” Sunday Telegram, reviewing the list he first administered the oath to his on its first anniversary. “I don't see how the spirit of this From an emergency shelf distinguished son in the farmhouse customary to have something ^rder would be lived up to if each or- of Main's governors during the past at Plymouth Notch immediately fol- to eat al lhe uf the y<>ar isn t . der appointed one of its own rrdm- stocked with — twei>ty-flve years, |>oints out that lowing the death of President Hard- asked Alderman Ulmer. hers for police duty," said Mr T)e- “being Governor of Maine Is a high­ fng a year ago last August. The in- There was a laugh, hut the City Roehemont. ly responsible job calling for hard augural committees, representing Fathers had to be content with the Earl F. Chaples, sealer of weights work, tact and ’judgment. But it is Congress and the District of Cotum- , Alderman's apples, and measures, was appointed and hia, have attended to the last detail The meeting lacked spice, but eer- confirmed as a special policeman'. not an unpleasant position. The of their program. tainly did not lack the variety which 1 The matter of the Northend boy governorship i« generally regarded as Historic Pennsylvania avenue has js supposed to be the principal com- who is reported to be a constant the highest honor the people of been cleared of all obstructions f<w*'poneilt of spice. The transactions source of trouble, but with whom the parade which will start at 1 Maine can confer upon one of their covered a wide range. nothing can seem to he done, was o’clock. The finishing touches have j, waR voted issuf. notice again brought up by Alderman VI- CANNED FRUITS fellow citizens, a United Stales sen- been placed on the platform erected (f) ,hp ownera „f the spear-Walker mpI'- "ho said ’hat his latest mlsde- atorship being the only place com­ on the east front of the Capitol where building a, ,|1p corner of Main and meanors were stealing an umbrella, parable to it. While they are In of­ in the presence of 100,000 spectators. ,tankin street have ,hp'^me torn ™" around at night in his ttnder- you can serve unexpected guests fice, governors are almost Invariably the oath will he administered and the down as i, constitutes a fire hazard in ’’h;r’ :ind stoning school children. President will deliver his inaugural, „s p,.esent partly ,5enioli«he«l comli- “One Northend resident threatens to with delicacies of which you popular and wherever they appear shoot him if something isn’t done.’ address. In contrast with former ,fon The law specifies that the no- ‘ may well be proud are greeted with enthusiastic evi­ years when stands have been erected tl(,e must b<> P„ ,lled with inside „f said Alderman Ulmer. The boy has dences of regard. There are few on both sides of the avenue from the three weeks. been adjudged as not responsible •dt White House to the Capitol, there will men who do not enjoy that sort of The city lighting committee presen- under the criminal law. and there is THERE ARE 99 SUPERBA PRODUCTS be this year stands only ,n front cf ,„d a lwlIignment ft(r ,.ark stre(.t no institution which -an or will take thing, and eo despite the hard work r J "hMl 11 ls "ill he very him. and petty vexations which the office side of the Treasury Building. Visit- ,h(> , betwwn entails, most governors have, to quote ors already arriving from every State, s)rpet and Broadway This in the I nton to witness the cere- „. ,u_______ The matter of a physical examlna- the words of Roosevelt, *a bully good wiil hank themselves along ca"" for 250 C’ llKhts at ,he corners t,on of future candidates for the po- monies nanKtnem. lives along f v , d B . R Walnll, and departments was Superba Canned Goods are selected and distributed throughout Maine by Milliken, time’ when in office,” The writer, the concounurse of Presidents to cheer .... ,ln 1 111 ueiui tineius. going on to discuss the gentlemen • . Broad streets -and Broadway: a 100 brought up, and will be acted upon at Tomlinson Co. of Portland, Belfast^Presque Isle and Ellsworth. These goods are of the new executive on his way. c. p. light on Broad street south of the next meeting. who during the period named have the railroad crossing: and the re- the finest quality and in favoring them you will help to build up Maine industries. The inaugural parade, while smaller A reorganization of the Fire Do­ with high honor occupied the execu­ than any of its immediate predeces- m°”‘1 °f .,h,^ ”ar,n’ent- which wo’jW at,ach the tive chair, pays thia compliment to sors excepting only that of Mr street- and ,t>e 100 c- P- bghts at the Northend company to Central Fire rear of Moody’s Garage, at the corner station fs under consideration. Al- Governor Cobb: Harding of four years ago, never­ theless will be a brilliant one. Plans of Grace and High streets, and cor- derma n Richardson said he would “William T. Cobb was elected which have been finally approved call nor of Broad street and Broadway jj|<e l0 ?ee the building presented to Governor of Maine in 1904 by a for an escort for the President of a 1 Alderman Chase, chairman of the the Veteran Firemen’s Association, plurality of nearly 28.000 votes. | committee said that this arrangement with a cart ke|)t ,hprp fnr winter platoon of mounte'l officers and a ., , . , —• -------- KNOW MAINE PRODUCTS We think a majority of ihe people squadron of the Third Cavalry. On would not only give superior service service. The matter was left for KNOW THESE MAINE PRODUCTS of this state will a’gree t hat either side of the President’s auto- to *^at now *lut Would mean discussion at the next meeting, And the dessert problem will be most satisfactorily Maine has never had an abler mobile will he two motor cars'for the ' a ,avin« of ,1S * J’ear’ T1,e relM>rt An order was passed which pro­ Governor than Mr. Cobb, or one Secret Service immediately followed was accepted. vides that not exceeding 10 days’ solved in your home better lltted to perform the by two machines for the press. Then Chisholm Bros, were granted per- pay will be allowed to firemen and duties of his office. It is to make will come the new Vice President, .mission . ,to erect a horixontal ilium- policemen on account of sicknes<^iii “ RABBITS ? ” no invidious comparisons to say Charles G. Dawes of Illinois. The Innttxllnat^ «ltrn’lg,n on the"; pandvca"dy fnnlnrvfae’ory one Vear that a majority of men familiar parade will be divided into three at 43$ Main street. It will be 5 feet The State Aid which had been Quolity with public affairs if asked to grand divisions. In the line of march 9 inches long, of embossed steel, with asked for a permanent road on pick the best Governor the State will be some 8000 troops, represent­ blue and white sign, and will contain Union and Willow streets was trans­ has had in the last fifty years ing each arm of the military’ and 10 40-watt lights. ferred to the Park street improve- Kill this one would name Mr. Cobb............... A naval service, the governors of more Alderman Richardson spoke in fa- rnent, it being the city’s intention to Ice few years later he might have than a scc.re of States and their es- vor an or(^inance which would per- iav one side of Park street in Hassan been a United States Senator by corts and representatives of the vet­ mit only such illuminated signs as )>aving from the present improvement Made of saying the word.” erans of the Civil, Spanish and World were approved by the National Fire to the Old Depot, where it will he Cream Insurance Association, which The judgment of the Portland Wars.
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