AVERAGE DAn^f’^CIROCTLAnON for the Month of Febrnary, 1*88 / W BATUBR ForooMt of D. s. Weather Itareaii, Hartford 6,099 Fair with skHrly rising tempera- Member, of Um - Aeidlt tore tonight. 'Wedneeday increasing Bureau of Clroolatlons, cfondlness with rUIng temperntaro followed bj- rain. - MANCHESTER — A CTTY OF VILLAGE CHA VOL; LVIL. NO. 140 \ (CUastSed AdverUslBg oa Psigo 10) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, MARCH 15. 1938 fTWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS a FASCIST ARMY As Nazi\Austria Hails Hitler JAPANESE CALL ^ RAVAGES SPAIN, HITLER IN APDRESS MAJOR HGHTING LOYALISTS SAY IN cm OVER CALLS IT “OUTPOST Troops, German And Promise ‘‘Open Door;” But f f Italian Hanes Engage In Chin^ Are Active On Great Drive For Coast OF GERMAN NATION Yellow River, Report 469 To Divide . Loyal Spain. Jap Casualties In Air. in Cheered By Thot* Austrian Minister Madrid, March 15.— (A P )— An­ sands, Der Fuehrer Pro^, cient Spain Is being devastated, a Shanghai, March 15 — (A P ) — government communique said to- Masayukl TanI, Japanese minlster- To U. S. Turns Over claims The End Of lorf^:: day, by a 20th century Italian army. at-Iarge stationed In Shanghai, said Describing the Spanish Insurgent today the "open door" in China .march eastward toward the Mediter­ would remain open after the present pendence. And. Its Post To Germany ranean. the government itself told of conflict was settled. Tanl said In artillery and motorized columns and an interview Japan would grant trance Into H ie Rc bombing planes sweeping through the ancient land that once was* part equal opportunity to the United Washington. March 15.— (A P )— .1 legation quarters in Vienna and to Edgar Prochnlk, Austrian minister I °P«b “ consulate in w-hat la now- the of the Roman empire. States and other friendly powers to Jews No Longer To Vo Italian troops and German and air' In the reconstruction of China to toe United SUies, and members ' '" 'j 'f * * '’’" residence. ad soon as posalble. Italian planes took part In the Ih O f hi, legation staff were under in- | - T }fn lf^ "rSswSnro'^^pP^^^ surgent capture yesterday of AI- “ Major fighting Is finished, we Treasury |s taken O n are in a transition period and soon structlons from Berlin today to • Soviet and German Embassies— cuplz In eastern Spain. 45 miles place themselves at the disposal of ' will not be renewed from the Mediterranean, the Govern­ reconstruction wll begin," he said. German Ambassador Hans Dleck- The minister’s residence, at pres- ment declared. While the troops "Then Japan will prove to the world -J ent unoccupied because toe United Vienna. March 15.— (A P )- . struck dlrecUy against the city, the by her actlorih, that: declarations •raelr activities, the orders said. States has not had an envoy in Adolf Hitler, his triumph fi| planes spread death and confusion setting out. her aims In toe Orient will be sutetolnaled to those of the Vienna since the death of Minister over a dozen coastal towns. Almost pledging eqiiality of treatment Vienna completed, late tc hourly the planes swiihg along the trlan'^curof “‘entousf^Uc rroep” to'?'S“H e '? s '? '^ u s - were not mere words." . „ I Grenville T. Emmet last September, rushed to Berlin knd « d l “ l freki [“ re he iV sron returning from fhe Dieckhoff delivered to Secretary I will be converted into an oIBce bulld- departed from the Aspem . main Barcelona-Valencia highway, Americans, he said, w-ere doing Hull last night a note setting forth j Ing. port by plane, for M unich, now become the most dangerous ding, ten miles from Lifiz,.which he visited following a day's ^ ^ " e ^ 'n r o r h T s business as usual in Japanese-oc­ *4?” form ally notl- | It was bought for toe United 250-mlle stretch for Government cupied North China and had no rea­ fylng the State Department that The Fuehrer’s departu convoys. States three years ago by (Jeorge S. son to be apprehensive in central Austria had become a part of toe Messersmlto. then minister In came at the end of a day du Retoge In Oaves (Jhlna. German Reich. Vienna and now assistant secretary ing which his career seemed' No car along the heavily con­ Tanl )>romlsed to investigate re­ The assumption here was that of state. He paid 884,000 for the gested road within the past three too Austrian legation and toe Aus­ reach its zenith. TAXPAYERS WIN RULING S E A D W S TRIAL fusal of Japanese authoritiSs to per­ 50-room building. days escaped attack, and motoristli mit mission org^lzatlons to return' trian consulates throughout the Aside from these physical W ith the Imperial palac*- frequently deserted their cars and to Yangtze Vall<y stations, but said United States soon will be closed changes. Senator Borah (R „ Ida.) the Hapsburgs as a I _ Jumped into roadside ditches until the refusal prot^bly was because WiUrely, and that Minister Prochalk said he could not see that Adolf he proclaimed this morning ; danger wras past ON IN CHICAGO Will retire. IN BIG WATERBURY SUIT toe mission premises were required HtUer’a Austrian coup would have Civilians found one refuge in Tar­ 'This Would be m> secona liquida­ frenzied Viennese throngs temporarily to bouse troops. any effect on the United States. ragona, qptside Barcelona, In an­ tion,’’ Prqfhnik told interviewers. end of Austrian indeper The military situation on toe Yel­ Senator Walsh (D., M an.) assert­ cient Roman caves which still form A fter toe World War he took ed, however, that Germuiy’s action and the entrance o f 'h is ____ a part of the picturesque port’s low River-front remained confused, charge of the Imperial Austro- Judge Inglis Denies The Mo- |FRENCH P R E M IE R Kidnaper Of Charles Ross but Japanese army spokcsmeil no "deinonstrates too need for adequate architecture and the foundation for Hungarian Embassy here, distri­ preparation on our part." land "into the German R eid f; longer claimed that any Japanese modern structures. buting Its archives among the Em­ Senator Johnson (D., Colo.), call­ Madly cheered by hD~-_ ^ U S Tortoaa suffered parUeu. Brought To Court And i|roopa were south of toe river In pire’s successor states — Czecho­ ing it a "trivial event in the world’s of thousands of Austrians, larty heavy damages from the aertad their attack upon toe Lungbal rail­ slovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Italy history,” said: i:;iS ;^ £ i.lA U 5 F 0 R UNITY way. Fuehrer rode into He ratoers who today disostad Hnto wf. and Rumania- "Austria wanted U he swallowed Identified By W h iM ^ : JapaoMe reported tow c-*-‘ ----- Informed persons said the United Square outaide the forts to protecting the Infantry ad- up and Germany wanted to swallow ^ ^ c e from Alcaniz, designed to cnit feverishly constructing defense Ststes is prepared to Jive up ita her—that is all there Is to it.” through the great atone G^ernment Spain In two and lso*‘ Action Against D .X Leary works at all fords along the river, of the Emperor which late Catalonia from the remainder of Sammoiis Leaders Of AH CTlIcago, March 15.— (A P )— The aa well as concentrating planea hi government territory. Tungkwan, across toe river from the inscription, "Justice la" • text of five ransom notes and the Should this advance b« unchecked testimony of twto women served to­ toe southwestern point of Shops) Foundation of Government.' as It enters difficult mountain Hartford, March 15 — (A P ) __ Parties To Discuss Expan province. Whlls Hitler presided over the'^ ranges east of Alcaniz, the Insur­ Waterbury taxpayers won their first day as the preliminary legal frame­ Heavy artillery fire continued! In GREAT BRITAIN TO ARM, greatest triumph of bis mst«ori»)i^i gents would carry their front line brush toda.v In connection with sion Of War Preparations work which Federal proaecutors toe Tungkwan area. career, his lieutenants took o vafei into CaUIonla which hitherto has hoped would support a demand that Japanees claimed the capture of all functions of toe Austrian toelr 8600.000 civil suit to recover been untouched by the war except John Henry Seadlund be put to the first Russian aviator since toe crnmenL for alleged overpayments by ex- THEN PLEDGE CZECH AID for aerial raids over many of its death for kidnaping. conflict started. The Austrian treasury busy industrial cities. Oontroller Daniel J. Leary. Parish, March 15.— ( a P)— Pre­ Seadlund, once a MInne.sota lum­ A Chinese plane raiding Wuhu on sorbed by the German _ _ _ The shortest route to the sea Ues Superior Court Judge Ernest A. mier Leon Blum, beset by war fears berjack. has pleaded guilty to the laglts has handed down a decision toe Yangtze was shot dow-n In a dog Hitlers’ foreign minister took along the old Roman road built 25 and Internal political-financial ten­ 850,000 ransom kidnaping of at Middleton-n denying a motion by all Austria’s foreign relattona'^ centuries ago across mountains and Charles S. Ross, 72, retired Chicago London Reports That Reich toe outside world. an outside part.v, Francis Peterson sion, called military officials into (CODtlnued on Page l-wo) deep ravines. The Ebro river, manufacturer who waa slain while a of Corpus Christie, Texas, to re­ conference today- to expedite pro­ Austria became merely..4 greatest river in Spain, would play prisoner. LATE NEWS district—of toe Gerrrian quire the taxpayers as plaintiffs In duction of fighting equipment. Has Been Priyately In­ an Important defensive role in any Hence, the trial became merely s Vienna a provincial German ^vance straight eastward along the suit against Leaty to post a National Defense Minister Ed­ formality to comply with Federal ouard Daladler, Navy Minister Ce- Chancellor Arthur ' Seyss-Inqu the route.
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