Liffillllil : ¦ ¦ .- ¦ ¦- .: Tf-?-- «•» " ;-I-:T-'- " - T IS-!Iv«^ If'1 ¦:¦ "' ' V^-;¦ ¦{ ¦ '¦

Liffillllil : ¦ ¦ .- ¦ ¦- .: Tf-?-- «•» " ;-I-:T-'- " - T IS-!Iv«^ If'1 ¦:¦ "' ' V^-;¦ ¦{ ¦ '¦

m. ^^ RW ilf plpll i liif if M s8\*aW\-»B:W-Tl' Of I n iiiM^ ¦¦ ;-- :" ;;¦ •^•jjypK^m^H^eye^i Han Isomelyj illustrated'; Booktet, — ; Dunlpp TyreB:for 1899,' Aboul ' i gratis tnd post; free oq apgHcatfotC¦ ¦>:• .\- :The DUlfLOP*NEU^JiT*fc TVRB €C Alia Street Coventry j 84, Weatland £ ¦ ¦• ¦ •¦- • ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ / :¦ :¦ - • -r : ¦ - r , ¦¦>¦ ¦: • •!; ¦' " .•Viv.;- : i:;f'-7 ' -w ' ^;,..,.^: i;./ ::_;.:;.;: .:. .].;. .. .. ." . ?i.. >'r£ - i? i * 5 m haaH 1 HWi n|- i iMi'i ufTiiyiii'' " ;. ¦is • ;¦ ¦|. ;r.:5-. .• .!. ' J «- . 1 .I.: ^( ' ¦ ' • ;. ¦ ¦ ' ••i 'j'rii' - h^i.ti'- * plISH/i gERyiCE t/TW.Tf*" . *• "^PTiJj r- ¦ ¦' . '< -J ; ((JIVIL a to jfcuniiNG IgborETi .; Pui^yors| j SiKp, ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; ¦ : : >< '" •' ' ¦ ' ; ' ;, .j ^ , *t v' ,^';f.. -.- ,. • . ; • ] established 1864, Incorporated 1874. \ ^ OANS GBAITTED ON THE MOST FAVOTJBi ABLE ITEEilS TO ENABLE PEB8OUS TO ' Bttll D OB PflBCHASE HOJJSES OS TO PAY - .I :^.: V. OPP SIOBTGAGES THJSBEQN. .-j ;¦ ¦;¦!¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ : The Bnsinec3 already dono exeecdo ; j. - ¦;. v~ ' ¦¦ - •¦ ' T - i ¦ • - ;¦ , I-- •• -:« M ' - •it - . • . ;r- . : ( .V. ¦ ¦ ^au55b,opo U< U ¦ Q -" ' ' Lw Laatsf' U B , '' ¦' ' : ;¦' ¦ ¦ 5*'i ' ^ , ' •!• "' Letjalj Expences Fixed! ond hodente. - . WM& and Prize Medals Awarded; Deposits received at the follow ing tataa o! intfiPe:!, , ; : rr •, :|- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ >¦ • ' j ' •' frqo of iDOome Tax :— j , . / :.: :m At Call ... L Q per Cbnt per Anoaa ; ¦ ' : " - : " - s T " 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 'i" " " ''' : For Ono Year. '! 8 j;' ,, r ii - ; ! ! ¦ ' ¦ " " ! ¦ ' " ^" - s ;-: .;:. :^' ;. - :-¦;v - ' - - " - .. ' ' - :' !E?- '^^^^i»": >s ^; - For .Tno Ycara I SJ „ ,i , :." -4- ' ^- t^-^ ¦ ¦ f For Prospectm and every information tddrc.-j : OLUB BODA," < f THE BEVERAGE Orj T HE^TE. ' , : ALFBED H. MEBCEB, Secretary vvaierzora¦ BieamGoip¦ .companF ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ¦ '" ; ' £5 WeaSmoraland-Siriat, • :. -.; j :¦ • !- _ , - : (tmiTSi> ); ' ..- ; ;-•;•;! . ¦: iO10Elf;;Api *^Mtomatio^ ORIGINAL,: ' ¦ ¦ " i;' BR AND > ^ - : : ! • Dublin. ' ; ¦ ¦ i H'i'i iriiirm nnnna nv rtkTt.rr^rj ^<iPKT . '| -" ^H^SBER^ JEHE DBnkiFOR THE ¦ , K£j ^Wf . G^TY RHEIJMima ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ' ; ' ' ¦ ' •¦;¦ • ^ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ i • • ¦! ¦ STKAMEBsi i : ' . ¦ ' ¦\ ; : , jaoyal Seltesri jPotaai^l^ia- waters, s i :' • . ' ¦ BEQIKAIJ); Lemonade, &o. DUiraHODT¦ ¦ ¦¦; J CWMEBACIHr T.AB¦ ¦¦A¦ ¦ , . -• • - ilfeiAPiAr OBEADEN7T&«. ¦: i >\ ' < AMEBIOAN1 -'LIME,..:-' -?: ? • WOIIOfi.-. .Th» V7atsrfo»d HAIL STEAUERS. '-• ^ ., -<L V UNITED STATES ¦ ¦ ' i^l StaamBliipCWmp»ny (U roltoJ' ¦' ¦ <rsr<*S5r«V d t]ia {cir: i : . rocslT» aoodi iitr«Stjok : , , A'Di #' ^TK^ eii(> : «^>A't- - !JJ?5r\-.ja«nt on tho condition* mentionedIn ; - . SEBVIOE ~" . - , " ' " UWj ^s^|:^6il^kaJ)TO-BathB aifa S"0W^BPffiJiii j sotrrHAMPxpN--NE\v JYORK :¦ , . ¦"""I fiaUtog . be.,¦ U b» ¦ hut at! titS : Slotels* . , , ¦ | - ¦ I - ¦;. ; ' : .. OfflCM. r | 1 SOUTHAMPTON | TO \ NEW;'. YOBK •¦ ' " 'j ':. ' / :; ' ' : ¦; :¦ "" ¦ ¦ca. On c&dy tftirnhiir Safltcgi Cablaj ot jhoit onarj will : | ] &rthe-§e4son. ; - ;. "J : - - S! ; j 8ATUBDiYS ot Noon. , . ;- tj ^epto »e«l»» P»a8BSfl«» ftrditns ,ty- too Might ! U»il ;^. ^i WSKBS SO STAY OB 0.1££ : 1 nnKEIi ^ompriso Turkish Baiths Hot iind Cold Salt-wateTiE^oKnlng! ^x-.r-,,^-, i ' ; Do Yo° KNOW T£AT . Highest 'Class if accommodation Jlor Second Catio i :WA5Bai?0fil> A Hio i BElBTiO Ii 1 i , ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' acd Steerage Pa8MDger»Ji :¦ ¦ naa TTiiEEiBioioouBioL. rcou rminovn .vruxaroBO X; Baths, Shower Baths, Sitz Baths, Spray Baths, and H"eecUJ9 Baths. : " - Steoraga Foro bt loncat ratC3. Outfit frco. FrUw, Sspt ZwJS nooa SituWny. Bept E... * .Opaa THE SHIP;:?ttejQUAY. - - l Tnodsji • ¦ a,M_ 1/ «ja WedntodMi^ k'J (»a ' The Turkish le) hcve^een : ., Baths (on the famous Hammam princip ! "-^Is the poickrwo of the Londoni.ondon Markets iA.. - 1/e 8EBVICB; i BEE1AKPAST8, DINNERS, i SUPPJiRS, ; , poicpnrcbatuwse-1d for casa eanrnc DH eSos eom^titionT LIVEEPOOL-PHniADEiPHIA ¦ TluadAy, . „ U™ 5 p.ta . Waaoeadari „ 13..M 0 p.ta greatly ; enlarged and improved, and iir© ventilated by the i iO3t Erery WEDNESDAY. \- ' fddrr, ; „ lg._ 7 p.m. SonaaTT^I 17- 8 0 «.o | AND LTJNOHEONB ™Y A 8^PLE AND ' tt " i „ : H HOIB BESOMS. LIVEBPOOL TOjPHILADBl/PHI'A, - Tuodij, „ 19:.. 1 pan W«doosd«yi . *«,^ S 8J p.n approved; methods. A| splendid Salt-water Plunge Bath is attAc led,; 3a tho BhorVcct Notice, of tbo Bait Description r-f^ i ' ¦ , P«id»y, ; „ 3i_ 2 p.o .Sctardaj. !„ a3- 8 <1 P-a - .- ' and at. ' ' Calling at.Qneonafconn e»ery Thoredny. , . '. Tmad»y, „ SSL.. S p.m. WedaejBjtJ, 27...H 0 p.m. and the Shampooing Apparatus and attendance aro unexcellect* : ' Pcsieogers and Good* are landed at Philadelphia Tncsdiy, ¦;, »^ 4 p.m. f . j j. ,\i UODDEATfl OHAEQES. , Pc^tuyWania Eallroad,wbiob ATO«s«Cca P«cas«JIM lo Hours. I : These Baths are Eecond to none in Ireland, nnd the on the 'Whatlol Iho - ' i ,SSB^ . j yearo Shortest ind moat Direct Route to all places XosMs Borth-wnabarlsm Jixia, Brlitol. : .; V7HI3IC1X3 EIPE AND 1IEIX0VT A3 inLE.- YJP ^tF **** * H old, fta. por gaUon &sa the E«tornTicketstoned at Brinol to Cork I8c Bristol S. IT. SariitaryiArrangement£ are perfect. ; j • : • . «Arnt Western States. I ;; . : Co.. va aTaUabia fotcotura trom DabUn o: feim Wuoif oW TET _ CTLHIM ; SACON ASp eciality, at 4d in tho " -" ,4W Sd per U. Finest Waterford ly to Biehaidson, 8ponce 4 Ox, Southampton or (Textord to ¦ JBrS¦ atol¦ ¦ by W»tetf<ml ¦ ¦ ¦ Stieim Shlp Co, !. ' ^ ^ App ¦ Steamesi ; ' < .. i < \ . j iHIOUXiDlj WAIitAon, ;X?rOEriolo?, l 6d lb. Liverpool, or to: I i . ; . " , -. :' ;.¦) ¦ ¦ HOXB ' ° cr lietarn Tiotet3;lSJac4 it BrUtol to Dublin per Btktol ¦i . - V7ATEEPOED. .. (lia.CD ADDE^nS ,- ^^ ^ VTiiicroRD—Horreyi 1 Son; 12, GladatOtte-etreet< 8. N. Co, ;are arall»bl» for rotma from! Wiwrfjrd1 or . ; • • Weiford to : Bditol by WitcrfoW Steua Shlp < p.' „ Wells & Hblocrto, 87, Qcay. , . • : I ; ; V.' Bsrren)ttacd-ptiC5^ Stiimer* on i umsnt¦ oi to. eitn,¦ or frpm CoikonsJr «?oa :onov7; n n^saa." M axd Bros^ S. cmt ol Sa ex^». ' ' I ' I CiESicx-os-StrtE—Biohatd Icudy? • : jjeta n . T.cieu 'luaed «t. TCaUrforf iot-Woiford! : to- UONCE - STEEET, ¦V7E2T0ED. ; J —P Nusect, 76; M«in-strcot. '• ' ¦ Erlitol by . Vy itd(4nl Steun Ship Co. «-,« ITHIIUO (or return : OBJSS HIG.GIMS CLonoj. ; ' itcr Brijtol S. a. Co. /romSrisbl to OoriTos pviaeaclof Lj-b ioueccjiQ DraoAETiN—J Collioan, TosBqoore. ' . - • • . ' • S», cr to DaHin on payment of £» cxtrx. ,1 i liOAMS 1 :Li>iLMS i LOAMB I rrnHIS/O!d Hotel Is tomoufl for cood, para VThiaka Grotcgur' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' and Pwnoiofosi cSfeB'Clifil^S -CACTOOCIB—W Jones Trojr. SI, AUen-strosfc. uettxa -joo ou Rr*mrAUAOi« zor pro aoatnt. : f IL czd dl other Drake.' : llurpby; Gcoatr. - BpocUl lixcnrdoa Ticket* u« »lat>to ood. (Tor psrtioolsia • : UBS. KEtLY, PKWEIETEEa. i i3 and 44, GBiiaci—John apply to Hood OKce, Wt^rford^orila aira.CookftSoa : ¦ PATRICK-STREET. O-B—W Manro. - ¦ • ; ' r ' ' »b9 Ball way Btatioc ; Cc7 PKOVICIOHO Niw B i tcdynto Circtu, London, . , ; .1 , i ; TO THB ; ^XJ^X^XO ; \ \ ,0!c:3 to AT 4J, PATEICK GTEEEI Tao3As?owK—M Wcsterm»q, Cburob,-6tre0t. ; W^TEH. OBD AtTD! L IjVEEP OOI. 1 y ¦ ¦; ¦ • . ' ' WIKTOIJJ—W TiapsoD, Uoin>clrc3t. : . nos mrisXKao. »roa uvz&rooi. I j aijEttlOS— 'SHE! GLEBISWOEirn AacJionoar & Merobant . Friday hepi, 1... i pjn fdday, Sopt 1... 8 i tiia < I John Hmtoo, Bocday, „ S_ 9 ajn Uonday, „ 4 ..H ; n-o. tliujAcraoiiAn—W O'Donoboo. • : . W«a«sdsy, . „ fl_l j.ra We4<l»y, „ «-Ji I atn THE CITY : ANP COUNTY LOAN MB. ;9|3C0UfeM3iq Miay. , „ 8... 8 p.m Friday, '. „ 8.-12 noon ¦' ¦ ¦¦¦ ; ' ¦ ^ 6. a.n ' ! Which is establisliod now for coveral yearn ct ; . -> >: I i Sunday . , „ 10^ llociaj,^ „ 1U. 1 S3D.n ¦ Wedwr^¦ iij, „ 13_13 cooo W:odc»Siyn 13- a S0p.a ¦ ' < radsy, : „ 15.- 1 p.a Friday, i I H is.., 9 ; aj3 IH LtttEEICK. ! . Saaiay. , „ 17_ - a s.ra UoMay | „ 18... 8 SO PJ3 12. O'CONNELL STREET, WATEEF0ED Wednesd^ ty.»¦ «!_. 1 pja Wrfn'adiyu *>_U ttTm, 1 tto I ¦ Enr-laud ana Gouth XTalcs, ea& Friday ,. : „ 3.» 3 p.n Friday, „ 2J_J2 nooa MAKES Cash Advances from £5 upwardo on ] approved pereonal security^- vritiiout > . ! OELBBBAXEO E0R.IT3 " ¦of ; lp ' ; 6: ia » a~ P 0 , Coati SroIcnfl* K5f *'. •• 2J-. •• J??SV'i ? ' - OD Officials, cadi ^ WdnscdiT. „ 27™ 13 noon .' Kol'doyv „ X7_ 4 n^a publjdty, to Farmers, Shopbespero, Professional M , Government Friday. „ |3_ 1 jjn Friday. ' » »- 6M «-ra ero SU^SEIOE ACCOHnODAMQlT wmi : BAH.WAT others, in , any part of Ircknd on the most reasonable terms. Iotendlaj-ijiorr^w j : ¦¦ Sorvica ' ty GBEAT WBSTEBN Tco naaAdaoy Tessb'lxwd at Worta 17oart, Wntcrford ; IN ALL DJ3PABTIIEKT0. 1 ! and Stecaboata^a tjxuiozv . Ansn ^ FMs^o U to 14 Hours. ! . i :¦ desiring a Lean will find it to their adventago to apply to this Bank,; where all-bniiaejal! 'Higk-d&gs Con caiiiy BTreiE3 Passv—WeUrlbzu and Llrorpocl aal ^Watorford end ' - ' MIHEEMi ¦WATERS ' ' in connection with tha 'VrA.TiiEroiu) ; is transacterijwith the utmost secrecy, and where eyery facility io given .tp jCaataairS i Hivxti, B ktol—Cabla. RlngU. Ua. i dj. aln<il»—Oniiilmd (*cd ' ; ' ¦¦ ' ; ' v' licEiiios & WMTTBK, "W ATBBJOBO 6 OnnTBAii UoTcat* tarelllnf wlti fa-tillliw) lQ» j Mo E«turji(aT»i'- No legitimate : : ' " ' ¦ : , tlftijnlQccnt CoircJBndComjnortbl Uostaacqail 1 application ^ ever refened. ;;. .. • .;. < . :: |V- - ;' ( ' facet oil txalca tjtho Medical PrpfeaHioi ca may be iBBUAth), and QuEAT-SooTinaiii ABO-WEaxiij) to r.ny Ih Irolana. Bouses ana ctaff c^rST ' ' " ¦ ' ¦ ' '¦ ¦ ' ecu from tha ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' Tho!obbve Bank has no Brcnch Officcj end hao noconncodon vnth othejf in.ttitilion sj!;

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