BAKU EXPEDITION OF 1917–1918: A STUDY OF THE OTTOMAN POLICY TOWARDS THE CAUCASUS A Master’s Thesis by YALÇIN MURGUL THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA September 2007 To My Grandfathers BAKU EXPEDITION OF 1917–1918: A STUDY OF THE OTTOMAN POLICY TOWARDS THE CAUCASUS The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University by YALÇIN MURGUL In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS in THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA September 2007 I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. --------------------------------- Asst. Prof. Oktay Özel Supervisor I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. --------------------------------- Asst. Prof. Nur Bilge Criss Examining Committee Member I certify that I have read this thesis and have found that it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in History. --------------------------------- Asst. Prof. Evgeni Radushev Examining Committee Member Approval of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences --------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Erdal Erel Director ABSTRACT BAKU EXPEDITION OF 1917-1918: A STUDY OF THE OTTOMAN POLICY TOWARDS THE CAUCASUS Murgul, Yalçın M. A., Department of History Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Oktay Özel September 2007 The Ottoman expedition to Baku has central importance in Caucasus between the Bolshevik Revolution and end of the WWI. Since the Ottoman expedition to Baku was the most concrete action towards domination of the area, it served as the main determinant in the formation of relations between the Great Powers and the Caucasian people fighting for their sovereignty in the period until October 1918. This thesis based on a multi-sided bibliography, attempts to study the Baku Operation of the Caucasus- Islam Army commanded by Nuri Pasha in the course of the First World War in detail by analyzing both political and military processes and international dimensions, with a detailed picture of the whole process. By placing the Ottoman Operation at the centre, it aims to analyze the perception of both sides of the international struggle over Baku. iii Since the studies on the Committee of Union and Progress and Enver Pasha give special place to the issue of Pan-Turkism, this study argues that Ottoman Army’s Baku operation has a special place in Ottoman history as one of practical implementations of Pan-Turkist policies and it has an important role in the shaping of Azerbaijani National Movement in Transcaucasia. The thesis is divided into three parts. These are “The Ottoman State’s Caucasus Policy from the February Revolution to Batum Treaties”, “The General Situation in Transcaucasia before Baku Operation”, and “The Caucasus- Islam Army’s Baku Operation”. In this context Germany, Soviet Russia and Britain’s strategies in the region will also be considered. Key Words : Enver Pasha, Caucasus-Islam Army, Ottoman Army, Transcaucasia, WWI, Pan-Turkism, Nuri Pasha, Azerbaijani National Movement, Baku iv ÖZET 1917-1918 Baku Seferi: Osmanlılar’ın Kafkasya Politikası Üzerine Bir Çalı şma Yüksek Lisans, Tarih Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Oktay Özel Eylül 2007 Bol şevik Devrimi ve Birinci Dünya Sava şı’nın sona ermesi arasında geçen dönemde Kafkasya’nın durumu söz konusu oldu ğunda Osmanlı Ordusu’nun Bakü seferi merkezi öneme sahip olan konudur. Kafkasya üzerine planları olan büyük devletlerin ve Kafkasya’da ba ğımsızlık mücadelesi veren halkların 1918 Ekim’ine kadar olan ili şkilerinin şekillenmesinde Osmanlı Devleti’nin Bakü’ye ilerleyişi bölgedeki hakimiyet mücadelesindeki en somut hamle oldu ğu için temel belirleyici olmu ştur. Çok yönlü bir kaynakçaya dayanılarak yazılan bu tezin amacı Nuri Pa şa’nın idaresindeki İslam Ordusu’nun Birinci Dünya Sava şı esnasındaki Bakü Harekatı’nı tüm siyasi ve askeri süreci ve uluslararası boyutu analiz ederek açıklamaya çalı şmaktır. Tez Osmanlı harekatını merkeze alarak Baku üzerindeki uluslararası mücadeleye katılan tüm tarafların bakı ş açısını çözümlemeyi hedeflemektedir. Enver Pa şa ve İttihad ve Terakki üzerine çalı şmalar söz konusu oldu ğunda Pan-Türkizm’e her zaman özel bir önem atfedilmi ştir; bu ba ğlamda Osmanlı Ordusu’nun Baku harekatı’nın Pan-Türkist politikaların uygulanması meselesi ele alındı ğında Osmanlı Tarihi’nde özel bir yeri, v Azerbaycan Milli Hareketi’nin şekillenmesinde ise özel bir rolü vardır. Tez üç bölümden olu şmaktadır. Bu bölümler “ Şubat Devrimi’nden Batum Antla şmaları’na Kadar Olan Dönemde Osmanlı Devleti’nin Kafkasya Siyaseti”, “Bakü Harekatı Öncesinde Transkafkasya’da Genel Durum” ve “ İslam Ordusu’nun Bakü Harekatı” ba şlıklarını ta şımaktadır. Tezde i şlenen genel durum içinde Almanya, Sovyet Rusya ve Britanya’nın bölge stratejileri de ayrıca ele alınacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler : Enver Pa şa, Kafkas-İslam Ordusu, Osmanlı Ordusu, Transkafkasya, Birinci Dünya Sava şı, Pan-Türkizm, Nuri Pa şa, Azerbaycan Milli Hareketi, Bakü. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, always lovely and “unforgettable” Professor Stanford Jay Shaw was the most important motivation source for me. I had started to do my research under the supervision of Stanford J. Shaw. His enthusiasm and his fanatical devotion to history always inspired me to explore. His existence in our lives was a gift for us. He can never be thanked enough. I am grateful to Faruk Haksal and my parents their support and for their moral contributions. I would like to thank especially to my dearest friends Özcan Ula ş Altunok, Onur Arpat and Ozan Örmeci for their patience and hospitality. I also want to express my sincere thanks to Alper Ersaydı and Lena Gasımova whose assistance helped me to complete my work. I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor Oktay Özel for his tolerance and support while conducting this study. He provided me the necessary strategy to conduct the research. I am indebted to Mustafa Akaydın for his assistance in writing this thesis. Like a comrade, he has taken place nearly in all steps of my research since the beginning of 2007. I spent hours with him during the Spring of 2007. He has also been a very important emotional support to me. vii Finally, I would like to thank Esmer Fettahova, İlgar Zeynalov, Valeri Morkva, Samir İsgenderov,Elman Mustafa, Han Resulo ğlu, Mahire Abdulla, İbrahim Köremezli,Birkan Duman, Harun Yeni, Cemal Alpgiray Bölücek, Nahide I şık Demirakın, Veysel Şim şek, Gökhan Tunç, Alphan Akgül Volkan Kanto ğlu, Selman Biner,.Erhan Belgin and. Erbil Altunok for their invaluable friendship. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………...….iii ÖZET…………………………….…………………………………………………...v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………. .vii TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………..…..ix CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................1 CHAPTER II: OTTOMAN POLICY TOWARDS CAUCASIA FROM FEBRUARY REVOLUTION TO BATUM TREATIES ......................................... 11 II.1 Collapse of Tsarist Russia and Towards Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference ..... 11 II.2 Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference and Ottomans’ Caucasia Policy ................. 21 II.3 Ottoman Offensive on the Caucasus Front(Until May 1918) ......................... 27 II.4 Batum Conference and Ottoman-Armenian War ........................................... 48 II.5 Vassalization of Georgia to Germany and the Start of Ottoman-German Competition in Transcaucasia ............................................................................. 58 II.6 The End of Batum Peace Conference ............................................................ 63 CHAPTER III:TRANSCAUCASIA BEFORE THE. BAKU OPERATION ............ 70 III.1 Russian Azerbaijan and Baku Before the First World War ........................... 70 III.2 First World War and Azerbaijan .................................................................. 76 III.3 Transcaucasia After the February Revolution ............................................. 79 III.4 The Development of Bolshevik Dashnak-Coalition in Baku ........................ 87 III.5 Tension Between Bolsheviks And Azerbaijanis: Coming of March Events .. 94 ix III.6 After the March Events ............................................................................. 107 CHAPTER IV: THE BAKU OPERATION BY CAUCASUS ISLAM ARMY (JUNE 1918-OCTOBER 1918) ........................................................................................ 113 IV.1 Establishment of the Caucasus-Islam Army and Its Early Activities ......... 113 IV.2 The General Situation of Baku’s Red Army Before the Battles and Stationing of Ottoman Force in Azerbaijan ........................................................................ 124 IV.3 Battles Between the Caucasus-Islam Army and Caucasus Red Army(June 1918) ................................................................................................................ 132 IV.4 Battles Between the Caucasus-Islam Army and Caucasus Red Army(July 1918) ................................................................................................................ 141 IV.5 British Intervention .................................................................................. 154 IV.6 First Ottoman Assault on Baku and the Reorganization of Azerbaijani Force After the Failure ...............................................................................................
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