https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2018.06.MOBMU-100 © 2018, Society for Imaging Science and Technology Cybersecurity and Forensic Challenges - A Bibliographic Review Reiner Creutzburg Technische Hochschule Brandenburg, Department of Informatics and Media, IT- and Media Forensics Lab,, P.O.Box 2132, D-14737 Brandenburg, Germany Email: [email protected] Abstract professional obligations on their learning processes. One can in- The aim of this paper is to give a bibliographic review of creasingly observe that colleges and universities more and more the growing number of different Cybersecurity and Forensic Chal- have to adjust to this present generation of students and respond lenges for educational and vocational training purposes. by increasing the flexibility of the courses. For this reason, on- Special attention is given to the hacking lab, which enables effec- line degree programs, or suitable combinations of classroom and tive training in cybersecurity and computer forensics in the uni- online studies (blended learning) are increasingly offered. It is versity environment and in vocational education and training. well-known that man learns about 80% of its knowledge and skills by informal learning compared to learning from formal learning. Introduction Unfortunately, often this fact is not taken into account by plan- Nowadays, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) ners and decision-makers from school, university and companies. have to deal more and more with the issue of IT security. Due A well-known example is the now already for 10 years success- to the ever-growing popularity of mobile devices, but also by the fully operating ”Virtuelle Fachhochschule (Virtual University)”, general acceptance of IT technology in everyday life, new secu- an association of 10 established Universities of Applied Sciences rity threats to corporate data occur every day [1-13]. in Germany and Switzerland [2]. A special feature applies to new Due to different terms and conditions within a company, students, who often have to start and face various ”entry level” there is no single security solution to counter all different threats. difficulties in a higher education experience. This can have var- In addition, dependent on the experience of the administra- ious causes (e.g. of a longer working period after high school, tors, devices and services may be misconfigured and thus open army and civilian activities, family situation, social status, career security vulnerabilities. changers, migration background, additional employment to earn Companies can protect themselves against such risks by as- money while studying, lack of student loan assistance, etc.). sessing using penetration testing to get an accurate analysis of the In order to help these students and to ease the entry to fa- threats and develop individual security concepts. However, there cilitate study and the associated intensive teaching and learning are two major challenges. How can companies be aware of the process, the following two projects were carried out [1]. importance of security inspections? How can a check be offered so inexpensive that even in the face of SMEs regular checks are Virtual Tutorials made possible? In this project not already well-known facts about online One solution is to completely automate the vulnerability and teaching should be explored, but rather are demonstrated, as addi- penetration tests and to reduce the necessary oral audits to an es- tional virtual online tutorials are successfully introduced into the sential minimum. With this approach, security audits could be undergraduate course Algorithms and Data Structures of the De- carried out efficiently and with reduced effort and businesses are partment of Informatics and Media of Applied Sciences Branden- encouraged to perform these important checks regularly. burg in order to give the opportunity to all students to better un- derstand the educational content of this course through a variety Introduction - Virtual University and Blended of complementary tools to deepen their knowledge and practice Learning with exercises. Nowadays there is a variety of virtual learning Nowadays, traditional educational institutions, such as pub- spaces, such as Adobe Connect, TeamViewer or iLinc [5]. The lic schools, colleges and universities and business organizations, University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg uses mainly the iL- use more and more the possibilities of electronic on-line train- inc software offered by the company netucate systems GmbH [3]. ing, the so-called ”e-Learning” [4]. Due to the growing world- This tool offers a number of opportunities to use learning mate- wide development of information, communication and computer rials and to interact with the students. The network performance technologies one can observe more and more acceptance of this and stability clearly showed that the use of virtual learning spaces kind of training opportunities in our society [1],[3],[7-21]. Not of Netucate with the iLinc software for online virtual tutorials is only is the global network of computers over the Internet and well suited and the performance is very good. The netucate sys- the versatility of digital media and products involved in the rise, tem allows the effective use of whiteboards, application sharing, but also the changing social conditions. Multimedia learning en- integrated browser and other features. We have introduced in the vironments are independent of space and time (see figures 1-5). undergraduate course on Algorithms and Data Structures a com- Thus, learners can decide flexibly despite their private, social and bination of classroom study and e-learning as a typical blended IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2018 100-1 Mobile Devices and Multimedia: Enabling Technologies, Algorithms, and Applications 2018 learning scenario. It is important to mention here that the online ate programs in Computer Science, Medical Informatics, and Ap- tutorial will not replace your presence time in the university, but plied Computer Science (ACS) has been slightly improved from an additional structural support to individual learning processes. 2.9 to 2.6. The average grade of foreign students and students It allows students great flexibility, regardless of time and place with an immigrant background significantly improved from 3.3 they can deepen their thematic knowledge and their priorities. to 2.8. Particularly noteworthy is the improvement of the exami- Additionally, several Wikipedia books on specific topics on Al- nation results of female students in this group by more than one gorithms and Data Structures were created and corresponding an- grade from 3.4 to 2.2, which was apparently caused by the use of notated link lists for multimedia animations were added in the a female student as a tutor that had an extremely positive impact course site of the Moodle server (see Chapter 3). on the working atmosphere within the tutorials and virtual tutori- Additionally, for the digital recording of handwriting in the als. Conducted evaluation of the course based on the evaluation virtual learning space, a novel Bluetooth pen of the company forms of this form of learning revealed an overall rating of 1.7. Papershow [6] was available. This pen enables a vibrant de- Through the creation of lists of links, and appropriate integration sign of presentations, as handwritten notes, sketches or drawings of multimedia repository into Moodle pages FH Brandenburg and are transmitted in real time and significantly ”softer, smoother the Virtual High School, the sustainability of the project is saved. and more fluid handwriting” on the monitor screen in the virtual Therefore the project can “live” forever and must be kept up to learning space and works much better than conventional graphics date only with minimal effort from the teachers themselves. It tablets (digitizers, pen tablets) for writing. In addition, all tuto- is important to mention that it does not create any further costs. rials are recorded and made available free to all students at any Since the developed learning content is based on Wikipedia or time. Despite progressive developments in the electronic commu- free Internet content, now and in the future basically no copyright nications students always should feel that the teacher is present issues will arise [1]. during the entire virtual lecture and are accessible through inter- action. Summary In this paper we have described our experiences by using Creation of a Multimedia Repository virtual tutorials, Wikipedia books and multimedia-based teach- As part of this project, several multimedia repositories were ing in a course on Algorithms and Data Structures. We describe made on the individual topics of Algorithms and Data Structures our work, the benefits and success we gained from using virtual and made available to students online. These multimedia repos- tutorials held in Netucate iLinc sessions and the use of various itories consist of both new and custom-made Wikipedia books, multimedia and animation elements for the support of deeper un- Wikipedia links and on the other hand, of annotated list of links to derstanding of the ordinary lectures held in the standard class- selected interesting multimedia elements on the web. Wikipedia room on Algorithms and Data Structures for undergraduate com- books have the advantage that they allow a skillful selection of puter sciences students. The advantage of the use of Wikipedia available Wikipedia article in the Internet in a clever saved
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