s,^» .-£\ V^ ^~^ ^^ THE HEJ^RT FRAJ^CIS du POJVT PFIJ^TERTHUR MUSEUM LIBRARIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/illustratedcatOOjohn V fini^d g^eeiig. Each No. I. Full Size Round Seat, Covered with Bes^ Quality Hair Cloth. Pillar and Legs are Hard Wood, Nicely Finished throughout, making a strong and Durable Stool . $3 oo Seat Covered with Plain Mohair Plush, Dark Maroon. 5 30 Each No. 2. Octagon or Square Sepentine shaped Seat, Covered with Best Quality Hair Cloth. Strongly framed together of Hard Wood. Pillar of best Hard Wood, Iron legs firmly screwed on. Grained in imitation 5° of Rosewood . • . .$4 Seat Covered with Plain Mohair Plush, Dark Maroon. 7 00 128 PIANO STOOLS. Continued. Each No. 3. Octagon or Square Serpentine shaped Seat. Covered with Best Quality Hair Cloth. Made entirely of Hard Wood. Framed together same as No. 2. Legs fastened to the Pillar with Hickory Dowels Firmly Glued in place. Handsomely Grained in im- itation of Rosewood 25 Seat Covered with Plain Mohair Plush, Dark Maroon. 50 Each No. 4. Patent shaped Seat, Covered with Hair Cloth. Framed together of Best Hard Wood, Hard Wood Pillar, Iron Legs, Firmly Screwed on. Very beau- tiful Design and Finish . $4 5*' Seat Covered with Plain Mohair Plush, Dark Maroon. 7 00 129 ¥ PIANO STOOLS. Continued. No. 5. Each No. 5. Similar to No. 3. Octagon or Square Serpentine .Shaped Seat, Covered witli best quality Hair Clotii. with Paneled Legs and Large Pillar, Beautiful Moulding, Hard Wood, Grained in Imitation of Rosewood ...... 25 Seat Covered with Plain Mohair Plush, Dark Maroon. 50 Eaoh No. 7. Full Size round Seat with Springs, Substantially Upholstered with best QUALITY Hair Cloth. Best Hard Wood, Grained in imi- tation of Rosewood . $ 9 75 Seat Covered with Plain Mohair Plush, Dark Ma- roon . 12 25 No. 7. 130 PIANO STOOLS. Continued. Each No. 8. FmH Size Seat, Covered with Hair Cloth, made of Solid, Hard Wood, Grained in imitation of 'Rosewood, Sunk Panels, \'ery Nicely Finished and Upholstered . • ? 7 75 Seat Covered with Plain Mohair Plush, Dark Maroon. lo 25 Each No. 83^, Ottoman Pattern, with Square Seat, Upholstered with Plain Mohair Plush. It has a lar_2:e Wrought Iron Screw, the wood is Maple, and is Nicely Grained in imitation of Rosewood . §16 50 131 PIANO STOOLS. Continued. Each 0. 9. Ottoman Pattern, Full Size Square Seat, Upholstered with Plain Mohair Plush ; made entirely of best Hard Wood Elegantly Carved and Inlaid Legs . $1900 ano Stool, or Chair, with Back. Designed to secure a support for the back" to the performer on the Piano. Particularly desirable for young pupils. Cane Seat . $ 8 00 Perforated seat . 8 00 Plush seat . 10 00 PIANO CHAIRS. ZWAdJustiihlp. Seat, for either ixittern, cjctra, $3.00 132 MUSIC PAPER. Super Royal. Size, 10^ x 13^. Per Quire. Per Ream, No. o. 10 Staves—Octavo $0 80 $13 33 I. 12 Staves—Octavo 80 13 33 /. B 12 Staves—Oblong 80 13 33 2. 12 Staves — Octavo, divided 80 13 33 3- 12 Staves —Octavo, for Vocal and Piano 80 13 33 4- 14 Staves —Octavo . 80 13 33 4. B Staves . 14 — Oblong , 80 13 33 5- 14 Staves—Octavo for Piano . 80 13 33 6. 16 Staves—Octavo 80 13 33 • 6. B 16 Staves —Oblong . 80 13 33 7. 24 Staves—Octavo 80 13 33 8. 16 Staves— Octavo, divided 80 13 33 9- 18 Staves—Octavo 80 13 33 9. B 18 Staves—Oblong 80 13 33 20. 20 Staves— Oblong 80 X3 33 24. 24 Staves—Oblong 80 13 33 MUSIC PAPER. Medium. Size, 878X11%. Per Quire. Per Reamt No. 10. 10 Staves—Octavo 66 12 00 " 10. B 10 Staves—Oblong t . 66 12 00 II. 12 Staves—Octavo 66 12 00 II. B 12 Staves—Oblong . 66 12 00 13- 14 Staves—Octavo 66 12 00 13. B 14 Staves—Oblong . 66 12 00 14. 16 Staves—Octavo 66 12 CO 15- 8 Staves—Oblong . 66 12 00 23- 42 Staves— Score Paper. Size, 12 X 18 i 40 26 66 DEMY. Size, 1% x 9%. Per Quire. Per Ream. No. 19. 10 Staves $0 60 *9 34 " 21. 12 Staves 60 9 34 1883. REVISED EDITION. 1884. LLUSTRATED ?" MUSICAL M RIMMINGS IGN&AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. 33 COl/RT STREET, OPP. COURT HOUSE. BOSTON, MASS. ANNOUNCEIVIENT. Soliciting a continuance of pzitronage from our customers-, and trial orders from those loho hav3 never traded with us, we present you herewith our new illustrated catalogue. JoHX C. Haynes & Co , 33 Court Street, Boston, Mass. BRANCH HOUSES : OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO., New York. J. E. DITSON & CO., Philadelphia. -<X>- NOTICE. In addition to our Band Instrument Catalogue, we have puhlished HINTS TO AMATEUR BANDS & GUIDE FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS, BY T. H. ROLLINSON. It treats upon the organization of bands upon a permanent hasis. Proper instrumentation, duties of leader and inemhers. Formation and duties of hands on parade, with diagrams. How to produce tone upon brass instruments. Proper system of rehearsal, &c., &c. We have also fust published a collection of BAND STUDIES AND EXERCISES, in 4 Series, by the same j)opular writer, embracing the first principles of Band practice, and also proper studies on practical points for advanced bands. These studies are-jiT'ogressive, instructive and indispensible, and should be added to the library of every amateur Band. 1st SERIES f 50 EACH. 2d " 50 " • M " . 50 " 4th "...... 50 " COMPLETE 1 75 " . INDEX. Page. Page. Page. 51 Double Bass Machines 70 A.CO.)RDKONS 5 Bicycle Bugles Horns. 52 Mutes 70 Bells 13 Boat, Post, and Hunting 66 Necks 71 " Clasps 15 Bones or Clappers 51 Strings 71 " Corners 15 Bugles So'nd post Setters 71 " Keys 13 Castanets 66 51 Tailpieces 71 " Key Covers 15 Cavalry trumpets 119 " Key Springs 15 Chin Rests Drums. 57 105 " Reeds 14 Chromatic Pitch Pipes Bags or covers. .. 64 52 " Screws 14 Clarionets Belts .. 63 53 " Stops 1* Bags Bushings ,. 62 51 " Tongues 14 " Caps Cord. .. 64 53,54 *' Trumpets 15 Cases Heads 61 " 55 " Frencli 15 Keypads Hooks 62 " French Reeds 15 " Mouthpieces 54 Leathers or Ears 63 " Boxes 54 Blow Accordeons 13 Mouthpiece Music Racks 46, 47 " 55 Band Instruments 28-43 Music Racks Snares 61 " 54 Special 3o% Reeds Snare Fasteners 63 " 55 Plating 44 Reed Boxes Sticks .. 60 55 Mouthpieees.45, 46 " Reed Holders Trimmings. .. 62 " Swabs 55 Book Racks.. 46,47 Fifes. .. 72 Clockcord 61 Polish 47 " Mouthpieces .. 72 Coaching Horns 51 Fittings 44-49 Flageolets .. 72 Concertinas 67 Banjos 1^ " Tin .. 73 Cornopeans 28 " DOBSON 20 " Brass .. 73 " cornets 28 Haynes Excelsior.. 17 " Mouthpieces — .. 73 " 22 " Cases 44 Bags Flageolet Piccolos 73 " 22,23 " Cleaners 45 Brackets Fluegel Horns 42 " 23 " Crooks 48 Bridges Flutinas 15 " 3Iouthpieces 45,46 " Cases 21 Flutes 73 " 61 " Music Racks 46 Heads " BOEHM System /5 " 25 " Mutes 45 Patent heads ' Cases 76 " " SetPieces 48 Pegs 24,25 " Grease Boxes 75 " 26 " Springs 48 Strings " Key Pads 76 " 48 " Tailpieces 26,27 Valve Buttons " Mouthpieces • 75 " 27 " Valve Cord 48 Thimbles " Music Racks 76 " 25 Water Keys 49 Wrenches " Screw Drivers 75 58 Cuckoos 94 Bass Drums •' Swabs 76 Belts 64 Cymbals 56 Flute and Piccolo Repairing 76 Cord 64 Cymbal Bags or Pouches 56 Flute Harmonicas 89 Handles 01 Double Basses 68 French Horns 42 Heads 61 '' " Bags or Covers... 69 Glockenspiels, or Orchestra Bells 102 Hooks 62 " " Bows 69 77, 78 Leathers or Ears.. 63 " " Bow Hair 69 Guitars " Haynes' Excelsior. 77, 78 Music Racks 47 " " Frogs 69 < ' Tilton's Gold Medal. 77, 78 Sticks 60 <' " " Rosin 71 " Imported 79 Bassoons 51 " " " Screws 69 " Bridges 79 " Reeds 51 " " Bridges 70 " Bridge Pins 79 Batons 66 " " EndPins 69 " Capod'Astro 80 Bell Front Altos 41 " " Finger Boards. 69 ' INDEX. — Concluded. Page. Page. Page. Guitar Cases 80 Piccolo Swabs 104 Violin Bows 112 | | End Pins 80 Pitch Pipes 104,105 " Small 115 j Frets 81 Plating 44 ^ " Bow Frogs 113 " Machines or Patent H'ds 81 Polish 47 " Hair 116 '' Machine Head Parts 81 Post Horns 52 " " Rosin 116 " " Pegs 81 Racquet Gut 105 i " Screws 117 " " Strings 82 ROSIX for Double Bass 71! Bridges 117 " " Tuners 82 " " Violin 116 Cases 117 " " Hand Organs 90 •' " Violoncello 116 Small 118 '' Harmonicas 82 I " Trimmings 118 Saxophoxks 49.50 i Harmonica Flutes SO " End-Pins 120 " Cases 50; Harp Strings 90 " Finger-BonnU 120 •' 3Iouthpiecrs 50 Hautbois, or Oboes 101 " Hand Screws 124 Key Pads 50 Hautbois, or Obco Reeds 101 " Inlaying or Purfling... 124 " Reed^ 50 Headliglits for Musicians 47 " Mutes 120 Shepherd, or Picco Pipes 105 Helicon Basses -12 " Necks 121 Skins 01 Hunting Ilorus 52 " Nuts and Saddles 121 Infantry Bugles 51 Strings, for Banjo 26 " Patent Heads 120 " Jews' Harps 91 " Double Bass 71 " Pegs 121 " " Kettle Drums 60 Guitar 82 " Sound-Posts 124 "Kinder" Children's Symphony '• Harp. 90 " Sound-Post Setters 122 " Instruments 94 " Viola 109 " Strings 122 " " Lyras for Bauds 56 Violin 122 " Tailpieces 123 " " Lyra Tassels 56 A'ioloncello 127 " " Small 124 Mandolines 94 " Zither 129 " " Gut 124 Metronomes 94 String Guages 105 " Tuners 104 " " Keys and weights.. 94 Tambourines 106 Wood, '-old'' 124 " " Pendulums 94 Brackets 106 Violoncbxlos 125 82 ' Mouth Organs Heads 61 Bags or Covers 12,' 94 " Musettes Jingles 106 " Bows 12-' Eeeds 94 Tin Fifes, or Flageolets 73 u " Frogs 12( Music Boxes 95 Toy Drums 64,65 < " Hair 12» " '• Springs 98 " Trumpets and Trombones.. 107 " " Rosin lit " " Parts 98 Triangles 107 " '• Screws 12( " Desks. (Dale's Patent.) 99 Trombones 43 " Bridges 126 " Snaps 99 " Music Racks 46 " End-Pins 126 " Pens 99 Tuning Forks 107 " Finger-Boards ...
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