‘Checklist’ de Vertebrados de Moçambique Checklist of Vertebrates of Mozambique Michael F. Schneider*, Victorino A. Buramuge, Luís Aliasse & Filipa Serfontein * autor para a correspondência – author for correspondence [email protected] Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal Departamento de Engenharia Florestal Maputo, Moçambique Abril de 2005 financiado por – funded by IUCN Mozambique Fundo Para a Gestão dos Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (FGRNA) Projecto No 17/2004/FGRNA/PES/C2CICLO2 Índice – Table of Contents Abreviaturas – Abbreviations..............................................................................2 Nomes vernáculos – vernacular names: .............................................................3 Referências bibliográficas – Bibliographic References ......................................4 Checklist de Mamíferos- Checklist of Mammals ................................................5 Checklist de Aves- Checklist of Birds ..............................................................38 Checklist de Répteis- Checklist of Reptiles ....................................................102 Checklist de Anfíbios- Checklist of Amphibians............................................124 Checklist de Peixes- Checklist of Fish............................................................130 1 Abreviaturas - Abbreviations * espécie introduzida – introduced species ? ocorrência duvidosa – occurrence uncertain end. espécie endémica (só avaliada para mamíferos, aves e répteis) – endemic species (only assessed for mammals, birds and reptiles) § espécie protegida em Moçambique (DNFFB, 2002) – protected species in Mozambique (DNFFB, 2002) CITES I, II espécies do Apêndice I ou II da Convenção sobre o Comercio Internacional de Espécies Ameaçadas (CITES, 2003) – species listed in Appendix I or II of Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES, 2003) CMS I, II espécies do Apêndice I ou II da Convenção de Espécies Migratórias (CMS, 2002) – species listed in Appendix I or II of Convention on Migratory Species (CMS, 2002) Categorias e critérios segundo IUCN (2003) Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas – Categories and criteria of IUCN (2003) Red List of Threatened Species: EX extinto extinct EW extinto na natureza extinct in the wild CR em perigo crítico critically endangered EN em perigo ameaçado endangered threatened VU vulnerável vulnerable NT quase ameaçado near threatened LC preocupação menor least concern DD dados insuficientes data deficient NE não avaliado not evaluated Os números entre parênteses depois do nome científico referem às referências respectivas na Bibliografia (página 4) The numbers in brackets after scientific names refer to the respective bibliographic references (page 4) 2 Nomes vernáculos – vernacular names: (Tson) Shangaan (Rong) Chironga (Copi) Chope (Sho) Cishona (Tswa) Chitsua (Tong) Guitonga (Chindau) Chindau (Sena) Chisena (Angone) Angone (Chiunda) Chiunda (Chuw) Echuawabo (Lom) Elomwe (Macu) Emakhuwa (Chirima) Chirima (Swah) Kiswahili (Koti) Ekoti (Mak) Shimakonde (Nya) Cinyanja (Ajaua) Ajáua Fig. 1 Distribuição das línguas vernáculas de Moçambique Distribution of vernacular languages in Mozambique (de Koning, 1993) 3 Referências bibliográficas – Bibliographic References Boitani, L., Corsi, F., de Biase, A., Carranza, I.D., Ravagli, M., Reggiani, G., Sinibaldi, I. & Trapanese, P. (1999) A Databank for the Conservation and Management of the African Mammals. European Commission & Instituto di Ecologia Applicata, Rome (1) Branch, B. (1998³) Field Guide to the Snakes and other Reptiles of Southern Africa. Struik Publishers, Cape Town (2) Carruthers, V. (2001) Frogs & Frogging in Southern Africa. Struik Publishers, Cape Town (3) Channing, A. (2001) Amphibians of Central and Southern Africa. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY (4) Clancey, P. A. (1996) The Birds of Southern Mozambique. African Bird Book Publishing, Westville, Kwazulu-Natal (12) CITES (2003) Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species, Apendex I, II & III of 16 October 2003; http://www.cites.org/eng/append/appendices.shtml CMS (2002) Convention on Migratory Species, Appendix I & II; http://www.cms.int/documents/ appendix/cms_app1_2.htm#appendix_I de Koning, J. (1993) Checklist of vernacular plant names in Mozambique. Registo do nomes vernáculos de plantas em Moçambique. Wageningen Agricultural University Papers 93-2, Leiden & Wageningen Dias, J. A. T. S. (1975) ABECEDÁRIO dos Mamíferos Selvagens de Moçambique. Empresa Moderna, Maputo (5) DNFFB (2002) Regulamento da Lei da Florestas e Fauna Bravia. Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural, Direcção Nacional de Florestas e Fauna Bravia (DNFFB), Maputo Fischer, W., Sousa, I., Silva, C., de Freitas, A., Poutiers, J. M., Schneider, W., Borges, T. C., Féral, J. P. & Massinga, A (1990). Guia de campo das espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de Moçambique. FAO, Rome (6) Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2004) FishBase - A Global Information System on Fishes. World Fish Centre (WFC), FAO& European Commission (EC). http://www.fishbase.org/ (7) Frost, D. R. (2000) Amphibian Species of the World: An online reference, The American Museum of Natural History; http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/index.html (8) IUCN (2003) 2003 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN Species Survival Commission; Glans, Cambridge; http://redlist.org/ Kingdon, J. (1997) The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. A&C Black Publishers, London (9) Lepage, D. (2005) Avibase – The world bird database. BirdLife International. http://www.bsc- eoc.org/avibase/avibase.jsp?pg=home&lang=PT (10) MacLean, G. L. (1985) Roberts Birds of Southern Africa. The Trustess of the John Voelcher Bird Book Fund, Struik Publishers, Cape Town (11) MICOA (2003) Estratégia e Áreas de Acção para a Conservação da Diversidade Biológica em Moçambique. Ministério para a Coordenação da Acção Ambiental (MICOA), Maputo (22) Parker, V. (2000) O Atlas das Aves do Sul do Save, Moçambique. Avian Demographic Unit, Cape Town & Endangered Wildlife Trust, Johannesburg (13) Sinclair, I., Hackey, P. & Torbotan, W. (19972) Sasol Birds of Southern Africa – Field Guide. Struik Publishers, Cape Town (14) Sinclair, I. & Ryan, P. (2003) Birds of Africa south of the Sahara – A comprehensive illustrated Field Guide. Struik Publishers, Cape Town (15) Skelton, P. (20012) A Complete Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Southern Africa. Sruik Publishers, Cape Town (16) Smithers, R. H. N. & Tello, J. L. P. (1976) Check List and Atlas of the Mammals of Moçambique. Museum Memoir 8:1-184 (17) Spawls, S., Howell, K., Drewes, R. C. & Ashe, J. (2001) Field Guide to the Reptiles of East Africa. Academy Press, London & San Diego, CA (18) Stuart, C. & Stuart, T. (20013) Mammals of Southern Africa – Field Guide. Struik Publishers, Cape Town (19) Stuart, C. & Stuart, T. (20013) Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa. Struik Publishers, Cape Town (20) Uetz, P. (1998) The EMBL Reptile Database. EMBL Heidelberg & University of Washington, http://www.reptile-database.org (21) 4 ‘Checklist’ de Mamíferos de Moçambique - Checklist of Mammals of Mozambique Nome Científico - Scientific Name Nome Português - Portuguese Nome Inglês - English Name Estat. de Cons. – Nomes Vernáculos – Vernacular Names Name Cons. Status ERINACEOMORPHA: Ouriços Hedgehogs ERINACEIDAE Atelerix albiventris (Wagner, 1841) Ouriço-de-barriga-branca Four-toed Hedgehog (1, 9, 20) SORICOMORPHA: SORICIDAE Musaranhos Shrews Crocidura cyanea (Wagner, 1841) Musaranho-almiscardo-cinzento- Reddish-grey Musk Sshrew Cuve (Chuw), Nyakole (Tong), Sangaliputo (9, 17, 19) avermelhado (Sena), Mpwidzi (Koti) Crocidura flavescens (Geoffrey, Musaranho-almiscardo-gigante Giant Musk Shrew VU B1+2c Nyakole (Tong) 1827) (=C. olivieri) (9, 17, 19) Crocidura fuscomurina Bocage, Musaranho-almiscardo-anão Tiny Musk Shrew Rudjé (Chuw), M’pwidzi (Lom), Nyakole (Tong) 1889 (=C. bicolor) (9, 17, 19) Crocidura hirta Peters, 1852 (9, 17, Musaranho-almiscardo-vermelho Lesser red Musk Shrew Sengane (Tson); Mphili, Tuphaphiro (Macu) Rudjé 19) (Chuw), M’pwidzi (Lom), Nanyanga (Mak), Lambé (Nya) Crocidura luna Dollman, 1910 (9, Musaranho-almiscardo do Katanga Greater Grey-brown Musk Shrew Nyakole (Tong), Sangaliputo (Sena), Mpwidzi 17, 19) (Koti) Crocidura mariquensis (Smith, Musaranho-almiscardo-preto Swamp Musk Shrew Sangaliputo (Sena), Mpwidzi (Koti) 1844) (9, 17, 19) Crocidura silacea Thomas, 1895 (9, Musaranho-almiscardo-cinzento- Lesser Grey-brown Musk Shrew Sangaliputo (Sena), Mpwidzi (Koti) 19) castanho Myosorex cafer (Sundevall, 1846) Musaranho-de-patas-negras-da- Dark-footed Forest Shrew Rudjé, Mphwissi (Macu), Ntavala (Mak), (17, 19) floresta Mphwissi (Nya), Dibuti (Copi), Liuti (Tong), Uti (Tswa), Uti (Tson), Sangaliputo (Sena) Myosorex sclateri Thomas & Musaranho de Sklater Sclater’s Forest Shrew VU B1+2c Dibuti (Copi), Liuti (Tong), Uti (Tswa), Uti (Tson) Schwann, 1905 (19) Myosorex tenuis Thomas & Musaranho-fino Zuurbon Forest Shrew, Thin Mouse VU B1+2c Dibuti (Copi), Liuti (Tong), Uti (Tswa), Uti (Tson) Schwann, 1905 (19) Shrew Suncus lixus (Thomas & Schwann, Maior-Musaranho-anão Greater Dwarf Shrew Nikenewa (Macu), Sanuta (Mak), Sangaliputo 1907) (9, 17, 19) (Sena), Mpwidzi (Koti) Suncus varilla (Thomas, 1895) (9, Musaranho-anão Lesser Dwarf Shrew 17) Sylvisorex megalura (Thomas, 1898) Musaranho-trepador Climbing Shrew Sangaliputo (Sena), Mpwidzi (Koti) (=Suncus megalura) (9, 17, 19) CHRYSOCHLORIDEA: Toupeiras-douradas Golden
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