56 10/2015 LA renaultclassiccarclub.com RENAULT Club Officials Chairman Gary Creighton 01507 327784 Vice Chairman John Pigeon 01507 328364 Club Secretary Tony Topliss 01476 573212 Treasurer Fred Parker 01825 712916 Membership Secretary Fred Parker 01825 712916 La Renault Editor Fred Parker 01825 712916 Registrars & Coordinators 4CV / 750 Robin Redrup 01480 434984 R4 / R6 Derek Flavell 07816 586642 R5 Tony Topliss 01476 573212 R8 / R10 Nigel Patten 01276 25426 R12 Robert Doran 01395 271116 R16 Paul Draper 01962 793375 R15 / R17 David Kelly 01978 843253 R18 / Fuego Richard Birchenough 01270 764912 Alpine 110 Phil Gardner 01446 710682 Dauphine Malcolm Rogers 01933 357556 Floride / Caravelle Malcolm Rogers 01933 357556 Competition Secretary Nigel Patten 01276 25426 Spares Coordinator Robin Redrup 01480 434984 National Events Len Kiff 01992 420305 Wales Dave Wheeler 02920 309815 Scotland Steven Swan 01738 633788 Ireland Seamus McElvanna 07751 057707 North West David Austin 07850 656663 Peter Bell 01606 44586 Yorkshire Derek Sparks 01845 597942 Lincoln & Yorkshire Duncan Topliss 01476 563753 East & East Anglia Len Kiff 01992 420305 South East Tony Nappin 01329 285160 South West Robert Doran 01395 271116 2 Editor's Ramblings! [email protected] The most obvious answer is the magazine. I have now been editor for a few years and have churned out nearly thirty magazines. I am quite happy doing this and unless I fall under a bus or get eaten by one of my giant rabbits I will continue to do so. I can- not do it by myself, however, and rely on you - the members - to help me out and this is where the diversity of cars becomes one. (A variety of articles in the mag). We have regular correspondents, whose names you all recognise, and then we have others who send in occasional contributions. When elcome, to this, our largest maga- I asked for Renault 16 memories I hoped zine ever! It breaks two records that you would rally round and you did. I at the same time, the most num- sincerely hope I haven't lost anything on Wber of pages and also the largest number the way but an upgrade to Windows 10 has of copies printed, three hundred and fifty! made one or two programs behave in a very odd way. Our accounts are now all in For a little club this is a huge achievement. American dollars and I can find no way to If you consider that the population of this return them to pounds. I am not totally country is approaching sixty five million computer illiterate and I have the support and a popular magazine such as Classic of two teenagers and three twenty some- Car Weekly, available in retailers through- things to help out if need be and we are all out the UK, has a circulation of only twenty stumped! If you sent something in and it thousand, the whole classic car market is hasn't appeared please let me know and I actually tiny. Factor in the number of older will instigate a search for the missing Renaults currently on the road and our own items! potential market is also ... extremely tiny! So, anyway, the point of all this rambling is We have two renewal dates, April and Oc- to say an enormous thank you to those tober, and notices go out in the magazines people who did write in. I was really im- for those months. Most of April's renewals pressed that so many members took the have now come in and, once again, we time to send me their own Renault 16 have had a very high percentage renew. memories - some in the very distant past! What concerns all of us on the committee, However large or small, your contribution however, is the number of more recent is very much appreciated. In particular members who do not renew, which brings Richard Allen who has spent hours and us to the question - what do you expect hours gathering material together and, I from your club? Nearly sixty members have suspect, is using a steam powered com- 4CVs / 750s, just behind them is members puter running Windows 95 or earlier! with Renault 4s. The only real similarity between the two cars is that they have a I would also like to say an enormous thank Renault badge so how on earth can we you to Mark Waller at Renault UK. Gary keep both groups of owners happy? We contacted him regarding the possibility of a also have a lot of 5s, 8s, 10s, 12s and 16s, small contribution to our stand at the NEC again totally different cars. My own cars a and he really has come up trumps, funding 10 and a Caravelle have nothing in com- a considerable part of our display. mon with a 16, so what do we do to inter- est everybody? Mark, thank you very much! 3 Editor's Ramblings! 01825 712916 Also, thank you very much to Dave Stevens for his artwork which he has contributed without charge. If you are at the NEC this year do come and visit us. Our stand will obvi- ously feature various different models of the 16 in celebration of its 50th birthday. If you get lost we are opposite the Renault Owners' Club, next to the Fiat Owners' Club and X19 Owners in Hall 5. In other news ... Duncan Topliss has launched a Facebook page. For those of you who are on Facebook this can provide an immediate way of contacting other members and like minded people and we hope that it will grow rapidly. The Yahoo Group is still out there but when I upgraded to Windows 10 I lost my log in and so can't post anything. The Facebook page is far more satisfactory! While on the Topliss family our very best wishes go to Tony for a speedy recovery and we hope he is soon back behind the wheel of his 16. As he told me, his operation was a bit like a "cut and shut"! This summer has been a busy one for Renaults in the press. My Caravelle was in Classic & Sportscar (picture previous page) and the same magazine also ran a feature on the 16 with three of our members' cars. The centre page of this issue of La Renault features a picture courtesy of Classic & Sportscar, the picture was taken by their photographer Tony Baker. (As was the one on the previous page). And finally ... don't forget the NEC and the AGM. First picture ever of the R16. See pages 31 - 32 4 HAPPY BIRTHDAY RENAULT 16 5 An Earthquake Rekindled My Interest In A Renault 16 a Mini, I was not in a position to acquire a 16 until the end of the eighties. The cars I eventually saw were either falling apart or were rusting very badly; at which point, I resigned myself to the fact that I would never end up owning a 16 during my lifetime. Furthermore, I started to lose interest in the car as the years went by – until February 2011. As you may recall, it was during that time that the city of Christchurch in New Zealand was badly damaged by an earthquake. For me, it was a very lucky escape, as the earthquake struck the city just seventeen hours before I was due to arrive there to spend the first night of my holiday. Even so, I had to hastily rearrange my itinerary on arrival in New Zealand, as well as assuring other family members and friends in the UK that I was fine. As a result, I ended up going to Nelson to start my trip around the South Island. Whilst looking around the town, I spot- ted a Renault 16 going past me, which he very first time I went in a Ren- certainly brought on a bit of a mid-life ault 16 was c.1968. At such a crisis. young age (I was only six at that Ttime!), I did not fully appreciate what a The possibility of owning a 16 as a clas- great car it was, until I started to learn sic car only dawned on me when I was to drive. Unfortunately, owing to a lack looking around the ‘Wonderful World of of finances and also confidence in driv- Wearable Art and Collectable Cars' mu- ing a somewhat larger car compared to seum on the outskirts of Nelson the fol- lowing day. Moreover, my garage at home had sufficient space to accommo- date an additional car, next to a Renault Avantime, so at least I could keep my future car protected from the elements. On my return to the UK, I started to look through the various classic car magazines to see if any 16s were being advertised for sale. The breakthrough finally came in March 2012, when a TL Auto came up for sale near Merthyr Tyd- 6 Anthony Horwood fil, however the car needed extensive come, which enabled me to take the car work to bring it up to an acceptable over to France in order take part in the standard. Then shortly afterwards, like recent 50th anniversary celebrations of buses, two more 16s came up for sale – the 16 this year. This would not have a TL Auto at a local garage and a TS at been possible, had it not been for all the an auction. Being a manual, the TS advice and help I have received from would have been my preferred choice, fellow 16 owners within the club, to but it had been off the road for the past whom I am extremely grateful.
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