Invertebrate Zoology, 2006, 3(2): 115-135 INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY, 2006 published online 06.01.2007 accepted for publication 21.11.2006 Redescription of Limnoithona tetraspina Zhang et Li, 1976 (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) with a discussion of character states shared with the Oithonidae and older cyclopoids Bernardo Barroso do Abiahy\ Carlos Eduardo Falavigna da Rocha^, Frank D. Ferrari^ ' Avenida Manuel Hipolito do Rego 1270/ap. 09, 11.600-000 Sao Sebastiao, SP, Brasd ^ Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto de Biociencias, Departamento de Zoologia, Rua do Matdo, travessa 14, No. 321, 05508-900 Sao Paulo, Brazd 'Department of Invertebrate Zoology, MRC-534, National Museum of Natural History, Smithso- nian Institution, 4210 Silver Hill Rd., Suitland, MD 20746 U.S.A. ABSTRACT: Limnoithona tetraspina Zhang et Li, 1976 is redescribed, and the morpho- logy of the cephalosome, rostral area, oral appendages, legs 1-6 andurosome of adult males and females is illustrated. Morphological features separating L. tetraspina from its only congener,Z.5/«e«5;5, include: a more pronounced rostrum; 1 seta more on the proximal lobe of the basis of the maxillule; 1 seta more on the endopod of the maxillule; middle endopodal segment of swimming legs 2-A with 1 seta more; proximal and distal seta of the middle endopodal segment of swimming leg 4 with a flange; exopod of leg 5 with a proximal lateral seta; male cephalosome ventrally with pores with cilia. A rounded projection between labrum and rostrum is a shared derived state for both species of Limnoithona. Derived morphological features of the remaining species of Oithonidae, which are not shared with L. tetraspina and L. sinensis, include: elongation of the mandibular basis; fusion of the proximal endopodal segment of the mandible of females to the basis; 2 setae of the fused proximal endopodal segment of the mandible extend ventral to labrum; 3 setae on the proximal complex of three endopodal segments of the maxilliped. The two species of Limnoithona do not belong to the Oithonidae. They appear to be closely related to species of Cyclopettidae, but at this time it would not be meaningful to assign them to a known family of the Cyclopoida or to propose a new family for them. The following morphological attributes which are shared with different related cyclopoids also are discussed: shape of female cephalosome; pores with cilia on male cephalosome; setation of basis and proximal segment of the endopod of the mandible; brush-like setae on the exopod of the mandible; setation of the maxillule including brush-like seta on the exopod; hyaline flange on setae of the endopod of swimming leg 4; lateral location of copulatory pores and leg 6 of females, and of leg 5 in both genders; configuration of leg 5. KEYWORDS: Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Limnoithona, taxonomy, brackish water, zoo- plankton. 116 B.B. Abiahy, C.E.F. Rocha, F.D. Ferrari riepeonncaHMe Limnoithona tetraspina Zhang et Li, 1976 (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) c o6cy>KAeHMeM aeojiiOMMOHHoro 3HaHeHM5i npM3HaKOB 06L14MX c Oithonidae 11 ApymMn 6ojiee ApeBHMMM \xv\Knonov\f\atAv\ E.E. A6MaxM\ K.3.ct). Pona^, cD.fl. OeppapM^ ' Avenida Manuel Hipolito do Rego 1270/ap. 09, ] 1.600-000 Sao Sebastiao, SP, Brasil ^ Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto de Biociencias, Departamento de Zoologia Rua do Matdo, travessa 14, No. 321, 05508-900 Sao Paulo, Brazil ^Department of Invertebrate Zoology, MRC-534, National Museum of Natural History, Smithso- nian Institution, 4210 Silver Hill Rd., Suitland, MD 20746 U.S.A. PE3IOME: HepeonHcaHHe Limnoithona tetraspina Zhang et Li, 1976 conpoBO}K;iaeTCH HJIJIIOCTpailHHMH IiecJjaHOCOMBI, pOCXpaHbHOH nOBepXHOCTH, OKOnOpOTOBblX KOHeHHOC- xeM, 1-6-H nap nnaBaxenbntix nor n ypocoMbi nonoBospenbix caivmoB H caMOK axoro BH^a. L. tetraspina oTJinnaeTca ox Bxoporo npeflcxaBnxenji po;ia L. sinensis cneayromnMn Mopcj)OJiorHHecKHMH oco5eHHocxaMH: pocxpyM Gonee pasBHx; na o^ny niexHHKy 5ojibme na npoKCHMaJibnoii nonacxn 5a3Hca n 3H;ionoflHxa MaKCHJiJiyn; cpeflnnii HJiennK 3n;iono- Anxa 2-4-ii nap njiaBaxenbHbix nor necex na o;iny mexnnKy Gonbuie; npoKCHMaJitnaa n Ancxajibnaa mexnnKH cpeflnero HnennKa an^onoAnxa 4-H njiaBaxenbnoH norn nivieiox ynjiomennbm Kpaii; npoKCHMaJitnaa nacxb 3K3onoAnxa 5-H norn c naxepanbnoH mexnn- Kon; BenxpajibHaa cxopona i[e(J)aJiocoMH caivma cnaG^Kena nopaMH c cencHUJiaMH. OKpyr- jibiH Bbicxyn uemjiy ry5oH H pocxpyMOM - ynHKanbnbiH npnsnaK, oGmnti jinsL jisyx BH;IOB Limnoithona. ynnKanbHbie npnanaKH ^pyrnx BH;IOB Oithonidae, oxcyxcxByiomne y L. tetraspina uL. sinensis: y/jjinnennbiH 6a3Hc uanpyidyji; cnnxne 6a3Hca c npoKCHMajibnbiM HJienHKOM 3n;iono;iHxa Man;iH6yjibi caMKH; ^Be mexHHKH npoKCHManbHoro HnennKa 3HflonoAHxa Man^inGynbi Bbixanyxbi BHHS K jia6pyMy; xpn mexnnKH na KOMOJieKce ns xpex npoKCHManbnbix HJiennKOB 3nflono;iHxa MaKcnnjinneflbi. 06a BH/ja Limnoithona ne npn- HaA-neiKax ceMencxBy Oithonidae. Onn, Bepoaxno, nanOonee 6IIH3KH K npeflcxaBHxenJiM ceMencxBa Cyclopettidae, HO, B nacxoanjee BpeMH, nepenoc flByx BH;IOB B H3Becxnoe ceMencxBo Cyclopoida, pasno KaK n Bbiflenenne noBoro ceMeiicxBa, HBnaioxca npe}K;ieB- peMenHHMH. 05cy}K;iaK)xca Mop(J)oiiorHHecKHe npH3naKH iinicjionoHA 6I[H3KHX K 3XHM jysyM BHAaM: (jjopivia i(e(J)aJiocoMH caMKn; nopbi c cencHJiJiaMH na uecjjajiocoMe caMn:a; Boopy^Kenne mexnnKaMn Gasnca H npoKCHManbHoro nnennKa 3H;ionoflHxa ManAn6yii; KHCxoHKOBHAnaa niexnnKa na 3K3onoflHxe Man/jnGyn; Boopy^Kenne mexnnKaMn MaKCHJi- nyjibi, B xoM Hncne KncxoHKOBH^inon mexHHKon ee 3K3onoflHxa; rnannnoBbin Kpaii niexnnoK 3H;ionoAnxa 4-n nnaBaxenbnoti norn; Jiaxepanbnoe nono^Kenne Konyjiaxopnbix nop H 6-ti Horn caMKH, a xaK>Ke 5-n norn y o6onx nonoB; cj)opMa S-ii norn. KJHOHEBME CJIOBA: Copepoda, Cyclopoida,Z/m«oiY/zoMa, xaKconoMna, cononoBaxo- BOflHbie BO/lOeMbI, 300njiaHKX0H. Redescription of Limnoithona tetraspina Zhang et Li 117 Introduction not examined. Specimens examined reside in personal collections of CEFdR and FDF. Limnoithona tetraspina Zhang et Li, 1976 A pediger is a thoracic somite bearing a was described from specimens collected in April, swimming leg. In general, descriptive terms 1974, in brackish waters of the Yangtze river, follow (Ferrari 1995). Interpretations of homol- around Tsungming island, Xangai, China. Cha- ogies of the maxillule follow Boxshall (1985), racters proposed to separate this species from its of the maxilla follow Ferrari and Ivanenko only congener Z. sinensis were: the obtuse and (2005), of the maxilliped follow Ferrari and ventrally projected rostrum; endopod 2 of swim- Ivanenko (2001); the protopod of these three ming legs 2-3 with 2 medial setae; free segment limbs has a coxa with one setiferous endite. of leg 5 with 2 lateral marginal spines. Aspects illustrated were the body in dorsal view, female Abbreviations used in descriptive section: and male legs 1 to 5, female rostral area and the Al — antennule; A2 — antenna; Cx — male antennule. The inclusion of Limnoithona coxa; B — basis; Enp — endopod; Enpl-Enp3 within the Oithonidae as a subgenus of Oithona — first to third segments of endopod; Exp — was proposed by Burckhardt (1913) based on exopod; Expl-Exp3 — first to third segments the description of specimens ofZ. sinensis col- of exopod; Md — mandible; Mxl —maxillule; lected in China (Sutschau Canal, Wangpu and Mx2 — maxilla; Mxp — maxilliped; P1-P4 — Yangtze rivers). Kiefer (1928) created the sub- swimming legs 1 to 4; P5-P6 — legs 5-6. family Limnoithoninae to whichZ,. sinensis was placed. Ferrari and Orsi (1984) showed in detail CoKpameHHg. HcnonbsyeiviMe B onncaHHH: much of the morphology of L. sinensis, which Al — aHTeHHyna; A2 — aHTenna; Cx - remains the only other species of the genus. KOKca; B — 5a3Hc; Enp — 3H;ionoAHT; Enpl- Here we provide a redescription of L. tet- Enp3—nepBbffl-TpeTHH HJienHKH aH^ono/iHTa; raspina. We note a series of its character states Exp — 3K3ono.iiHT; Expl-Exp3 — nepBtift- which are shared with L. sinensis, and that xpeTHii HJieHHKH 3K3ono.iiHTa; Md — diverge from the general morphology of the MaH;iH6yjia; Mxl — MaKCHimyjia; Mx2 — remaining genera of Oithonidae, Oithona, Dio- MaKCHnna; Mxp — MaKCHJuinneiia; P1-P4 — ithona andParoithona. We also discuss charac- \-A nnaBaxenbHtie HOFH; P5-P6 — 5-6 HOFH. ters which may help resolve the relationships of these two species of Limnoithona with other Redescription of Limnoithona tet- cyclopoids. raspina Zhang et Li, 1976 Material and Methods Female. Body length excluding caudal setae: 0.55 mm; prosome: urosome 1.42:1. Major width of body at posterior limit of cephalosome. Cephalo- Material examined: 3 females and 4 males some (Fig. 1 A) partially fused to pediger 1; anterior collected in the Sacramento/San Joaquin estu- border of pediger 1 indicated by thin, lateral arthro- ary, California, USA. Date of sampling and dial membrane absent dorsally. Cephalosome (Fig. name of collector unknown. Specimens were IB) with short lateral triangular extension at each provided by the California Department of Fish posterior corner. Rostrum (Fig. IC) relative short and projecting ventrally, slightly obtuse in lateral and Game. view and rounded in ventral view; area between Specimens preserved in ethanol 90% with rostrum and labrum with rounded projection in lat- 10% water were mounted in lactic acid 80% eral view. Pedigers 1-2 about same width in lateral with 20% water, and examined under a Labor- view; pedigers 3^ gradually narrowing, with roun- lux light microscope. Objective magnifications ded comers (Figs 1 A, B). Genital double somite swollen anteriorly (Fig. lA). Anal somite (Fig. 1 A) of 25x, 40x and lOOx were used in conjunction 1.25 times longer than wide and as long as lengths of with lOx oculars. A camera lucida (1.25x) was 2 preceding somites combined; anal flap simple, arc- used to make the drawings. Type material was like. 118 B.B. Abiahy, C.E.F. Rocha, F.D. Ferrari Fig. 1. Limnoithona tetraspina Zhang et Li, 1976. Female. A — habitus, dorsal (left antennule not present); B — habitus, left lateral (oral appendages and swimming legs not present); C — anterior region of cephalosome, right lateral; D — genital complex, left lateral; E — labrum, ventral. Scale bars: A, B — 0.20 mm; C, D — 0.50 mm; E — 0.025 mm.
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