OdonatologicalAbstracts issue - 1993 of 23 Apr., p. 6. (Dutch). (Author’s address unknown). (13030) LUTZ, H., 1993. The Middle-Eocene A slightly modified text of the paper listed in OA in Netherlands “Fossillagerstatte Eckfelder Maar” (Eifel, Germany). 9922, published a national daily. Germ. Kaupia 2; 21-25. (With s.). - (Naturhist. Mus. Mainz, Reichklarastr, 10, D-55116 Mainz). 1995 The “Eckfelder Maar” nr Manderscheid, Eifel, is one of the most important fossillagerstattes of the (13034) VIZSLAN, T., L. VIZSLAN, B. PINGIT- Middle ZER & K, 1995, Adatok European Eocene. So far ca 20.000 fossils KATRICS, Magyarorszag were collected from bituminous laminites and turbi- szitakoto-faunajahoz (Odonata), 1 - Data to the dites, but the odon. are scarce. A general outline of Odonata fauna of Hungary, 1. Folia hist. nal. Mus. the inventory is here presented. matraensis 20: 85-89. (Hung., with Engl. s.). - (First Author: Madarasz ut. 12, HU-3525 Miskolc). The 1994 records for 1994 36 spp., from various localities in Hungary. - For pts 2 & 3 see OA 13044, 13155. (13031) GEENE, R., 1994. Notes on dragonflies in Egypt, spring 1990, In: P.L. Meininger & G.A.M. 1996 Atta, [Eds], Ornithological studies in Egyptian wet- (13035) 1996. Die fossile Insektenfauna lands, 1989/90, pp. 391-395, Found. Omithol. Res. LUTZ, H., von Rott: Egypt (FORE), Vlissingen. [FORE-Rep. 94-01], - Zusammensetzung und Bedeutung fur die (Publishers: Lisztlaan 5, NL-4384 KM Vlissingen). Rekonstruktion des ehemaligen Lebensraums. In: W. Records for 19 with field von Koenigswald, Rott bei spp., notes. [Ed.], Fossillagerstatte Hennef im 41- Siebengebirge[2nd enlarged edn], pp. (13032) MURPHY, D.H., 1994. Risiophlebia dohmi -56, Rheinlandia, Siegburg. - (Naturhist. Mus. (Libellulidae,Odonata). In: P.K.L. Ng & Y.C. Wee, Mainz, Reichklarastr. 10, D-55116 Mainz), [Eds], The Singapore red data book: threatened The history ofinvestigations ofthe Upper Oligocene and animals insect fauna of Rott is and the thanatocoe- plants of Singapore, p. 107, Nature Soc,, outlined, Singapore, ISBN 981-00-3475-X. - (Dept Biol. Sci., nosis is described, in which the odon. (mostly larvae) the Natn Univ. Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore- represent 11.37% of assemblage sofar recovered. -119260). Habitat and ecology, distribution, threats, scientific (13036) SM1LJKOV, S., 1996. Dominantna bentalna invertebratna - interest and potential value are outlined. The sp. is fauna vo akumulacijta Matka The considered “Endangered”, and habitat protection is dominant benthal invertebrate fauna of the Matka required. Accumulation. Godisen Zb. Biol., Skopje 49: 95-105. (Maced., with Engl. s.). - (Inst. Biol., Fac. Nat. Sci. (13033) VAN HALM, H., 1994. Nieuwe plekken & Math., P.O. Box 162, MK-91001 Skopje). voor libellen? - [New sites for dragonflies?]. Trouw, Gomphus vulgatissimus is listed from Matka, 370 Odonatological Abstracts Macedonia. allows for the recognition of ancient normal (non- saline) lakes on the one hand and meromictic (salini- der latter (13037) ZESSIN, W., 1996. Die iilteste Libelle ty stratified) lakes on the other. The may be dis- Welt: Zessinella siope Brauckmann, 1988. tinguishedfrom brackish-marine environments either FamilienBr. ini. Ver. Erforsch. Zessin-FamGesch. 4: by their usually smaller area, or their overall structure. 4 excl. - Str. D- 41-43, fig. on cover p. (Lange 9, -19230 Jasnitz). (13041) MURPHY, D.H., 1997. Odonata biodiversity A narrative on the discovery ofthe new sp., as descri- in the nature reserves of Singapore. Gardens ’ Bull. the listed autobio- col. - bed in paper in OA 6579, with Singapore 49: 333-352, pis 1-3 incl. (Dept graphic notes and an artistic reconstruction of the sp. Biol. Sci., Natn Univ. Singapore, Kent Ridge, in its habitat. Recently, additional specimens were Singapore-119260). recovered. The history of odonatol. research in Singapore is 1854 traced from (A.R. Wallace) and a commented 1997 list of 79 spp. recorded within the nature reserves, incl. the endemic Drepanosticta quadrata, is given. 8 E. ENGEL & H. known Nee Soon Forest (13038) GESKE, C., PLACHTER, spp. are from Swamp only. 1997. Typologisierungund Bewerlung kleiner Fliess- gewdsser: ein Methodenvergleich. Hess. Landesanst. (13042) S1EBENEICHER, H.-W., 1997. Labor- und f. + Libellula Umwelt, Wiesbaden. 133 pp. 23 pp. appendix. Freilanduntersuchungen zur Biologic von - ISBN 3-89026-261-9. (Publishers: Rheingaustr. fulva (Odonata: Libellulidae). DiplArb. FB Biol., - 186, D-65203 Wiesbaden). Heinrich-Fleine-Univ., Diisseldorf. 62 pp. (c/o Dr The odon. are briefly considered under the heading, W. Piper, Kollenhof 31, D-22527 Hamburg). of water” In central the “Zooecological assessment running (pp. Europe sp. has a patchy distribution and it 11-14). is characterised by a locally synchronous In the Lower Rhine it is the emergence. region on J.H. F.J. 1997. It is (13039) HAWKING, & SMITH, wings from mid May to Mid July. a non-territo- Colour invertebrates Australian inland guide to of rial percher, not confined to the emergence site. waters. Co-operative Res. Cent. Freshw. Ecol., Copulation commences in the air and it is completed to Albury [Went. Guide No. 8], 213 pp. ISBN on the ground, lasting up 35 min or longer, where- - - 1-876144-09-2. Price: AU$ 50.- net. (Orders to; by it differs sharply from L. depressa and L. quadri- Murray Darling Freshw. Res. Cent., P.O. Box 921, maculata. The unguarded oviposition takes place in Albury, NSW 2640, AU). shady sections along the bank immediately upon Includes brief and col. oflarvae of 10-15 released free into the descriptions phot, copulation: eggs are 20 odon. - For book the is each stroke. Functional of the spp. a pocket-size price water at morphology rather high. genitalia is described, illustrated and discussed. (13040) LUTZ, H., 1997. Taphozonosen terrestri- (13043) SKALE, A. & A. WEIGEL, 1997. Zur scher Insekten in aquatischen Sedimenten: ein Insektenfauna (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Saltatoria, Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion des Palaoenvironments. Odonata, Trichoptera et Heteroptera) des NSG Neues Jb. Geol. Paldonl. Abh. 203(2): 173-210. “Tannbach-Klingefelsen” (Saale-Orla-Kreis, Thu- (With Engl. s.). - (Naturhist. Mus. Mainz, ringen). Thiir faun. Abh. 4: 139-172. (With Engl. s.). - Reichklarastr. 10, D-55116 Mainz). (First Author: Bliicher-Str. 38, D-95030 Hof). Both surface A commented list of 11 odon. Saale-Orla selectivity during post-mortem drifting spp.; distr., and the effects of water density decide on the com- Thuringia, Germany. position of fossil insect assemblages (inch odon.) from For horizons of similar T. & B. 1997. aquatic lagerstattes. age (13044) VIZSLAN, PINGITZER, at the same locality it is possible to differentiate Adatok Magyarorszag szitakoto-faunajahoz between nearshore and offshore sites. In addition, (Odonata), 2 - Contribution to the knowledge of the determine for each the fauna of Mus. one can lagerstatte average dragonfly Hungary, [2]. Folia hist. nat. “salinity”, i.e. the electrolyte concentration, and the matraensis 22: 99-108. (Hung., with Engl. s.). - salinity during deposition of different facies. This (First Author: Madarasz ut. 12, HU-3525 Miskolc). Odonatological Abstracts 371 1995-1997 records for The 43 spp., from 94 locali- ped, and habitat selection in the region is outlined 1 ties in Hungary. - For pts & 3 see OA 13034, and discussed. 13155. (13048) HOLUSA, O. & P. JEZIORSKI, 1998. 1998 Faunisticke Slovenska - Faunistic records spravy zo from the Slovak Republic: Odonata, Corduliidae. (13045) CZECH, T„ U. IRMLER, C. KASSEBEER Eniomofaunacarpathica 10: 126. (bilingual: Czech & V. PICHINOT, 1998. Libellen (Odonata).Heu- & Engl.). - (First Author: Bruzovska 420, CZ-73801 schrecken (Saltatoria), Schnabelkerfen (Rhynchota) Frydek-Mistek). und Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera). In'. U. Irmler et Somatochlora alpestris is recorded from Sucha Hora, al„ [Eds], Das Dosenmoor: Okologie eines regene- and the bibliography on its occurrencein Slovakia is rierenden Hochmoores, pp. 210-223, Faun.-okol. presented. ISBN ArbGem., Kiel, 3-00-003517-6. - (Available from; Faun.-okol. Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Biologie- (13049) LUTZ, H., 1998. Die unteroligozane D-24098 zentrum Univ. Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40, Insekten-Taphozonose von Sieblos/Rhon: ein Kiel). Schliissel fur die Rekonstruktion des aquatischen 15 odon. spp. are listed and the fauna ofthe peat bog Palaoenvironments. Geol. Abh. Hessen 104: 101- is briefly discussed; - Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. -114. (With Engl. s.). - (Naturhist. Mus. Mainz, Reichklarastr. 10, D-55116 Mainz). S. & S.D. of (13046) HARDERSEN, WRATTEN, 1998. This is an up-to-date summary the insect tapho- The effects of carbaryl exposure of the penultimate coenosis from Sieblos. The specimens belong to 2 larval instars of Xanthocnemis zealandica on emer- different facies types, viz. dysodils (no Odon.) and and laminated carbonates gence fluctuating asymmetry. Ecotoxicology (57.14% specimens referable 7(5): 297-304. - (Ecol. & Ent. Group, Div. Plant Soil to Odon.). On the basis oftaphonomical information, PO. & Ecol. Sci., Lincoln Univ., Box 84, a dynamic model is given for the Sieblos lake that Canterbury, NZ). takes into account hydrological and palaeoclimatic In a laboratory experiment larvae were exposed to 3 changes during the sedimentation of the fossil- concentrations of carbaryl (100 ppb, 10 ppb, I ppb) -bearing facies. plus controls until the adult damselflies emerged. at 100 reduced Carbaryl ppb emergence by more (13050) O’BRIEN, M.F, & P.D. PRATT, 1998, than The lower not Great Lakes 90%. carbaryl
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