PROCUREMENT PLAN FOR GOODS Country/Borrower: Government of Sri Lanka North East Local Services Improvement Project (Gama Nauguma - Inter Divisional Rural and Small Twonship Development Initiative for the North and Project Name: East Province ) Implementing Agency: Ministry of Economic Development GPN # and Date Published: Original Plan Approved Date (at Appraisal/Negotiations) : 5th April 2010 Public Disclosure Authorized Update as of : (date) 31st July 2012 * ICB-International Competitive Bidding; NCB-National Competitive Bidding; IS-International Shopping; NS-National Shopping; DC-Direct Contracting ** For post review, fill in columns 1 to 8, 11 & 12, 14 to 17, and 19 to 22 *** Indicate extensions/modifications etc. Estimated Cost (Million) LKR USD Public Disclosure Authorized Serial No.Serial PackageNo. Description MethodProcurement*of Quantity(Number) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Desktop Computers 5 0.500 0.0043 1 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/001 NS Laptop Computers 3 0.450 0.0039 Flash drives 7 0.035 0.0003 Desk Top Computers 90 9.000 0.0783 Printers - Normal 90 4.500 0.0391 Printers (Duplex) 2 0.300 0.0026 2 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/ 002 Printers (Color)) NCB 3 0.270 0.0023 UPS 90 0.630 0.0055 Laptop Computers 20 3.500 0.0304 Flatbed Scanners 11 0.165 0.0014 Public Disclosure Authorized Fax Machines 1 0.050 0.0004 Photocopy Machine (heavy duty) 1 0.600 0.0052 3 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/003 Binding Machine NS 1 0.020 0.0002 Multi Media Projector with Accessories 1 0.100 0.0009 Two drawers woorden almira 2 0.060 0.0005 4 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/004 NS Four drawers File Curbed 2 0.036 0.0003 5 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/007 Internet Dongle - Stage i DC 2 0.010 0.0001 6 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/008 Internet Dongle - Stage ii DC 2 0.010 0.0001 7 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/009 Flash Drive Stage 11 NS 5 0.030 0.0003 8 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/010 Cup & Sources/Spoon/Trays/Jogs etc NS Package 0.010 0.0001 Public Disclosure Authorized 9 MEID/NELSIP/G/PCU/011 Stationeries PCU - Stage i NS Package 0.282 0.0025 Digital Cameras 12 0.300 0.0026 10 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/012 NS Voice Recorder 4 0.060 0.0005 Printing of Manuals 11 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/013 NS 400 0.4 0.0035 (PIP/LAPIM/FM/PGL) Network Equipments - Network Swich 1 0.010 0.0000 12 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/014 NS Power Cord /Adepter Etc 5 0.020 0.0000 13 MEID/NELSIP/G/PCU/015 Television with DVD PLAYER NS 1 0.175 0.0015 14 MEID/NELSIP/G/PCU/016 Telephone (CDMA) Stage 1 DC 2 0.012 0.0001 15 MEID/NELSIP/G/PCU/017 Telephone (CDMA) Stage ii DC 1 0.006 0.0001 Construction Machineries & Gabage Compactor Gabage Compactors 7 52.500 0.5250 16 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/022 Vibrating Rollers ICB 11 82.500 0.8250 Motor Graders 5 50.000 0.5000 Backoloders 3 30.000 0.3000 Tractor with Trilors (4W) 2 3.000 0.0300 17 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/023 Stationeries PCU - Stage ii NS Package 0.150 0.0013 18 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/024 Printer Toners -Stage I NS 3 0.054 0.0005 19 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/025 Photocopy Toners - Stage I DC 2 0.010 0.0001 20 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/026 Fax toner - Stage I DC 2 0.008 0.0001 21 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/027 Stationeries PCU - Stage iii NS Package 0.150 0.0013 22 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/028 Laptop Computers NS 3 0.525 0.0046 23 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/029 Printer Toners -Stage II NS 3 0.054 0.0005 24 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/030 Photocopy Toners - Stage I I DC 3 0.015 0.0001 25 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/031 Fax toner - Stage I I DC 2 0.008 0.0001 26 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/032 Photocopy Toners - Stage III DC 2 0.010 0.0001 27 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/034 Photocopy Toners - Stage IV DC 2 0.010 0.0001 28 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/035 Printer Toners -Stage III NS 3 0.054 0.0005 29 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/037 Stationeries PCU - Stage iv NS Package 0.150 0.0013 30 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/038 Printer Toners -Stage IV NS 3 0.054 0.0005 31 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/039 Fax toner/Cardrige/Roll - Stage iii DC 2 0.008 0.0001 32 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/040 Stationeries PCU - Stage v NS Package 0.150 0.0013 33 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/041 Training Tool Kit NS Package 0.010 0.0001 34 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/042 Telephone (CDMA) Stage iii DC 1 0.006 0.0001 35 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/043 Printing of leafret NS 600 0.024 0.0002 36 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/044 Purchasing of Virusgard for Computers NS 6 0.009 0.0001 37 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/045 Printing of Manuals - Stage ii NS 1310 0.400 0.0040 Printers (Color)) 1 0.100 0.0009 Printers (heavy duty) 2 0.400 0.0035 38 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/046 NS Laptop Computers 10 1.750 0.0152 Flatbed Scanners 2 0.050 0.0004 39 NS 1 0.010 0.0001 MED?NELSIP/G/PCU/047 Purchasing of Pettycach box 40 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/048 Internet Dongle - Stage iii DC 3 0.010 0.0001 41 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/049 Purchasing of Printers and UPS NS 7 0.210 0.0018 42 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/050 Purchasing of Scaner (Leagle) NS 1 0.075 0.0007 43 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/051 Purchasing of Telephon NS 1 0.030 0.0003 Purchasing of Toner Cardridge (Color - 44 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/052 NS 1 Set 0.030 0.0003 Stage i) Purchasing of Digital Camara -Stage 45 MED/NELSIP/G/PCU/053 NS 6 0.150 0.0013 iii) 46 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/001 Flash drives NS 80 0.320 0.0028 NS 45 2.5 0.0218 47 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/ 002 Scaner Fax Machines 6 0.300 Photocopy Machine (heavy duty) 6 3.600 48 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/003 NS 0.0026 Multi Media Projector with Accessories 1 0.100 0.0009 Two drawers Iron almira 6 0.120 0.0010 Office Table steel 40 0.320 0.0028 49 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/004 NS Chair 40 0.120 0.0010 Four drawers File Curbed 40 0.240 0.0021 50 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/005 Internet Dongle - Stage i DC* 40 0.16 0.0014 51 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/006 Cup & Sources/Spoon/Trays/Jogs etc NS Package 0.06 0.0005 52 NELSIP/G/PMU/007 Stationeries PMU - Stage i NS Package 0.72 0.0063 53 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/008 Printer Toners -Stage I NS 40 0.72 0.0063 54 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/009 Photocopy Toners - Stage I DC* 6 0.03 0.0003 55 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/010 Stationeries PCU - Stage ii NS Package 0.72 0.0063 56 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/011 Training Tool Kit NS Package 0.06 0.0005 57 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/013 Internet Dongle DC* 1 0.005 0.0000 58 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/014 Destop Computer with UPS NS 18 1.62 0.0141 59 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/015 Printer NS 18 0.36 0.0030 60 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/016 Laptop Computer NS 22 2.64 0.0230 61 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/017 Destop Computer with UPS NS 29 3.42 0.0297 62 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/018 Printer NS 12 0.24 0.0021 63 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/019 Laptop Computer NS 34 4.08 0.0355 64 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/020 Photocoppiya-heavy duty NS 8 4 0.0348 65 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/021 Photocoppiya NS 36 5 0.0435 66 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/022 Hard Disk-External NS 44 0.7 0.0061 67 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/023 Multi Media Projector with Accessories NS 10 1.25 0.0109 68 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/024 Internet Dongle DC* 3 0.015 0.0001 Vedio Camera with DVD Recoding 69 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/025 NS 4 0.8 0.0070 Facilities 70 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/026 Digital Camera NS 3 0.12 0.0010 71 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/027 Voice Recoder NS 10 0.2 0.0017 72 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/028 Levelling Instuments NS 44 3.08 0.0268 73 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/029 Statineries NS Items 1.8 0.0157 74 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/030 Global Positioning System NS 10 1.5 0.0130 75 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/031 Measuring Wheel NS 45 0.45 0.3947 Furnituries 10 nos office table with 76 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/033 chairs,01no.Conference NS Items 0.45 0.3947 table,03nos.Steel Almara, 77 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/035 Cup & Sources NS 1 0.1 0.0877 60& 20 Cube Mould&Concrete Compacting 78 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/036 NS 0.005 0.0044 Bar Slump cone TestSet Stainless Steel 79 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/038 NS 20&20 0.24 0.2105 Cone 80 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/040 Furnituries for LAA NS 40set 2.00 0.0148 Office Equipments for CLG 81 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/041 NS 3set 3.00 0.0261 office,ACLG office as 1 packs Desktop Computers-5 Nos,Lap top -1 82 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/042 No,Air condition-1 No for Provincial NS 1set 0.55 0.4825 Audit Department as 1 No Package 83 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/043 Laboratory Testing Item NS 2 10 0.1000 84 NELSIP/G/NP/PMU/044 Library Cabinet NS 3 0.045 0.0045 85 NELSIP/G/NP/RACLG/VA/001 Internet Dongle DC* 1 0.005 0.0000 86 NELSIP/G/NP/RACLG/MA/002 Internet Dongle DC* 1 0.005 0.0000 87 NELSIP/G/NP/RACLG/KI/003 Internet Dongle DC* 1 0.005 0.0000 88 NELSIP//NP/J/JAMC/G/1 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in LA DC* 3150 L 0.315 0.0027 89 NELSIP//NP/J/JAMC/G/2 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in LA DC* 27630L 2.65 0.0230 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 90 NELSIP/NP/J/ChUC/G/1 DC* 32656 L 3.265 LA 0.0286 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 91 NELSIP/NP/J/ChUC/G/2 DC* 11586 1.112 LA 0.0097 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 92 NELSIP/NP/J/ChPS/G/1 DC* 27000L 2.700 LA 0.0236 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 93 NELSIP/NP/J/ChPS/G/2 DC* 19800 1.900 LA 0.0166 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 94 NELSIP/NP/J/PPPS/G/1 DC* 19080L 2.067 LA 0.0181 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 94 NELSIP/NP/J/PPPS/G/1 DC* 19080L 2.067 LA 0.0181 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 95 NELSIP/NP/J/PPPS/G/2 DC* 40275 4.200 LA 0.0368 NELSIP/NP/J/VdSWPS/G Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 96 DC* 22950 2.525 /1 LA 0.0221 NELSIP/NP/J/VdSWPS/G Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 97 DC* 19605 2.078 /2 LA 0.0182 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 98 NELSIP/NP/J/VSPS/G/1 DC* 26820 L 2.608 LA 0.0228 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 99 NELSIP/NP/J/VSPS/G/2 DC* 27270L 2.542 LA 0.0223 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 100 NELSIP/NP/J/VEPS/G/1 DC* 47250L 4.128 LA 0.0361 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 101 NELSIP/NP/J/VEPS/G/2 DC* 13500L 1.300 LA 0.0114 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 102 NELSIP/NP/J/VWPS/G/1 DC* 25200L 2.572 LA 0.0225 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 103 NELSIP/NP/J/VWPS/G/2 DC* 20250L 1.986 LA 0.0174 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 104 NELSIP/NP/J/VNPS/G/1 DC* 16830L 1.730 LA 0.0151 Bitumin for reconstruction of roads in 105 NELSIP/NP/J/VNPS/G/2 DC* 33030L 3.263 LA 0.0286 NELSIP/NP/J/VSWPS/G/
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