the the Right Tree Give Your New Tree a Good Start Tilled Soil Area Right Tree Plant Right Tree Tilled Soil Area in theRight Place Plant Right Place Right Tree Getting trees started correctly is critical to long tree life, easy care and low- Root Ball etting trees started correctly is critical to long tree life, easy care and low-Normal Soil Level RightRight Tree Tree Plant in theRight Place cost maintenance. TreesG with limited rooting areas will need more care and have Root Ball TilledTilled Soil Soil Area Area Normalo Soil Level Plant Right Place Plant Right Tree cost maintenance. Trees with limited rooting areas will need more care and have 45 Plant Right Place Right Tree Drawings used with permission of Shigo and Trees, Associates LLC. a shorter life span than trees with large soil areas in which to grow. o Prunning Tips Right Place a shorter life ettingspanetting than trees trees trees started started with correctly large correctly soil is critical areasis critical into whichlong to long tree to tree grow.life, life, easy easy care care and and low- low- 45 G RootRoot Ball Ball G Plant Right Place costcost maintenance. maintenance. Trees Trees with with limited limited rooting rooting areas areas will will need need more more care care and and have have NormalNormal Soil Soil Level Level Plant Right Place o Cut at Nodes Natural Target Pruning NoSet Angle for a Correct Cut The diameter of the planting hole should be at least three times the diameter Compacted Pedestal for45 oSupport45 The diametera shortera shorterof the life planting lifespan span than hole than trees should trees with with be large at large least soil soil areasthree areas intimes which in which the to diameter grow. to grow. Compacted Pedestal for Support of the root ball. The depth should be measured to ensure the tree is planted at Use care not to First cut of the root ball. The depth should be measured to ensure the tree is planted atDig planting holes so the tree sits at its Make 3 cuts to remove Dig planting holes so the tree sits at its No wound the trunk large branches. ground level and at theground same levelThe depthThe diameterand diameter at thewhich of same the of it theplanting depthgrew planting at inhole whichthe hole should nursery. shouldit grew be atbe inAll least atthe bindings, least nursery.three three times All times bindings,the thediameternormal diameter level normal in the level soil. inHolesCompacted the soil. should Holes Pedestal have should highlyfor have Support highly when pruning. Compacted Pedestal for Support Yes 2 slanted sides.slanted sides. ties, wires, burlap orties, other wires, wrappingof theburlapof theroot rootorshould ball. other ball. The be wrappingThe depth removed depth should should should before be bemeasuredbe removedmeasured planting. to before ensure to ensure planting. the thetree tree is planted is planted at at Final cut Dig Digplanting planting holes holes so theso thetree tree sits sits at its at its No ground level and at the same depth at which it grew in the nursery. All bindings, normal level in the soil. Holes should have highly ground level and at the same depth at which it grew in the nursery. All bindings, normal level in the soil. Holes should have highly Nodes: Where branches Large First cut ties, wires, burlap or other wrappingWhen planting, should beWhen please removed planting, consider before please planting. where consider the treewhere will theslanted be treeslanted located sides.will sides. be in located relation in relation to to Yes meet other branches or collar ties, wires, burlap or other wrapping should be removed before planting. the trunk. Yes first cut 1 Always Consider the Ultimateoverhead and undergroundoverhead and undergroundutility lines. utility(The locationlines. (The of location these linesof these should lines should branch collar When planting, please consider where the tree will be located in relation to bark All Correct Cuts Always Consider the Ultimate determineWhen the planting, kind of tree please to plantconsider and where site selection.) the tree will The be mature located tree in relationmust to 3 Small Mature Size When Planningdetermine the kind of tree to plant and site selection.) The mature tree must ridge Mature Size When PlanningAlwaysAlways Consider Consider the the Ultimate Ultimate have enoughoverheadoverhead space and awayand underground underground from power utility utility lines lines. lines.and (The in (The anlocation arealocation large of these of enough these lines lines to should should Yes final cut collar Final cut have enough space away from power lines and in an area large enough MatureMature Size Size When When Planning Planning accommodatedeterminedetermine the the canopy thekind kind ofand tree of root tree to system.plant to plant and and site site selection.) selection.) The The mature mature tree tree must must Yes First cut have enough space away from power lines and in an area large enough to The size and shape to accommodate the canopyhave enough and spaceroot system. away from power lines and in an area large enough to Leaders can be removed on Flat collar of the collar deter- young trees and on older trees Cut as close as possible to the branch collar. Do not mine the position and 10 Planting-tallaccommodateaccommodate growing thetrees thecanopy under canopy and or andnear root root powersystem. system. lines will ultimately require when second or third order injure or remove the collar. Injury or removal of the angle of the cut. years pruning must be done. collar destroys a major defense system of the tree, and Final cut 10 Planting tall-growingpruning treesto maintain under safe or near clearance power from lines the will wires. ultimately Trees toppling require into overhead also leads to excessive sprouting. Do not leave stubs. years 10 Planting-tallPlanting-tall growing growing trees trees under under or near or near power power lines lines will will ultimately ultimately require require Stubs are entry courts for rot-causing fungi. Do not A ring or “doughnut” of living tissue will form 10 pruning to maintainpower safe lines clearance can become from a public the wires.safety hazard Trees andtoppling disrupt into your overhead electric service. around a correct cut after one growing season. yearsyears pruning to maintain safe clearance from the wires. Trees toppling into overhead paint the pruning cuts. Wound dressings do not stop rot. 6 power lines canTherefore becomepruning it a is public bestto maintain not safety to plant safe hazard clearancetall-growing and disruptfrom trees the yourunderwires. electric orTrees near toppling powerservice. lines.into overhead Making cuts between nodes leads to excessive years powerpower lines lines can can become become a public a public safety safety hazard hazard and and disrupt disrupt your your electric electric service. service. sprouting, and to cracks and rot. Cracks and rot 6 Therefore it is best not to plant tall-growing trees under or near power lines. are major causes of branch and trunk failure. • Prune fl owering trees just after they fl ower. Pruning before fl owering removes fl ower buds. years 6 6 ThereforeTherefore it is it best is best not notto plant to plant tall-growing tall-growing trees trees under under or near or near power power lines. lines. yearsyears You should not attempt to trim any vegetation growing near or on any overhead • Prune maples and birch in mid-summer. power lines. Only specially trained line-clearing professionals should work around • Prune dead or dying branches anytime. You should not attemptYou toYou should trim should anynot notattempt vegetation attempt to trim to growingtrim any any vegetation vegetation near or growing on growing any near overhead near or on or anyon any overhead overhead 3 power lines. • Use sharp tools. Make clean cuts. Be careful with all tools. Safety fi rst. years power lines. Only speciallypowerpower lines.trained lines. Only line-clearingOnly specially specially trained trainedprofessionals line-clearing line-clearing should professionals professionals work should should work work around around 3 3 power lines. 3 years around power lines. power lines. For more information, contact years years theFor organizations more information, below. contact georgiapower.com/trees Primary For Formore more information, information, contact contact Electric lines usually are Benefits thethe organizations organizations below. Georgiabelow. Power georgiapower.com/treesgeorgiapower.com/treesmissippipowerpower.com/trees Electrical Conductors the organizationswww.georgiapower.com/trees below. Georgia Power locatedElectricE atlectric the lines top lines ofusually theusually pole, are are of NaturalBenefitsBenefits Georgia Power Residentialwww.georgiapower.com/treeswww.georgiapower.com/trees Customer Service Benefi ts Drawbacks lectric lines usuallylocated atare the top of the pole, of Natural Customer Care Center E farthestlocated from at the the ground. top of the pole, Target of Natural Pruning Residential Customer1.888.660.5890 Service of Natural of Natural Residential Customer Service1.800.532.1502 Transformers for farthest from the ground. TargetTarget Pruning Pruning Georgia Urban Forest1.888.660.58901.888.660.5890 Council located at thefarthest top of from the the pole, ground. • Biologically better for the tree t Georgia Power, we are responsible for providing to plant – and anything else related to preserving your Cable TV and telephone lines www.gufc.org Target Pruning Target Pruning GeorgiaGeorgia Urban Urban Forest Forest Council Council A TransformersTransformers for for CableCable TV TVand and telephone telephone lines lines • Biologically• Biologically better better for forthe the tree tree Mississippi Urban Forest Council t Georgiat Georgia Power, Power, we we are are responsible responsible for forproviding providing to plantto plant – and – and anything anything else else related related to preservingto preserving your your farthest runfrom closer the ground.to the ground, Georgia Forestrywww.gufc.org Commissionwww.gufc.org safe and reliable energy to our customers at the lowest cost trees to create attractive landscapes in our communities.
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