The 1St Bioforum Hangzhou Bay ·Ningbo

The 1St Bioforum Hangzhou Bay ·Ningbo

Ningbo TheThe 1st1st BioForumBioForum HangzhouHangzhou BayBay ·Ningbo·Ningbo Nov.11 – 13th, 2016 | Hangzhou Bay· NingboNingbo ·· ChinaChina Nov. 11-13, 2016 Get to know the latest biopharmaceutical policy and access the world of opportunities & challenges with life science insiders As one of China's “Seven Strategic Emerging Industries”, the biopharmaceutical industry has obtained vigorous support from the central government to local governments at all levels, and it’s also a key development domain in Ningbo. With the guidance of various policy documents and the agglomeration of production factors, biopharmaceutical industry in Ningbo has entered the fast lane. Held on Nov. 11th to 13th, the 1st BioForum Hangzhou Bay Ningbo aims to help our peers get a better understand of the new drug policy, facilitate new drug R&D and traditional drug firms achieve faster innovative development, etc. Hosted by Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprise Association and Administrative Committee of Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone, this forum will be organized by Biovillage and Research Institute of Fudan University in Ningbo. CFDA officers, industry research experts, innovative drug R&D experts, renowned drug firms’ executives and well-known investors from bio-pharmaceutical area have been invited to attend the forum. Also more than 300 biopharmaceutical researchers, administrators, investors, and consultants will join in the forum. In this beautiful autumn, let’s get together at the shore of Hangzhou Bay and the south side of Hangzhou Bay Seakross Bridge; hear key biotech and pharma leaders discuss the latest industry trends in workshops and panels. 【Highlights】 Subjects: Drug R&D and innovation under new drug policy Date : 11th – 13th Nov. 2016 Venue : Empark Grand Hotel, Hangzhou Bay New Zone, Ningbo Address: No. 9, Jinyuan Avenue, Hangzhou Bay, Ningbo The 1st BioForum Hangzhou Bay Ningbo 【Speakers】 (updating) Zhenjia Bian Thomas McCoy Roberts, Ph.D. Mingde Yu, Ph.D. Special Researcher, Counsellors' Professor of Biological Chemistry Honorary President of Chinese Office of the State Council & Molecular Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Enterprise Association Former Deputy Director of CFDA Harvard Medical School Mingwei Wang, Prf. Jean Zhao, Ph.D. Xiang Gao, Ph.D. Dean of School of Pharmacy, Professor of Biological Chemistry Director & Founder of Nanjing Fudan University &Molecular Pharmacology, Biomedical Research Institute of Harvard Medical School Nanjing University President of NRCMM Ruiping Dong M.D., Ph.D. Shixin Jiang Hua Yang, Ph.D. CEO, RMX Pharma Chairman & President of Rundo CSO of Pharmaron Former SVP & Head of Emerging International Pharmaceutical Research Markets R&D, Merck & Co & Development Co., Ltd President of CROU The 1st BioForum Hangzhou Bay Ningbo Steven Wang, CFA Zhengyang Wang, Attorney Jufeng Wang, Ph.D. Managing & Founding Partner Attorney, Senior Partner Junzejun SVP of Pharmaron HighLight Capital Law Offices (Shanghai) Former Director of National Center for Safety Evaluation of Drugs, China Qing Zhou, MD, Ph.D. Feng Zhou, Ph.D. Sirui Li CSO of Genor Biopharma Product & Solution Specialist of IP & General Manager of Strategic Science business, Thomson Reuters Development Department, Tasly Pharm Guozhong Rui Juan Du, Ph.D. Pengjun Sun, Ph.D. Chairman of CPTTC Director, HUYA Bioscience Executive Dean, International, Shanghai Office Research Institute of Fudan University in Ningbo The 1st BioForum Hangzhou Bay Ningbo 【Organization Entities】 Hosts: Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprises Management Association, Administrative Committee of Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone Organizers: Biovillage, Research Institute of Fudan University in Ningbo Co-organizers: BioClub, SAPA, SABPA, CABS Funding agencies (updating): ●Diamond Sponsor —— ●Platinum Sponsor —— ●Golden Sponsor —— Supporters and media: Ningbo Association for Science and Technology, Jietong Group, Healthcare Executive, Biodiscover, New Drug Investors Club, Shanghai Medicine Service Platfrom, Bioon, Gaochuanghui, Western Biotechnology Inc, Translational Medicine Network, Founder Club of New Drugs, Medicine Economic Reporter, Progress in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vcbeat 【Topics】 ●Interpretation of new drug policy and industrial analysis — Challenges, opportunities, status and trends ●Drug R&D--Innovation and collaboration ●Biopharmaceutical CRO — New trends and growth in China ●Biomedical investment and financing — Venture capital and acquisition The 1st BioForum Hangzhou Bay Ningbo 【Agenda】 4U\ ͹͹ 8KMOYZXGZOUT 4U\ 8KMOYZXGZOUT 4KZ]UXQOTM 2IILFLDO RI WKH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH &RPPLWWHH 2SHQLQJ 5HPDUN 7%1 RI +DQJ]KRX %D\ 1HZ =RQH 2IILFLDO RI WKH &KLQHVH 2SHQLQJ 5HPDUN 7%1 3KDUPDFHXWLFDO (QWHUSULVH $VVRFLDWLRQ 2SHQLQJ 5HPDUN 7%1 =-)'$ 2IILFLDO /LIH +HDOWK ,QGXVWU\ LQ 1LQJER +DQJ]KRX 'HSXW\ 'LUHFWRU RI ,QYHVWPHQW 3URPRWLRQ %D\ 1HZ =RQH DQG WKH +XL =KDQJ DQG &RRSHUDWLRQ %XUHDX RI 1LQJER 5HODWHG 3URPRWLRQ +DQJ]KRX %D\ 1HZ =RQH SROLFLHV 9KYYOUT Ɉ /TZKXVXKZGZOUT UL 4K] *X[M 6UROI_ GTJ /TJ[YZXOGR 'TGR_YOY ȉ )NGRRKTMKY 5VVUXZ[TOZOKY 9ZGZ[Y GTJ :XKTJY 9KYYOUT )NGOX͵ 0[LKTM =GTM 6N* 9<6 UL 6NGXSGXUT 6SHFLDO 5HVHDUFKHU &RXQVHOORUV 2IILFH 'UXJ ,QQRYDWLRQ LQ =KHQMLD %LDQ RI WKH 6WDWH &RXQFLO)RUPHU 'HSXW\ &KLQD 'LUHFWRU 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ɋ (OUSKJOIGR /T\KYZSKTZ GTJ ,OTGTIOTM ȉ <KTZ[XK )GVOZGR GTJ 'IW[OYOZOUT 9KYYOUT )NGOX͵@NKTM_GTM =GTM 'ZZUXTK_ 9KTOUX 6GXZTKX 0[T`KP[T 2G] 5LLOIKY 9NGTMNGO 'LVWDQFH7HVWV $ 0DQDJLQJ )RXQGLQJ 3DUWQHU +RUVH V 6WDPLQD 6WHYHQ :DQJ +LJK/LJKW &DSLWDO %LRPHGLFDO ,QYHVWPHQW 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Enterprise Association was established in July 1985, registered in the People's Republic of China Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is a national, non-profit social organization. Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprise Association is led by State – owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. The purpose and the general objectives of the association are: publicity and implementation of the party's principles and policies; to serve pharmaceutical enterprises and pharmaceutical entrepreneurs (managers); promoting the modernization of enterprise management and production technology modernization; building a bridge between the government and enterprises, exploring and establishing a modern enterprise system and in line with the socialist market economic law of Chinese pharmaceutical enterprise management system. Administrative Committee of Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone is located in the north of Ningbo, southern bank Hangzhou Bay Seakross Bridge. It is in the geometric center The 1st BioForum Hangzhou Bay Ningbo of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo, within 2-hour economic circle of the three cities. The new zone is a state-level economic and technological development zone in the Yangtze River Delta region. Since the establishment of the new zone,

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