Pursue ihc study of virtue If you seek a delightful as though you could never peninsula, look about you. reach your goal, and were —Motfo of Michigan.. afraid of losittg ground al­ 1 INGHAM ITY NEWS 1ready gained. SeVeilty-fouliih year. No. 43 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1933 Section Oile Pages 1 to S Mason Dollar Days Friday And Saturday Merchants List Bargains To Spur NRA Drive, Shoemaker Resolves Administration Boast Of Payroll Expect Crowds In City Friday and Saturfday TY WELFARE TO To Slick To Last UESOAYISLASTDAY Reductions Is Exploded By Facts Public UIged To Buy Now To Take Advantage Of PIesent Low m. mm. mi A ''Shoemaker, stick to your last,'' PIices And To Speed Employment; School Band To Play is an adage handed down from an­ FOR ESCAPING PENALTY During Dollar Days Friday And SatiIIday. tiquity. Its truth was never more STATE FLOODED WITH DEPARTMENTAL SELl^.PRAISE fully proved than last Thursday NG TUESDAY ^IGHT night when Lynn Wright, Mason ARTICLES FROM CAPITAL AT LANSING. ON OELIN Mason streets will be thronged with buyers Friday and Saturday, tbe two shoemaker, attempted to iearn an­ lays that have been designated as official Dollar Days. On these two -.iuy^' other trade. CilAlltMAN ISSUES CALL FOR Latest Effort Is To .Iuggle Yearly Totals In Attempt To Prove RUSH TO PAY lii,T^ LEVY BE- :he public will be rewarded for their support of President Roosevelt in tbe ANNUAL MEETlNG. The shoemaker was attempting Economy Of New Deal Administration, FORE OCT. .SL Buy Now campaign of the National Recovery Administration. The reward!) to doubie as bungstarter for the Fake Is Charged. will be paid in cash savings. Nearly refreshment committee of tbe llccLsion fio Be Made ^^'lgar(^ing Pol­ Browne-Cavender post of the Schools, ClI.las and ViilagcH Profit every Mason store is offering articlua icy; Civic Orgiml/.ations Arc American Legion. A keg of 3.2 By V. J. Brown Aiong wlfili Sfate umi Counfy, below the cost of replacement. U\ nearly every line costs are advancing. AsIti'd to ParliiciiMifiL'. was to be tapped and Comrade Never before in the history of this nation has propaganda in such huge 'rreivsurer Poinis Out AL SITUATION Wright was determined to tap it. doses been administered to the reading and listening public. An American With the imposition of cotton proce.s.'*. ing taxes and other special levies, the He scorned the advice given by can scarcely pick up a newspaper that his eye does not rest on some glowing Dr. L. A. Wileden, chairman of the otber veterans and impatiently Ingham county's coffers have OLDUPCE higher cost of manufacturing unclcv Community Welfare Association, an­ waved them away. promise of relief which has emanated from some Washington bureau. To been enriched from tbo receipt of NRA codes and thc steady advance of nounces that an important meeting 1932 taxes to the extent of more Finally, squatting astride tbe tbe same degree is the citizen of Michigan being regaled with publicity pre­ CLERK l.OATHE TO BEGIN UN­ rayv material prices, necessities aro is to be held in the city councii rooms than li;38,000 during the flrst three top of thc bnrrcl, the former bugler pared at his own expense In some ta.x supported department, bureau or TIL PAYIVJENT ASSURED. showing a steady upward trend in Tuesday night. Dr. Wileden points yveeks of October, according to Clar- started the bung and what a I prices. out that the meeting is an adjourned commission. Much of it is as far removed from thc facts as thc moon is once W. Lock, county treasurer. Mr. start! Suds filled tbe air. An Ccnsirs IJniiiicr Old Age PonsiDn ly.iw Dry goods stores are featuring now session of the meeting held August Lock expects that during the remain­ amber stream struck Comrade above the sea. Will Prnhiildy Nob Bi> Begun merchandise at prices that were low 2!) at which time it was decided to der ot tho montli the amount thus far Wrigbt full in tbe face. His heavy Scarcely a department at Lansing Untii After Nov. L even before thc recent prico cli-TiJ). operate only for 60 days. received will be doubled. curls were plastered to his head, can now claim immunity from the public, payrolls of tbe state. The Wearing apparel for every member of Members of thc board of directors his tie was blown back around bis cbarge that paid publicists are eating document is so innocent on the face Tho moratorium provided for de­ C, Ross Hiiiiard, county clerk,'the family will be sold at invitingly request that ail civic organizations neck, his shirt and vest were up the revenues ot the state poured in of it that many newspaper editors linquent taxes by tbc enactment of charged witb the taking of the census lovv figures during the Mason Dollar in the city send representatives to soaked, his eyes, nose and ears by a distressed and perplexed citiz­ have accepted it, some even going so the Moore-Holbeck act provides tbat of all Ingbam county adults under Days. The hardware stores, ioc;;H the meeting. Organizations expected were lllled witb tbe legalized enry. Every newspaper office in far as to give the article favorable sale of lands delinquent for taxes of the old age pension law, is not yet garages and shops ail offer valuer; in to be represented Include thc Bap­ brew. Michigan is being virtuaily submerg­ editorial comment. 1931 and previous years sball be set certain yvhen the enumerators will be keeping yvith the event, tist church, the Methodist church, ed under a barrage abead until 193.'). Tbe same act pro­ Because the showing attempted to set at work. Officials of the state Strhnulafing Ilnsiiic.ss thc Presbyterian church, thc Nazar- Wbiie otber veterans wrung tbe of colored publicity, vides that taxes levied in 1932 may be made is quite in contrast with welfare department recenlly stated In co-operating witb tbe business ene church. Mason Kiwanis club, 3.2 out of Comrade Wright's an too much of statements made by the writer in pre­ that the census would bo begun on revival movement of tbc National Re­ American Legion, Legion Auxiliary, clothes. Master Bungstarter John which is finding vious articles and because the show­ NO TlME EXTENSlON , November L However, supplies for covery Administration, tbe Masnn Needlecraft ciub. Mason Woman's Slagh, a tried and true member of its way into the pub­ ing attempted to be made is not in County Treasurer Clarence VV. tbe enumerators bave not yet been merchants aro doing their part in tbo. club. Child Study club. College club, tbe guild, took over tbe duties. lic print and which accordance with the true facts, this Lock warns tbat no extension has received from tbe state printers. effort to stimulate business and indus­ W. R. C., Girl Reserves, city council, Hereafter Wrigbt intends to stick is being taken at article is prepared to subject the al­ been granted beyond October 31 Tbe state's financial condition may trial activity. Tbe national leadura, l"Cnights of Pythias, tbc Masonic to his last. face value by a gul­ leged payroll report to at least a de­ for tbe payment of 1932 taxes also hold up the taking of the census. laboring witb plans to put more rricn lodge, L O. O. F., K. O. T. M. and lible public. gree of analysis and scrutiny. without penalty and interest. Mr. Mr. Hillard said Wednesday after- back to work and naturally increase O. E. S. All other interested groups noon that he must be assured that the buying power of the public, bavo One of the latest Lock states that many property and individuals are also invited to at­ The casual reader will of course ac­ stato pay for tho enumerators will be Initiated a buying program for the attempts to deceive owners seem to believe that an tend tbe session. cept the contrasting totals and at forthcoming promptly or he yvill be I purpose of starting tbe wheels of In • ER THREE AL the public is to be extension will be granted beyond To I>ccido Issues once jump to the conclusion that con­ loratbo to sot tbe half-hundred enu- dustry moving. found in a recent re- November 1. The treasurer points Dr. Wileden explains that three siderable progress has been made in lease to thc press out that under the iaw he will bo merators to work on thc census. It Present indications are that tfi« main issues must be decided at the the matter of reducing payrolls. When DN ONE RESIDENCE FIR which purports to show a marked re­ compelled to add 10.')4 per cont on is estimated that tbere are 78,000 forces of depression bave been chcck- meeting. Tbe issues as listed by the and at^er November 1. duction in the number now on the (Continued on Page 7, Col. 1) adults in Ingham county. At four ed and tbeir direction reversed, NRA chairman of tbe board of directors STlJBBORN BLAZE DAMAGES cents per name tlie state will owe headers assert. William S. Seelye, r^; are; ABOTT APAliTMKNTS. be paid on or before October 31 witb- tbe county $3,120. Enumerators will cently named head of the local com­ 1. Shall the association solicit Detroit Stock Buyer out added fees, penalties or interest. be paid two cents per name while the mittee in charge of the NRA in Viw funds and used clothing as in the l'roperty Of Mr. And Mrs.
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