10184 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 32 / Friday, February 19, 2021 / Rules and Regulations to waive the 30-day delay in Information Reports (SIRs) to the EIS at the Council’s December 2020 effectiveness of this action. prepared for this action are available meeting, NMFS is implementing the Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. from https://www.regulations.gov. The final 2021 and 2022 harvest 2020 Stock Assessment and Fishery specifications, as recommended by the Dated: February 12, 2021. Evaluation (SAFE) report for the Council. Differences between the Jennifer M. Wallace, groundfish resources of the GOA, dated proposed specifications and the final Acting Director, Office of Sustainable November 2020, and SAFE reports for specifications are discussed below. For Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service. previous years are available from the 2021, the sum of the TAC amounts is [FR Doc. 2021–03351 Filed 2–16–21; 4:15 pm] North Pacific Fishery Management 407,975 mt. For 2022, the sum of the BILLING CODE 3510–22–P Council (Council) at 1007 West 3rd TAC amounts is 409,039 mt. Avenue, Suite 400, Anchorage, AK 99501, phone 907–271–2809, or from Other Actions Affecting the 2021 and DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE the Council’s website at https:// 2022 Harvest Specifications www.npfmc.org. Amendment 109 to the FMP: Revisions National Oceanic and Atmospheric to the GOA Pollock Seasons and Pacific Administration FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Obren Davis, 907–586–7228. Cod Seasonal Allocations 50 CFR Part 679 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NMFS On June 25, 2020, NMFS published a manages the GOA groundfish fisheries final rule to implement Amendment 109 [Docket No. 210210–0018] in the exclusive economic zone of the to the FMP (85 FR 38093), effective RTID 0648–XY115 GOA under the FMP. The Council January 1, 2021 (see also correction 85 prepared the FMP under the authority of FR 79139, December 9, 2020). The final Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic the Magnuson-Stevens Act, 16 U.S.C. rule revised the pollock seasons and Zone Off Alaska; Gulf of Alaska; Final 1801 et seq. Regulations governing U.S. allocations, along with Pacific cod 2021 and 2022 Harvest Specifications fisheries and implementing the FMP season allocations, in the Western and for Groundfish appear at 50 CFR parts 600, 679, and Central Regulatory Areas of the GOA. 680. Amendment 109 modified the existing AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries The FMP and its implementing annual pollock TAC allocation to two Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and regulations require that NMFS, after equal seasonal allocations (50 percent of Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), consultation with the Council, specify TAC), rather than four equal seasonal Commerce. the total allowable catch (TAC) for each allocations (25 percent of TAC). The ACTION: Final rule; harvest specifications target species, the sum of which must be pollock A and B seasons were combined and closures. within the optimum yield (OY) range of into a January 20 through May 31 A 116,000 to 800,000 metric tons (mt) (50 SUMMARY: NMFS announces final 2021 season, and the pollock C and D seasons CFR 679.20(a)(1)(i)(B)). Section and 2022 harvest specifications, were combined into a September 1 679.20(c)(1) further requires that NMFS apportionments, and Pacific halibut through November 1 B season. publish and solicit public comment on prohibited species catch limits for the Additionally, Amendment 109 revised proposed annual TACs and groundfish fishery of the Gulf of Alaska the Pacific cod TAC seasonal apportionments thereof, Pacific halibut (GOA). This action is necessary to apportionments to the trawl catcher prohibited species catch (PSC) limits, establish harvest limits for groundfish vessel (CV) sector by increasing the A and seasonal allowances of pollock and during the remainder of the 2021 and season allocation and decreasing the B Pacific cod. Upon consideration of the start of the 2022 fishing years and season allocation. The December 9, public comment received under to accomplish the goals and objectives 2020, correction clarified existing § 679.20(c)(1), NMFS must publish of the Fishery Management Plan for seasonal apportionments of Pacific cod notice of final harvest specifications for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (FMP). for the jig sector. The revisions up to two fishing years as annual TACs The 2021 harvest specifications implemented by Amendment 109 are and apportionments, Pacific halibut PSC supersede those previously set in the incorporated into these final 2021 and limits, and seasonal allowances of final 2020 and 2021 harvest 2022 harvest specifications. pollock and Pacific cod, per specifications, and the 2022 harvest § 679.20(c)(3)(ii). The final harvest Amendment 110 to the FMP: Reclassify specifications will be superseded in specifications set forth in Tables 1 Sculpins as an Ecosystem Component early 2022 when the final 2022 and through 29 of this rule reflect the Species 2023 harvest specifications are outcome of this process, as required at On July 10, 2020, NMFS published published. The intended effect of this § 679.20(c). the final rule to implement Amendment action is to conserve and manage the The proposed 2021 and 2022 harvest 110 to the FMP (85 FR 41427). The final groundfish resources in the GOA in specifications for groundfish of the GOA rule reclassified sculpins in the FMP as accordance with the Magnuson-Stevens and Pacific halibut PSC limits were an ‘‘Ecosystem Component’’ species, Fishery Conservation and Management published in the Federal Register on which is a category of non-target species Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). December 3, 2020 (85 FR 78076). that are not in need of conservation and DATES: Harvest specifications and Comments were invited and accepted management. Accordingly, NMFS will closures are effective at 1200 hours, through January 4, 2021. NMFS did not no longer set an Overfishing Level Alaska local time (A.l.t.), February 19, receive any comments on the proposed (OFL), acceptable biological catch 2021, through 2400 hours, A.l.t., harvest specifications. In December (ABC), and TAC for sculpins in the GOA December 31, 2022. 2020, NMFS consulted with the Council groundfish harvest specifications. ADDRESSES: Electronic copies of the regarding the 2021 and 2022 harvest Final Alaska Groundfish Harvest specifications. After an opportunity for ABC and TAC Specifications Specifications Environmental Impact public comment, and after considering In December 2020, the Council’s Statement (EIS), Record of Decision more recent biological and Scientific and Statistical Committee (ROD), and the annual Supplementary socioeconomic data that were available (SSC), its Advisory Panel (AP), and the VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:57 Feb 18, 2021 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\19FER1.SGM 19FER1 tkelley on DSKBCP9HB2PROD with RULES Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 32 / Friday, February 19, 2021 / Rules and Regulations 10185 Council reviewed the most recent amounts for each groundfish species. sole, arrowtooth flounder in the Central biological and harvest information about The SSC adopted the final 2021 and GOA, flathead sole in the West Yakutat the condition of the GOA groundfish 2022 OFLs and ABCs recommended by and SEO Districts, Pacific ocean perch, stocks. The Council’s GOA Groundfish the Plan Team for most groundfish northern rockfish, shortraker rockfish, Plan Team (Plan Team) compiled and species, with the exception of sablefish. dusky rockfish, rougheye and presented this information in the 2020 The Alaska-wide sablefish ABC is blackspotted rockfish, demersal shelf SAFE report for the GOA groundfish apportioned between six areas within rockfish, thornyhead rockfish, ‘‘other fisheries, dated November 2020 (see the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands rockfish’’ in the Western/Central GOA ADDRESSES). The SAFE report contains a (BSAI) and Gulf of Alaska (Bering Sea, and West Yakutat District, big skate, review of the latest scientific analyses Aleutian Islands, Western Gulf, Central longnose skate, other skates, sharks, and and estimates of each species’ biomass Gulf, West Yakutat, and East Yakutat/ octopuses in the GOA. The Council and other biological parameters, as well Southeast areas). Since 2013, a fixed recommended TACs for 2021 and 2022 as summaries of the available apportionment methodology has been that are less than the ABCs for pollock information on the GOA ecosystem and used to apportion the ABC between for the combined Western and Central the economic condition of the those six areas. However, a new GOA and West Yakutat District area, groundfish fisheries off Alaska. From apportionment methodology will be Pacific cod, shallow-water flatfish in the these data and analyses, the Plan Team used for 2021 and 2022 that affects the Western GOA, arrowtooth flounder in recommends, and the SSC sets, an OFL apportionment of sablefish ABC and the the Western GOA and the West Yakutat and ABC for each species or species area TACs that are allocated between and SEO Districts, flathead sole in the group. The 2020 SAFE report was made the trawl and fixed gear sectors. The Western and Central GOA, Atka available for public review during the Joint BSAI and GOA Groundfish Plan mackerel, and ‘‘other rockfish’’ in the public comment period for the proposed Team, SSC, and Council reviewed a SEO District. The Council harvest specifications. range of apportionment approaches for recommended 2021 sablefish TACs that In previous years, the greatest changes the sablefish ABC for the harvest are less than the 2021 ABCs, and 2022 from the proposed to the final harvest specifications, including a range from sablefish TACs that are equal to 2022 specifications have been based on recent the status quo (fixed apportionment) ABCs. Setting the 2021 sablefish TACs NMFS stock surveys, which provide and the sablefish assessment authors’ less than 2021 ABCs is intended to updated estimates of stock biomass and recommended non-exponential 5-year provide an incremental increase to the spatial distribution, and changes to the survey moving average.
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