MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LABORATORY AI Working Paper 108 June 1976 Analysis by Propagation of Constraints in Elementary Geometry Problem Solving by Jon Doyle ABSTRACT This paper describes GEL, a new geometry theorem prover. GEL is the result of an attempt to transfer the problem solving abilities of the EL electronic circuit analysis program of Sussman and Stallman to the domain of geometric diagrams. Like its ancestor, GEL is based on the concepts of "one-step local deductions" and "macro-elements." The performance of this program raises a number of questions about the efficacy of the approach to geometry theorem proving embodied in GEL, and also illustrates problems relating to algebraic simplification in geometric reasoning. This report describes research done at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Support for the Laboratory's artificial intelligence research is provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Office of Naval Research contract N00014-75-C-0643. Working Papers are informal papers intended for internal use. GEL Jon Doyle GEL Jon Doyle Introduction This paper describes GEL, a new geometry theorem prover. GEL is the result of an attempt to transfer the problem solving abilities of the EL electronic circuit analysis program of Sussman and Stallman [Sussman and Stalluan 19751 to the domain of geometric diagrams. Like its ancestor, GEL is based on the concepts of "one-step local deductions" and "macro-elements." These methods, in the form of a modified version of EL, are used to implement a theorem prover with a mechanistic view of geometry. The performance of this program raises a number of questions about the efficacy of the approach to geometry theorem proving embodied in GEL, and also illustrates problems relating to algebraic simplification in geometric reasoning. One reason elementary plane geometry has been a popular domain for illustrating problem-solving techniques is its semantic richness, its quality of permitting many points of view [Brown 1974, p.7]. Geometry admits physical (mechanical), algebraic (analytic), Euclidean (synthetic) and turtle drawing (differential) representations. Of these, GEL illustrates the physical, mechanical view of geometry. GEL's analysis proceeds in a fashion analogous to the fixing of certain relationships in a jointed set of mechanical linkages. Given certain parameters of the diagram (certain angles, lengths, etc.), GEL propagates the constraints these parameters induce (the rigid GEL Doyle .... ooJ.. n. -viJ relationships they determine) throughout the diagram and determines all relationships in the diagram forced by the initial parameters. Previous approaches to geometry theorem proving have been based on a Euclidean view of geometry, or on a combination of this view and the analytic view afforded by a metrically specified diagram. Gelernter [Gelernter 1963a, 1963b] devised perhaps the best known geometry theorem prover to illustrate the importance of "backward chaining" as a problem solving technique and to explore the detection and use of analogy between problems in solving them by detecting and using "syntactic symmetries" between problems. Goldstein [Goldstein 19731 used the domain of geometry theorem proving to demonstrate the power an'd simplicity of procedural representations of knowledge, experts, and the PLANNER problem solving formalism [Hewitt 1975]. Nevins [Nevins 19741 introduced a new geometry theorem prover to call attention to the somewhat neglected method of forward chaining,' which was almost totally absent in Goldstein's theorem prover, and to observe that the diagram need not be used as a filter for pruning the search if the representation of the problem domain is sufficiently structured and search sufficiently controlled. Finally, Ullman [Ullman 1975] described a geometry theorem prover utilizing both forward and backward chaining. His system derived considerable power from its use of the diagram, not only as a filter, but as a means to structure the entire database in such a way as to automatically constrain and guide the search for a proof. GEL Jon Doyle GEL Jon Doyle Much of the power of the geometry theorem provers of Nevins and Ullman stems from the use of concepts which are very similar to concepts embodied in EL. Nevins' system is essentially completely based on forward chaining, in that its backward chaining is limited to a form which appears identical to forward chaining. It seem likely that with a modification in the control of forward chaining, his program would not need backward chaining at all, except to handle constructions [de Kleer 1976, p. 11]. In Ullman's system, forward chaining is constrained to be of the form of the one-step local deductions of EL, with this mode of deduction made possible by modelling each element of the diagram by a "reference-frame" similar to the circuit-element structures utilized in EL, data structures with "slots" to represent each of the important aspects of the object being modelled. Ullman's system further employs a "middle-out" search strategy for investigating interesting figures in the diagram which seems analogous to the mechanism of macro-elements in EL. These similarities in the operation of these programs and Sussman's observation that human geometry problem solving seems to make use of reasoning by constraint propagation to determine that structural relationships exist in the diagram provided the motivation for the current theorem prover. GEL was implemented by replacing EL's electronics knowledge with geometric knowledge. It is almost the case that GEL can do both electronic circuit analysis and geometry theorem ___ GEL Jon ~avle proving - only small technical details and concerns for efficiency of operation have dictated the expunging of electronics knowledge from GEL. This is possible as EL separates its knowledge of its problem solving domain from its problem solving mechanisms. GEL, however, does. not make use at present of a number of the problem solving abilities of EL (Note 1i. An Example -- Pons Asinorum To demonstrate the operation of GEL, we present the example of the Pons Asinorum, the theorem that the base angles of an isoceles triangle are equal. Like previous geometry theorem provers, GEL produces a proof of this theorem by observing that an isoceles triangle is congruent to itself. Unlike previous theorem provers, however, GEL requires the traditional angle bisector, although only as an attention- focusing device. If its attention is properly directed, GEL can prove the theorem without this additional line, but we will present the more complex diagram in order to illustrate some of the problems which can arise. The diagram of the Pons Asinorum is as follows: GEL Jon Doyle GEL Jon DoYle B Given: AB = BC <DBA = <CBD Show: <BAD = <DCB A D C To prove the theorem, GEL is given the following input: ;circuit for the ponse asinorum theorem (WIRE PONS-ASINORUM (VERTEX A B C 0) (CONNECT (A (B 0)) (B (C D A)) (C (D B)) (D (A B C))) (LINE (A 0 C)) (TRIANGLE (A B 0) (BC D) (AB C)) (GIVEN (. (SEG A B) (SEG B C)) (- (ANGLE 0 B A) (ANGLE C B 0D)) (SHOW (- (ANGLE B A 0) (ANGLE 0 C B)))) Hopefully this method of specifying the diagram, hypotheses and theorem is fairly clear. The diagram is.given the name PONS-ASINORUM. Following this is a list of all the vertices of the diagram, and a list of connections between vertices. The connections are specified by naming a vertex and then listing its immediately adjacent vertices in clockwise order. These connections are used to determine all angles and simple line-segments, including the neighbor-sum relationships between the angles at each vertex for use in performing angle additions. Following the connections are lists of all lines (three or GEL GE JnDolJon Doyle more collinear points, in linear order) and triangles in the diagram. The list of triangles (with vertices in clockwise order) is not really necessary, but was included to simplify the initial programming task. At this point, the initial diagram wiring is complete. The list of hypotheses is now given, and using these, GEL asserts the initial constraints on the diagram. Each angle determined by a line is given the value of 180 degrees, and for each set of objects listed as equal in a given clause, a value of the form GIVEN82 is generated. This value is specified as a basic value, one which is used strictly as a symbolic value, and each item in the given clause is asserted [Note 2] to have this given value as its value, as in (. (LENGTH SOAB) GIVEN82). (All objects of the diagram are given canonical names prefixed with an identifying letter and asterisk. Thus S*AB is the name for the segment AB. For angles, an additional prefix of "e" denotes a reflex angle.) Finally, the goals of the theorem are given as facts to show. Each such fact expands into a.demon which monitors GEL's database for the appearance of the desired facts. in PONS-ASINORUM, the SHOJ statement compiles into a demon watching for the assertion of facts of the form (- (ANGLE A*BAC) valuel)) and (- (ANGLE AsBAD) value2)). Upon completing these steps, GEL begins analyzing the diagram. GEL JoJon Doyle=~-Doyle The only deductive mechanism used at present in this analysis is the one-step local deduction or antecedent theorem, in which each fact asserted may fill a slot of an object and cause other slots of that object to be filled as a result. In this example, the analysis proceeds as follows until the goal is reached. ANGLE-PROP: F98 (- (ANGLE (A#1 T*BCD)) GIVEN85) ANGLE-PROP: F91 (= (ANGLE (A#2 T*ABD)) GIVEN85) LENGTH-PROP: F92 (- (LENGTH (S#1 T*ABC)) GIVEN82) LENGTH-PROP: F93 (= (LENGTH (S#3 T*BCD)) GIVEN82) LENGTH-PROP: F94 (= (LENGTH (S#3 T*ABC)) GIVEN82) LENGTH-PROP: F95 (.
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