■IT'?;-,? ;" *■■ *. •! \- y ■ ■ - v ’ 4V ,\ 1 - JBONDAT, SErrJLMgeH 15,1944 I JW E L V a S: The Weather Manchester Evening Jferatd Average' Dally Cirealatio^ ■Foreiost o1 L. S. W eather Bhrean ^----- r — - — “ T"--------—“ For tta Month of Angmst, lt44 A daughter, Andrea Merrily, Btn Chapter of BdU Sigma Phi ed angel* unawares,” It w as point* very hett^ of NbwTsatakl^i ra- Fair toWgiit and Wedaesdays Meroofifi.l Temple Pythian Sla­ will hold jU first mtetlng of the ed^rout that many, newcomcra to ligion. , i- T w HY n o t p a y AiT" ■; ‘ . 8 , t 7 . ' > ' ters wlljV meet tomorrow night in was born Saturday at the Hart­ IVeighbor little rJumgw In tempemtiire to­ ford hospital to Seaman 1-C and season toinorrow evening at eight ou^-opmmunlty have as .much If ' ’tWa necd Itte religious life at night; s.lightly. cooler Wedneaday. Odd Edlrtwa hall. Degree Miatress o'clock Ft the home-of Mrs. James not mors to give to us as ws have th* heart of comktunlty activities, ' : VISIT TO Mmbor of Aodlt P'ranCed •Chamberi requests all Mrs. Charles H. NUes of 108 Avon­ '■ " '-x z ...... dale Road. Mna NUea wa* the Rlcbmmd, 427 Main stseet. Mrs. to give to’thsm. for life needs a directlv* and an Boraan Of UliKOlaUoiio meihbera of the degree alaft and Policy Needed smpowerlng force If our . hig'hest GREENBROOKE SwImtU Cheney AuiUllary fo m e r MIm Ruth StavsnsVf thU Rtchmtond is spdnspr ofxthe local ..Need Now Ideas ' Manche»Ur— A City of VUlage Charm Oltlcera to be present for rehearsal chapter. Miss Janet Einott, the hopes' for comlhunity Improvement , \ N M t We<lne«day n ffh t a t S folloivins the business sesaion to town. Seaman Niles is an InJitruc- . Many American communltlea IN MANCHESTER 2 1 J. -. tor aythe Naval Base in Seattle, new president, arid her msocliite are ever to be realized. In this the You’ll b* thrilled When you sea (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS in the Army 'and Navy •prepasa M r Um latHwthm of can­ officers, will aasiime thelrV posi­ Pastor Wart! Declares have gone to seed Just because church indst be not a cold-stoisge (ChMolflad Advertising «a-Pago''li> MANCHiSTER, CONN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMRER 26, 1^44 a . * AH members are uryed didates, October 10. w-aattf \ nothing has happened in thbm for this new community of smartly 304 ------------------- -— ---------- tions for tha hrst lime. Rf!sponsibility Rests warehoUiM for uncorrupted truth; styled, solidly built home*. Bd. ■ so long and'many churchea have hut a' powerhouse Of spiritual • lllaa"IkAly-Wtihlewlch hai r ^ ’’^The monthly meeting of the dried up at the rOpU because no Choice of five distinctive, models Army and Navy Club Auxiliary The Frank J. Mansfield Detach­ . With Community Ifself v iu ih ^ .'’ is available. -Etach lias four fine aSimeth J. 1* Com, ®. ,M. turned from a two weeks' vyxt- ment and Auxiliary participated one. has come into them.to bring j been apendtnf a few days with will be held at eight o'clock this new life, new ideas and new ways rooms with space for two extra Smoking Out Japs af A.nguar tlon spent in New Orlean^x In fhe Gold Star Honor Roll dedi­ "A particularly heavy responsi­ on second floor; Ftreptaces, I mtft and fanl^ on Foeder She was a guest at '.the St. evening instead of 8:30 as an­ cation ceremony yesterday In of “Working out the (^IhtlatiBn. nounced. Seml-alr conditioned coal flred Silence Cloaks FigHt bility falls upon the established . M to a moirtwr od the crew Charies Hotel. She vjstted with Hartford. The colors of the local philosophy of life." There Is no PdUJLTRY furnaces, plastered walls, beau­ M |^ eruiaer. LJeutenant and Chester G. organizations were massed with ^ people 'of this conamunity In the need for that here urged Mr. Ward tifully finished woodwork anid Kosak, The latter/^as the former The rummage sale planned for colors of Hartford's 17 ex-service j and everyone, of us o'ught to be Thursday of this week by Temple developing of good neighborliness floors, full concrete foundat^s, 'H ie North Methodist WSC8 will Ann Waahklev^ich of thia town. units during the ceremony in rear among the new comers,”, said Rev. alive to the poiisibilities for pro­ large landscaped plots are a few- Chapter, O.K.S., and the Rainbow of the Old State House. gress In .coirtmunity life which the FENCE E stonian avb a mseitlnf tomoitow evenlnx Girls, has been postponed until a W. Ralph Ward, Jr.,, in, his sermon of the features. .Pnetsd .at ; o’clock at the parsonage, Girl SCout Troop No. Id will at the South Meth'odlat church newcomers are bringing with 86,000. Low first .paymeati i T r o o hold its regular meeting tomorrow later date on account' of the col­ The regular meeting of Dil- them. 165 ft. per bale, 4 ft< bish. 1 H enry stre e t _____ lection through the churche.s of yesterday morning on the. theme, F.H.A. financing. / evening a t 7:30 at the West Side worth-Cornelf Post. The American' ■’The Good Neighbor Policy: A Church Iroportaat. Heavy duty, f Constructed Be Sure To Ynapect ' ■ Recreation Center. used clothing for war sufferers, Legion, will be held in the Legion .sponsored by the tjnlted National l^m e Front Essential.” Mr. Ward stressed particularly like Wards stock feneCk, The New M4i6rl Home Home at 8 o’clock tonight. All Famished By Watklna Brothcio. NORMAN BENTZ The RoUry Club will meet at Relief and RehabillUition Admin­ committee members are urgently ^ MiMicheeter’a Problem the importance of the church as Line wire spaced to hold the Country Club tomorrow eve­ istration. requested to be present. World Mr. WAM pointed out the Sat­ an agency- for creating communi­ chicks as well as ufown Y a rd s Metal Work' — Bavea isfaction which comes to people ty'good will. He pointed out that Begin Organizing.- As- New Is the tlma to ning at 6:30 for an open .meeting. War II veterans who have hot fowl.,Outlasts ordinary net­ G^ENBROKE No guest epeaker has been sche­ Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Oole of 32 been initiated, are also a.<tked to who Hue 1^ a community where this Is not always true, however, Solon Urges :4mve Haves Trongho tastalled everyone kn^'s everyone, and the for in many Instances the. church, ting: many, years. $5.60 o m e s in c gault on Key Points duled as the meeting Is planned Haxel street have Jiist'received a attend; per bale. « : H , . for the purpose of tran.sactlng V-mail letter from their son, Pri­ problems' which arise In such a fearing for Itself as an institution; Walker Rtreet, Manrheeter To Riga; All Import­ B^ish ‘Red Del routine business and for open dia- vate Russell E. Cole, stating that Miss Josh Chltjian, of 30 .1-2 rapidly growiW community, as has stood against programs that Tel. 4113 or 7376 Ban, Be Put //He lo Ki^P Foothol cussion. he is now located in France. Pri­ Garden street, is a member of the Manchester, where more than one are for the good of, the entire com- Sunday. Tel. Manchester ant Ports on Mainland R ubicon vate. Cole was recently stationed entering class of the College of thousand new hduslng units have munity. But the Church of Jesus Montgomery - Wart! 3-0645 or 3-0064 or 7375 Across fjutcli Rhlnci;* at Capo Carson, Colorado^ follow­ Pharmacy, of the University of stiddenly brought several thousand Christ Is possessed of no such \ Now in Rei ands with On Spending ing a course In engineering at Connecticut at New HaVin.'The new people Into ouC midst. Recall­ spirit as that. It sees the good Farm Store 4rtsu. Eisenhower Calls SituB-/ W hen You S ijr^ New York Univcrsit.y. Ha Is at class will meet for organization ing that the autho ' gf Hebrewa community where barriers of all Exception NOTICE! present with the Infantry. tomorrow morning. Mis* Chitjtan once halfJuimorous.ly said, "be not sorts are broken down and people 4.5 Purnell Place .. Constitutional Prohibi By Eighth Arrpy j tion Fhiid; British 1 ^ graduated from Manchester High forgetful to entertain-'strangers; admire and respect each other for Telephone 4748^ Moscow, Sept, 2 6 .^ ^ )— W oddings, RanqueU, Building Contractom Interested The regular communication of .school last June. for thereby some have entertain­ what they are as .people as the Read Heralil Adys. tions Against Govern ' pers See It as C ritic s In the reconstruction of our shop Manchester Lodge of Masons will Russia’s powerful hort I Germans Claim Anni- C l a m b a k e s and garage on Charter Onk be held in the Temple at 7:30 to­ Miss Glenna Denton, of Stephen Armies hammered the m^nt Living Beyond Crossing Comes /fo Ban jHaVCll Street are requested to submit night. The P’ellowcraft degree will street, has returned after a 10 German Counter - At-, ! hilation of ^Chut^Vi^ figures on or before 13 Noon, be conferred. days’ cruise on the 8t. Lawrence small pocket of German re- nc ome Advocated. ■’Say II W ith E.W.T.. October 8, 1944. Plans and Bsguensy rivers, Canada. ' sistance in Estonia today and tacks Slow Advances For Germany s London, Sept. 26.— and specifications sir a t 41 Cen­ Mr-, and Mrs. Lewis M. Caldwell began organizing sin assault WMhington, Sept.- 26.—(4*)— Of Two Allied Armies. / ^ , Arnold Pagani ter Street.
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