THI YPBILANTI DAILYPRESS. YRSILANTI, MICH., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER TANARUS, IS4J PAGE SIX Sports Roundup Ann Arbor—AP—Michigan's marching hand will make It* Aral road trip sines’l94o whan It accompanies the Wolverine eleven to the North western game at Bridges Has Evanston Oct. 6. Tommy Assignment- ••• • • Chicago—AP—Gll Dodds, of the James E. famous miler and winner arguing with Umplra Rudy tingled to can- Sullivan Memorial Trophy In 1943, Is to roach the cross country team Will while BUI York than at surburban Wheaton College this fall, athletic director Edward A. Selimeling to Oppose Grleva. ter, lending Greenberg home for Corey today. Bridge Manager Jo® McCarthy added said Fine Points in the lait Tiger run, hla dissenting opinion to Etten's Mueller added hie three-hit win on Trial TRET DO ALTER CASES of aces usually being the worst Floyd Bevins with such emphasis that he was go two- "Circumstances alter cases" Is possible lead against a suit, ao he banished from the game for com- over the Yanks to a previous Hamburg, Sept. 7—AP— Max pronouncedly true at tha bridge was sure she did not have the A. Naw York, BepL T—AP— The hit performance over the same table. What la usually an extreme- that card East, veteran palning that Cramer Interfered Schmellng, former world heavy- Placing with ha Tommy Bridges drew ths may with Frank Croaettl’a throw. club. ly unsound play become a realised West might have the Q. second assignment of hla pitching weight boxing champion, will go on mast logical one under a special ao played low from dummy. The comeback with Detroit trial Monday In the Hamburg city set of conditions, perhaps Indicat- Q naturally won. and the heart the Tigers popular Everyone* hall on a charge of "breach of mil- ed by the bidding. That Is so when return to the A about knocked today, facing New York’s Floyd itary government order*." the hand which ultimately be- him off his chair. When a third Bevens In ths sixth game of De- We Are Now Taking comes dummy had been bid as a heart waa led, he got fancy and troit’i Schmeling’a arrest on the cbsrge. prolonged seven-game aer- powerful No Trump holding. Then, ruffed hla own winner, eo he could ie* with the New York Yankees. which was not explained further, even If the eventual contract is a lead a spade from hla own hand. Bridges, who pitched the Tiger* Orders For The Following: was announced by British authori- suit, the underlesd of an see may He picked the spade 4. When to a 6 to 5 victory over Chicago ties yesterday. It followed a re- pay a dividend, especially when It she played the 6. he guessed her in his comeback debut last Mon- with for the but not fusal by the control commission to catches the leader's partner possibly J probably day, still was troubled with a one of the secondary honors. the K. He therefore put in the 10 sprained finger grant the boxer a license to publish he suffered in 10 3 from dummy, and the singleton J fielding a ground but drew on the was 4 Q ball, MAYTAG books grounds that he 7 2 won the third trick for the de- the assignment afler the Tigers ’• VKJ "a symbol of Nazism (AK7 fense. Later the apade K scored, divided their second straight twin ‘ the contract bill here yesterday. Schmeling’s wife, informed of + AKJ setting Hal Newhous- WASHERS That heart lead really gave him er, Detroit ace, bothered for the hts arrest, said she was happy It 3 4K76 4 J a chance for an unbld small slam. last week with a back Injury, was would A 8 6 5 N had taken place because It 4 w 4Q94 Using the K. he then could have expected to go for the Tigers In give him an opportunity to prove 4 10 6 3 4J9852 run three diamonds to discard his the aeries windup Saturday, S 6 2 "he was not a Nazi." She said he 49 8 410 4 last heart, thus limiting his loss to Detroit had to come back on Lea G. E. WASHERS had to be a soldier in the German 4A9 8 4 2 only the spade K. With normal Mueller's fine three-hit hurling to defense five-odd were in. losing a take yesterday’s nightcap 5 to 2 mm army during the war “or the Nazis 4 10 3 4Q * trick In each major. But here this and gain the split after the Yan- threatened to shoot him." 4Q 7 33 poor chap was set by his own kees banged out four homers In wife. taking the opener 14 to 5. , Dealer North-South • PHILADELPHIA EAGLES North. • • Aaron Robinson Bendix Washers vulnerable.) smacked two ADD 808 SUFFRIDGE round-tripper* and Bud Metheny East West Tomorrow’s Problem West Chester, ra , Sept. 7—AP— North South and Charley Keller one 1 Pass 3 Pass 4J6 S 3 2 collected Bob Sutfridge. who rated a spot NT’ 4 apiece a* the Yanks hammered on two successive all-America el- 3 NT Pass 4 4A J 5 4 8 6 four Detroit pitchers for 13 hit* even*. has joined the Philadelphia All consented knew North and 4 in 6 3 the first game, pinning the de- Eagles’ pile of professional pigskin South’s No Trump openers to be 47 on starter Tobin with 10 » feat Jim prowess. extremely strong, and always 4K874 Q five runs in the first three innings. One day after he received his with a 4-3-3-3 distribution, every 4KQ43 N 476 Wilson, BUI J Walter Pierce and discharge as a lieutenant in the suit containing at least one sure 4Q WE ?ass* George Caster the former o 32 followed General Navy, the former guard on the stopper if the suit got led against 4Q984 National Leaguer to the mound for University of Tennessee’s crack the No Trump bidder. So West Detroit with little more success. A 4 1939 and 1940 teams, arrived at the knew North had either the heart ? Detroit managed to chase Red Ruf- Eagles’ training camp. K or the Q, possibly both, but 4 10 9 8 2 fing in the fifth by scoring the last Electric Twenty pounds over his playing also realized his partner might 4 K 10 7 of Its fiv- runs but Walt Dubiel weight of 200 when he left the have one of those cards or the J. 4 A K J 10 closed the gate with a hangup re- Eagles in 1942, Suffridge worked 50 she led the heart B—a nefari- .Dealer: East. Both sides vul- lief job In which he allowed Just Refrigerators out yesterday in preparation for ous bamboozling of her husbandi nerable.) two hits in last «-t* aJ -. the five frames. the Sept. 13 non-title date between Mr. South. What opening bid on South's Mueller’s fine pitching nearly the Eagles and the Green Bay He knew she was familiar with hand may enable his side to score went to waste In the nightcap as )¦ Packers, National Football League all he had said about underleads a game on this deal T the Yanks scored twice in the sec- champions. ond on Nick Etten's homer and Schmidt's maintained the 2-0 edge behind Bill ( ) STATE GETS *61,202 Zuber’a pitching until the seventh. NO SUGAR OR GLUCOSE ADDED Roy Cullenblne's second homer of yn.l Lansing—AP—Michigan's share Hogan, M’Spaden go Into the day and his 17th of the season Wf of the federal Pittman-Robinson tied the score In the seventh and federal game fund will be 1&L202 Detroit sewed It np In th® eighth. for the fiscal year beginning July Second Round at Dallas With the bases loaded and one 1, 1945. the state conservation ae- ont In the eighth Hank Greenberg partment announced today. This Dallas, Tex., Sept. 7—AP—Ben ty well burned up over the situa- drove a ground ball to third base- is the sixth year Michigan has re- Hogan, the fairway s little giant, tion. ‘‘Here I play 17 fine holes then man Oacar Grimes, who elected to ceived the top state quota, baaed watched his thermometer with one blow my chances on the last one,” try for a double play. Doc Cramer on total land and sales of game General area he said as he headed rapidly for was retired at second but Green- licenses. eye and Jug McSpaden with the other today as the two mored into the clubhouse mumbling under his berg beat the relay to first and two the second round of the Dallas breath. runs scored as Etten held the ball Electric SIO,OOO war bond open with each McSpaden, in trying to pitch out, boasting a stroke lead over four had swung his club into branches more hard-riding pros. of the tree, missing the ball com- Stoves Little Ben, who has been fighting pletely at the cost of a stroke. influenza for more than a week Then he tapped it out so he might j SALARY and almost took the count the day have a clear shot at the green. he arrived in Dallas, looked like A. B. STOVES NOW at $94,50 a sick man but didn't play like one LOANS yesterday as he marched in with a four-under par 68 to tie McSpa- Hoiv They Stand UFTOIIMOMMKUPAr den, the Sanford.
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