Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 5 JUNE 1878 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 388 Electoral Districtq Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] Formal Motions. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Wednesday, 5 June, 1878. Questions.-Yolunteer BilL-Formal Motions.-Parlia­ mentary Shorthand Cadet Class.-Electoral Districts Bill-committee. The SPEAKER took the chair at half-past three o'clock. QUESTIONS. Mr. MoRG.A.N asked the Secretary for Public Instruction- !. Is he aware that the resident farmers on Emu Creek, in the Warwick district, subscribed the sum of £80 to assist in building a State school in that neighbourhood ? 2. Have tenders been called for the construc­ tion of the building ? 3. If so, when will the work be commenced ? The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Mr. Griffith) replied:- 1. Yes. 2, Yes. 3. The tender for the building has been accepted, and the contractor is believed to be preparing the timber with a view to begin work on the ground immediately. Mr. M.A.CF.A.RL.A.NE (Ipswich) asked the Colonial Secretary- Is it the intention of the Government to ~bring in this session a Publicans' Law Amend­ ment Act ?-if so, when ? The PREMIER (Mr. Douglas) replied:­ The Government are not prepared to bring in a Bill dealing with the whole subject during the present session. VOLUNTEER BILL. Mr. P.A.LMER introduced a Bill to amend the law relating to the Volunteer Forces in Queensland, and moved that it be read a first time. Question put and passed, and second reading made an Order of the Day for Thursday the 13th instant. FORMAL MOTIONS. 1. Mr. MuRPHY moved for leave to in­ troduce a Bill to encourage and protect life insurance and other like provident arrange­ ments for insurers and their families, Question put and passed. Parliamentary Slzorthanrl [5 JuNE.) Oarlet Otass. 2. Mr. PERKINS moved- H. Hlll'man, alid R. P. Earle; all but the last For leave to introduce a Bill to en!tble the two having joined the class at the beginning, ~oowoomba Gas and Coke Company (Limited), viz., October 2nd, 1876. mcorporated under the provisions o£ The Com­ I am glad to be able to say that the class has panies Act of 1863, to light with gas the town made good progress. A few of the cadets had o£ Toowoomba and its suburbs, and for other some knowledge of shorthand previous to their purposes therein mentioned. connection with the class. The others, who are lads averaging fifteen or sixteen years of Question put !tnd passed ; and the Bill age, can now write well enough to take dicta­ having been introduced, was read a first tions from the Hansard staff, and under the time. special arrangement sanctioned by yourself and By Mr. MoRGAN-- the honourable the Premier at the com­ That a select committee be appointed, with mencement of the session, are employing the power to send for persons and papers, and to present (the fourth) term in practical work in sit during any adjournment of this House, to connection with Hansard, in lieu of class-room inquire into the allegations set forth in the attendances. petition o£ Patrick MeNamara, of Warwick ; This arrangement will, I hope, enable me, such committee to consist of Mr. Perkins, Mr. at the close of the term, to make my final exami­ Tyrel, Mr. Graham, Mr. Macrossan, and the nation, and it will be their own fault if the mover. whole of the pupils have not by that time attained a degree of efficiency which will entitle By Mr. PERSSE- them to a certificate. All that can be taught That there be laid on the table of this in class-room has been taught ; the rest depends House, the report of the Chief Engineer of the upon the perseverance of the pupils in putting surveys of the Fassifern railway. into private practice the principles with which they have been made acquainted. PARLIAMENTARY SHORTHAND CADET It will naturally be some time before any of the pupils are advanced enough to report CLASS. for Hansard in the Legislative Assembly. , The Mr. vy ALSH said he rose for the purpose smallness of the chamber, which fosters a more of movmg, with the permission of the rapid style of speaking than would be possible House, that the paper which he held in his in a larger hall, and its deficient acoustic pro­ hand, and which had been circulated that perties (from a gallery point of view) make it morning, being a report from Mr. Senior imperative to aim at a higher average of report• Principal Shorthand-writer, on the progres~ ing skill than is the standard even in the House and prospects of the Parliamentary Short­ of Commons' reporting gallery ; and it would hand Cadet Class, be published in Hansard. be too much to expect that this could be attained without considerable experience. As ~{is r~ason for doing ~~was that he thought teacher of the class, however, my work is done It desirable that pubhcity should be given when-to quote the words of the Regulations to the report, because there might be others (Reg. 10), ordered by the Legislative Assembly besides those immediately interested who to be printed, July 12, 1876-the pupils have would have their attention directed to it. attained a degree of competency sufficient to The SPEAKER : I do not see how it can enable them to assist the staff in transcribing be inserted in Hansard, unless it is read " their notes." to the House. Hansard only records what It will, therefore, be a matter fo1• congratula­ takes place in the House. tion to both teacher and pupils, if, the present rate of progress being maintained, the entir& Mr .. WALSH: I think :you ~an give in­ class can, at the end of the term, be reported structiOns to that effect, It bemg a parlia­ entitled to the certificate, by which-again mentary paper. quoting the Regulations (Reg.ll)-they will, The SPEAKER: No. after the requirements of Hansard shall have Mr. WALSH said, if the House would been provided for, "be entitled to such n01nina· permit him, he would read the report. ation in the public service as the Premier may see fit, or as may be prescribed by departmental The SPEAKER : The honourable member regulations arising from the desire to obtain the will have to make a motion. services of those who may hold the afore-men• Mr. 'VV ALSH said he would conclude tioned certificate. " w,ith a motion. The report was addressed Eleven youths, if present prospects are ful· to the Speaker, and was as follows :- filled, will thus have been taught a profession at a cost of fifteen guineas each, and will have Brisbane, 24th May, 1878. placed before them the opportunity of careers SIR, in the public service. I£ this be not the result I have the honour, in compliance with your of the teaching they have received, it will be­ instructions of last Wednesday, to present a l take the liberty of repeating-only because of report upon the position and prospects of the their own want of diligence in private practice Parliamentary Shorthand Cadet Class. during the present term. As I had the honour of stating in my last half-yearly report, the class now consists of I have &c., eleven members, viz :-R. Morris, 0. de Pigott, w. SENIOR, C. A. Bernays, W. F. O'Carroll, E. Black, V. Principal Shorthand Writer. Black, T F. Hassall, R. H. Brown, R. J. Keily, To the Honolll'able the Speaker. 390 Electoral Districts Bill. [.ASSEMBLY.] Electoral Districts Bill. He begged to move the adjournment of the Government intend to give two members to House. North Brisbane, and only one to Fortitude No . other honourable member rising, Valley? Mr. W ALSH withdrew his motion with The PREMIFR : No. the consent of the House. Mr. MclLWRAITH said the Premier was doing all he could to block business, for it was not likely the Opposition would follow ELECTORAL DISTRICTS BILL­ the dictation of the Government when they CO::\'IMITTEE. did not know what the Government meant The Speaker left the chair, and the to do. House went into committee to resume the The PREMIER said the question decided consideration of this Bill. last night was that there should be two The PRE~nER moved that schedule No. 2, electorates. That was an important de­ as follows, stand No2 Schedule of the Bill: cision, and the object he had in view was ELECTORAL Dr8TRIOT oF FoRTiTUDE VALLEY. to a great extent attained by the division which took place. He was merely proceed­ Commencing on the left bank of the Bris- ing now in the course indicated by that . bane River and bounded thence on the south by Boundary street bearing west to Gregory division, by asking the committee to accept terrace on the north-west by Gregory the schedule describing the electorate of terrace 11orth-easterly to the north corner of Fortitude Valley. At the proper time he portion 269 on the north-east b, the north­ should move the recommittal of the Bill eastern boundaries of portions 2fi9 77 76 and for certain purposes, one of which would 75 to Ann street and crossing that street to the be the reinsertion of the words " North north-western boundary of portion 34thence on Brisbane, two members," "Fortitude Val­ the north-west by Ann street along part of ley, two members," in place of "Nor"th portion 34 and portions 55 and 56 to the road Brisbane, three members." He· did not to Bulimba Ferry theuce easterly and north­ feel called upon nO"\\' to state the course he easterly by that road to the l:lrisbane River and ·should pursue when that time arrived, but thence by the Brisbane River upwards tD the he should submit himself to the decision of point of commeuc~ment.
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