AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION THE TORT TRIAL & INSURANCE PRACTICE SECTION WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR 2016 SECTION CONFERENCE SPONSORS Co-Hosted by the State Bar of Georgia, Atlanta Bar Association, Georgia Defense Lawyers Association, Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, Georgia Association IRU:RPHQ/DZ\HUVDQG*HRUJLD$VLDQ3DFLÀF$PHULFDQ%DU$VVRFLDWLRQ Contents Welcome From the Chair . .5 Welcome from Program/Conference Chairs. .6 2015-2016 Section Sponsors. .8 Section Conference Task Force . .9 Social Event Highlights . .11 CLE Program Schedule . .12 TIPS Business Meeting Schedule . .25 2 Welcome From the Chair Dear TIPS Friends: I am looking forward to welcoming you all to Atlanta for our Second Annual TIPS Section Conference at the InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta. Atlanta is a beautiful city with many wonderful and exciting attractions, including the Martin Luther King Jr. Center, the Herndon Home, the World of Coca-Cola, the Hammonds House Museum, the College Football Hall of Fame, the Atlanta University Center, the Georgia Aquarium, and many more! The Section Conference Task Force has developed programming that will have broad application and will appeal to a wide variety of trial lawyers and litigators involved in tort and insurance law, including young lawyers. There will be multiple opportunities to QHWZRUNZLWKFROOHDJXHVDQGVSHDNHUVDWUHFHSWLRQVHDFKRIWKH¿UVWWZRQLJKWV:HZLOOEH hosting our Annual Leadership Luncheon on Friday at the hotel. The social highlight of the meeting will be our Gala Dinner at the World of Coca-Cola Museum on Friday evening. I am also excited to have as Section Conference co-hosts the following: the State Bar of Georgia, Atlanta Bar Association, Georgia Defense Lawyers Association, Georgia Trial /DZ\HUV$VVRFLDWLRQ*HRUJLD$VVRFLDWLRQIRU:RPHQ/DZ\HUVDQG*HRUJLD$VLDQ3DFL¿F American Bar Association. We are also proud to be co-hosting a Women in the Law track in conjunction with the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession and the Center for Women in the Law, as well as co-hosting a distinguished panel of federal, state, and appellate judges in conjunction with the ABA Judicial Division. I am honored to have joint programming with our friends in these local, state, and national bar associations, and to welcome them to our networking events, Leadership Luncheon and Gala Dinner. There are few meetings that can compare with the TIPS Section Conference. For one low price, you can choose between two program tracks and earn more than 13 hours of CLE credit, including 6 hours of ethics credit. Your registration fee includes networking receptions on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The Section Conference is designed for all TIPS members because we believe that in an increasingly frenetic profession—where budgets are stretched and lawyers are overworked— all of us want and need meetings where we can get practical programming, network with colleagues and clients, and develop professionally. So, the place for every TIPS member to be this year is the InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta for the Second Annual TIPS Section Conference starting on May 11. I hope to see you and your friends in Atlanta! **OHQQRQ7URXEOH¿HOG(VT &KDLU$%$7RUW7ULDO ,QVXUDQFH3UDFWLFH6HFWLRQ Carella, Byrne, Cecchi, Olstein, Brody & Agnello Roseland, NJ 5 MessageTIPS Business from MeetingProgram/Conference Schedule '($57,36)5,(1'6 On behalf of our respective organizations, we are looking forward to welcoming you to Atlanta as co-hosts of the Second Annual TIPS Section Conference, May 11-13, 2016 at the InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta. With its southern hospitality, and rich and diverse heritage, Atlanta is the perfect place to host the Second Annual TIPS Section Conference. While there, we hope you have the opportunity to enjoy some of the many attractions the city has to RIIHULQFOXGLQJ¿QHGLQLQJFXOWXUDODQGKLVWRULFVLWHVDQGUHFUHDWLRQDORSWLRQV By joining forces, we are bringing together many of the nation’s premier experts for a great meeting with excellent programs and numerous social events that will be a lot of fun! There will be over 25 hours of CLE programing, featuring more than 40 general counsels, in-house counsel and/or insurance company speakers plus nine judges. Most will be panel discussions with a heavy emphasis on insights and tips from in-house counsel. There will be programs on trial techniques, using experts, and jury selection. The judges will discuss what works in the courtroom and what does not. There will be multiple programs on business development and client retention presented from the perspective of in-house counsel. There will be an inspiring Women in the Law series, a U.S. Supreme Court update, a program bringing together leaders from GDLA and GTLA to bridge the divide between the plaintiff’s and defense bar, and a cutting-edge cyber liability program. There will be programs of interest to corporate counsel, as well. There will be sessions tailored for young professionals, as well as late night social events for both young and “young at heart”! The programs will appeal to all TIPS Members, including members of both the plaintiffs’ and defense bars, claims professionals, and corporate counsel. ,I\RXQHHGHWKLFV\RXZLOOEHDEOHWRVDWLVI\PRVWLIQRWDOORI\RXU \HDUO\HWKLFVUHTXLUHPHQWVDWWKLVFRQIHUHQFH Almost all of the programs will have concurrent sessions so attendees can choose between two programs and pick the sessions that are of the most interest to them. There will be Wednesday and Thursday networking receptions that will allow attendees to socialize and meet the in-house counsel and judges. The program task force has done a great job of putting together topics and speakers which will be of interest to everyone! We look forward to seeing you and your colleagues in Atlanta this Spring. 6 Chairs 3DWULFN72¶&RQQRU(VT 3UHVLGHQW(OHFW6WDWH%DURI*HRUJLD Oliver Maner Savannah, GA Harold()UDQNOLQ-U(VT 3UHVLGHQW$WODQWD%DU$VVRFLDWLRQ King & Spalding Atlanta, GA 0DWWKHZ*0RIIHWW(VT 3UHVLGHQW*HRUJLD'HIHQVH/DZ\HUV$VVRFLDWLRQ *'/$ Gray, Rust, St. Amand, Moffett & Brieske Atlanta, GA 'DUUHQ:3HQQ(VT 3UHVLGHQW*HRUJLD7ULDO/DZ\HUV$VVRFLDWLRQ *7/$ Harris Penn Lowry Atlanta, GA 'DYLG%.DKQJ(VT 3UHVLGHQW*HRUJLD$VLDQ3DFL¿F$PHULFDQ%DU$VVRFLDWLRQ *$3$%$ Doosan Infracore International, Inc. Suwanee, GA $OLFLD*UDKQ-RQHV(VT 3UHVLGHQW(OHFW*HRUJLD$VVRFLDWLRQIRU:RPHQ/DZ\HUV *$:/ Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton Atlanta, GA $PLU1DVVLKL(VT $%$7,366HFWLRQ&RQIHUHQFH7DVN)RUFH&KDLU Shook Hardy & Bacon San Francisco, CA 7 Sponsors The Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section would like to thank our 2015-2016 Section Sponsors for their generous support 3UHPLHU6HFWLRQ6SRQVRU 6HFWLRQ6SRQVRUV 8 2016 Section Conference Task Force $PLU01DVVLKL&KDLU .LP'+RJUHIH Shook Hardy & Bacon Chubb & Son Inc San Francisco, CA Warren, NJ $ODQ65XWNLQ&KDLU(OHFW )OR\G+ROORZD\-U Rivkin Radler State Farm Insurance New York, NY Chadds Ford, PA 3DPHOD%HFNKDP 3DWULFLD*+XJKHV Beckham & Beckham Allstate Insurance Company Miami, FL Farmington Hills, MI (OL]DEHWK-%RQGXUDQW 9DOHULH.HOOQHU Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice Rawle & Henderson Atlanta, GA Philadelphia, PA 7KHD0&DSRQH .HUPLW.HQGULFN Baumeister & Samuels Burr & Foman New York, NY Birmingham, AL 3DPHOD:&DUWHU -HQQLIHU6KHSDUG.LOSDWULFN Carter Law Group Swanson Martin & Bell New Orleans, LA Chicago, IL -RKQ%&DUWDIDOVD-U %HWK0.UDPHU Zurich Staff Legal Services Lockheed Martin Corporation New York, NY Bethesda, MD *UHJRU\0&HVDUDQR 'DYLG-.UHEV Carlton Fields Jorden Burt Krebs Farley Miami, FL New Orleans, LA 5R\$&RKHQ +*UDQW/DZ Porzio Bromberg & Newman Shook Hardy & Bacon Morristown, NJ San Francisco, CA %DUEDUD&RVWHOOR Marlo Orlin Leach Kaufman Borgeest & Ryan Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan New York, NY Atlanta, GA &KULVWLQH6SLQHOOD'DYLV 6KHUL/LWWOH¿HOG0RUHQR Manatt Phelps & Phillips CFA Instuitute Washington, D.C. Charlottesville, VA 0LFKDHO:'UXPNH %URRNV50DJUDWWHQ Swanson, Martin & Bell Pierce Atwood Chicago, IL Providence, RI 6FRWW$(OGHU /DXUD6LGZHOO0DNL Alston & Bird Sharon W Ware & Associates Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA Makai Fisher +DOO)0F.LQOH\ Shook Hardy & Bacon Drew Eckl & Farnham San Francisco, CA Atlanta, GA 0DUF\+RJDQ*UHHU -RKQ&0F0HHNLQ,, Alexander Dubose et al Rawle & Henderson Austin, TX Philadelphia, PA 9 2016 Section Conference Task Force 7KRPDV00F1DOO\ Garrett L. Pendleton Chubb & Son Inc. AIG Aerospace Uniondale, NY Atlanta, GA 0DXUHHQ0XOOLJDQ $DURQ3RKOPDQQ Peabody & Arnold Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice Boston, MA Atlanta, GA 0LFKDHO61HXUHQ +ROO\03ROJODVH $GPLQLVWUDWLYH2I¿FHRIWKH Hermes Netburn O’Connor & Spearing Courts of Georgia Boston, MA Atlanta, GA 6DP+3RWHHW-U &KULVWRSKHU1RODQ Manier & Herod Holland & Knight Nashville, TN New York, NY $QQD5RPDQVND\D :LOOLDP'1HZFRPE Stark & D’Ambrosio Carlock Copeland & Stair San Diego, CA Atlanta, GA **OHQQRQ7URXEOH¿HOG 3DPHOD$3DOPHU Carella Byrne et al Morris Polich & Purdy Roseland, NJ Los Angeles, CA &KULVWRSKHU5:DUG *HRUJH53DUNHU Strasburger & Price Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Dallas, TX Montgomery, AL -DPHV$<RXQJ Young Scanlan Tampa, FL 1010 Social Event Highlights Wednesday, May 11, 2016 :HOFRPH5HFHSWLRQ InterContinental Buckhead 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. &RPPLWWHH1HWZRUNLQJ'LQQHUV 'XWFK7UHDW'LQQHUVZLWK\RXU*HQHUDO&RPPLWWHH 7:00 p.m. <RXQJ/DZ\HUV6RFLDO1HWZRUNLQJ5HFHSWLRQ SweetWater Brewery 195 Ottley Drive 7:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Thursday, May 12, 2016 1HWZRUNLQJ/XQFKHRQZLWK3UDFWLFH$UHD6HDWLQJ InterContinental Buckhead 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. 6SRQVRUHG1HWZRUNLQJ5HFHSWLRQ InterContinental Buckhead 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. &RPPLWWHH1HWZRUNLQJ'LQQHUV 'XWFK7UHDW'LQQHUVZLWK\RXU*HQHUDO&RPPLWWHH 6:30 p.m. )HOORZV'LQQHU(By
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